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/************************************************************* ** ** Title: Sammy's Castle ** By: Mark ** Version: 1.4.2 November 1st 2021 ** First Version: May 30th 2021 ** Description: Chat bot for use by skinnytinyy2 - ** Thank you to rickrickson, 4science, aety and adbadbubba for their code and/or inspiration. ** *************************************************************/ /* Features: - Sammy's-Castle members can use color and view level commands - model and mods can paint users with colors - allow mods/broadcaster to change foreground and background colors can use color names or hashcodes - Keeps track of all tips - Show tip scoreboard (all tips) - Announce top X tippers (public) - Send tippers lists to self (private) - Manage users in groups: Donkeys, Slaves, Princes, Lovers, Husbands, Lords - Allow Mods to use commands - Special user greetings - Greetings for group members - Gender Emotes (male, female, couple, trans) or custom icon for special users - User timeouts (forever or specified time) - Spam blocker, blocks advertisments from grey users - Auto timeout for grey that demand, ask for pm, ask to view cam, etc - Emote blocker for grey users - Select background colors for group users - Thank you note for tippers, custom message for certain tip amounts - Automatically add user to group for specific tip amounts and send reminder to model to add them in config - Flood control to stop timeout users from flooding the room with notices - 2 custom notifications with selectable time delay - Send public room notice - Send notice to all mods - Send private notice to broadcaster - If used by another model sends exclusive notice to them at startup, also tells each user as they enter - Ghost function lets silenced or banned users type through chat notices - Tip menu with custom colors, separator and settings - Roll the dice game - Rotating notifier */ /* * Setup vars */ var botVersion = "1.4.2"; var botDate = "November 1st, 2021"; var lastMessgeTime = 0; var lastMessageName = ""; var tippers = new Array(); var timeoutMessages = new Array(); var timeoutUsersArray = new Array(); var timeoutReleaseArray = new Array(); var slaveUsersArray = new Array(); var donkeyUsersArray = new Array(); var princeUsersArray = new Array(); var loverUsersArray = new Array(); var husbandUsersArray = new Array(); var lordUsersArray = new Array(); var ghostUsersArray = new Array(); var userColors = new Array(); var specialNames = new Array(); var tempString = ""; var tempNum = 0; var tempArray = new Array(); var modelName = cb.room_slug; var msgNotify = ""; var msgPublic = ""; var msgPrivate = ""; var msgModel = ""; var msgMod = ""; var markArrayColorD = "#0C2ED6"; var markArrayColor = markArrayColorD; var markArrayBackgroundD = "#FFFFFF"; var markArrayBackground = markArrayBackgroundD; var markArrayTag = 'Slave'; var sammyArrayColorD = "#0C2ED6"; var sammyArrayColor = sammyArrayColorD; var sammyArrayBackgroundD = "#FFFFFF"; var sammyrrayBackground = sammyArrayBackgroundD; var sammyArrayTag = 'Princesa'; var groupColor = "#FFFFFF"; var kumpekjekkenArrayColor = "#838181"; //var autoNotice1Text = ""; //var autoNotice2Text = ""; //var autoNotice3Text = ""; //var autoNotice4Text = ""; var botTrigger = "/sammybot"; var botTrigger2 = "/sb"; var timeoutReleaseInterval = 1; var modCommands = true; var userGreets = true; var genderEmotes = true; var allowGreyEmotes = true; var unmaskTimeout = false; // ALT --> var botMsgBg = '#BDDEDC'; var botMsgBg = '#FF00B4'; var botAlertBg = '#D32B2B'; var botNoteBg = '#99FF66'; var botGhostBg = '#EDEDED'; var botMsgText = '#FFF300'; // START VARIABLES FOR TIP MENU var COLOR = { DEFAULT: '#FFF300', BACKGROUND: '#FF00B4', WARNDARK: '#FFFFFF', WARNLIGHT: "#FF0000", HELP: "#35454F", }; var TIPMENU = { enable: true, size: 30, //enable: cb.settings.menu_enable === "Yes", onEntry: cb.settings.menuNoticeOnEntry === "Yes", short: cb.settings.chatNotice === 'Only display the short notice', timer: 0, sepChar: "| ", full: "", part1: "", part2: "", partToken: 1, prices: [], backupPrices: [], items: [], initToken: false, txtColor1: "", bgColor1: "", txtColor2: "", bgColor2: "", lenght: 0, requesters: [], request: [], sale: false, discount: 0, noticeView: ["hello_im_mark"], noticeViewLength: 2, help: "*** The command for the Tip Menu is: /sammybot tipmenu or /sb tipmenu ***", }; // END VARIABLES FOR TIP MENU // START VARIABLES FOR ROLL THE DICE GAME var rollprice = parseInt(cb.settings.tokens); var prizeCount = 13; var equalOdds = cb.settings.equal_odds == 'Yes'; var numberOfDie = equalOdds?1:2; var die = [ { die: 1, label: "One", sides: Math.floor((equalOdds? ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount-1:prizeCount) : ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount:prizeCount+1)/2)) }, { die: 2, label: "Two", sides: Math.ceil((equalOdds? ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount-1:prizeCount) : ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount:prizeCount+1)/2)) } ]; var perfectMults = cb.settings.perfect_multi == 'Yes'; var maxRollsPerTip = parseInt(cb.settings.max_rolls_at_once); var usingRares = cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes'; var minRollsForRare = parseInt(cb.settings.minimum_rolls); var rareChance = 1; //var message = msg.m.split(" "); // END VARIABLES FOR ROLL THE DICE GAME // START VARIABLES FOR THE ROTATING NOTIFIER var irotating = 0; var MAXITEMS = 10; // END VARIABLES FOR THE ROTATING NOTIFIER // var sendEmailMsg = 'If you didn\'t send your email address in the tip note, tip 1 token with your email address so your videos can be sent to you!'; // specialNames[0] = new Array('abigailstwart1',':hello88'); // specialNames[1] = new Array('abigailstwart1',':hello88'); timeoutMessages[1]= '[TIMEOUT] You\'re in timeout, other\'s can\'t see what you\'re typing.'; timeoutMessages[2]= '[TIMEOUT] Give it up no one can read what you\'re typing...'; timeoutMessages[3]= '[TIMEOUT] Keep typing no one can read it!'; timeoutMessages[4]= '[TIMEOUT] Why do you keeping typing? No one can see it!'; timeoutMessages[5]= '[TIMEOUT] Can\'t you read? You\'re in timeout, you can\'t type!'; /* * Settings */ cb.settings_choices = [ { name: 'allowGreyEmotes', type: 'choice', label: 'Allow GREY Graphics?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'genderEmotes', type: 'choice', label: 'Show gender of users in chat?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, // { name: 'autoNotice1', // label: 'Notification Message 1, use text and emotes', // type: 'str', // minLength: 0, // maxLength: 512, // required: false, // defaultValue: 'Do you want to be my slave? Or prince? Or lover? Or husband? Or lord? Tip the respective amounts and you can be mine!' // }, // { name: 'autoNotice1Interval', // label: 'Show Notification 1 Every x Minutes', // type: 'choice', // choice1: 2, // choice2: 5, // choice3: 8, // choice4: 10, // choice5: 12, // choice6: 15, // choice7: 20, // choice8: 25, // choice9: 30, // choice10: 45, // choice11: 60, // defaultValue: 25 // }, // { name: 'autoNotice2', // label: 'Notification Message 2, use text and emotes', // type: 'str', // minLength: 0, // maxLength: 512, // required: false, // defaultValue: 'Welcome to my room, don\'t forget to follow!' // }, // { name: 'autoNotice2Interval', // label: 'Show Notification 2 Every x Minutes', // type: 'choice', // choice1: 2, // choice2: 5, // choice3: 8, // choice4: 10, // choice5: 12, // choice6: 15, // choice7: 20, // choice8: 25, // choice9: 30, // choice10: 45, // choice11: 60, // defaultValue: 8 // }, // { name: 'autoNotice3', // label: 'Notification Message 3, use text and emotes', // type: 'str', // minLength: 0, // maxLength: 512, // required: false, // defaultValue: 'I now have an Onlyfans-Account: Follow me and subscribe to my content to see sexy photos and videos!' //}, //{ name: 'autoNotice3Interval', // label: 'Show Notification 3 Every x Minutes', // type: 'choice', // choice1: 2, // choice2: 5, // choice3: 8, // choice4: 10, // choice5: 12, // choice6: 15, // choice7: 20, // choice8: 25, // choice9: 30, // choice10: 45, // choice11: 60, // defaultValue: 15 //}, //{ name: 'autoNotice4', //label: 'Notification Message 4, use text and emotes', //type: 'str', //minLength: 0, //maxLength: 512, //required: false, //defaultValue: 'Miss me a lot when I am offline? Join my fan club and you can stay in contact with me every day via WhatsApp!' //}, //{ name: 'autoNotice4Interval', //label: 'Show Notification 4 Every x Minutes', //type: 'choice', // choice1: 2, // choice2: 5, // choice3: 8, // choice4: 10, // choice5: 12, //choice6: 15, //choice7: 20, //choice8: 25, //choice9: 30, //choice10: 45, //choice11: 60, // defaultValue: 30 //}, { name: 'modCommands', type: 'choice', label: 'Allow Moderators to use commands?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'userGreets', type: 'choice', label: 'Make special user announcements and emotes when they enter?