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var _APPNAME = "BoobiesTrap's Test App"; String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); } String.prototype.padL = function (length) { // optional param: paddingChar (default=" ") var pad = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : ' '; return this.length < length ? (pad + this).padL(length, pad) : this.substr(0, length); } String.prototype.padR = function (length) { // optional param: paddingChar (default=" ") var pad = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : ' '; return this.length < length ? (this + pad).padR(length, pad) : this.substr(0, length); } String.prototype.padC = function (length) { // optional param: paddingChar (default=" ") var pad = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : ' '; if (this.length >= length) return this.substr(0, length); if (this.length + 1 == length) return this + pad; else return (pad + this + pad).padC(length, pad); } String.isString = function (o) { return (typeof o == 'string' || o instanceof String); } Function.isFunction = function (o) { return !!(o && o.constructor && && o.apply); } var utility = { getPredefinedColor : function (name) { switch (name.toLowerCase()) { case 'black': return '#000'; case 'white': return '#fff'; case 'yellow': return '#fe3'; case 'pink': return '#f0e'; case 'purple': return '#609'; case 'orange': return User.Color.ORANGE.getColor(); case 'red': return User.Color.RED.getColor(); case 'green': return User.Color.GREEN.getColor(); case 'blue': return User.Color.BLUE.getColor(); case 'cyan': case 'cyan': return User.Color.CYAN.getColor(); case 'grey': case 'gray': return User.Color.GREY.getColor(); default: return '#000'; } }, securityCheck : function (user, checks, prefix) { if (user.isBroadcaster()) return true; for (var i = 0 ; i < checks.length ; i++) { if ([i]) && system.settings.get(prefix + checks[i]).getValue()) { return true; } }; return false; }, getTimeDifference : function (time1) { var time2 = arguments.lenght > 1 ? arguments[1] : new Date(); if (time2 < time1) { var t = time1; time1 = time2; time2 = t; } var d = (time2 - time1) / 1000; if (d < 60) { return Math.floor(d) + "s" } d /= 60; var m = Math.floor(d % 60); var h = Math.floor(d / 60); var str = ''; if (h) str += h + 'h '; str += m + 'm' return str; } } utility.Interval = function (callback, interval) { var roundedInt = Math.ceil(interval / 1000) * 1000; var active = false; var left = 0; var fun = function () { if (active) { var total = left + roundedInt; var runs = Math.floor(total / interval); left = total % interval; for (; runs ; runs--) { callback(this); } cb.setTimeout(fun, roundedInt); } } this.start = function () { if (!active) { left = 0; cb.setTimeout(fun, roundedInt); } active = true; } this.stop = function () { active = false; } this.isRunning = function () { return active; } } utility.Timeout = function (callback, interval) { interval = Math.ceil(interval / 1000) * 1000; var active = false; var fun = function () { if (active) callback(this); } this.start = function () { if (!active) { cb.setTimeout(fun, interval); } active = true; } this.stop = function () { active = false; } this.isRunning = function () { return active; } } var Module = function (name, rawData) { var internalSettings = ('internalSettings' in rawData) ? rawData.internalSettings : []; var externalSettings = ('externalSettings' in rawData) ? rawData.externalSettings : []; var filters = ('filters' in rawData) ? rawData.filters : []; var commands = ('commands' in rawData) ? rawData.commands : {}; var handlers = { enter : [], leave : [], message : [], subject : [], tip : [], setting : {} } if ('handlers' in rawData) { if ('enter' in rawData.handlers) handlers.enter = rawData.handlers.enter; if ('leave' in rawData.handlers) handlers.leave = rawData.handlers.leave; if ('message' in rawData.handlers) handlers.message = rawData.handlers.message; if ('subject' in rawData.handlers) handlers.subject = rawData.handlers.subject; if ('tip' in rawData.handlers) handlers.tip = rawData.handlers.tip; if ('setting' in rawData.handlers) handlers.setting = rawData.handlers.setting; } handlers.message.unshift(function (message) { var text = message.getMessage().trim(); if (text[0] =='/') { message.setHidden(true); var params = text.substring(1).split(/[ \t]/); var command = params.shift().toLowerCase(); if (command in commands) { var consumedBy = message.getConsumedBy(); if (consumedBy) { var debug = _APPNAME + ' (module "' + name + '"): The command "/' + command + '" is disabled because it is already provided by '; if ( == _APPNAME && consumedBy.slot == cb.slot) { if (String.isString(consumedBy.consumed)) debug += 'the module "' + consumedBy.consumed + '".'; else debug += 'another module of this app.' } else { debug += 'the '; if (consumedBy.slot == 0) debug += 'app '; else debug += 'bot '; debug += '"' + + '" ' if (String.isString(consumedBy.consumed)) debug += '(module "' + consumedBy + ') '; if (consumedBy.slot != 0) debug += 'in slot ' + consumedBy.slot; debug += '. ' } system.debug(debug) return; } var result = commands[command](params, command, message); if (result) { system.debug(message.getUser().getName() + ' executed command "/' + command + '"'); message.consume(); } else { system.debug(message.getUser().getName() + ' tried to execute command "/' + command + ''); cb.sendNotice("Insufficient Privileges to execute " + message.getMessage() + ".", message.