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var r = function() { function l(a) { a = a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").toLowerCase(); if (O.hasOwnProperty(a)) return O[a].toUpperCase(); var c = /^#?([0-9a-f]{6}|[0-9a-f]{3})$/.exec(a); return c ? (c = c[1], 3 === c.length && (c = c[0] + c[0] + c[1] + c[1] + c[2] + c[2]), "#" + c.toUpperCase()) : (c = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(a)) ? "#" + (16777216 + (Math.floor(parseInt(c[1], 10)) << 16) + (Math.floor(parseInt(c[2], 10)) << 8) + Math.floor(parseInt(c[3], 10))).toString(16).substr(1).toUpperCase() : (c = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(a)) ? "#" + (16777216 + (Math.floor(255 * parseFloat(c[1]) / 100) << 16) + (Math.floor(255 * parseFloat(c[2]) / 100) << 8) + Math.floor(255 * parseFloat(c[3]) / 100)).toString(16).substr(1).toUpperCase() : c || void 0 } function U(a) { a = /^\d+$/.exec(a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")); null !== a && (a = Number(a[0])); return a } function ea(a, c, d) { return d.indexOf(a) === c } function M(a, c) { cb.setTimeout(a, 1E3 > c ? 1E3 : c) } function k(a) { if (a && "string" === typeof a) { k.hasOwnProperty("log") || (k.log = []); var c = /(..)(:..)(:..)/.exec(new Date), d = c[1] % 12 || 12; k.log.push((10 > d ? "0" + d : d) + c[2] + c[3] + " " + (12 > c[1] ? "A" : "P") + "M : " + a); 25 < k.log.length && k.log.shift(); a = ("fyi: " + a).replace(/\+/g, "\uff0b").replace(/&/g, encodeURIComponent("&")) } k.hasOwnProperty("log") || cb.log(a.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\\n)/gm, " ").trim()) } function N(a) { var c =, d, e = 0, f; a && "string" === typeof a && ("Enable" === cb.settings.multi_line_safe && (d = a.split(/ *\n */), e = d.length, a = d[0]), c[0] = (y + a.replace(/\+/g, "\uff0b")).replace(/&/g, encodeURIComponent("&"))); cb.chatNotice.apply(cb, c); for (f = 1; f < e; f++) c[0] = d[f].replace(/\+/g, "\uff0b").replace(/&/g, encodeURIComponent("&")), cb.chatNotice.apply(cb, c) } function h(a, c) { var d =; c && "string" === typeof c && c.length && (d[0] = "" + a, void 0 !== d[2] && void 0 === d[3] && (d[3] = d[2], d[2] = "#a2a9ad"), N.apply(fa, d)) } function Q(a) { var c = cb.settings[a] || "", d = /[\u0081-\u00ff]{1,}\u0080[\u0081-\u00ff]{1,}/g; null !== c.match(d) && (h(["Message from the author:\n" + (R ? "" : "\u00a0\u00a0Thanks for using my " + (E ? "app" : "bot") + " :)\n") + "\u00a0\u00a0It " + (aa ? "also " : "") + "looks like you used a special character in your '" + a.replace(/_/g, " ") + "' setting\n\u00a0\u00a0that the " + (E ? "app" : "bot") + " system may have corrupted :(\n\u00a0\u00a0Please see the " + (E ? "app" : "bot") + " Description for more details and help.", "End of Message" ].join("\n" + y + ""), cb.room_slug, "#fdf2f9"), c = c.replace(d, ""), aa = R = !0); return c } function S(a, c, d, e) { return a === c ? d : a === d ? e : c } function C(a) { function c(a) { function c(b, d) { return b + (a[d].hasOwnProperty("text") ? a[d].text.length : 0) } return Object.keys(a).length && Object.keys(a).reduce(c, 0) } function d(a) { a = a || ""; if (z && c(f)) { for (a || (b.cycle = S(b.cycle, e.b, e.f, e.e)); void 0 === f[b.cycle] || 0 === f[b.cycle].text.length;) b.cycle = S(b.cycle, e.b, e.f, e.e); N(f[b.cycle].text.replace(/\s*\\n\s*/g, "\n" + y), a, f[b.cycle].g, f[b.cycle].color, f[b.cycle].weight); a || (b.count = 1, b.fyiing && (b.fyiing.k = !0, b.fyiing = null), b.last = (new Date).valueOf(), n === g.a.h && (b.xs_chat = Math.max(b.xs_chat - 1, 0))) } } function l(a) { a = a || ""; var c = (new Date).valueOf() - b.last; k("onNotifyi: elapsed: " + c + "/60000"); a.length || 6E4 <= c ? d(a) : (b.fyiing && (k("onNotifyi: error: fyiing: non-null"), b.fyiing.k = !0, b.fyiing = null), b.fyiing = ba(l, 6E4 - c)) } function P() { var a = b.last + 6E4 * b.count - (new Date).valueOf(); b.timeout && (b.timeout.k = !0); b.timeout = ba(b, a) } function I(a) { b.timeout && n !