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'slaveTag', label: '*** SLAVES *** *** *** Tag for Slave (non-tippers) users', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Slave]' }, { name: 'slaveList', label: 'List of Slave users, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: 'wanaplay55 cumin3 kumpekjekken_v2' }, { name: 'slaveColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Slave users', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Blue 0C2ED6', choice3: 'Red FF1F1F', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Rosa FF9FBF', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'Blue 0C2ED6' }, { name: 'donkeyTag', label: '*** DONKEYS *** *** *** Tag for Donkey (non-tippers) users', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Donkey]' }, { name: 'donkeyList', label: 'List of Donkey users, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: 'hi_mum_it_is_me_jxxxy crazyjempy' }, { name: 'donkeyColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Donkey users', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Blue 0C2ED6', choice3: 'Red FF1F1F', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Rosa FF9FBF', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'Orange FFD39B' }, { name: 'princeTag', label: '*** PRINCE *** *** *** Tag for Prince users', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Prince]' }, { name: 'princeList', label: 'List of Prince users, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'princeColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Prince users', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Blue 0C2ED6', choice3: 'Red FF1F1F', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Rosa FF9FBF', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'Red FF1F1F' }, { name: 'loverTag', label: '*** LOVERS *** *** *** Tag for Lovers users', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Lover]' }, { name: 'loverList', label: 'List of Lovers useres, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: 'hello_im_mark' }, { name: 'loverColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Lover users', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Blue 0C2ED6', choice3: 'Red FF1F1F', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Rosa FF9FBF', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'Rosa FF9FBF' }, { name: 'husbandTag', label: '*** HUSBANDS *** *** *** Tag for Husband users', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Husband]' }, { name: 'husbandList', label: 'List of Husband useres, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: 'dunnowhou' }, { name: 'husbandColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Husband users', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Blue 0C2ED6', choice3: 'Red FF1F1F', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Rosa FF9FBF', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'Gold WEEE8AA' }, { name: 'lordTag', label: '*** LORDS *** *** *** Tag for Lord users', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Lord]' }, { name: 'lordList', label: 'List of Lord useres, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'lordColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Lord users', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Blue 0C2ED6', choice3: 'Red FF1F1F', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Rosa FF9FBF', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'Cyan E0FFFF' }, // START ROTATING NOTIFIER CHOICES { name: 'NOTIFIERMENU', label: '------------------------------> ROTATING NOTIFIERS <---------------------------- ', required: false, type: 'choice' }, {name: 'msgonentry', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes', label: "Display Message 1 privately on entry - set to No for busy rooms"}, {name:'msg1', type:'str', required: true, label:'Message 1', defaultValue: 'Hello and welcome to my room, don\'t forget to follow and to say hello!'}, {name:'msg2', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 2', defaultValue: 'Do you want to be my slave? Or prince? Or lover? Or husband? Or lord? Tip the respective amounts and you can be mine!'}, {name:'msg3', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 3', defaultValue: 'I now have an Onlyfans-Account: Follow me and subscribe to my content to see sexy photos and videos!'}, {name:'msg4', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 4', defaultValue: 'Miss me a lot when I am offline? Join my fan club and you can stay in contact with me every day via WhatsApp!'}, {name:'msg5', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 5', defaultValue: 'Want to make me vibrate with my new toy, the Ferri? I also have Lush, Domi and Nora! Go ahead and tip, I can\'t wait! :)'}, {name:'msg6', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 6', defaultValue: ''}, {name:'msg7', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 7', defaultValue: ''}, {name:'msg8', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 8', defaultValue: ''}, {name:'msg9', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 9', defaultValue: ''}, {name:'msg10', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 10', defaultValue: ''}, {name:'msgcolor', type:'str', label:'Notice background color (default is green (standard of this bot) #99FF66)', defaultValue: '#99FF66'}, {name: 'chat_ad', type:'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 9, label: 'Delay in minutes between notices being displayed (minimum 1)'}, // END ROTATING NOTIFIER CHOICES // START TIP MENU CHOICES { name: 'MENU', label: '------------------------------> TIP MENU <---------------------------- ', required: false, type: 'choice' }, { name: 'sepchar', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Vertical Bar', choice2: 'Hearts', choice3: 'Glitter', choice4: 'Flowers', choice5: 'Pixelheart', choice6: 'Hearts2', choice7: 'Smiley', choice8: 'Text Heart', choice9: 'Text Diamond', choice10: 'Text Star', choice11: 'Custom', defaultValue: 'Pixelheart', label: "Separator character" }, { name: 'sepcharcustom', type: 'str', defaultValue: ':heart2', required: false, label: 'Custom Separator. It can be a GIF (Don\'t forget the ":") or a string of characters (&!&).' }, { name: 'menutxtcolor1', type: 'str', label: 'Text color (default gold #FFF300)', required: false, defaultValue: '#FFF300' }, { name: 'menubgcolor1', type: 'str', label: 'Background color (default pink #FF00B4)', required: false, defaultValue: '#FF00B4' }, { name: 'menuTimer', type: 'str', defaultValue: 13, label: 'How often the menu (or each part) will appear in chat. Can do decimals, e.g. 2.5 = 2 minutes 30 seconds.' }, { name: 'chatNotice', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Display the full menu', choice2: 'Only display the short notice', defaultValue: 'Display the full menu', label: "Do you want the notice to display the full menu or only the short notice ( i.e. Type '/sammybot tipmenu' or '/sb tipmenu' to see the menu)" }, { name: 'menuNoticeOnEntry', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes', label: "Display the full menu to users who enter the room?" }, { name: 'listSort', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Do not sort the list', choice2: 'Ascending', choice3: 'Descending', defaultValue: 'Ascending', label: "Do you want the list to be sorted by price?" }, { name: 'listSplit', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Do not split the list', choice2: 'Split the list in 2', defaultValue: 'Do not split the list', label: "If you have a very long list, Do you want the list to be split in 2?" }, { name: 'menutxtcolor2', type: 'str', required: false, label: 'You can pick the color for the split menu', defaultValue: '#FFF300' }, { name: 'menubgcolor2', type: 'str', required: false, label: 'Split menu background color', defaultValue: '#FF00B4' }, { name: 'item1', label: 'Item 1', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'kiss', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice1', label: 'Item 1 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 1, required: false }, { name: 'item2', label: 'Item 2', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'middle finger', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice2', label: 'Item 2 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 15, required: false }, { name: 'item3', label: 'Item 3', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'keep going', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice3', label: 'Item 3 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 16, required: false }, { name: 'item4', label: 'Item 4', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'spank x5', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice4', label: 'Item 4 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 17, required: false }, { name: 'item5', label: 'Item 5', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'if you like what you see', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice5', label: 'Item 5 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 20, required: false }, { name: 'item6', label: 'Item 6', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'kiss close to the camera', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice6', label: 'Item 6 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 24, required: false }, { name: 'item7', label: 'Item 7', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'dance sexy', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice7', label: 'Item 7 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 35, required: false }, { name: 'item8', label: 'Item 8', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'your name on my body', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice8', label: 'Item 8 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 40, required: false }, { name: 'item9', label: 'Item 9', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'flash