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get('security_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get('security_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get('security_w' ).getValue()); } } } }); handlers.message.unshift(function (message) { filters.forEach(function (filter) { var result = filter(message); if (result === true) { message.setHidden(false); } if (result === false) { message.setHidden(true); } }); }); this.handleMessage = function (message) { handlers.message.forEach(function (handler) { handler(message); }); } this.handleLeave = function (user) { handlers.leave.forEach(function(handler) { handler(user); }); } this.handleEnter = function (user) { handlers.enter.forEach(function(handler) { handler(user); }); } this.handleTip = function (tip) { handlers.tip.forEach(function(handler) { handler(tip); }); } this.handleSubject = function (newS, oldS) { var add = ''; handlers.subject.forEach(function(handler){ add += handler(newS, oldS); }); return add; } this.getName = function () { return name; } this.init = function () { internalSettings.forEach(function (setting) { system.settings.registerOption(setting); }); externalSettings.forEach(function (setting) { system.settings.registerOption(setting, true); }); if ('init' in rawData) rawData.init(); } this.getTipOptions = function (u) { if ('getTipOptions' in rawData) return rawData.getTipOptions(u); else return []; } this.update = function (setting) { if (Function.isFunction(handlers.setting)) { handlers.setting(setting); } else if (Function.isFunction(handlers.setting[setting.getName()])) { handlers.setting[setting.getName()](setting); } } !function (that) { var addThis = function (s) { s.addObserver(that) } internalSettings.forEach(addThis); externalSettings.forEach(addThis); }(this); Module[name] = this; } var Message = function (rawData) { if (!rawData['X-BBT-COMPAT']) rawData['X-BBT-COMPAT'] = {}; rawData['X-BBT-COMPAT']['APP#SLOT#'+cb.slot] = { slot : cb.slot, name : _APPNAME, consumed : null } var user = new User(rawData); var time = new Date(); this.getColor = function () { return rawData.c; } this.getBackground = function () { return "background" in rawData ? rawData.background : '#ffffff';; } this.getFont = function () { return rawData.f; } this.getMessage = function () { return rawData.m; } this.isHidden = function () { return "X-Spam" in rawData ? rawData['X-Spam'] : false; } this.getUser = function () { return user; } this.setColor = function (c) { // TODO: check for valid HTML color rawData.c = c; } this.setBackground = function (c) { // TODO: check for valid HTML color rawData.background = c; } this.setFont = function (f) { // TODO: check for valid font rawData.f = f; } this.setMessage = function (m) { rawData.m = m; } this.setHidden = function (h) { rawData['X-Spam'] = !!h; // !! is quick'n'dirty booelan typecast } this.consume = function () { rawData['X-BBT-COMPAT']['APP#SLOT#'+cb.slot].consumed = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments [0] : (true); } this.getConsumedBy = function () { for (var key in rawData['X-BBT-COMPAT']) { var compatData = rawData['X-BBT-COMPAT'][key]; if (!compatData.consumed) continue; return compatData; } return null; } this.getRaw = function () { return rawData; } this.getTime = function () { return time; } } var Tip = function (rawData) { var amount = rawData.amount; var message = rawData.message; var to = rawData.to_user; // currently unused, we only see tips to the broadcaster anyway. I trust CB in this. var user = new User({ user : rawData.from_user, gender : rawData.from_user_gender, in_fanclub : rawData.from_user_in_fanclub, is_mod : rawData.from_user_is_mod, has_tokens : rawData.from_has_tokens, tipped_recently : rawData.from_user_tipped_recently }); var time = new Date(); this.getAmount = function () { return amount; } this.getMessage = function () { return message; } this.getUser = function () { return user; } this.getTime = function () { return time; } } var User = function () { var tipsLast = {} var tipsTotal = {} var tipsHigh = {} var entered = {} var left = {} var chatLast = {} var ht = { user : null, amount : 0 } new Module('_u', { handlers : { enter : [ function (u) { entered[u.getName().toLowerCase()] = new Date(); } ], leave : [ function (u) { left[u.getName().toLowerCase()] = new Date(); } ], message : [ function (m) { chatLast[m.getUser().getName().toLowerCase()] = m; } ], tip : [ function (t) { var username = t.getUser().getName().toLowerCase(); tipsLast[username] = t; if (!(username in tipsTotal)) { tipsTotal[username] = 0; } tipsTotal[username] += t.getAmount(); if (!