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function Y() { p = ""; var a = f - g > cb.settings.setRemaining ? 100 : Number(Math.floor((f - g) / cb.settings.setRemaining * 200)); var b = parseInt(a, 10); a = (b - b % 10) / 10; b = 0 < b % 10 ? 1 : 0; var c = 20 - (a + b); for (i = 0; i < a; i++) p += "P"; 1 === b ? p += "\u0006" : p += ""; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) p += "\u00bf"; return q ? (w = "\ud83d\udc95 Goal reached, thank you \ud83d\udc95", e = "\ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b \ud83d\udc8b", n = "Best Lovere" + x + "e" + r, cb.drawPanel()) : y ? "COUNTER" == h ? (k ? (w = N + " " + "Lover$".replace("$", 1 < N ? "s" : "") + (O ? " - " + (k + " " + "Vibration$ Received".replace("$", 1 < k ? "s" : "")) : ""), e = "Best Lover e" + x + "e" + r, n = "Last Vibrations\u0006" + P + "\u0006" + Q) : (w = "\ud83d\udc93 My Lovense reacts to your tips \ud83d\udc93", e = " \ud83d\ude18 Tip to give me pleasure \ud83d\ude18", n = ""), cb.drawPanel()) : "MULTI" == h ? (w = "Goal #" + (t + 1) + " : " + (f - g) + " / " + f + " [ " + g + " to Goal]" + (O && 1 <= t ? " (" + k + ")" : ""), k ? (e = "P" + p, n = "Best Lover e" + x + "e" + r) : (e = "\ud83d\udc93 Lovense reacts to your tips \ud83d\udc93", n = " \ud83d\ude18 Tip to give me pleasure \ud83d\ude18"), cb.drawPanel()) : "SINGLE" == h ? (w = O ? "Goal - " + k + " / " + f + " [ " + g + " Remaining ]" : "Goal Remaining [ " + g + " ] ", k ? (e = "P" + p, n = "Best Lovere" + x + "e" + r) : (e = "\ud83d\udc93 Lovense reacts to your tips \ud83d\udc93", n = " \ud83d\ude18 Tip to give me pleasure \ud83d\ude18"), cb.drawPanel()) : void 0 : cb.drawPanel() } function Z() { var a = 1; G >= aa && ("LEVEL" == C ? ba(H) : "NOTE" == C && (I = I >= J ? 1 : I + 1, u(H, ca[I].note)), D = D >= z.length - 1 ? 0 : D + 1, C = z[D], G = 0, a = J && "LEVEL" == C ? 1 : ma); cb.setTimeout(Z, 6E4 * a) } function ba(a) { "LINE" == A ? u(a, d + R + " : " + S + d) : u(a, d + R + " : " + d + S) } function u(a, b, c) { c = c ? c : T; c = a == cb.room_slug ? "#000000" : c; cb.sendNotice(b, a, "", c, "bolder") } function da(a) { var b = ""; for (a *= 5; a--;) b += na; return b } function l(a) { return ' "' + a + '"' } var oa = cb.settings.imageConfigTrue, pa = cb.settings.imageConfigTrue3, qa = cb.settings.row1_LabelColor, ra = cb.settings.row2_LabelColor, sa = cb.settings.row3_LabelColor, ea = { NO_IMAGE: null, Lovense1: "b771bd63-8530-4c18-bcca-674fdb9879d0", Lovense2: "2b035ba0-302b-4bb7-85ba-fb25b497cf23", SweetAlice: "2b035ba0-302b-4bb7-85ba-fb25b497cf23", AliceCat: "00df61b2-6f1c-4ba0-a7ba-fa98c5af3dc5", AliceSleep: "23193ec8-f2b9-4b27-8f4a-48a5e461e3d3", AliceBored: "b009f701-0373-482e-8303-714109abaac6", AliceHearts: "fb5cd8fc-6f57-4f34-9283-544625740def", CuteCatRight: "36dd124b-ffe5-40e0-9edf-56750dad4453", CuteCat2sides: "b51324ef-1777-441b-8928-961f37f46ddc", CuteCatHeart: "998553d8-06d1-4c9a-a26a-ba0115a98c76", RosesCuteCat: "b876b3f7-3c14-45cb-8d2c-b02bc2dc76ab", Storm: "3e493c1a-0476-4f32-b5d2-80bb33860c4a", LovenseBlue: "4e4ae38f-8d05-4980-9231-effbe59cc730", LovensePurple: "4f20604f-e17f-42df-b886-a3bd897f25f3", LovenseWhite: "7fdca822-389f-4937-a0e7-a0e8e34a3415", Boat: "56b9d0ec-4c38-4697-9734-75f07153aa53", WaterReflections: "6514f102-555c-49a5-8090-a2cb1b7fe159", KittyRight: "7c5e7275-55a3-4c25-a653-b6e96ed11585", LovenseBlack: "acdc180a-c592-43bc-97ee-074fa54e8a45", Fire: "817b4c25-98ac-4a05-91e7-227ad772cc17", Fire2: "2a070f45-c52f-4d54-9281-744567adf4e9", Petals: "95d6a6eb-b6c8-4a91-9abf-f888e5d27154", CuteBut2sides: "2343febb-4a0a-4f3b-9528-4fd59192a5bd", CuteBut: "e89c432f-9e51-4435-8d52-e49a90612436", Facefuck: "e89c432f-9e51-4435-8d52-e49a90612436", Jerk: "e9ad3916-5fbe-4c73-9d5d-ab5f20ba8c44", Halloween1: "fff64fdc-ce49-4bc0-b9bc-dcda4281cdb5", Batman: "1074d171-d075-4472-b086-dcba177a0b02", Minion1: "3c0ff1ac-1684-4bf0-b331-14c472ee566f", Cherry: "51f7da17-c5f4-4a17-87bc-ff6cde062ca7", PussyLick: "70dcb561-b696-42bb-82f0-283c7803719b", Mario: "b6ac53b1-2134-4963-854c-d66155d9bb8f", MagicMiceRight: "6dea72d3-c8af-4f60-b70a-b4b5cde8f272", Panda1: "ca1dad1a-a109-40bc-97cf-c016a52fd45a", Hentai1: "04877df0-b40f-4466-9408-92fabf1350b1", Hentai2: "b5d1c3c7-d27b-4fff-a4e9-3e29fc10e854", Hentai3: "e4c4ecfd-2d9b-4e31-9908-13454dc94b21", BlackGold: "f94b51f0-e65b-471a-ae3b-924a8078f147", BlackPurple: "28e4d894-2c31-49b2-b9f2-be96f49fed1a", Unicorn1: "9df74096-d316-45bb-afcf-958220726ad3", Unicorn2: "df4b02ec-07fc-4ae2-ac6b-513a78f02dc6", Unicorn3: "483b454b-8665-498f-b940-f1d45d566d00", Unicorn4: "7b263eba-b310-45ba-a51c-1d31a729b888", Explicit1: "42a5d29c-9090-4d07-9a28-08767c8b904b", Explicit2: "d61b86a3-63a3-45f6-bb35-701169325837", Explicit3: "56ff8bea-0666-48c9-92b4-667dbad951d4", Explicit4: "65c19262-a450-4748-8f74-08df7ea93ca4", Explicit5: "74da1108-d09d-4cde-b439-8e8b601e3c29", Explicit6: "90f5a08b-34ce-4820-8de7-0559d4fac8d0", Explicit7: "70dcb561-b696-42bb-82f0-283c7803719b", Donut_pink: "094811b4-fbed-4693-bfb1-9dfba0e7655e", Donut_blue: "1b0bae27-7555-404c-b1f9-38f728994e24", Donut: "4a599f2a-debf-422b-a8ad-2591dd556e11", SexyToast: "bb9d462d-b973-42cd-8a2a-3b71f36f0eb2", LGBTFlag: "a5e8c114-8a7d-428d-a37f-348933397613", ElectricRay: "c8176c72-bee2-4500-b791-f9b87545bcf3", Cupcake: "addb3259-8fa3-4423-a078-ee24d822528d", Cupcake_Rainbow: "980674a3-cf6a-44ca-8cc1-dd3c2bf9f0ee", SofiaStar: "3b6a9db4-f1ba-4f17-9ec7-4cf09ea3185e", SofiaStar2: "d5383d4a-ec1a-4204-9a39-9c3eaf1d4076", Livecleo: "1ed5732e-3246-43ab-9c60-666a637bd046", Andrescage: "106a512a-4cda-416a-bfb2-2d70b2b7cd67", Livecleo1: "04ce7e18-ce7a-446f-bfd2-6560ba24774a", Wildtequilla_Pink: "38fbeb09-0e61-43e9-98bd-918834241b40", Wildtequilla_Black: "0f42ebc9-6548-40a1-9fe6-14682d8d5aaa", Wildtequilla_Logo: "56a27cfa-9a42-4638-b4af-f401bedb0185", Mojoel: "3ca5e5ae-f12d-47b2-819d-75d48282212d", Katie_sweet_18: "af988c88-1b99-471d-bcdb-5c70bcfbe1eb", _Nandezxxxx_: "02f5b5c6-d303-4f69-9593-ef88d91c7a78", Christmas1_Santas: "74e22678-bace-42c7-87f6-e7223e0f314b", Christmas2_Landscape: "93c1fcfa-1564-4903-a4d8-4ddb86450310", Christmas3_Minions: "18458726-f5cc-4f2d-bb99-aadc87d1c648", Christmas4_Snow1: "5e0f9139-8166-4a67-8ffd-0b0d8b9b35fb", Christmas5_Blue_Tree: "6c0817fb-a41e-4d0f-b894-b0ca4dc4b3de", Christmas6_Red_Tree: "6f2d390c-a07d-48d3-bd31-bacb06a63ceb", Christmas7_Red_Presents: "85d3d78a-15ea-4f39-bcb7-931190dc1f18", Christmas8_SantaFlying: "ba48cadb-91bc-4076-9923-670a3bd92ea9", Snowing1: "6046ff40-b235-4d6a-982a-f8db11b3e546", Snowing2: "89502081-5c83-4e63-b58b-a6bdb3f0ce57", Rain_of_Hearts: "1149962a-0ce6-4fb5-8610-984b76143bbf", Rain_of_Stars: "ef7a5757-cac2-4a67-a4cb-46f5de44ec89", Rain_of_Coins: "6892ca84-1244-4fb0-a31f-50ab2a39fced", Drops: "11f82dbf-7bad-4e8b-a601-4c6d0aff0c1e", Flowers: "9fa8b31d-ecca-48bc-9d8e-935af187dcc8", Stardust_Blue: "4c5f6ada-e54e-4ae5-acc1-fb307c8eeb86", Bubbles: "c90a097e-9b37-4a5d-a378-460e7bbaf0f0", Strawberries: "1e461022-aca9-4a59-b535-0df9af4a0d27", Heart_of_Hearts: "3b625c25-1ab0-49f2-904c-f78ed0ab3608", Fill_with_Water: "3f105455-6d78-4b84-abfe-6f2bfb7de5dd" }; cb.sendNotice(" :unicorn2 Unicorns and :donut Donuts added", cb.room_slug, "black", "red"); cb.sendNotice("Lovense-ME 1.2: You can add 4 NEW EFECTS to your panel", cb.room_slug, "black", "red"); var p = "", U = cb.room_slug; (new Date).getTime(); var T = "#6900CC", H = "", d = "\n", na = "\u2b50"; cb.settings_choices = [{ name: "imageConfigTrue3", label: "Special efects over the panel (Snow, coins, hearts, stars)", type: "choice", choice1: "NO_IMAGE", choice2: "Snowing1", choice3: "Snowing2", choice4: "Rain_of_Hearts", choice5: "Rain_of_Stars", choice6: "Rain_of_Coins", choice7: "Drops", choice8: "Flowers", choice9: "Wildtequilla_Logo", choice10: "Stardust_Blue", choice11: "Bubbles", choice12: "Strawberries", choice13: "Heart_of_Hearts", defaultValue: "NO_IMAGE" }, { name: "imageConfigTrue", label: "***BACKGROUND IMAGE***. Select an image ID. You can see all the images in the top of Code Source section", type: "choice", choice1: "Lovense1", choice2: "Lovense2", choice3: "SweetAlice", choice4: "AliceCat", choice5: "AliceSleep", choice6: "AliceBored", choice7: "AliceHearts", choice8: "CuteCat2sides", choice9: "CuteCatHeart", choice10: "RosesCuteCat", choice11: "LovenseBlue", choice12: "LovensePurple", choice13: "LovenseWhite", choice14: "Boat", choice15: "WaterReflections", choice16: "KittyRight", choice17: "LovenseBlack", choice18: "Fire", choice19: "Petals", choice20: "Facefuck", choice21: "Jerk", choice22: "CuteBut2sides", choice23: "CuteBut", choice24: "Storm", choice25: "Halloween1", choice26: "Batman", choice27: "Minion1", choice28: "Cherry", choice29: "PussyLick", choice30: "Mario", choice31: "MagicMiceRight", choice32: "Panda1", choice33: "Hentai1", choice34: "Hentai2", choice35: "Hentai3", choice36: "BlackGold", choice37: "BlackPurple", choice38: "SofiaStar", choice39: "Christmas1_Santas", choice40: "Christmas2_Landscape", choice41: "Christmas3_Minions", choice42: "Christmas4_Snow1", choice43: "Christmas5_Blue_Tree", choice44: "Christmas6_Red_Tree", choice45: "Christmas7_Red_Presents", choice46: "Christmas8_SantaFlying", choice47: "SofiaStar2", choice48: "Heart_gif_Left", choice49: "Livecleo", choice50: "Livecleo1", choice51: "Andrescage", choice52: "Wildtequilla_Pink", choice53: "Wildtequilla_Black", choice54: "Fill_with_Water", choice55: "Unicorn1", choice56: "Unicorn2", choice57: "Unicorn3", choice58: "Unicorn4", choice59: "Explicit1", choice60: "Explicit2", choice61: "Explicit3", choice62: "Explicit4", choice63: "Explicit5", choice64: "Explicit6", choice65: "Explicit7", choice66: "Donut_blue", choice67: "Donut_pink", choice68: "Donut", choice69: "SexyToast", choice70: "Fire2", choice71: "LGBTFlag", choice72: "ElectricRay", choice73: "Cupcake", choice74: "Cupcake_Rainbow", choice75: "Mojoel", choice76: "Katie_sweet_18", choice77: "_Nandezxxxx_", defaultValue: "Lovense1" }, { name: "row1_LabelColor", label: "Row1 Color (you can use html colors like #000000,#FF0000...", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 50, defaultValue: "darkblue", required: !0 }, { name: "row2_LabelColor", label: "Row2 Color", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 50, defaultValue: "black", required: !0 }, { name: "row3_LabelColor", label: "Row3 Color", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 50, defaultValue: "darkred", required: !0 }, { name: "NoteAutor", label: "Just a featured Lovense App with original text and 10 different Auto thank you from silici0. Room Subject, Levels settings and Notices are an example, be different and original, personalice your room, please.", type: "str", defaultValue: "Thank you to be different" }, { name: "roomSubject", label: "1. ROOM SETTINGS ........ Room Subject", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 150, required: !0, defaultValue: " Lovense: Interactive Toy that vibrates with your Tips" }, { name: "tags", label: "Tags (#) ", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 120, required: !1, defaultValue: "#Lovense #feet #smalltits #anal #teen" }, { name: "tokenOn", label: "Tokens", type: "choice", choice1: 'Display "Total Received" in Panel', choice2: "Not displayed", "default": 'Display "Total Received" in Panel' }, { name: "messColor", label: "2. NOTICES SETTINGS ... - Display Color", type: "choice", choice1: "Orange", choice2: "Blue", choice3: "Purple", choice4: "Pink", choice5: "Dark_Red", choice6: "Black", defaultValue: "Dark_Red" }, { name: "minuteNb", label: " (minutes) - Display Time ", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 30, defaultValue: 1 }, { name: "levelMode", label: "- Notification of Lovense-Levels", type: "choice", choice1: "NO (next info will not be used)", choice2: "YES - Mode List", choice3: "YES - Single Line", defaultValue: "YES - Mode List" }, { name: "levelTitle", label: "Level Title", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !0, defaultValue: "Lovense Toy IS A INTERACTIVE VIBRATOR THAT RESPONDS TO YOUR TIPS. MY LEVELS OF INTENSITY AND DURATION" }, { name: "level1", label: "Level 1 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Level 1 - Tip (1-14) Low 1 second" }, { name: "Level1T", label: "Minimun tokens for level 1 ", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 1 }, { name: "level2", label: "Level 2 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Level 2 - Tip (15-99) Medium 4 seconds" }, { name: "Level2T", label: "Minimun tokens for level 2", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 15 }, { name: "level3", label: "Level 3 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Level 3 - Tip (100-499) Medium 6 seconds " }, { name: "Level3T", label: "Minimun tokens for level 3 ", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 100 }, { name: "level4", label: "Level 4 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Level 4 - Tip (500-999) High 8 seconds" }, { name: "Level4T", label: "Minimun tokens for level 4 ", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 500 }, { name: "level5", label: "Level 5 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Level 5 - Tip (1000+) Ultra-High 10 seconds " }, { name: "Level5T", label: "Minimun tokens for level 5 ", type: "int", minValue: 1, defaultValue: 1E3 }, { name: "notice1", label: "- Optional Additional ...... Notice 1 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: " :lovense8 Toy that vibrates with your Tips, Give me pleasure and make me wet" }, { name: "notice2", label: "Notice 2 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: " :lovense10 \n Make my WET with the SOUND of your TIPS!!! \n :lovenselush" }, { name: "notice3", label: "Notice 3 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: " :lovense4 \n Give me pleasure with the sound of your tips!!!" }, { name: "Auto1", type: "choice", choice1: "yes", choice2: "no", defaultValue: "yes", label: "3.