boobs', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice9', label: 'Item 9 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 49, required: false }, { name: 'item10', label: 'Item 10', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'play ass', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice10', label: 'Item 10 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 50, required: false }, { name: 'item11', label: 'Item 11', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'play nipples', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice11', label: 'Item 11 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 55, required: false }, { name: 'item12', label: 'Item 12', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'if you wanna be my daddy', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice12', label: 'Item 12 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 65, required: false }, { name: 'item13', label: 'Item 13', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'show pussy', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice13', label: 'Item 13 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 80, required: false }, { name: 'item14', label: 'Item 14', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'spank x30', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice14', label: 'Item 14 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 100, required: false }, { name: 'item15', label: 'Item 15', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'strip', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice15', label: 'Item 15 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 120, required: false }, { name: 'item16', label: 'Item 16', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'instant naked', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice16', label: 'Item 16 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 150, required: false }, { name: 'item17', label: 'Item 17', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'fuck dildo in pvt', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice17', label: 'Item 17 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 200, required: false }, { name: 'item18', label: 'Item 18', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'cum show in pvt', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice18', label: 'Item 18 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 201, required: false }, { name: 'item19', label: 'Item 19', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'control lush, domi or nora in public (10 min.)', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice19', label: 'Item 19 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 400, required: false }, { name: 'item20', label: 'Item 20', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'squirt in pvt', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice20', label: 'Item 20 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 450, required: false }, { name: 'item21', label: 'Item 21', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'if you love me', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice21', label: 'Item 21 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 1000, required: false }, { name: 'item22', label: 'Item 22', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'for the university', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice22', label: 'Item 22 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 1111, required: false }, { name: 'item23', label: 'Item 23', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'off-day', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice23', label: 'Item 23 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 5000, required: false }, { name: 'item24', label: 'Item 24', type: 'str', defaultValue: 'dream-tip... will never happen', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice24', label: 'Item 24 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 15000, required: false }, { name: 'item25', label: 'Item 25', type: 'str', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice25', label: 'Item 25 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0, required: false }, { name: 'item26', label: 'Item 26', type: 'str', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice26', label: 'Item 26 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0, required: false }, { name: 'item27', label: 'Item 27', type: 'str', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice27', label: 'Item 27 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0, required: false }, { name: 'item28', label: 'Item 28', type: 'str', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice28', label: 'Item 28 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0, required: false }, { name: 'item29', label: 'Item 29', type: 'str', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice29', label: 'Item 29 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0, required: false }, { name: 'item30', label: 'Item 30', type: 'str', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'itemprice30', label: 'Item 30 price', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0, required: false }, // END TIP MENU CHOICES // START ROLL THE DICE GAME CHOICES { name: 'DICEMENU', label: '------------------------------> ROLL THE DICE GAME <---------------------------- ', required: false, type: 'choice' }, {name: 'settings_section_label', type:'choice', label:'################# Basic Settings #################', required: false}, { name: 'tokens', type: 'int', minValue: 1, label: 'How much do you want to charge per roll?', defaultValue: 43 }, { name: 'notice_wait_time', type: 'int', label: 'In minutes, how often should the bot advertise itself? (choosing 0 will never show the timer bot notices)', minValue: 0, defaultValue: 37 }, { name: 'blurb_size', type: 'choice', label: 'Size of the timed bot advertisement blurb.', choice1: 'Minimal Blurb', choice2: 'Short Blurb', choice3: 'Without "all" or Bot Name', choice4: 'Full Blurb', choice5: 'Off', defaultValue: 'Without "all" or Bot Name' }, { name: 'entry_blurb_size', type: 'choice', label: 'Size of the user entry advertisement blurb.', choice1: 'Minimal Blurb', choice2: 'Short Blurb', choice3: 'Without "all" or Bot Name', choice4: 'Full Blurb', choice5: 'Off', defaultValue: 'Full Blurb' }, { name: 'change_room_subject', type: 'choice', label: 'Change room subject when using this bot?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'No' }, {name: 'multirolls_subsection_label', type:'choice', label:'######### Multi Rolls #########', required: false}, { name: 'max_rolls_at_once', type: 'int', minValue: 1, label: 'Maximum number of rolls that can be tipped for in a single tip.', defaultValue: 3 }, { name: 'perfect_multi', type: 'choice', label: 'Require exact multiples of tip amount to roll the die? (if you charge 33 per roll, 66 will roll 2x but 69 won\'t)', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, {name: 'prizeodds_subsection_label', type:'choice', label:'######### Prize Odds #########', required: false}, { name: 'equal_odds', type: 'choice', label: 'Should all non-rare prizes have equal odds of being rolled? ("No" simulates rolling a pair of dice and "Yes" rolls a single die)', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'No' }, { name: 'last_prize_rare', type: 'choice', label: 'Should the last prize in the list be RARE? (RARE prizes will only show up after a minimum number of rolls have been rolled and should be significantly less likely than other prizes)', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'minimum_rolls', type: 'int', minValue: 0, label: 'Minimum number of rolls that must be rolled before RARE prizes can be won.', defaultValue: 10 }, { name: 'rare_chance_mult', type: 'choice', label: 'Multiplier for the chance of rolling rare prizes. Increase if rare prizes are too uncommon, Decrease if they\'re too common', choice1: '1/2x', choice2: '3/4x', choice3: '1x', choice4: '1.5x', choice5: '2x', choice6: '4x', choice7: '8x', defaultValue: '1/2x' }, {name: 'prize_section_label', type:'choice', label:'#################### Prizes ####################', required: false}, {name: 'prize_1', type: 'str', label: '(List possible prizes from most common to least.) Prize 1'}, {name: 'prize_2', type: 'str', label: '(if equal odds option is \'Yes\' order doesn\'t matter.) Prize 2'}, {name: 'prize_3', type: 'str', label: '(Fill prize spots in order from top to bottom.) Prize 3', required: false}, {name: 'prize_4', type: 'str', label: '(Leave the remaining fields blank to not use them.) Prize 4', required: false} // END ROLL THE DICE GAME CHOICES ]; /* * handle tips from users */ var totalTipped = 0; cb.onTip(function (tip) { var divStr = ""; var msgText = ""; var msgNotify = ""; var tipAmount = parseInt(tip['amount']); var name = tip['from_user']; var modelName = cb.room_slug; // is user in tipper array? if (!tippers[name]) { //nope add them tippers[name] = {username: name, tips: 0}; } if (!tippers[name].tips) { tippers[name].tips = 0; } tippers[name].tips += tipAmount; switch(tipAmount) { case 7500: result = addUser(lordUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { lordUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' is now ' + modelName + '\'s Lord!!! Thank you for your tip!'; msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to Lords in the bot config!