(username in tipsHigh) || tipsHigh[username].getAmount() < t.getAmount()) { tipsHigh[username] = t; } } ] } }); return function (rawData) { var name = rawData.user; var gender = (function (g) { switch (g.toLowerCase()) { case 'm' : return User.Gender.MALE; case 'f' : return User.Gender.FEMALE; case 's' : return User.Gender.SHEMALE; case 'c' : return User.Gender.COUPLE; default: system.log("Invalid gender code found"); return ''; } })(rawData.gender); var fanclub = rawData.in_fanclub; var mod = rawData.is_mod; var token = rawData.has_tokens; var tipper = rawData.tipped_recently; this.getName = function () { return name; } this.getGender = function () { return gender; } this.isFanclub = function () { return fanclub; } this.isMod = function () { return mod; } this.isBroadcaster = function () { return name == cb.room_slug; } this.hasTokens = function () { return token; } this.isHighTipper = function () { return tipper; } = function (color) { if (!(color instanceof User.Color)) color = User.Color.fromName(color); switch (color) { case User.Color.ORANGE: return this.isBroadcaster(); case User.Color.RED: return this.isMod(); case User.Color.GREEN: return this.isFanclub(); case User.Color.CYAN: return this.hasTokens(); case User.Color.BLUE: return this.isHighTipper(); case User.Color.GREY: return true; default: return false; } } this.isOnly = function (color) { if (!(color instanceof User.Color)) color = User.Color.fromName(color); switch (color) { case User.Color.ORANGE: return this.isBroadcaster(); // no additional checks. Doesn't make any sense to check if a broadcaster // has tokens or is a mod, fanclub member or high tipper. case User.Color.RED: return this.isMod() && !this.isBroadcaster() && !this.isFanclub() && !this.hasToken() && !this.isHighTipper(); case User.Color.GREEN: return this.isFanclub() && !this.isBroadcaster() && !this.isMod() && !this.hasToken() && !this.isHighTipper(); case User.Color.CYAN: return this.hasTokens() && !this.isBroadcaster() && !this.isMod() && !this.isFanclub() && !this.isHighTipper(); case User.Color.BLUE: return this.isHighTipper() && !this.isBroadcaster() && !this.isMod() && !this.isFanclub() && !this.hasTokens(); case User.Color.GREY: return !this.hasTokens() && !this.isHighTipper() && !this.isBroadcaster() && !this.isMod() && !this.isFanclub() default: return false; } } this.getColor = function () { if ( return User.Color.ORANGE; if ( )) return User.Color.RED; if ( )) return User.Color.GREEN; if ( )) return User.Color.BLUE; if ( )) return User.Color.CYAN; return User.Color.GREY; } this.getEnter = function () { var name = this.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name in entered) return entered[name]; return null; } this.getLeave = function () { var name = this.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name in left) return left[name]; return null; } this.getLastChat = function () { var name = this.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name in chatLast) return chatLast[name]; return null; } this.getLastTip = function () { var name = this.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name in tipsLast) return tipsLast[name]; return null; } this.getHighestTip = function () { var name = this.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name in tipsHigh) return tipsHigh[name]; return null; } this.getTipTotal = function () { var name = this.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name in tipsTotal) return tipsTotal[name]; return 0; } this.getLastSeen = function () { var lastSeen = null; if (this.getEnter() > lastSeen) lastSeen = this.getEnter(); if (this.getLeave() > lastSeen) lastSeen = this.getLeave(); if (this.getLastChat() && this.getLastChat().getTime() > lastSeen) lastSeen = this.getLastChat().getTime(); if (this.getLastTip() && this.getLastTip().getTime() > lastSeen ) lastSeen = this.getLastTip().getTime(); return lastSeen; } this.isTipper = function () { return this.getLastTip() != null; } User.Archive.add(this); } }(); User.Archive = new function () { var archive = {} this.add = function (user) { if (user instanceof User) archive[user.getName().toLowerCase()] = user; } this.get = function (name) { if (name instanceof User) name = name.getName(); name = name.toLowerCase(); if (name in archive) return archive[name]; else return null; } this.getAll = function () { return archive.slice(0); // shallow copy instead of reference to prevent archive manipulation } } User.Gender = function (name, code, personal, possessive) { this.getCode = function () { return code; } this.getName = function () { return name; } this.getPersonalPronoun = function () { return personal; } this.getPossessivePronoun = function () { return possessive; } } User.Gender.MALE = new User.Gender('male' , 'm', 'he' , 'his' ); User.Gender.FEMALE = new User.Gender('female' , 'f', 'she' , 'her' ); User.Gender.SHEMALE = new User.Gender('transsexual', 's', '(s)he', 'his/her'); User.Gender.COUPLE = new User.Gender('a couple' , 'c', 'they' , 'their' ); User.Gender.INVALID = new User.Gender('unknown' , '' , 'he' , 'his' ); User.Gender.fromName = function (name) { switch (name.split(/[\s_]/)[0].trim().toLowerCase()) { case 'm' : case 'male' : return User.Gender.MALE; case 'f' : case 'female' : return User.Gender.FEMALE; case 's' : case 'shemale' : case 'trans' : case 'transsexual' : return User.Gender.SHEMALE; case 'a' : case 'c' : case 'couple' : return User.Gender.COUPLE; default : return User.Gender.INVALID; } } User.Color = function (name,code,color) { this.getName = function() {return name }; this.getCode = function() {return code }; this.getColor = function() {return color}; } User.Color.ORANGE = new User.Color('broadcaster' , 'orange', '#DC5500'); User.Color.RED = new User.Color('moderator' , 'red' , '#DC0000'); User.Color.GREEN = new User.Color('fanclub member', 'green' , '#090' ); User.Color.BLUE = new User.Color('high tipper' , 'blue' , '#009' ); User.Color.CYAN = new User.Color('token owner' , 'cyan' , '#69A' ); User.Color.GREY = new User.Color('basic user' , 'grey' , '#494949'); User.Color.INVALID = new User.Color('unknown' , '' , '#000' ); User.Color.fromName = function (name) { switch (name.split(/[\s_]/)[0].trim().toLowerCase()) { case 'broadcasters': case 'broadcaster' : case 'oranges' : case 'orange' : return User.Color.ORANGE; case 'moderators' : case 'moderator' : case 'mods' : case 'mod' : case 'reds' : case 'red' : return User.Color.RED; case 'members' : case 'member' : case 'fanclub' : case 'greens' : case 'green' : return User.Color.GREEN; case 'high' : case 'tippers' : case 'tipper' : case 'darkblues' : case 'darkblue' : case 'bluess' : case 'blues' : case 'blue' : return User.Color.BLUE; case 'tokens' : case 'token' : case 'lightblues' : case 'lightblue' : case 'cyans' : case 'cyan' : return User.Color.CYAN; case 'tokenless' : case 'user' : case 'greys' : case 'grays' : case 'grey' : case 'gray' : case 'all' : return User.Color.GREY; default : return User.Color.INVALID; } } var Setting = function (name, def) { var val = (name in cb.settings) ? cb.settings[name] : (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments [2] : def; var observers = []; this.getValue = function () { return val; } this.getName = function () { return name; } this.getDefault = function () { return def; } this.setValue = function (v) { val = v; this.notify(); return true; } this.getCBObject = function () { return {}; } this.addObserver = function (o) { if ('update' in o && observers.indexOf(o) == -1) { observers.push(o); } } this.removeObserver = function (o) { var index = observers.indexOf(o); if (index != -1) observers.splice(index, 1); } this.notify = function () { var that = this; observers.forEach(function (o) { o.update(that); }); } }; Setting.String = function (name) { // optional params: label, default, required, min, max var label = name; var def = ''; var req = true; var min = 0; var max = 255; var val = def; if (arguments.length > 1) label = arguments[1]; if (arguments.length > 2) def = arguments[2]; if (arguments.length > 3) req = arguments[3]; if (arguments.length > 4) min = arguments[4]; if (arguments.length > 5) max = arguments[5];, name, def); this.setValue = function (v) { v = v.toString(); if (v.length > max || v.length < min) { return false; } else { val = v; this.notify(); return true; } } this.getValue = function () { return val; } this.getCBObject = function () { return { name : name, type : 'str', label : label, required : req, defaultValue : def, minLength : min, maxLength : max } } if (name in cb.settings) this.setValue(cb.settings[name]); } Setting.Float = function (name) { // optional params: label, default, required, min, max var label = name; var def = 0; var req = true; var min = 0; var max = 255; var val = def; if (arguments.length > 1) label = arguments[1]; if (arguments.length > 2) def = arguments[2]; if (arguments.length > 3) req = arguments[3]; if (arguments.length > 4) min = arguments[4]; if (arguments.length > 5) max = arguments[5];, name, def); this.setValue = function (v) { v = parseFloat(v.toString().replace(',', '.')); if (isNaN(v) || v > max || v < min) { return false; } else { val = v; this.notify(); return true; } } this.getValue = function () { return val; } this.getCBObject = function () { return { name : name, type : 'str', label : label, required : req, defaultValue : def, minLength : 1 } } if (name in cb.settings) { // CB does not checks for floats, not implemented. so invalid values at load time are possible. var returnValue = this.setValue(cb.settings[name]); if (!returnValue) { cb.sendNotice('Invalid value for ' + (label != name ? '"' + label + '" (' + name + ')' : name) + ' found. ' + 'Please use "/set ' + name + ' VALUE" to set a new value (replace "VALUE" by the new value). ' + 'Valid values are any decimal nubmer between ' + min + ' and ' + max + '.', cb.room_slug, '#e99', '#300'); } } } Setting.Int = function (name) { // optional params: label, default, required, min, max var label = name; var def = 0; var req = true; var min = 0; var max = 999; var val = def; if (arguments.length > 1) label = arguments[1]; if (arguments.length > 2) def = arguments[2]; if (arguments.length > 3) req = arguments[3]; if (arguments.length > 4) min = arguments[4]; if (arguments.length > 5) max = arguments[5];, name, def); this.setValue = function (v) { v = parseInt(v); if(isNaN(v) || v > max || v < min) { return false; } else { val = v; this.notify(); return true; } } this.getValue = function () { return val; } this.getCBObject = function () { return { name : name, type : 'int', label : label, required : req, defaultValue : def, minValue : min, maxValue : max } } if (name in cb.settings) this.setValue(cb.settings[name]); } Setting.Choice = function (name, options) { // optional params: label, default, required var label = name; var