******AUTO THANK YOU active with tips?******(10 different notices, pesonalice please)" }, { name: "ColorThanks15", label: "Color Level2 Thank you (html code default pink #FF00FF) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#FF00FF" }, { name: "Thanks15", label: "1 Random Thank you for LEVEL2 (15 to 99 default values) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL2 Activated! Thank you for give me more pleasure, I love it!!" }, { name: "Thanks16", label: "2 Random Thank you for LEVEL2 (15 to 99 default values) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 2 Activated! Thank you sweetheart, I love it!!" }, { name: "Thanks17", label: "3 Random Thank you for LEVEL2 (15 to 99 default values) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 2 Activated! I love the vibrations, thank you!!" }, { name: "Thanks18", label: "4 Random Thank you for LEVEL2 (15 to 99 default values) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 2 Activated! Thank you!! :heart2 " }, { name: "ColorThanks100", label: "Color Level3 Thank you (html code default darkblue #0101DF) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#0101DF" }, { name: "Thanks100", label: "1 Random Thank you for LEVEL3 (default values 100 to 499) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL3! Oh YES, YES, thank you!!" }, { name: "Thanks101", label: "2 Random Thank you for LEVEL3 (default values 100 to 499) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL3 Activated! OMG! thank you!!" }, { name: "Thanks102", label: "3 Random Thank you for LEVEL3 (default values 100 to 499)", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL3 Activated! You know how to make me happy, thank you!!" }, { name: "ColorThanks500", label: "Color Thank you Level4 Tks (html code default red #FF0000) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#FF0000" }, { name: "Thanks500", label: "1 Random Thank you for LEVEL4 (default values 500 to 999) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 4 Activated! OMG! OMG! OMG! Don't stop please" }, { name: "Thanks501", label: "2 Random Thank you for LEVEL4 (default values 500 to 999)", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 4 Activated! OMG! I really love this, Thank you!!!" }, { name: "ColorThanks1000", label: "Color Thank you Level5 (html code default purple #8904B1) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#8904B1" }, { name: "Thanks1000", label: "Thank you for LEVEL5 (default 1000 or more)", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 5 Activated!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!! \n :w__gldHeart This is true love, thank you so much :w__gldHeart" }, { name: "goalMode", label: "4.