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPublic = name + ' is already ' + modelName + '\'s Lord!!! Thank you for your tip!';; } else { msgPublic = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Lords. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case 5000: if (!userInArray (lordUsersArray, name)) { result = addUser(husbandUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { husbandUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' is now ' + modelName + '\'s Husband!!! Thank you for your tip!'; msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to Husbands in the bot config!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPublic = name + ' is already ' + modelName + '\'s Husband!!! Thank you for your tip!';; } else { msgPublic = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Husbands. Something went wrong!'; } } } else { msgPublic = name + ' already has a higher status than Husband! Status not changed. Thank you for your tip!'; } break; case 2000: if (!userInArray (lordUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (husbandUsersArray, name)) { result = addUser(loverUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { loverUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' is now ' + modelName + '\'s Lover!!! Thank you for your tip!'; msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to Lovers in the bot config!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPublic = name + ' is already ' + modelName + '\'s Lover!!! Thank you for your tip!';; } else { msgPublic = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Lovers. Something went wrong!'; } } } else { msgPublic = name + ' already has a higher status than Lover! Status not changed. Thank you for your tip!'; } break; case 1000: if (!userInArray (lordUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (husbandUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (loverUsersArray, name)) { result = addUser(princeUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { princeUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' is now ' + modelName + '\'s Prince!!! Thank you for your tip!'; msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' as a Prince in the bot config!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPublic = name + ' is already ' + modelName + '\'s Prince!!! Thank you for your tip!';; } else { msgPublic = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' as a Prince. Something went wrong!'; } } } else { msgPublic = name + ' already has a higher status than Prince! Status not changed. Thank you for your tip!'; } break; // case 222: // msgPublic = name + ' tipped 222 tokens for ALL videos!!! Thank you! Video links will be emailed to you shortly!'; // msgPrivate = sendEmailMsg; // break; // case 60: // msgPublic = name + ' tipped 60 tokens for one video (choose)! Thank you!'; // msgPrivate = sendEmailMsg; // break; default: msgPublic = 'Thank you ' + name + ' for your tip of ' + tipAmount; if (tipAmount == 1) { msgPublic += ' token!'; } else { msgPublic += ' tokens!'; } break; } // Output any notices or command results to user if (msgPrivate.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPrivate, name, botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPrivate = ""; } // Output any public notices or command results if (msgPublic.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } // Output any messages to the model if (msgModel.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgModel, modelName, botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgModel = ""; } // START ONTIP TIP MENU let u = tip.from_user; if (tip.is_anon_tip){ u = "anonymous user"; } let tipAmt = parseInt(tip.amount); if (TIPMENU.enable) { for (let i = 0; i < TIPMENU.lenght; i++) { if (tipAmt === TIPMENU.prices[i]) { TIPMENU.requesters.push(u); TIPMENU.request.push(TIPMENU.items[i]); cb.sendNotice(u + ' tipped for ***** ' + TIPMENU.items[i] + ' *****', '', TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); } } } // END ONTIP TIP MENU // START ONTIP ROLL THE DICE GAME MENU stats.tipCounter += tipAmount; if(tipAmount >= rollprice && (!perfectMults || ((tipAmount <= (maxRollsPerTip*rollprice)) && (tipAmount % rollprice === 0)))) { var rolls = Math.floor(tipAmount/rollprice); for(var i = 0; i < rolls; i++) { var username = "anonymous"; if(!tip.is_anon_tip) { username = tip.from_user; } roll(username, true); lastRoller = username; } } else { // not rolling the dice // var textColor = '#000000'; // var bgColor = '#D9FAD7'; cb.drawPanel(); } // END ONTIP ROLL THE DICE GAME MENU }); /* * handle user entrance messages */ cb.onEnter(function(user) { var lenOfSpecialNames = 0; var nameFound = false; var greeting = ''; var modelName = cb.room_slug; var name = user['user']; var isMod = user['is_mod']; var isFan = user['in_fanclub']; var isMark = (name == 'hello_im_mark'); var isReal = (cb.room_slug == 'skinnytinyy2'); var isModel = (name == cb.room_slug); var hasTokens = user['has_tokens']; var hasTipped = user['tipped_recently']; var isGrey = !(hasTokens || isMod || isModel || isFan); lenOfSpecialNames = specialNames.length; for(i=0; i < lenOfSpecialNames; i++) { if (specialNames[i][0] == name) { greeting = specialNames[i][1]; nameFound = true; break; } } if (nameFound && userGreets) { cb.sendNotice(greeting,'','#FFFFFF'); } else { if (userGreets) { if ( userInArray (princeUsersArray, user['user']) ) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Prince ' + user['user'] + ' to the room!','',princeColor,'','bold'); } else { if ( userInArray (slaveUsersArray, user['user']) ) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Slave ' + user['user'] + ' to the room!','',slaveColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(loverUsersArray, user['user'])) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Lover ' + user['user'] + ' to the room!','',loverColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(husbandUsersArray, user['user'])) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Husband ' + user['user'] + ' to the room!','',husbandColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(donkeyUsersArray, user['user'])) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Donkey ' + user['user'] + ' to the room!','',donkeyColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(lordUsersArray, user['user'])) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Lord ' + user['user'] + ' to the room!','',lordColor,'','bold'); } } } } } } // show notice if user is in timeout // if ( userInArray(timeoutUsersArray, user['user']) ) { // cb.sendNotice(user['user'] + ' is back, but still in timeout!','',botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); // } } } if (isMod) { cb.sendNotice(modWelcome(),user['user'],botAlertBg,'','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice('\nWelcome! Sammy\'s Castle Bot is running - Tip 1000 to be a Prince, 2000 to be my Lover, 5000 to be my Husband, or 7500 to be my Lord!\n\n',user['user'],botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); if (genderEmotes) { cb.sendNotice('Gender Emotes are enabled: :avatar_gen_male = Male User :avatar_gen_female = Female User\n :avatar_gen_couple = Couple User :avatar_gen_trans = Transgender User\n :avatar_gen_unknown = Gender Unknown\n\n',user['user'],'#ffffff','','bold'); } if (modelName != 'skinnytinyy2') { cb.sendNotice('\nThis is NOT Sammy\'s room!\nThis bot was created for Sammy\nVisit her room on CB!\n\n\n',user['user'],botAlertBg,'','bold'); } if (!allowGreyEmotes && isGrey) { cb.sendNotice('\nYou don\'t have any tokens. Use of emoticons for users without tokens and not part of the castle is not allowed at this time.\n\n\n',user['user'],botAlertBg,'','bold'); } } // START ONENTER TIP MENU let isModtm = (cb.room_slug === user.user || user.is_mod); if (TIPMENU.enable) { cb.sendNotice('Tip Menu Active! See the full menu at anytime by typing: /sammybot tipmenu or /sb tipmenu', user.user, TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); if (TIPMENU.onEntry) { cb.sendNotice(TIPMENU.full, user.user, TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); } } // END ONENTER TIP MENU // START ONENTER ROTATING NOTIFIER if (cb.settings['msgonentry'] == 'Yes') { cb.sendNotice('I\'m happy to see you, ' + user['user'] + '! ',user['user'],cb.settings['msgcolor'],'','bold'); cb.sendNotice(cb.settings['msg1'],user['user'],cb.settings['msgcolor'],'','bold'); } // END ONENTER ROTATING NOTIFIER }); /* * handle messages from users */ cb.onMessage(function(message) { var msg = message['m']; var groupTag = ''; var name = message['user']; var commandProcessed = false; var gender = message['gender']; var modelName = cb.room_slug; var isMod = message['is_mod']; var isFan = message['in_fanclub']; var isMark = (name == 'hello_im_mark'); var isReal = (cb.room_slug == 'skinnytinyy2'); var isModel = (name == cb.room_slug); var hasTokens = message['has_tokens']; var hasTipped = message['tipped_recently']; var isGrey = !