def = options[0]; var req = true; var opt = options if (arguments.length > 2) label = arguments[2]; if (arguments.length > 3) def = arguments[3]; if (arguments.length > 4) req = arguments[4]; var val = def;, name, def); this.addOption = function (o) { if (opt.indexOf(o) == -1) opt.push(o); } this.removeOption = function (o) { var index = opt.indexOf(o); if (index != -1) opt.splice(index,1); } this.setValue = function (v) { if (opt.indexOf(v) == -1) return false; val = v; this.notify(); return true; } this.getValue = function () { return val; } this.addOption(def); this.getCBObject = function () { var o = { name : name, type : 'choice', label : label, required : req, defaultValue : def } for (var i = 0 ; i < opt.length ; i++) { o['choice'+(i+1)] = opt[i]; } return o; } if (name in cb.settings) this.setValue(cb.settings[name]); } Setting.Bool = function (name) { // optional params: label, default, required var label = name; var def = false; var req = true; if (arguments.length > 1) label = arguments[1]; if (arguments.length > 2) def = arguments[2]; if (arguments.length > 3) req = arguments[3]; var val = def;, name, def); this.setValue = function (v) { val = ['false', '0', 'off', 'no', 'n', 'f', 0, false].indexOf(v) == -1 this.notify(); return true; } this.getValue = function () { return val; } this.getCBObject = function () { return o = { name : name, type : 'choice', label : label, required : req, defaultValue : def ? 'yes' : 'no', choice1 : 'yes', choice2 : 'no' }; } if (name in cb.settings) this.setValue(cb.settings[name]); } var system = new function () { var modules = {}; var topic = ''; this.isApp = function () { return cb.slot == 0; } this.setSubject = function () { if (!this.isApp()) { this.debug('Running as a bot. setSubject is not available.'); return; } var oldTopic = topic; var t = topic = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0] : topic; for (var moduleName in modules) { var add = modules[moduleName].handleSubject(topic, oldTopic); if (add) t+= ' ' + add; } cb.changeRoomSubject(t); this.log('Subject changed to "' + t + '" (was "' + oldTopic + '")'); } this.getSubject = function () { if (!this.isApp()) { this.debug('Running as a bot. getSubject is not available.'); return ''; } return topic; } this.loadModule = function (module) { if (!(module instanceof Module)) { if (module in Module) module = Module[module]; else return false; } modules[module.getName()] = module; module.init(); return true; } this.unloadModule = function (module) { if (module instanceof Module) { module = Module.getName(); } if (module == null || !(module in modules)) { return false; } delete modules[module]; return true; } //NOTE: messages parsed by parseMessage are not visible in chat or passed to other bots. this.parseMessage = function (message) { // optional: user, color, background, font. if (message instanceof Message){ message = message.getRaw(); } else if (message instanceof Object && !(message instanceof String)) { // most likely raw CB message, just pass along. } else { message = { m : message.toString(), c : arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : User.Color.GREY.getColor(), f : arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : 'default', }; if (arguments.length > 3) m.background = arguments[3]; var user = arguments.length > 1 ? (arguments[1] instanceof User ? arguments[1] : User.Archive.get(arguments[1]) ) : null; if (user) { message.user = user.getName(); message.gender = user.getGender().getCode(); message.in_fanclub = user.isFanclub(); message.has_tokens = user.hasTokens(); message.is_mod = user.isMod(); message.tipped_recently = user.isHighTipper(); } else { message.user = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : cb.rooms_slug; message.gender = ''; message.in_fanclub = false; message.has_tokens = false; message.is_mod = false; message.tipped_recently = false; } } cb._translate_handler(message); } this.log = function (message) { cb.log (_APPNAME + ': ' + message); } this.debug = function (message) { if (system.settings.get('debug_mode').getValue()) this.log(message); } this.init = function () { cb.onEnter(function (u) { var user = new User(u); for (var moduleName in modules) { modules[moduleName].handleEnter(user); } }); cb.onLeave(function (u) { var user = new User(u); for (var moduleName in modules) { modules[moduleName].handleLeave(user); } }); cb.onMessage(function (m) { var message = new Message(m); for (var moduleName in modules) { modules[moduleName].handleMessage(message); } return m; }); cb.onTip(function (t) { var tip = new Tip(t); for (var moduleName in modules) { modules[moduleName].handleTip(tip); } }); cb.tipOptions(function (u) { var options = {}; var moduleCount = 0; for (var moduleName in modules) { options[moduleName] = modules[moduleName].getTipOptions(u); if (options[moduleName].length > 0) moduleCount++; } if (moduleCount == 0) return; var outputObject = {label : 'Select', options : []}; for (var moduleName in options) { options[moduleName].forEach(function (option) { outputObject.options.push({label: (moduleCount > 1 ? '[' + moduleName + ']: ' : '') + option}); }); } return outputObject; }); if (this.isApp()) { cb.onDrawPanel(this.panel.draw); } this.loadModule(new