*****GOAL SETTINGS - Will you use a Goal*****", type: "choice", choice1: "NO (next info will not be used)", choice2: "Single Goal", choice3: "Multi Goals (Repeated)", "default": "NO (next info will not be used)" }, { name: "goalSubject", label: "Goal is ....", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 200, required: !0, defaultValue: "A surprise" }, { name: "setRemaining", label: "Amount", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999999, defaultValue: 2E3 } ]; var ma = parseInt(cb.settings.minuteNb), aa = 5, G = aa, I = 0, z = ["LEVEL", "NOTE"], D = 0, C = "", fa = cb.settings.roomSubject, R = "", A = "", S = "", ta = { "NO (next info will not be used)": { level: "" }, "YES - Mode List": { level: "LIST" }, "YES - Single Line": { level: "LINE" } }, ca = {}, J = 0, P = "", Q = 0, x = "", r = 0, B = {}, V = 0, E = {}, N = 0, ha = 0, ia = 0, ua = cb.settings.Auto1, K = cb.settings.ColorThanks15, W = cb.settings.ColorThanks100, ja = cb.settings.ColorThanks500, va = cb.settings.ColorThanks1000, wa = cb.settings.Thanks15, xa = cb.settings.Thanks16, ya = cb.settings.Thanks17, za = cb.settings.Thanks18, Aa = cb.settings.Thanks100, Ba = cb.settings.Thanks101, Ca = cb.settings.Thanks102, Da = cb.settings.Thanks500, Ea = cb.settings.Thanks501, Fa = cb.settings.Thanks1000, L = cb.settings.Level2T, v = cb.settings.Level3T, F = cb.settings.Level4T, X = cb.settings.Level5T, O = "Not displayed" == cb.settings.tokenOn ? !1 : !0, h = "", M = cb.settings.goalSubject, f = parseInt(cb.settings.setRemaining), y = !0, q = !1, t = 0, g = f, k = 0, ka = 0, Ga = 0, m = "", w = "", e = "", n = "", la = { "NO (next info will not be used)": { m: "COUNTER" }, "Single Goal": { m: "SINGLE" }, "Multi Goals (Repeated)": { m: "MULTI" } }, Ha = { "General Display Color": { c: "" }, Orange: { c: "#DC5500" }, Blue: { c: "#6900CC" }, Purple: { c: "#323F75" }, Pink: { c: "#FA5858" }, Dark_Red: { c: "#9F000F" }, Black: { c: "#000000" } }; cb.onEnter(function(a) { a = a.user; a == cb.room_slug || A && ba(a) }); cb.onMessage(function(a) { !a.has_tokens; G += 1 }); cb.onTip(function(a) { var b = parseInt(a.amount), c = a.from_user; G += 1; var e = (c in E ? E[c].sum += b : E[c] = { sum: b, num: ++N }, E[c].sum); if (e > ha && (ha = e), b > ia && (ia = b), y) k += b, P = c, Q = b, e = (c in B ? B[c].sum += b : B[c] = { sum: b, num: ++ka }, B[c].sum), e > r && (r = e, x = "\ud83d\udc51 " + c), b > V && (V = b), "COUNTER" != h && ("SINGLE" != h || q ? "MULTI" == h && (g -= b, b = Math.floor(b / f), b += 0 >= g + b * f ? 1 : 0, t += b, g += b * f, b) && (b = 1 == b ? " Goal " + t : " Goals " + (t - b + 1) + (2 == b ? " and " : " to ") + t, u(H, "\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50" + l(c) + " reached " + b + "\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50", "#DC5500")) : (g -= b, 0 < g) || (q = !0, y = !1, cb.changeRoomSubject(fa + " Goal reached : " + M + " " + m), b = da(6), u(H, b + d + "Goal Reached : Thanks you so much." + d + b, "#DC5500"))), Y(); b = Math.round(10 * Math.random()); "yes" == cb.settings.Auto1 && (a.amount >= L && a.amount < v && 4 > b && cb.chatNotice(wa + " " + c, "", "", K, "bold"), a.amount >= L && a.amount < v && 4 <= b && 6 > b && cb.chatNotice(xa + " " + c, "", "", K, "bold"), a.amount >= L && a.amount < v && 6 <= b && 8 > b && cb.chatNotice(ya + " " + c, "", "", K, "bold"), a.amount >= L && a.amount < v && 8 <= b && cb.chatNotice(za + " " + c, "", "", K, "bold"), a.amount >= v && a.amount < F && 3 > b && cb.chatNotice(Aa + "\n :heart2 " + c + " :heart2 ", "", "", W, "bold"), a.amount >= v && a.amount < F && 3 <= b && 6 > b && cb.chatNotice(Ba + "\n :w__altHeart " + c + " :w__altHeart ", "", "", W, "bold"), a.amount >= v && a.amount < F && 6 <= b && cb.chatNotice(Ca + "\n :heart2 " + c + " :heart2 ", "", "", W, "bold"), a.amount >= F && a.amount < X && 5 > b && cb.chatNotice(Da + "\n :w__slvHeart " + c + " :w__slvHeart ", "", "", ja, "bold"), a.amount >= F && a.amount < X && 5 <= b && cb.chatNotice(Ea + "\n :heart2 " + c + " :heart2 ", "", "", ja, "bold"), a.amount >= X && cb.chatNotice(Fa + "\n :heart3 " + c + " :heart3 ", "", "", va, "bold")) }); cb.onDrawPanel(function() { return { template: "image_template", layers: [{ type: "image", fileID: ea[oa] }, { type: "text", text: w, top: 5, left: 10, "font-size": 12, "text-align": "center", "font-weight": "bold", color: qa }, { type: "text", text: e, top: 27, left: 10, "font-size": 12, "text-align": "center", "font-weight": "bold", color: ra }, { type: "text", text: n, top: 50, left: 10, "font-size": 12, "text-align": "center", "font-weight": "bold", color: sa }, { type: "image", fileID: ea[pa] }] } }); (function() { cb.sendNotice("**************************** \n *****Lovense-Me for SweetAlice***** \n ****************************", cb.room_slug); "no" == ua && cb.sendNotice("**************************** \n Auto-thank-you is OFF \n ****************************", cb.room_slug); cb.settings.goalMode && cb.settings.levelMode && cb.settings.messColor && (h = la[cb.settings.goalMode].m, A = ta[cb.settings.levelMode].level, T = Ha[cb.settings.messColor].c); cb.settings.tags && (m = cb.settings.tags.trim() ? cb.settings.tags : ""); (!m || 0 > m.toLowerCase().indexOf("lovense")) && (m += "#Lovense"); var a = m.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(" "); m = ""; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) m += "#" == a[b].substring(0, 1) ? a[b] : "#" + a[b]; for (a = 1; 3 >= a; a++)(b = cb.settings["notice" + a] ? cb.settings["notice" + a].trim() : "") && (ca[++J] = { note: b }); cb.settings.levelTitle && (R = cb.settings.levelTitle.trim() ? cb.settings.levelTitle : "Lovense : Interactive Toy that vibrates with your Tips"); if (A) for (a = 1; 5 >= a; a++)(b = cb.settings["level" + a] ? cb.settings["level" + a].trim() : "") && (S += "LIST" == A ? "\u2b50" + b + d : "\u2b50" + b); J || cbjs.arrayRemove(z, "NOTE"); A || cbjs.arrayRemove(z, "LEVEL"); z.length && (C = z[D], cb.setTimeout(Z, 2E4)); y = !0; q = !1; g = f; ka = k = t = 0; P = ""; Q = 0; x = ""; r = 0; B = {}; V = 0; if (Ga++) { var c = ""; f == cb.settings.setRemaining && h == la[cb.settings.goalMode].mode && M == cb.settings.goalSubject || (c = "\u2b50" + l("/goal init") + " if you want to restaure initial settings." + d); var e = da(7); a = d + e + d + " :w__lck Goal Parameters :" + d; b = "\u2b50Amount : " + l("/goal <X>") + " : " + f + d + "\u2b50Mode : " + l("/goal [ single / multi / counter ]") + " : " + h + d + "\u2b50Goal is : " + l("/goal <description>") + " : " + M + d + "\u2b50Run goal : " + l("/goal [ on / off ]") + " : " + (y ? "ON" : "OFF") + (q ? " - (Goal Reached) " : "") + d; c = (y ? " :w__lck Goal is ON (Running)." + d + "\u2b50Description (only) is updatable." + d + "\u2b50" + l("/goal off") + " to stop running the goal." + d : " :w__lck Goal is OFF " + (q ? "(Goal Reached). " : ".") + d + (q ? "\u2b50(" + l("/goal off") + " if you want to clear the screen.)" + d : "") + "\u2b50All parameters are updatable." + d + c + "\u2b50" + l("/goal on") + " to run the Goal." + d) + e + d; u(U, a); cb.sendNotice(b, U, "", T, "normal"); u(U, c) } a = fa; "COUNTER" != h && (a += ("SINGLE" == h ? " - Goal is : " : " - Multi-Goal : ") + M); cb.changeRoomSubject(a + " " + m); Y() })()
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