(hasTokens || isMod || isModel || isFan); var divStr = ""; var tempAllowMsg = tempAllowMsg = "Only " + modelName; var userArray = new Array(); var userList = ""; var showOutput = true; var genderStr = ""; var isInGroup = false; if (modCommands) { tempAllowMsg = modelName + " and mods"; } helpMsg = tempAllowMsg + " may use the following commands (* needs to be enabled for mods):\n" // + botTrigger + " view [prince] = list of level users\n" + botTrigger + " useradd [prince] [username] = add username to level*\n" + botTrigger + " userdel [prince] [username] = delete username from level*\n" // + botTrigger + " check [username] = show what level a user is in\n" // + botTrigger + " mods [on/off] = turns on/off mod commands*\n" // + botTrigger + " greyemotes [on/off] = turns on/off grey emotes*\n" // + botTrigger + " note [message] = send a public message to chat\n" // + botTrigger + " sammyote [message] = send a private message to Sammy\n" // + botTrigger + " modnote [message] = send a private message to mods\n" // + botTrigger + " greets [on/off] = turns on/off level user greetings*\n" + botTrigger + " tips = shows all tippers since the latest bot-restart to all users\n" + botTrigger + " tips # = shows the top # tippers since the latest bot-restart to all users\n" + botTrigger + " tippers = shows all tippers since the latest bot-restart to yourself\n" + botTrigger + " tippers # = show top # tippers since the latest bot-restart to yourself\n" // + botTrigger + " colors [text] [bg] = change text and bg color\n" // + botTrigger + " colors reset = reset colors to b/w\n" // + botTrigger + " text [color] = change text color\n" // + botTrigger + " bg [color] = change background color\n" + botTrigger + " status = shows the bot status\n" + botTrigger + " tipmenu = shows the tipmenu to all users\n" + botTrigger + " prizes = shows all prizes to all users\n" // + botTrigger + " prizes all = shows all prizes to all users\n" + botTrigger + " winners = shows all winners to all users\n" // + botTrigger + " winners all = shows all winners to all users\n" + botTrigger + " dicestats = shows the dicestats to all users\n" // + botTrigger + " dicestats all = shows the dicestats to all users\n" + botTrigger + " diceroll = the broadcaster and the creator can roll the dice without tipping*\n" + "*** NOTE to the boradcaster: To make names stick in user groups, add them in the bot config."; // if user is in a group, add the group tag to their message // and change the background color if ( userInArray (princeUsersArray, name) ) { message['c'] = princeColor; groupTag = princeTag; groupColor = princeColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if ( userInArray (slaveUsersArray, name) ) { message['c'] = slaveColor; groupTag = slaveTag; groupColor = slaveColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(loverUsersArray, name)) { message['c'] = loverColor; groupTag = loverTag; groupColor = loverColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(husbandUsersArray, name)) { message['c'] = husbandColor; groupTag = husbandTag; groupColor = husbandColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(donkeyUsersArray, name)) { message['c'] = donkeyColor; groupTag = donkeyTag; groupColor = donkeyColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(lordUsersArray, name)) { message['c'] = lordColor; groupTag = lordTag; groupColor = lordColor; isInGroup = true; } } } } } } // handle commands if ( isModel || (isMod && (modCommands === true)) || isMark || isInGroup) { var activeBotTrigger = botTrigger; if (msg.indexOf(botTrigger2) > -1) { activeBotTrigger = botTrigger2; } if ((msg.indexOf(botTrigger) > -1) || (msg.indexOf(botTrigger2) > -1)) { msgParam1 = getParam(msg,' ',1); msgParam2 = getParam(msg,' ',2); msgParam3 = getParam(msg,' ',3); msgParam4 = getParam(msg,' ',4); var regexCommandSplit = '^' + activeBotTrigger + ' (\\S+)(?:\\b\\s*)(.*)?'; var regexListSplit = /[,\s]+/; var reCmdSplit = new RegExp(regexCommandSplit); var cmdSplit = msg.match(reCmdSplit); var cmd; var cmdval; var cmdValArray; switch(msgParam1) { case 'help': message['X-Spam'] = true; divStr = makeDiv('_',50,50); msgPrivate = divStr + '\nSammy\'s Castle Bot ver ' + botVersion + '\nCreated by Mark\n' + divStr + '\n'; msgPrivate += helpMsg + '\n' + divStr; break; case 'tips': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (!msgParam2) { msgParam2 = 0; } msgPublic = getTippers(msgParam2); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the tips!'; } break; // case 'tips': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // if (!msgParam2) { // msgParam2 = 0; // } // msgPublic = getTippers(msgParam2); // break; case 'tippers': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (!msgParam2) { msgParam2 = 0; } msgPrivate = getTippers(msgParam2); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the tippers!'; } break; // case 'tippers': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // if (!msgParam2) { // msgParam2 = 0; // } // msgPrivate = getTippers(msgParam2); // break; // case 'notice': // case 'note': // case 'modnote': // case 'modnotice': // case 'sammynote': // case 'sammynotice': // case 'n': // case 'markArrayTag': // case 'sammyArrayTag': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // // if ( cmdSplit ) { // cmdval = cmdSplit[2]; // if ( cmdval != null ) { // cmdval = cmdval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); // } // // contains message. who do we send it to? // switch(msgParam1) { // // case 'markArraytag': // if (isMark) { // markArrayTag = cmdval; // } // break; // // case 'sammyArraytag': // if (isModel) { // sammyArrayTag = cmdval; // } // break; // // case 'notice': // case 'note': // case 'n': // msgPublic = '*** ' + name + ' says: ' + cmdval + ' ***'; // break; // // case 'sammynote': // case 'sammynotice': // msgModel = '*** Private notice from ' + name + ': ' + cmdval + ' ***'; // msgPrivate = 'Your message was sent to ' + modelName + '...'; // break; // // case 'modnote': // case 'modnotice': // msgMod = '*** Moderator notice from ' + name + ': ' + cmdval + ' ***'; // msgPrivate = 'Your message was sent to the moderators...'; // break; // // } // } // break; // START ONMESSAGE TIP MENU case 'tipmenu': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; // is user color array msgPublic = TIPMENU.full; } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods, and the creator can display the tipmenu!'; } break; // case 'tipmenu': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // for (let i = 0; i < TIPMENU.noticeViewLength; i++) { // if (name !== TIPMENU.noticeView[i]) { // msgPublic = name + ' requested the tip menu.' + TIPMENU.noticeView[i]; // cb.sendNotice(name + " requested the tip menu.", TIPMENU.noticeView[i]); // } // } // if (isMod && msg[0] === "/tipmenu" || isMod && msg[0] === "/menu") { // name = ''; // } // msgPublic = TIPMENU.full; // + TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold' // break; // return message; // END ONMESSAGE TIP MENU // START ONMESSAGE ROLL THE DICE GAME MENU case 'dicehelp': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; adBlurb('Full Blurb', msg.user); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the info for roll the dice!'; } break; // case 'dicehelp': // msg["X-Spam"] = true; // Don't print command messages to chat. // msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; // if(message[1] == 'all' && isPrivileged(msg))adBlurb('Full Blurb'); // else adBlurb('Full Blurb', msg.user); // break; case 'winners': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; winnersBlurb(msg.user); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the winners!'; } break; // case 'winners': // msg["X-Spam"] = true; // msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; // if(message[1] == 'all' && isPrivileged(msg))winnersBlurb(); // else winnersBlurb(msg.user); // break; case 'prizes': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; prizesBlurb(msg.user); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the prizes!'; } break; // case 'prizes': // msg["X-Spam"] = true; // msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; // if(message[1] == 'all' && isPrivileged(msg))prizesBlurb(); // else prizesBlurb(msg.user); // break; case 'dicestats': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; statsBlurb(msg.user); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the dicestats!'; } break; // case 'dicestats': // msg["X-Spam"] = true; // msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; // if(message[1] == 'all' && isPrivileged(msg))statsBlurb(); // else statsBlurb(msg.user); // break; // case 'diceroll': // if(msg.user == cb.room_slug || (allow_mod_rolls && isPrivileged(msg))) { // msg["X-Spam"] = true; // msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; // // var times_to_roll = 1; // if(message.length > 1) { // times_to_roll = Math.min(parseInt(message[1]), maxRollsPerTip); // } // // while(times_to_roll > 0) { // roll(msg.user, false); // --times_to_roll; // } // } else if(msg.is_mod === true && !allow_mod_rolls) { // msg["X-Spam"] = true; // msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #FF6666, #FFFFFF)"; // cb.sendNotice('This model has not allowed mods to use /diceroll.