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// Top Tippers Today // Author: asdfghjkl28 var OWNER_FLAG = 32; var MODERATOR_FLAG = 16; var FANCLUB_FLAG = 8; var DKBLUE_FLAG = 4; var LTBLUE_FLAG = 2; var GREY_FLAG = 1; var topn = { commands: {}, registerCommand: function (command, helpText, owner, moderator, fanclub, dkblue, ltblue, grey, method) { "use strict"; this.commands[command] = {method: method, helpText: helpText, perms: this.bool2Perm(owner, moderator, fanclub, dkblue, ltblue, grey)}; }, checkCommand: function (msg) { "use strict"; var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; if (m[0] === '/') { // don't print commands msg['X-Spam'] = true; // Remove trailing spaces m = m.replace(/\s+$/, ''); // Find command parameters var commandParts = m.split(/\s+/); var commandName = commandParts.shift(); // cb.log(u + ' issued command: ' + commandName); if (this.commands[commandName] && (this.commands[commandName].perms & this.msg2Perm(msg))) { // cb.log(u + " allowed to run command:" + commandName); msg = this.commands[commandName].method(msg, commandParts); // Only don't print if it is a command we handle return msg; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }, bool2Perm: function (owner, moderator, fanclub, dkblue, ltblue, grey) { "use strict"; var perms = 0; perms = owner ? perms | OWNER_FLAG : perms; perms = moderator ? perms | MODERATOR_FLAG : perms; perms = fanclub ? perms | FANCLUB_FLAG : perms; perms = dkblue ? perms | DKBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = ltblue ? perms | LTBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = grey ? perms | GREY_FLAG : perms; return perms; }, msg2Perm: function (msg) { "use strict"; var perms = 0; perms = msg.user === cb.room_slug ? perms | OWNER_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.is_mod ? perms | MODERATOR_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.in_fanclub ? perms | FANCLUB_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.tipped_recently ? perms | DKBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.has_tokens ? perms | LTBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = perms === 0 ? perms | GREY_FLAG : perms; return perms; }, name: "Top tippers today bot", // Useful globals wordBoundary: "(\\s|\\b)", // Data structures for tippers and settings tippers: {}, numberToShow: 3, interval: 5 * 60000, topNTippers: [], topNString: 'No tippers yet', topNCurrentCount: 0, changeThreshold: 0, lastNotice: new Date().getTime() } ; // CB app settings cb.settings_choices = [ {name: 'nShow', label: 'Number of top tippers to show', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 10, defaultValue: 3, required: true}, {name: 'timer', label: 'Interval between displaying top tippers (minutes)', type: 'int', minValue: 1, defaultValue: 5, required: false} ]; // c: message color // m: the message text // user: username of message sender // f: message font // in_fanclub: is the user in the broadcasters fan club // has_tokens: does the user have at least 1 token // is_mod: is the user a moderator // tipped_recently: is the user a dark blue? // gender: m (male), f (female), s (shemale), or c (couple) cb.onMessage(function (msg) { "use strict"; return topn.onMessage(msg); }); cb.onTip(function (tip) { "use strict"; topn.onTip(tip); }); //cb.onEnter(function (user) { // "use strict"; // topn.onEnter(user); //}); // Main on message callback function topn.onMessage = function (msg) { "use strict"; var newMsg = topn.checkCommand(msg); if (newMsg) { return newMsg; } return msg; } ; topn.onTip = function (tip) { "use strict"; var amountTipped = parseInt(tip.amount, 10); var username = tip.from_user; if (!topn.tippers[username]) { topn.tippers[username] = {name: username, tips: 0, hightip: 0}; } if (!topn.tippers[username].tips) { topn.tippers[username].tips = 0; } if (!topn.tippers[username].hightip) { topn.tippers[username].hightip = 0; } topn.tippers[username].tips += amountTipped; topn.tippers[username].tiptime = new Date().getTime(); if (topn.tippers[username].tips > topn.changeThreshold) { topn.checkHighTippers(); } }; topn.checkHighTippers = function () { var ij = 0; var newHighTippers = objectToArray(topn.tippers); // newHighTippers.sort(dynamicSort('-tips')); newHighTippers.sort(dynamicSortMultiple('-tips','tiptime')); var