Module('_s', { internalSettings : [ new Setting('security_bg', '#800'), new Setting('security_fg', '#fff'), new Setting.Choice('security_w', ['bold', 'bolder', 'normal']), new Setting('success_bg', '#9e9'), new Setting('success_fg', '#030'), new Setting.Choice('success_w', ['normal', 'bolder', 'bold']), new Setting('warning_bg', '#fc3'), new Setting('warning_fg', '#630'), new Setting.Choice('warning_w', ['normal', 'bolder', 'bold']), new Setting('failure_bg', '#e99'), new Setting('failure_fg', '#300'), new Setting.Choice('failure_w', ['normal', 'bolder', 'bold']) ] })); this.loadModule('_u'); if (this.isApp()) { this.loadModule(new Module('_app', { externalSettings : [ new Setting.String("subject", "Room Subject", cb.room_slug + "'s Room", true), new Setting.Bool("security_topic_mod", "Mods can change room subject", false, false) ], commands : { topic : function (p,c,m){ if (!(m.getUser().isBroadcaster()) && !(m.getUser().isMod() && system.settings.get('security_topic_mod').getValue())) { return false; } system.setSubject(p.join(' ')); return true; } } })); this.setSubject(this.settings.get('subject').getValue()); } } }(); system.settings = new function () { var s = {}; this.registerOption = function (option) { // optinal parameters: registerToCB (default false)) var name = option.getName(); s[name] = option; if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]) { if (!Array.isArray(cb.settings_choices)) cb.settings_choices = []; var found = false; for (var i = 0 ; i < cb.settings_choices.length ; i++) { if (cb.settings_choices[i].name == name) { found=true; break; } }; if (!found) cb.settings_choices.push(option.getCBObject()); } } this.get = function (name) { if (!(name in s)) { s[name] = new Setting(name, ''); } return s[name]; } }(); system.panel = new function () { var PanelContent = function () { var label = ""; var value = ""; var type = 1; var setLabel = function (l) { if (l == null) { type = 1; label = ''; } else { type = 2; label = l; } } var setValue = function (v) { if (v == null) v = ''; value = v } this.getType = function () { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } return type; } this.getLabel = function () { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } return label; } this.getValue = function () { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } return value; } this.setLabel = function (l) { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } setLabel(l); if (arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : true) system.panel.repaint(); } this.clearLabel = function () { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } this.setLabel(null, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : true); } this.setValue = function (v) { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } setValue(v); if (arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : true) system.panel.repaint(); } this.setData = function (data) { if (!system.isApp()) { system.debug('Running as a bot. App panel is not available.'); return; } if (Array.isArray(data)) { switch (data.length) { case 0: setValue(""); setLabel(null); break; case 1: setValue(data[0]); setLabel(null); break; default: setValue(data[1]); setLabel(data[0]); break; } } else { setValue(data); setLabel(null); } if (arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : true) system.panel.repaint(); return; } } this[0] = new PanelContent(); this[1] = new PanelContent(); this[2] = new PanelContent(); this.draw = (function (that) { // CB assigns the cb object to this when calling callbacks. So we need a copy. return function () { var panelConfig = 0; for (var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { panelConfig += (that[i].getType() == 2 ? 1 : 0) << i; } switch (panelConfig) { case 0: return { template : '3_rows_11_21_31', row1_value : that[0].getValue(), row2_value : that[1].getValue(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 1: return { template : '3_rows_12_21_31', row1_label : that[0].getLabel(), row1_value : that[0].getValue(), row2_value : that[1].getValue(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 2: return { template : '3_rows_12_22_31', row1_label : that[0].getValue(), row1_value : '', row2_label : that[1].getLabel(), row2_value : that[1].getValue(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 3: return { template : '3_rows_12_22_31', row1_label : that[0].getLabel(), row1_value : that[0].getValue(), row2_label : that[1].getLabel(), row2_value : that[1].getValue(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 4: return { template : '3_rows_of_labels', row1_label : that[0].getValue(), row1_value : '', row2_label : that[1].getValue(), row2_value : '', row3_label : that[2].getLabel(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 5: return { template : '3_rows_of_labels', row1_label : that[0].getLabel(), row1_value : that[0].getValue(), row2_label : that[1].getValue(), row2_value : '', row3_label : that[2].getLabel(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 6: return { template : '3_rows_of_labels', row1_label : that[0].getValue(), row1_value : '', row2_label : that[1].getLabel(), row2_value : that[1].getValue(), row3_label : that[2].getLabel(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } case 7: return { template : '3_rows_of_labels', row1_label : that[0].getLabel(), row1_value : that[0].getValue(), row2_label : that[1].getLabel(), row2_value : that[1].getValue(), row3_label : that[2].getLabel(), row3_value : that[2].getValue() } } }; })(this); this.repaint = function () { system.log('Panel refresh called'); cb.drawPanel(); } }(); new Module ('control', { externalSettings : [ new Setting.Bool("security_eval_mod", "Mods have full control over the app", true, true) ], commands : { set : function(p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_eval_')) { return false; } var name = p.shift(); var value = p.join(' '); var returnVal = system.settings.get(name).setValue(value); if (returnVal) { cb.sendNotice('Variable "' + name + '" has been set to "' + value + '".', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w').getValue()); } else { cb.sendNotice(value + ' is not a valid value for ' + name + '.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } return true; }, get : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_eval_')) { return false; } var name = p.shift(); var value = system.settings.get(name).getValue(); cb.sendNotice('Variable "' + name + '" is "' + value + '".', m.getUser().getName()); return true; }, load : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_eval_')) { return false; } var module = p.shift(); if(system.loadModule(module)) { cb.sendNotice('Module "' + module + '" successfully loaded.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w').getValue()); } else { cb.sendNotice('Module "' + module + '" not found.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } return true; }, unload : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_eval_')) { return false; } var module = p.shift(); if(system.unloadModule(module)) { cb.sendNotice('Module "' + module + '" successfully unloaded.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w').getValue()); } else { cb.sendNotice('Module "' + module + '" was not loaded.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } return true; } } }); new Module('notice', { internalSettings : [ new Setting('notice_bg', '#fe3'), new Setting('notice_fg', '#336'), new Setting.Choice('notice_w', ['normal', 'bolder', 'bold']) ], externalSettings : [ new Setting.Bool("security_notice_mod", "Mods can send notices", true, false) ], commands : { notice : function(p,c,m) { if (!(m.getUser().isBroadcaster()) && !(m.getUser().isMod() && system.settings.get('security_notice_mod').getValue())) { return false; } var color = system.settings.get ('notice_fg').getValue(); var background = system.settings.get ('notice_bg').getValue(); var weight = system.settings.get ('notice_w') .getValue(); var group = User.Color.INVALID; while (p.length > 0 && '~+'.indexOf(p[0][0]) > -1) { var param = p.shift(); var value = param.substring(1); switch (param[0]) { case '~': var g = User.Color.fromName(value); switch (g) { case User.Color.INVALID: case User.Color.ORANGE: cb.sendNotice('"' + value + " is not a valid target group for notices.", m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); return true; case User.Color.GREY: group = User.Color.INVALID; break; default: group = g; break; } break; case '+': value = value.substring(1); switch (param[1]) { case 'c': color = (value[0] == '#') ? value : utility.getPredefinedColor(value); break; case 'b': background = (value[0] == '#') ? value : utility.getPredefinedColor(value); break; case 'w': weight = value; break; default: system.debug('"' + param[1] + '" is not a valid parameter for notices. Ignored.'); } break; } } cb.sendNotice("Notice to all " + (group != User.Color.INVALID ? group.getName() : 'user') + "s sent.", m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w') .getValue()); cb.sendNotice(p.join(' '), '', background, color, weight, (group.getCode() ? group.getCode() : null)); return true; } } }); new Module('eval', { externalSettings : [ new Setting.Bool("security_eval_mod", "Mods have full control over the app", true, true) ], commands : { eval : function(p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_eval_')) { return false; } eval(p.join(' ')); return true; } } }); new Module('TipJar', new function (){ var amount = 0; var interval; var drainrate; var draining = false; var last = { user : null, amount : 0 } var module = this; var secToText = function (sec) { sec = Math.round(sec); var h = Math.floor(sec / 3600); var m = Math.floor(sec / 60); var s = sec % 60; var text = ''; if (h) text += h + 'h '; if (m) text += m + 'm '; if (s) text += s + 's'; return text; } var addAmount = function (add) { amount += add; if (amount <= 0) { amount = 0; interval.stop(); draining = false; } else if (drainrate && (draining || amount >= system.settings.get('tipjar_start').getValue())) { draining = true; interval.start(); } } var intervalCB = function(){ addAmount(-1); refreshPanel(); } var refreshPanel = function () { system.panel[0].setData(system.settings.get('tipjar_title').getValue() + ' contains ' + amount + ' tokens', false); if (drainrate) { if (draining) { var timeleft = Math.ceil(amount * drainrate); system.panel[1].setData('Jar empty in ' + secToText(timeleft), false); system.panel[2].setData('Drain rate: 1 token every ' +(drainrate == 1 ? 