\nThe setting "Allow mods to use the /diceroll command?" needs to be set to "Yes".', msg.user, 'linear-gradient(to right, #FF6666, #FFFFFF)', '#000000', 'bold'); // } // break; case 'diceroll': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg.background = "linear-gradient(to right, #CCCCCC, #FFFFFF)"; var times_to_roll = 1; if(message.length > 1) { times_to_roll = Math.min(parseInt(message[1]), maxRollsPerTip); } while(times_to_roll > 0) { roll(msg.user, false); --times_to_roll; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster and the creator can roll the dice without tipping!'; } break; default: break; // END ONMESSAGE ROLL THE DICE GAME MENU case 'checktimeouts': releaseTimeouts(); break; case 'paint': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; // is user color array if (!userColors[msgParam2]) { //nope add them userColors[msgParam2] = {username: msgParam2, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; } if (!userColors[msgParam2].fgColor) { userColors[msgParam2].fgColor = '#333333'; } if (!userColors[msgParam2].bgColor) { userColors[msgParam2].bgColor = '#ffffff'; } if (msgParam3 == 'reset' || msgParam3 == 'default') { delete userColors[msgParam2]; } else { userColors[msgParam2].fgColor = msgParam3; if (msgParam4) { userColors[msgParam2].bgColor = msgParam4; } } msgPrivate = "Changed color for user " + msgParam2 + "!"; cb.sendNotice(name + ' changed your colors!',msgParam2,botAlertBg,'','bold'); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods, and the creator can paint other users!'; } break; // case 'colors': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // // is user color array // if (!userColors[name]) { // //nope add them // userColors[name] = {username: name, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; // } // if (!userColors[name].fgColor) { // userColors[name].fgColor = '#333333'; // } // if (!userColors[name].bgColor) { // userColors[name].bgColor = '#ffffff'; // } // // if (msgParam2 == 'reset' || msgParam2 == 'default') { // delete userColors[name]; // } // else { // userColors[name].fgColor = msgParam2; // // if (msgParam3) { // userColors[name].bgColor = msgParam3; // } // } // msgPrivate = "Your Colors have been changed!"; // break; // case 'color': // case 'text': // case 'fgcolor': // case 'fg': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // // is user color array // if (!userColors[name]) { // //nope add them // userColors[name] = {username: name, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; // } // if (!userColors[name].fgColor) { // userColors[name].fgColor = '#333333'; // } // if (!userColors[name].bgColor) { // userColors[name].bgColor = '#ffffff'; // } // // if (msgParam2 == 'reset' || msgParam2 == 'default') { // delete userColors[name]; // } // else { // userColors[name].fgColor = msgParam2; // } // msgPrivate = "Your text color has been changed!"; // break; // case 'background': // case 'bg': // case 'bgcolor': // message['X-Spam'] = true; // // is user color array // if (!userColors[name]) { // //nope add them // userColors[name] = {username: name, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; // } // if (!userColors[name].fgColor) { // userColors[name].fgColor = '#333333'; // } // if (!userColors[name].bgColor) { // userColors[name].bgColor = '#ffffff'; // } // // if (msgParam2 == 'reset' || msgParam2 == 'default') { // delete userColors[name]; // } // else { // userColors[name].bgColor = msgParam2; // } // msgPrivate = "Your background color has been changed!"; // break; case 'view': case 'show': case 'list': // which user array do we need to display? var showOutput = true; message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "ghost": userArray = ghostUsersArray; break; case "timeout": userArray = timeoutUsersArray; break; case "princes": case "prince": userArray = princeUsersArray; break; case "slaves": case "slave": userArray = slaveUsersArray; break; case "donkeys": case "donkey": userArray = donkeyUsersArray; break; case "lovers": case "lover": userArray = loverUsersArray; break; case "husband": case "husbands": userArray = husbandUsersArray; break; case "lord": case "lords": userArray = lordUsersArray; break; default: showOutput = false; msgPrivate = "You must provide a group name to list: donkeys princes slaves lovers husbands lords"; break; } if (showOutput === true) { userList = getUsers(userArray); arrayProperName = msgParam2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + msgParam2.substring(1); if (userList.length > 1) { divStr = makeDiv('_',userList.length,50); msgPrivate = divStr + '\n' + arrayProperName + ' Users\n'; msgPrivate += userList; msgPrivate += '\n' + divStr; } else { msgPrivate = 'No ' + arrayProperName + ' users found!'; } if (!isModel) { msgModel = name + ' viewed the list ' + arrayProperName + ' Users.'; } } break; case 'useradd': case 'adduser': case 'add': case 'a': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; var validSyntax = true; // check that we got 3 parameters if (msgParam3) { // which user array are we updating? switch(msgParam2) { case "timeout": case "t": case "to": result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { timeoutUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' put ' + msgParam3 + ' in timeout!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; if (msgParam4 ) { // command has number of minutes result2 = addReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, msgParam3, msgParam4); if (result2 instanceof Array) { timeoutReleaseArray = result2; minutes = 'minutes'; if (msgParam4 == '1') minutes = 'minute'; msgPublic = name + ' put ' + msgParam3 + ' in timeout for ' + msgParam4 + ' ' + minutes + '!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to put user ' + msgParam3 + ' in timeout they are already scheduled for release!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to release schedule. Something went wrong!'; } } } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to put user ' + msgParam3 + ' in timeout they are already in timeout!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to timeout. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "ghost": result = addUser(ghostUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { ghostUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Ghosts!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already in Ghosts!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Ghosts. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "princes": case "prince": result = addUser(princeUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { princeUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Princes!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to the Prince list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a Prince!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a Prince. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "slaves": case "slave": result = addUser(slaveUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { slaveUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Slaves!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Slaves in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already in Slaves!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Slaves. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "donkeys": case "donkey": result = addUser(donkeyUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { donkeyUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Donkeys!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Donkeys in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already in Donkeys!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Donkeys. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "lovers": case "lover": result = addUser(loverUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { loverUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Lovers!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Lovers in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already in Lovers!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Lovers. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "husband": case "husbands": result = addUser(husbandUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { husbandUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Husbands!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Husbands in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already in Husbands!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Husbands. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "lord": case "lords": result = addUser(lordUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { lordUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Lords!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Lords in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already in Lords!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Lords. Something went wrong!'; } } break; default: validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You didn\'t supply a valid group to add the user to. Valid groups are:\n'; msgPrivate += 'donkey prince slave lover husband lord ... choose only one.'; break; } } else { validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You must provide the group and the username you wish to add. For example,\n' + botTrigger + ' adduser prince someusername\n'; msgPrivate += 'or ' + botTrigger + ' adduser husband someuser'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the brodcaster, mods, and the creator can add users to groups!'; } if (validSyntax === true) { message['X-Spam'] = true; } break; case 'userdel': case 'deluser': case 'delete': case 'remove': case 'd': case 'del': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; var validSyntax = true; // check that we got 3 parameters if (msgParam3) { // which user array are we updating? switch(msgParam2) { case "timeout": case "t": case "to": result = delUser(timeoutUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { timeoutUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' released ' + msgParam3 + ' from timeout!!'; // delete any release time result2 = delReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, msgParam3); } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from timeout because they are not in timeout!