== g.a.j && (b.timeout.k = !0, b.timeout = null); 0 === c(f) ? h("No news, rule, or promo notice set. fyi notices temporarily suspended.", cb.room_slug, "#fdfde2") : a && a !== b.cycle && (b.cycle = S(a, e.e, e.f, e.b)); b.fyiing && (b.fyiing.k = !0, b.fyiing = null); d(); n !== g.a.j || b.timeout || P() } var b = C; a = a || ""; b.hasOwnProperty("count") ? a.length ? l(a) : (b.count++, b.count > z + (n === g.a.h ? b.xs_chat : 0) && (b.fyiing ? n === g.a.h && b.xs_chat++ : l()), n === g.a.j && P()) : (b.count = 0, b.cycle = null, b.fyiing = null, b.last = 0, b.timeout = null, b.xs_chat = 0, = I, I()) } function F(a) { function c(a) { var c = /\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/gi, d, e = []; for (a = a || "" || ""; null !== (d = c.exec(a));) e.push(d[1]); if (e.length) for (e = e.filter(ea), c = 0, d = e.length; c < d; c++) a = a.replace(new RegExp("\\\\u" + e[c], "gi"), String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[c], 16))); this.text = a = a.replace(/(^|\s|\\n);-*\)/gm, "$1:wink ").replace(/(^|\s|\\n):-*\)/gm, "$1:smile ").replace(/(^|\s|\\n):D/gm, "$1:woot ") } function d(a) { var c = /(?:\s|^)([\w\-]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(?=\s[\w\-]+\s*:|;|$)/g, d, g = ""; for (a = (a || "").toLowerCase(); null !== (d = c.exec(a));) switch (d[1]) { case "background-color": this.g = l(d[2] || "") || h; g += "background-color:" + this.g + ";"; break; case "color": this.color = l(d[2] || "") || f; g += "color:" + this.color + ";"; break; case "font-weight": switch (d[2]) { case w.q: this.weight = w.q; break; case w.i: this.weight = w.i; break; case w.p: this.weight = w.p; break; default: d[2] && k("Unsupported font-weight value: " + d[2]), this.weight = e } g += "font-weight:" + this.weight + ";"; break; default: k("Unsupported style definition: " + d[1] + ":" + d[2]) } return g } var e, f, h; this.weight = e = g.C[a]; this.color = f = l(g.w[a]) || ""; this.g = h = l(g.u[a]) || "";, Q(a));, Q(a + "_style")); this.l = d; this.B = c } function ga(a) { function c(a) { a = a.replace(/^#/, ""); 6 > a.length && (a = a[0] + a[0] + a[1] + a[1] + a[2] + a[2]); a = parseInt(a, 16); return [a >> 16, a >> 8 & 255, a & 255 ] } function d(a, d, b) { d /= 100; a = c(a); a.forEach(function(a, c, e) { e[c] = Math.round(a * d) + Math.round(b * (1 - d)); 255 < e[c] && (e[c] = 255) }); return "#" + (16777216 + a[2] + 256 * a[1] + 65536 * a[0]).toString(16).substr(1) } function e(a) { a = c(a); return (299 * a[0] + 587 * a[1] + 114 * a[2]) / 1E3 } function f(a) { a = e(a); var c = e("#fff"); return Math.abs(a - c) } function g(a) { a = c(a); var d = c("#fff"); return Math.abs(a[0] - d[0]) + Math.abs(a[1] - d[1]) + Math.abs(a[2] - d[2]) } var b, h, l, k, n; for (b = 100; - 1 < b && !(h = d(a, b, 0), l = d(a, b, 255), k = f(h), n = f(l), n > k && (h = l, k = n), n = g(h), 126 < k && 500 < n); b--); return h } function ca() { var a = new Date, c = a.getDate(), d = a.getMonth(); x = 11 === d && 24 < c || 0 === d && 6 > c; k("set_rainbow_chat: bRainbowChat: " + x); a = new Date(a.getFullYear() + (x && 11 === d ? 1 : 0), x ? 0 : 11, x ? 6 : 25) - a; c = a / 1E3; d = "" + (Math.floor(c / 86400) + "d, "); c %= 86400; d += Math.floor(c / 3600) + "h, "; c %= 3600; d += Math.floor(c / 60) + "m, " + Math.floor(c % 60) + "s"; k("set_rainbow_chat: retest_delay: " + a + " (" + d + ")"); M(ca, a) } function da(a) { function c(a) { f[a].l("background-color:" + t); f[a].g === g.u[a] ? h(p + " " + a + " background color reset.", m, "#f2f9fd") : h(p + " " + a + " background color set: " + f[a].g, m, "#f2f9fd") } function d(a) { f[a].l("font-weight:" + S(f[a].weight, w.q, w.i, w.p)); h(p + " " + a + " weight set: " + f[a].weight, m, "#f2f9fd") } function V(a) { f[a].l("color:" + t); f[a].color === g.w[a] ? h(p + " " + a + " color reset.", m, "#f2f9fd") : h(p + " " + a + " color set: " + f[a].color, m, "#f2f9fd") } function P() { function a(c) { var d = f[c], b = []; d.g !