topN = newHighTippers.slice(0, topn.numberToShow); topn.topNCurrentCount = topN.length; if (topn.topNCurrentCount == topn.numberToShow) { cb.log("ChangeThreshold changed: " + topn.changeThreshold); topn.changeThreshold = topN[topN.length - 1].tips; } // var top3Strings = []; // for (ij = 0; ij < topN.length; ij++) { // top3Strings[ij] = topN[ij].name + ": " + topN[ij].tips; // } topn.topNString = ''; for (ij = 0; ij < topN.length; ij++) { topn.topNString += "\n" + topN[ij].name + ": " + topN[ij].tips; } topn.showTopTippers(); }; topn.showTopTippers = function () { if (topn.topNCurrentCount > 0) { cb.chatNotice('My Top ' + topn.numberToShow + ' Best Tippers on WOMAN"S DAY:' + topn.topNString); topn.lastNotice = new Date().getTime(); } }; topn.intervalPrinter = function () { var now = new Date().getTime(); var gap = now - topn.lastNotice; if (gap >= topn.interval) { // Last time we showed the list was more than the interval ago topn.showTopTippers(); cb.setTimeout(topn.intervalPrinter, topn.interval); } else { // Last time was more recent than the interval, so set new timer for the remaining time cb.setTimeout(topn.intervalPrinter, topn.interval - gap); } }; // c: message color // m: the message text // user: username of message sender // f: message font // in_fanclub: is the user in the broadcasters fan club // has_tokens: does the user have at least 1 token // is_mod: is the user a moderator // tipped_recently: is the user a dark blue? // gender: m (male), f (female), s (shemale), or c (couple) topn.usage = function (msg) { "use strict"; var u = msg.user; cb.chatNotice('Available commands:', u); var msgPerms = topn.msg2Perm(msg); for (var key in topn.commands) { if (topn.commands[key].perms & msgPerms) { // Command allowed for this user cb.chatNotice(key + topn.commands[key].helpText, u); } } }; topn.grabSettings = function () { "use strict"; if (cb.settings.timer) { topn.interval = cb.settings.timer * 60000; } if (cb.settings.nShow) { topn.numberToShow = cb.settings.nShow; } }; topn.wrapText = function (item, pre, suf) { "use strict"; return pre + item + suf; }; topn.init = function () { "use strict"; this.grabSettings(); this.registerCommand('/ttthelp', ' - show this help message', true, true, true, true, true, true, function (msg, commandParts) { topn.usage(msg); return msg; }); // this.registerCommand('/ttlist', ' - print list of all tippers', true, true, true, true, true, true, function (msg, commandParts) { // topn.printBannedItemsMessage(msg.user); // return msg; // // }); cb.chatNotice('The ' + + ' tracks all of today\'s tippers and lists the top ' + topn.numberToShow); cb.chatNotice('To see the available commands, type /ttthelp into the chat window', cb.room_slug); cb.chatNotice('The ' + + ' was written by asdfghjkl28. If you like the bot, you can thank him by tipping your favourite model.'); cb.setTimeout(topn.intervalPrinter, topn.interval); }; topn.init(); // Start Helper functions section function dynamicSort(property) { var sortOrder = 1; if (property[0] === "-") { sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1, property.length - 1); } var sortfunc = function (a, b) { if (typeof a[property] === "undefined") { if (typeof b[property] === "undefined") { // both undef return 0; } else { // b ok, a undef return -1; } } if (typeof b[property] === "undefined") { if (typeof a[property] === "undefined") { // both undef return 0; } else { // a ok, b undef return 1; } } var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; }; return sortfunc; } function dynamicSortMultiple() { /* * save the arguments object as it will be overwritten * note that arguments object is an array-like object * consisting of the names of the properties to sort by */ var props = arguments; return function (obj1, obj2) { var i = 0, result = 0, numberOfProperties = props.length; /* try getting a different result from 0 (equal) * as long as we have extra properties to compare */ while(result === 0 && i < numberOfProperties) { result = dynamicSort(props[i])(obj1, obj2); i++; } return result; } } function objectToArray(myObj) { var arr = []; for (var i in myObj) { if (myObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { arr.push(myObj[i]); } } return arr; }
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