'second' : drainrate + ' seconds'), false); } else { var start = system.settings.get('tipjar_start').getValue(); if (start) { if (amount) { system.panel[1].setData((start - amount) + ' tokens left to start', false); } else { system.panel[1].setData('Jar empty!', false); } system.panel[2].setData('Show starts at ' + start + ' tokens' , false); } else { system.panel[1].setData('Jar empty!', false); system.panel[2].setData('Drain rate: 1 token every ' +(drainrate == 1 ? 'second' : drainrate + ' seconds'), false); } } } else { system.panel[1].setData('', false); if (last.user) system.panel[2].setData('Last tipper: ' + last.user + ' (' + last.amount + ' tokens)', false); else system.panel[2].setData('Not tips yet.', false); } system.panel.repaint(); } this.internalSettings = [ new Setting('tipjar_bg', '#eef'), new Setting('tipjar_fg', '#002'), new Setting.Choice('tipjar_w', ['normal', 'bolder', 'bold']) ] this.externalSettings = [ new Setting.String('tipjar_title', 'Name of the Tip Jar (displayed in the App panel)', cb.room_slug + "'s TipJar", true), new Setting.Float('tipjar_drain', 'Drain rate (remove 1 token every x s). Fractional seconds allowed, 0 to disable', 0, false, 0, 1000000), new Setting.Int('tipjar_start', 'Start draining at x tokens (0 to always drain)', 0, false, 0, 1000000) ] this.handlers = { tip : [ function (t) { last.user = t.getUser().getName(); last.amount = t.getAmount(); addAmount(t.getAmount()); refreshPanel(); system.setSubject(); } ], setting : { tipjar_drain : function (s) { if (drainrate == system.settings.get('tipjar_drain').getValue()) return; // no change interval.stop(); module.init(); addAmount(0); refreshPanel(); system.setSubject(); cb.sendNotice('Drain rate was changed to 1 token every ' + (drainrate == 1 ? 'second' : drainrate + ' seconds'), '', system.settings.get ('tipjar_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('tipjar_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('tipjar_w').getValue()); }, tipjar_start : function (s) { refreshPanel(); cb.sendNotice('Amount of tokens to start was changed to ' + s.getValue(), '', system.settings.get ('tipjar_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('tipjar_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('tipjar_w').getValue()); } }, subject : [ function () { var startAt = system.settings.get('tipjar_start').getValue() - amount; return '[' + (drainrate ? (draining ? 'Drain rate: 1 token every ' + (drainrate == 1 ? 'second' : drainrate + ' seconds') : (startAt > 0 ? startAt + ' tokens left to start' : 'Start Tipping!' ) ) : amount + ' tokens collected.' ) + ']'; } ] } this.commands = { reset : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_tipjar_')) { return false; } interval.stop(); amount = 0; last.user = null; last.amount = 0; module.init(); return true; }, drainrate : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_tipjar_')) { return false; } if (p.length < 1) { cb.sendNotice('No drainrate given.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } if (system.settings.get('tipjar_drain').setValue(p.shift())) { cb.sendNotice('Drain rate set to 1 token every ' + system.settings.get('tipjar_drain').getValue() + ' seconds.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w').getValue()); } else { cb.sendNotice('Drain rate has to be a decimal number >= 0.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } return true; }, startat : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_tipjar_')) { return false; } if (p.length < 1) { cb.sendNotice('No token amount specified.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } if (system.settings.get('tipjar_start').setValue(p.shift())) { cb.sendNotice('Draining starts now at ' + system.settings.get('tipjar_start').getValue() + ' tokens.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w').getValue()); } else { cb.sendNotice('Amount of tokens to start draining has to be an integer >= 0.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } return true; }, setjar : function (p,c,m) { if (!utility.securityCheck(m.getUser(), ['mod'], 'security_tipjar_')) { return false; } if (p.length < 1) { cb.sendNotice('No token amount specified.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } var newAmount = parseInt(p.shift()); if (!isNaN(newAmount)) { cb.sendNotice('Jar was manipulated manually. It contains ' + newAmount + " tokens now.", m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('success_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('success_w').getValue()); addAmount(newAmount - amount) } else { cb.sendNotice('Amoutn of tokens has to be an integer >= 0.', m.getUser().getName(), system.settings.get ('failure_bg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_fg').getValue(), system.settings.get ('failure_w').getValue()); } return true; } } this.init = function () { drainrate = system.settings.get('tipjar_drain').getValue(); refreshPanel(); interval = new utility.Interval(intervalCB,drainrate*1000); } }()); system.loadModule('TipJar'); system.loadModule('notice'); system.loadModule('control');
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