== g.u[c] && b.push("background-color: " + d.g + ";"); d.color !== g.w[c] && b.push("color: " + d.color + ";"); d.weight !== g.C[c] && b.push("font-weight: " + d.weight + ";"); return b.length ? " (='" + b.join(" ") + "')" : "" } function c(a) { /(^|\s):([\w\-][\w\-]+)$/.test(a) && (a += " "); /^:([\w\-][\w\-]+)(\s|$)/.test(a) && (a = " " + a); return a } var d = []; W && d.push("version: 2014.12.27_1\nKeep everyone in your room up-to-date with your latest news, rules and/or promotional offers..."); var b = t.replace(/\s+/g, "").toLowerCase(); switch (b) { case "rules": b = "rule"; case "news": case "rule": case "promo": d.push("'" + b + "' notice specific in-chat commands:\n\u00a0\u00a0/" + b + " text - set fyi " + b + " to 'text' (='" + c(f[b].text) + "')\n\u00a0\u00a0/" + b + "style definitions - set fyi " + b + " style to 'definitions'" + a(b) + "\n\u00a0\u00a0/" + b + "color #rrggbb - set fyi " + b + " color (=" + f[b].color.toLowerCase() + ")\n\u00a0\u00a0/" + b + "bgcolor #rrggbb - set fyi " + b + " background color (=" + f[b].g.toLowerCase() + ")\n\u00a0\u00a0/" + b + "bold - toggle fyi " + b + " [normal|bold|bolder] (=" + f[b].weight + ")"); break; case "style": d.push("Style specific in-chat commands:\n\u00a0\u00a0/style definitions - set fyi news style to 'definitions'" + a(e.b) + "\n\u00a0\u00a0/color #rrggbb - set fyi news color (=" + f[e.b].color.toLowerCase() + ")\n\u00a0\u00a0/bgcolor #rrggbb - set fyi news background color (=" + f[e.b].g.toLowerCase() + ")\n\u00a0\u00a0/bold - toggle fyi news font [normal|bold|bolder] (=" + f[e.b].weight + ")"); break; default: d.push("Basic in-chat commands:\n\u00a0\u00a0/fyi text - set fyi news to 'text' (='" + c(f[e.b].text) + "')\n\u00a0\u00a0/fyi number - set fyi repeat rate to 'number' (=" + z + ")", "Extended in-chat commands:\n\u00a0\u00a0/chat - switch to chat based repeats" + (g.a.h === n ? " (=on)" : "") + "\n\u00a0\u00a0/time - switch to time based repeats" + (g.a.j === n ? " (=on)" : "") + "\n\u00a0\u00a0/tips - switch to tip based repeats" + (g.a.t === n ? " (=on)" : "") + "\n\u00a0\u00a0/rate number - set fyi repeat rate to 'number' (=" + z + ")", "Additional in-chat commands:\n\u00a0\u00a0/spam - toggle common spam blocking on and off (=" + (u ? "on" : "off") + ")\n\u00a0\u00a0/help [news|promo|rule|style] - show this and other in-chat command help") } h(d.join("\n" + y + ""), m, "#f2f9fd") } function I(a) { f[a].B(""); h(p + " " + a + " set to: (blank)", m, "#f2f9fd"); J = "" } function b(a) { f[a].B(t); h(p + " " + a + " set to: " + f[a].text, m, "#f2f9fd"); J = a } function N(a) { u = !u; D = !u; h(p.toUpperCase() + " Spam Blocking " + (u ? "enabled. " : "disabled." + (K.length ? "\n" + y + "Recently Blocked Messages:\n\u00a0\u00a0" + K.slice(-3).join("\n\u00a0\u00a0") + "\n" + y + "" : " ")) + "Type /" + a + " again to " + (u ? "disable it." : "block " + (K.length ? "similar messages" : "common spam") + " from appearing in chat."), cb.room_slug, "#f2f9fd"); K.length && (K = []) } function F(a) { if (t.length) { var c = f[a].l(t); h(p + " " + a + " style set: " + c, m, "#f2f9fd") } else h(p + " " + a + " style reset.", m, "#f2f9fd") } function O() { var c = A.replace(/[\W_]/g, "").toLowerCase(), d = c.replace(/[aeiou]/g, ""), b, e, f = !1; b = A; e = m; f = !1; e = e.replace(/_[0-9a-f]+/ig, ""); H.hasOwnProperty("echo_user") && H.hasOwnProperty("echo_text") && (f = H.echo_text === b && H.echo_user === e); H.echo_user = e; H.echo_text = b; !0 === f && k("SpamBlockerAd: echo match"); b = 0; for (e = v.n.length; !f && b < e && !(d.length < v.n[b].length); b++) !0 === (f = -1 !