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from timeout. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "princes": case "prince": result = delUser(princeUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { princeUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Prince list!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Prince list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a Prince!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a Prince. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "ghost": result = delUser(ghostUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { ghostUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Ghost list!'; } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in Ghosts!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Ghosts. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "slaves": case "slave": result = delUser(slaveUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { slaveUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Slaves!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Slaves in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in Slaves!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Slaves. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "donkeys": case "donkey": result = delUser(donkeyUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { donkeyUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Donkeys!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Donkeys in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in Donkeys!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Donkeys. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "lovers": case "lover": result = delUser(loverUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { loverUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Lovers!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Lovers in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in Lovers!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Lovers. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "husband": case "husbands": result = delUser(husbandUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { husbandUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Husbands!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Husbands in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in Husbands!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Husbands. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "lord": case "lords": result = delUser(lordUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { lordUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Lords!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Lords in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in Lords!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Lords. Something went wrong!'; } } break; default: validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You didn\'t supply a valid group to remove the user from. Valid groups are:\n'; msgPrivate += 'donkey prince slave lover husband lord ... choose only one.'; break; } } else { validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You must provide the group and the username you wish to remove. For example,\n' + botTrigger + ' deluser prince someusername\n'; msgPrivate += 'or ' + botTrigger + ' deluser husband someuser'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods, and the creator can remove users from groups!'; } if (validSyntax === true) { message['X-Spam'] = true; } break; case 'check': message['X-Spam'] = true; if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; groupList = checkUser(msgParam2); msgPrivate = 'User ' + msgParam2 + ' found in: ' + groupList; } break; case 'modcommands': case 'mods': if(isModel || isMark) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": modCommands = true; msgPublic = name + ' has enabled Moderator commands!'; break; case "off": modCommands = false; msgPublic = name + ' has disabled Moderator commands!'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' modcommands off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' modcommands on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster and the creator can enable or disable mod commands!'; } break; case 'unmask': case 'unmasktimeout': if(isMark) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": unmaskTimeout = true; msgPrivate = 'Timeout messages will be sent to you for debugging...'; break; case "off": unmaskTimeout = false; msgPrivate = 'Timeout unmasking disabled...'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' unmask off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' unmask on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the creator can use the unmask command!'; } break; case 'greyemote': case 'greyemotes': case 'grayemote': case 'grayemotes': case 'emotes': case 'emote': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": allowGreyEmotes = true; msgPublic = name + ' has enabled grey emotes!'; break; case "off": allowGreyEmotes = false; msgPublic = name + ' has disabled grey emotes!'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greyemotes off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greyemotes on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can disable or enable grey emotes!'; } break; case 'greets': case 'greetings': if(isModel || isMark) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": userGreets = true; msgPublic = name + ' has enabled User Greetings!'; break; case "off": userGreets = false; msgPublic = name + ' has disabled User Greetings!'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greets off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greets on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster and the creator can enable or disable user greetings!'; } break; case 'status': case 'announce': if (isMark || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msgPrivate = announceBot(); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only the broadcaster, mods and the creator can display the bot status!'; } break; // case "status": // case "announce": // message['X-Spam'] = true; // msgPrivate = announceBot(); // break; // default: // message['X-Spam'] = true; // msgPrivate = 'You must provide a command. Type ' + botTrigger + ' help\n get a list of options.'; // break; } // Output any notices or command results to user if (msgPrivate.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPrivate, name, botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPrivate = ""; } // Output any public notices or command results if (msgPublic.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } // Output any messages to the mods if (msgMod.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgMod,'', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold','red'); msgMod = ""; } // Output any messages to the model if (msgModel.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgModel, modelName, botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgModel = ""; } } } // see if user envoked emotes that should be removed (no grey emotes) if (!isInGroup && !isMark && !isModel && !allowGreyEmotes && isGrey) { //user is grey, is not in a group, not Mark, not model and grey emotes are not allowed if (msg.indexOf(':') > -1) { //colon found, replace all with _ msg = msg.replace(/:([^\s]+)/g,"[blocked emote]"); } } var inTimeout = userInArray(timeoutUsersArray, name); if (!isInGroup && !isMark && !isModel && isGrey && !inTimeout) { // check for specific known advertisements if (isWordInString("premium cheat",msg) || isWordInString("tokens generator",msg) || isWordInString("token generator",msg) || isWordInString("premiumcheat",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('*Time Out ' + name + ' said ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked advertisement]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for advertising web sites!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } else { if (isWordInString("erotimo",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('*Time Out ' + name + ' said ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked advertisement]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for advertising web sites!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } else { // PROTECTION FROM ADVERTISEMENT-BOTS! if (isWordInString("freelive",msg) || isWordInString("freewebcam",msg) || isWordInString("",msg) || isWordInString("xtoy24",msg) || isWordInString("jerk off with random lady",msg) || isWordInString("Boys go to 𝖿𝘢p",msg) || isWordInString("𝖼2𝖼𝚜ex.𝘭ive",msg) || isWordInString("xtease",msg) || isWordInString("xtease",msg) || isWordInString("mastu𝑟bate a𝑙one",msg) || isWordInString("c𝑢ms𝗁ow.o𝗇li𝗇e",msg) || isWordInString("his kink",msg) || isWordInString("𝘩orny.s𝘩ow",msg) || isWordInString("s𝑙ave.𝑐hat",msg) || isWordInString("EllaGoCam",msg) || isWordInString("my cam",msg) || isWordInString("watch me c",msg) || isWordInString("c2c",msg) || isWordInString("open cam",msg) || isWordInString(".com ",msg) || isWordInString("dot com",msg) || isWordInString("dot net",msg) || isWordInString(".net",msg) || isWordInString(".net",msg) || isWordInString("wa𝗇𝗇a meet",msg) || isWordInString("daddysgirl",msg) || isWordInString("M𝖾𝖾t hot",msg) || isWordInString("hot 𝘭ady",msg) || isWordInString("𝑐umming",msg) || isWordInString("livecams",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('*Time Out ' + name + ' said ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked advertisement]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for advertising web sites!