== d.indexOf(v.n[b])) && k("SpamBlockerAd: simple match (" + b + "): " + v.n[b]); b = 0; for (e = v.text.length; !f && b < e; b++) !0 === (f = v.text[b].test(A)) && k("SpamBlockerAd: text match (" + b + "): " + v.text[b].source); b = 0; for (e = v.A.length; !f && b < e; b++) !0 === (f = v.A[b].test(c)) && k("SpamBlockerAd: plain match (" + b + "): " + v.A[b].source); b = 0; for (e = v.v.length; !f && b < e; b++) !0 === (f = (new RegExp("(?:^|\\s):" + v.v[b] + "(?=\\s|$)", "")).test(A)) && k("SpamBlockerAd: blacklist emoticons match (" + b + "): " + v.v[b]); f && (u ? (a["X-Spam"] = !0, K.push(m + ": " + A)) : (h(["Message from the author:\n" + (R ? "" : "\u00a0\u00a0Thanks for using my " + (E ? "app" : "bot") + " :)\n") + "\u00a0\u00a0By the way, user '" + m + "' has just spammed your chat!\n\u00a0\u00a0You might want to type /spam to enable this " + (E ? "app" : "bot") + "'s basic spam blocking feature, or launch my spam blocker, No\u00a0Grey\u00a0Spammers, for more protection ;)", "End of Message"].join("\n" + y + ""), cb.room_slug, "#fdf2f9"), D = !1, R = !0)) } var H = da, A = a.m, m = a.user, W = "rubzombie" === m, T = m === cb.room_slug, B = a.is_mod, M = a.hasOwnProperty("is_pm") && a.is_pm, Q = /\/(fyi|#[0-3])?((?:news|rules?|promo)?(?:bg)?(?:bold|chat|color|fyi|help|log|news|promo|rainbow|rate|rules?|spam|style|time|tips|\?))(?:\s+([^\/]+))?/ig, q, X = !1, p, t, J = null; a["X-Spam"] && k("processing x-spam msg"); if (D || u) if (T || B) { if (/\/(sh|sphammer|#[0-3])?(english|enonly|sphammered)/i.test(A) || /\/(sh|sphammer)(help|spam|\?)/i.test(A)) u = D = !1, k("SpamBlockerAd: SpHammer detected"); /\/(ngs|nogreyspammers)(help|spam|\?)/i.test(A) && (u = D = !1, k("SpamBlockerAd: No Grey Spammers detected")) } else /<<<( has been SPAM HAMMERED| spHammer hit#)/.test(A) && "#595959" === a.background && "#999999" === a.c && (u = D = !1, k("SpamBlockerAd: SpHammer/No Grey Spammers detected")); if (!a["X-Spam"] && /^\s*\//.test(A)) for (; null !== (q = Q.exec(A));) if (X = !0, p = (q[1] || "fyi").toLowerCase(), "fyi" === p || p === Y) if (a["X-Spam"] = !0, t = (q[3] || "").trim(), B = q[2].toLowerCase(), T || W) switch (B) { case "log": (T || W) && k.hasOwnProperty("log") && h("Log:\n\u00a0\u00a0" + k.log.join("\n\u00a0\u00a0"), m, l("hilitepurple")); break; case "spam": N((q[1] || "").toLowerCase() + B); break; case "chat": n = g.a.h; h(p + " chat based repeats set.", m, "#f2f9fd"); break; case "time": n = g.a.j; h(p + " time based repeats set.", m, "#f2f9fd"); break; case "tips": n = g.a.t; h(p + " tips based repeats set.", m, "#f2f9fd"); break; case "rainbow": switch (t.toLowerCase()) { case "off": x = !1; break; case "on": x = !0; break; default: x = !x } h(p + " Xmas rainbow chat: " + (x ? "On" : "Off"), m, "#f2f9fd"); break; case "style": case "newsstyle": F(e.b); break; case "bgcolor": case "newsbgcolor": c(e.b); break; case "bold": case "newsbold": d(e.b); break; case "color": case "newscolor": V(e.b); break; case "rulesstyle": case "rulestyle": F(e.f); break; case "rulebgcolor": case "rulesbgcolor": c(e.f); break; case "rulebold": case "rulesbold": d(e.f); break; case "rulecolor": case "rulescolor": V(e.f); break; case "promostyle": F(e.e); break; case "promobgcolor": c(e.e); break; case "promobold": d(e.e); break; case "promocolor": V(e.e); break; case "fyi": case "news": case "rate": if (t.length) if (q = U(t), null === q) { if ("rate" !== B) { b(e.b); break } } else { if ("news" !== B) { z = q > g.r ? g.r : q; 0 === z ? h(p + " notices temporarily suspended.", m, "#f2f9fd") : h(p + " repeat rate set to one notice every " + z + (n === g.a.h ? " message" : n === g.a.j ? " minute" : " tip") + (1 === z ? "" : "s") + ".", m, "#f2f9fd"); J = e.b; break } } else if ("news" === B) { I(e.b); break } case "rule": case "rules": if (t.length) { if (q = U(t), null === q) { b(e.f); break } } else if ("rule" === B || "rules" === B) { I(e.f); break } case "promo": if (t.length) { if (q = U(t), null === q) { b(e.e); break } } else if ("promo" === B) { I(e.e); break } case "?": case "help": P(); break; default: h("Sorry, unknown command: /" + (q[1] || "") + q[2] + "\n\u00a0\u00a0Type /help or see " + (E ? "app" : "bot") + " Description for a full list of available in-chat commands.", m, "#f2f9fd") } else h("Sorry, /" + (q[1] || "") + q[2] + " is a broadcaster-only command.", m, "#fdf2f9"); X && null !== J && ("" === J ? :; T || a["X-Spam"] || M || !D && !u || O(); M || X || a["X-Spam"] || (n === g.a.h && C(), x && "#494949" === a.c && !a.hasOwnProperty("background") && (G = (G + 1) % L.length, a.c = L[G], a.c = Z.hasOwnProperty(L[G]) ? Z[L[G]] : Z[L[G]] = ga(L[G]))); return a } var v = { text: [/[^\u0000-\u0080\u00ad\u2605\u2606\u2654\u2655\u265a\u265b]/], A: [], n: "dlnws rtmnt chnskv cht4fr wgwgwg bst4cms httpggl lv4prty lvtrffn nd4strp prfllsn bnjknntt nsxyjngs pssy4shw vcmsssns wlchstdt 100kstnls chnnmnwhr cmsssnscm grls4prty prmmchtcm rgclsngsn sndtdrtch tknsgnrtr tmrqrllh1 tpgmscrck glsmtrprtl mnhndynmmr schnmnprfl schtglbntr snddrtchlv knntjmlgckn lslsnndmldn stdchlngwlg strmngnkdcm wtchmcmgrls chbnnjngsgls dtschmtrprtl fndfrtknshck hrgldtschkrl pyplrwstrnnn schfdsmwgdch wsnddglnpmml wstrnnnrpypl jckjxshrngnds kstnlsndhnrsk llrdngsnchthr mncmstjtztchn wndmrmnfrrlds dknnmnglbwchsn mprdndstrngtrk n1gnhmpgstfrtg chtwththswsmgrl stdnglchnnmnwhr wnnjrktwthmfrfr dsthtdstwchmmrsnd hbknfnnzllnntrssn nrnchbzckmtdntpps schfcktrffnndcmsx fdrstdnglchnnmnwhr llnfssthnmprflvnmr nynwnnjrktwthmfrfr vrllmsndfstnrdtsch glbdgbtsgrnchtmhrdr snddwskstnlsndglrst wsnddnnnndglndtschn chtrbtknnmndchvrgssn ftzstmgglndbrchtshrt mchvrdrcmllswshrwllt nynhrdrmstfckldrmlfs mchnchtlngwrtnndkmmzmr wrbckhtknnmchdjmlbschn kstnlsdtngprtlndtschlnd ntrssntbrmchfndstdnmnmprfl wnnjschtnmnprflndkntktrtmchdrt hbthrgntlchdhlfschlgschffthrvlldtn thsmnstrlysnfbtchsllngthmtfhsgrlfrnd dspmmrsndnfchzdmmvnjdmmdwrdnsgbnntndnsnstnflltdchknrfsnbldsnngwrbngrn".split(" "), v: "anarchy dance69 endlesspoop exbf extremevomit extremevomit2 extremevomitscat FISTING fuckass1 gape420 gay gay6 gaybj gayfuck2 gayfuck5 gaysuck2 goats3 gross kena kisshug55 kisshug56 kisshug57 powerbottom prolapse56 prolapse57 prolapse58 shit55 shithead takeit tubgirl3 vbutt wag".split(" ") }, L = "#0B0015 #140029 #1E003C #26004F #2C0060 #30006B #330078 #360082 #39008C #3C0096 #3B009F #3300A9 #2E00B0 #2B00B7 #2800BD #2300C7 #2406CF #230ED9 #1B11DF #1614E5 #0E19EC #072EF3 #0249F4 #0353F4 #025CF3 #0366F3 #0470F3 #027AF0 #0283F0 #028DF0 #0197EE #02A1EE #01AAED #02B4ED #01BDEC #02C6EB #02CDE9 #01D6E8 #01DDE6 #02E4E5 #01ECE3 #01F4E2 #02FBE1 #03FDD4 #06FBC5 #07FAB5 #0AFAA5 #09FA96 #09FB88 #07FB78 #06FC6B #07FC5C #05FC4F #04FC40 #04FD31 #03FD24 #02FE15 #01FE08 #10FD02 #25FC01 #39FB02 #4DFA01 #62FA02 #77F901 #8BF901 #A0F801 #B5F701 #C8F701 #DDF601 #F2F502 #FDEF01 #FCE601 #FDDD01 #FCD401 #FCCB01 #FCC201 #FDBA01 #FDB201 #FEA801 #FC9F01 #FD9601 #FD8D01 #FD8401 #FD7B02 #FD7301 #FD6A02 #FD6002 #FC5801 #FD4F02 #FD4602 #FD3D01 #FD3501 #FC2C01 #FD2301 #FD1901 #FC1102 #FD0A01 #FC1000 #F90B00 #F60401 #F30000 #F00001 #EC0000 #E90000 #E60000 #E30000 #E00000 #DC0000 #D90001 #D60000 #D10000 #CB0000 #C50000 #BB0000 #B20001 #A80000 #9E0000 #8F0000 #7A0000 #630000 #4F0000 #3C0000 #2D0000 #1F0000 #150000 #0D0000 #060000 #000000".split(" "), O = { aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#00ffff", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", azure: "#f0ffff", beige: "#f5f5dc", bisque: "#ffe4c4", black: "#000000", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", blue: "#0000ff", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", brown: "#a52a2a", burlywood: "#deb887", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#00ffff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkred: "#8b0000", darksalmon: "#e9967a", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", darkviolet: "#9400d3", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", dimgray: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", forestgreen: "#228b22", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gray: "#808080", green: "#008000", greenyellow: "#adff2f", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", indianred: "#cd5c5c", indigo: "#4b0082", ivory: "#fffff0", khaki: "#f0e68c", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lightblue: "#add8e6", lightcoral: "#f08080", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", lightgreen: "#90ee90", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightslategray: "#778899", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lime: "#00ff00", limegreen: "#32cd32", linen: "#faf0e6", magenta: "#ff00ff", maroon: "#800000", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", mediumblue: "#0000cd", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", mediumpurple: "#9370db", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#f5fffa", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", olive: "#808000", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", orchid: "#da70d6", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", palegreen: "#98fb98", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", palevioletred: "#db7093", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", peru: "#cd853f", pink: "#ffc0cb", plum: "#dda0dd", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", purple: "#800080", red: "#ff0000", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", royalblue: "#4169e1", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", salmon: "#fa8072", sandybrown: "#f4a460", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", sienna: "#a0522d", silver: "#c0c0c0", skyblue: "#87ceeb", slateblue: "#6a5acd", slategray: "#708090", snow: "#fffafa", springgreen: "#00ff7f", steelblue: "#4682b4", tan: "#d2b48c", teal: "#008080", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tomato: "#ff6347", turquoise: "#40e0d0", violet: "#ee82ee", wheat: "#f5deb3", white: "#ffffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", yellow: "#ffff00", yellowgreen: "#9acd32", chaturbatedarkbluebackground: "#d5ebf8", chaturbatedarkgreenbackground: "#99ff99", chaturbatelightbluebackground: "#f2f9fd", chaturbateorange: "#dc5500", hiliteblue: "#9999ff", hilitecyan: "#99ffff", hilitegreen: "#99ff99", hiliteorange: "#ffcc66", hilitepurple: "#ff99ff", hilitered: "#ff9999", hiliteyellow: "#ffff99" }, e = { b: "news", f: "rule", e: "promo" }, w = { q: "normal", i: "bold", p: "bolder" }, g = { G: "fyi", a: { h: "Messages", j: "Minutes", t: "Tips" }, u: { news: l("#d5ebf8"), rule: l("red"), promo: l("yellow") }, w: { news: l("#dc5500"), rule: l("white"), promo: l("red") }, C: { news: w.i, rule: w.i, promo: w.i }, D: 25, r: 60, F: 0, s: 9, o: function(a, c, d, e) { var f, g = arguments.length - 4; if (1 < g && -1 <, 4)) for (f = 0; f < g; f++) this["choice" + (f + 1)] = arguments[f + 4]; else for (g++, f = 0; f < g; f++) this["choice" + (f + 1)] = arguments[f + 3]; this.defaultValue = e; this.label = a; = c; null === d || d || (this.required = !!d); this.type = "choice" } }, fa = this, Y = null, y = null, E, aa = !1, R = !1, f = {}, z = 0, n, G = -1, x = !1, Z = {}, u, K = [], D = !0, ba = function c(d, e) { if (!(this instanceof c)) return new c(d, e); var f = this; M(function() { f.k || d() }, e) }; return { H: function() { y = (cb.settings.notice_label || "").replace(/\s*:\s*$/, ""); y.length && (y += ": "); cb.settings.hasOwnProperty("slot") && (Y = "#" + cb.settings.slot); E = "#0" === Y; f[e.b] = new F(e.b); f[e.f] = new F(e.f); f[e.e] = new F(e.e); z = cb.settings.rate; n = cb.settings.repeat_mode; u = "Yes" === cb.settings.block_spam; D = !u; C(); Auto2 = cb.settings.Auto2; ColorThanks15 = cb.settings.ColorThanks15; ColorThanks100 = cb.settings.ColorThanks100; ColorThanks500 = cb.settings.ColorThanks500; ColorThanks1000 = cb.settings.ColorThanks1000; Thanks1005 = cb.settings.Thanks1005; Thanks15 = cb.settings.Thanks15; Thanks16 = cb.settings.Thanks16; Thanks17 = cb.settings.Thanks17; Thanks18 = cb.settings.Thanks18; Thanks100 = cb.settings.Thanks100; Thanks500 = cb.settings.Thanks500; Thanks1000 = cb.settings.Thanks1000; ca(); x && N("#Deck the halls with greys of color, #Fa la la la la, la la la la.") }, I: function(c) { C.hasOwnProperty("count") && z && 5 * C.count < 4 * z && C(c.user) }, J: da, K: function() { n === g.a.t && C() }, d: g } }(); cb.settings_choices = [{ label: " Ohmibod's Levels? Notice1", minLength: 1, name: "news", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: "THE OhMiBod IS A SOUND SENSITIVE VIBRATOR THAT IS SET TO REACT TO YOUR TIPS. THERE ARE FIVE LEVELS OF INTENSITY \\n Level 1 - Tip (1-14) Sweet pleasure \\n Level 2 - Tip (15-99) Wet level \\n Level 3 - Tip (100-499) Oh YES, I love this toy \\n Level 4 - Tip (500-999) OMG! OMG! \\n Level 5 -Tip(1000+) Deep in my heart...and pussy" }, { label: "What style do you want for your 'Levels' Notice1? (use HTML color codes, Example: color:#190707 background-color:#F8E0E6)", minLength: r.d.s, name: "news_style", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: "color:#190707 background-color:#F8E0E6" }, { defaultValue: r.d.D, label: "After how many messages, minutes or tips do you want it to be repeated Notices?", maxValue: r.d.r, minValue: r.d.F, name: "rate", required: !1, type: "int" },{ label: "What Notice2 do you want repeated", minLength: 1, name: "rule", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: " :ohmibodinfo Panties that vibrates at the sound of Tips, Give me pleasure" }, { label: "What style do you want for your Notice2? (use HTML color codes)", minLength: r.d.s, name: "rule_style", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: "color:#190707 background-color:#F8E0E6" }, { label: "What notice3 do you want repeated?", minLength: 1, name: "promo", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: " :ohmibod7 \\n Make my WET with the SOUND of your TIPS!!!" }, { label: "What style do you want for your notice3? (use HTML color codes)", minLength: r.d.s, name: "promo_style", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: "color:#190707 background-color:#F8E0E6" },{ name: 'Auto2', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "***********Auto thank you active with tips?***********" },{ name: "ColorThanks15", label: "Notice color Thank you 15-99 Tks (html code default pink #FF00FF) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#FF00FF" },{ name: "Thanks15", label: "Random Thank you for 15 to 99 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Thank you for give me more pleasure, I love it!!" },{ name: "Thanks16", label: "Random Thank you for 15 to 99 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Thank you sweetheart, I love it!!" }, { name: "Thanks17", label: "Random Thank you for 15 to 99 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 2! I love the vibrations, thank you!!" }, { name: "Thanks18", label: "Random Thank you for 15 to 99 ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "Thank you!! :heart2 " },{ name: "ColorThanks100", label: "Notice color Thank you 100-499 Tks (html code default darkblue #0101DF) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#0101DF" }, { name: "Thanks100", label: "Thank you for 100 to 499 (the tipper name appears at the end of the message) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL3! Oh YES, You know how to make me moan, thank you!!" },{ name: "ColorThanks500", label: "Notice color Thank you 500-999 Tks (html code default red #FF0000) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#FF0000" }, { name: "Thanks500", label: "Thank you for 500 to 999 (the tipper's name appears at the end of the message) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 4! OMG! OMG! OMG! Don't stop please" }, { name: "ColorThanks1000", label: "Notice color Thank you 1000 or more Tks (html code default purple #8904B1) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "#8904B1" },{ name: "Thanks1000", label: "Thank you for 1000 or more (the tipper's name appears at the end of the message) ", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: !1, defaultValue: "LEVEL 5! Yeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!! , This is true love, thank you so much my love!!! " }]; cb.settings_choices.splice(2, 0, new(Function.prototype.bind.apply(r.d.o, [null, "Do you want the repeats to be based on messages, minutes or tips?", "repeat_mode", null].concat(Object.keys(r.d.a).map(function(l) { return r.d.a[l] }))))); cb.settings_choices.push(new r.d.o("In addition, would you like common forms of chat Spam to be blocked?", "block_spam", !1, "Yes", "No")); cb.settings_choices.push(new r.d.o("Multi-line Safe Mode (see bot Description for details)", "multi_line_safe", !1, "Disabled", "Enabled")); cb.settings_choices.push({ "default": r.d.G, label: "Custom Notice Label (the text will appear before Notices1, 2 & 3 and Auto-thank-you notices)", minLength: 1, name: "notice_label", required: !1, type: "str", defaultValue: "OhmiBod" }); cb.onEnter(function(l) { return r.I(l) }); cb.onMessage(function(l) { return r.J(l) }); cb.onTip(function(e) { n = e.from_user; var sndPlayTime = 1; if (e['amount'] >14 && e['amount'] <100) { if(e['amount']>15) { sndPlayTime = (3000+((e['amount']-15)*82))/1000; } else sndPlayTime=3; } if (e['amount'] >99 && e['amount']<500) { if(e['amount']>100) { sndPlayTime = (10000+((e['amount']-100)*50))/1000; } else sndPlayTime=10; } if (e['amount']>499 && e['amount']<1000) { if(e['amount']>500) { sndPlayTime = (30000+((e['amount']-500)*40))/1000; } else sndPlayTime=30; } if (e['amount']>999) { sndPlayTime=50; } var sndString = Math.round(sndPlayTime); var ramThanks = Math.round(Math.random()*10); if (cb.settings.Auto2 == 'yes'){ if (e['amount'] <=14) { cb.chatNotice("1 second of vibrations. (Bigger tips=Longer vibrations)",'','',ColorThanks15, 'bold'); } if (e['amount'] >14 && e['amount']<100 && ramThanks < 4) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks15 + " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations)",'','',ColorThanks15, 'bold'); } if (e['amount'] >14 && e['amount']<100 && ramThanks >= 4 && ramThanks <6) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks16+ " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations)",'','',ColorThanks15, 'bold'); } if (e['amount'] >14 && e['amount']<100 && ramThanks >= 6 && ramThanks <8) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks17+ " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations)",'','',ColorThanks15, 'bold'); } if (e['amount'] >14 && e['amount']<100 && ramThanks >= 8) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks18+ " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations)",'','',ColorThanks15, 'bold'); } if (e['amount'] >99 && e['amount']<500) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks100+ " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations) :heart2",'','',ColorThanks100, 'bold'); } if (e['amount']>499 && e['amount']<1000) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks500 + " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations) :heart2",'','',ColorThanks500, 'bold'); } if (e['amount']>999) { cb.chatNotice(Thanks1000 + + " (" + sndString + " seconds of vibrations) :heart3",'','',ColorThanks1000, 'bold'); } } }); r.H();
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