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } } } // check for message that contain ".com " "dot com" " com " - Update: Used above, just left here in case it is needed again in the future. if (isWordInString("jhgkjhfkjfkf6fjhf",msg) || isWordInString("f76ifkuzfiuzfuzfufz",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('*Time Out ' + name + ' said ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked website]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for posting a web address! Don\'t put web sites in chat!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } else { // check for demands if (isWordInString("show ",msg) || isWordInString("open tits",msg) || isWordInString("open bobs",msg) || isWordInString("open tits",msg) || isWordInString("fuck pussy",msg) || isWordInString("open pussy",msg) || isWordInString("pussy baby",msg) || isWordInString("open ass",msg) || isWordInString("fuck your",msg) || isWordInString("fuck ur",msg) || isWordInString("open you ",msg) || isWordInString("open your ",msg) || isWordInString("open ur",msg) || isWordInString("spread",msg) || isWordInString("stick",msg) || isWordInString("fart",msg) || isWordInString("poo",msg) || isWordInString("pee",msg) || isWordInString("peeing",msg) || isWordInString("lick",msg) || isWordInString("asshole",msg) || isWordInString("cunt",msg) || isWordInString("bb",msg) || isWordInString("bby",msg) || isWordInString("mami",msg) || isWordInString("babby",msg) || isWordInString("wide",msg) || isWordInString("tiny tits",msg) || isWordInString("tiny boobs",msg) || isWordInString("tiny titties",msg) || isWordInString("tiny breasts",msg) || isWordInString("small tits",msg) || isWordInString("small boobs",msg) || isWordInString("small titties",msg) || isWordInString("small breasts",msg) || isWordInString("flat",msg) || isWordInString("prvt",msg) || isWordInString("fuck u",msg) || isWordInString("fuck you",msg) || isWordInString("skinnytinyy2",msg) || isWordInString("zoom",msg) || isWordInString("vagina",msg) || isWordInString("cock",msg) || isWordInString("inch",msg) || isWordInString("penis",msg) || isWordInString("bitch",msg) || isWordInString("slut",msg) || isWordInString("whore",msg) || isWordInString("ugly",msg) || isWordInString("fist",msg) || isWordInString("squirt",msg) || isWordInString("twerk",msg) || isWordInString("stand up",msg) || isWordInString("mmmmm",msg) || isWordInString("open bust",msg) || isWordInString("pm me",msg) || isWordInString("open pm",msg) || isWordInString("to pm",msg) || isWordInString("pm?",msg) || isWordInString("pm bb",msg) || isWordInString("pm bby",msg) || isWordInString("send pm",msg) || isWordInString("cum",msg) || isWordInString("open boobs",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('*Time Out ' + name + ' said ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked message]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); result2 = addReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, name, 2); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for 2 minutes for demanding or being disrespectful! This behaviour is not tolerated here!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } else { // check for PM requests - Update: Used above, just left here in case it is needed again in the future. if (isWordInString("jfd65djzthdjthd",msg) || isWordInString("rdu65dgzdjd",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('*Time Out ' + name + ' said ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked message]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); result2 = addReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, name, 1); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for 1 minute for requesting a private message! NO PM! Type in chat!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } else { // check for view cam requests - Update: Used above, just left here in case it is needed again in the future. if (isWordInString("kjfkjgfkgffkghfkhgf6",msg) || isWordInString("6ff67zfkfk",msg)) { if (unmaskTimeout) { cb.sendNotice('[UNMASKED] ' + name + ' said: ' + msg,'hello_im_mark',botAlertBg,'','bold'); } message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked message]'; result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, name); result2 = addReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, name, 1); msgPublic = 'SammyBot put ' + name + ' in timeout for 1 minute for begging Sammy to view their cam! She doesn\'t want to see your tiny pula!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } } } } } else { if (inTimeout) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[blocked message]'; msgPublic = ""; } } // apply group tags if (name == 'addusernameifnecessaryhere') { msg = '[Add Custom Group Tag Here]' + ' ' + msg; } else { if (groupTag) { msg = groupTag + ' ' + msg; } } // if gender emotes are enabled, prefix message with correct gender if (genderEmotes) { switch (gender) { case 'm': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_male'; break; case 'f': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_female'; break; case 's': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_trans'; break; case 'c': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_couple'; break; default: genderStr = ':avatar_gen_unknown'; break; } // special user icons // if (isMark) { // genderStr= ':avatar_gen_male [' + markArrayTag + ']'; // message['background'] = markArrayBackground; // message['c'] = markArrayColor; // } if (isMark) { genderStr= ':nomoneyicon'; message['background'] = markArrayBackground; message['c'] = markArrayColor; } // if (isModel) { // genderStr = ':icon99'; // } if (isModel) { genderStr = ':icon99 [Princesa]'; // message['background'] = sammyArrayBackground; // message['c'] = sammyArrayColor; } if (name == 'hi_mum_it_is_me_jxxxy') { genderStr = ':donkeyicon1'; } if (name == 'crazyjempy') { genderStr = ':donkeyicon1'; } if (name == 'kumpekjekken_v2') { // genderStr = ':donkeyicon1'; message['c'] = kumpekjekkenArrayColor; } msg = genderStr + ' ' + msg; } // show notice if user is in timeout if ( userInArray(timeoutUsersArray, name) ) { thisMessageTime = (new Date).getTime(); // simple trottle timeout message output to keep users from flooding room if ( (lastMessageName == name && (thisMessageTime > (lastMessgeTime + 4000))) || lastMessageName != name ) { selectedTimeoutMessage = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; msg = timeoutMessages[selectedTimeoutMessage]; lastMessgeTime = (new Date).getTime(); lastMessageName = name; } else { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = ""; cb.sendNotice("Timeout Flood Protector Enabled! Message Blocked! Stop trying to flood the room! [only you are seeing this]", name, botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); } } else { if ( userInArray(ghostUsersArray, name) ) { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[Ghost] ' + name + ' says: ' + message['m']; cb.sendNotice(msg,'', botGhostBg,'','bold'); } } // does user have modified colors if (!userColors[name]) { // do nothing } else { // apply colors to message if in color array if (userColors[name].fgColor) { message['c'] = userColors[name].fgColor; } if (userColors[name].bgColor) { message['background'] = userColors[name].bgColor; } } // return final altered message message['m'] = msg; return message; }); //end onMessage /* * bot functions */ /* * return string of tippers to display * can limit number of tippers returned to show only top 10, top 5 etc. */ function getTippers(topNumber) { var topTippers = new Array(); var tempTippers = objectToArray(tippers); var output = ''; tempTippers.sort(dynamicSort('-tips')); if (topNumber > 0) { topTippers = tempTippers.slice(0,topNumber); if (topTippers.length == 1) { output = '\nTop Tipper'; } else { output = '\nTop ' + topTippers.length + ' Tippers'; } } else { topTippers = tempTippers; output = '\nAll Tippers'; } if (topTippers.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < topTippers.length; i++) { output += '\n' + topTippers[i].username + ': ' + topTippers[i].tips; } } else { output = '\nThere have been no tippers since the bot started!\n'; } return output + '\n'; } /* * check if a word or phrase is in a string */ function isWordInString(word,str) { var re = new RegExp(word,"i"); var n =; if (n > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * add a user to the release array */ function addReleaseTime(userArray, username, timeoutMinutes) { var userArrayLength = userArray.length; username = username.toLowerCase(); // check if username is in userarray usernameExists = userInReleaseArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return "duplicate"; // username found in array, return duplicate } else { // add username to array currentEpoch = (new Date).getTime(); userArray[userArrayLength] = new Array(username,currentEpoch + (timeoutMinutes * 60000)); //userArray[userArrayLength][0] = username; //userArray[userArrayLength][1] = currentEpoch + timeoutMinutes * 60000; // check to see that addition of user worked usernameExists = userInReleaseArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return userArray; // it worked, return the array } else { return "failed"; // failed, return failed } } } function delReleaseTime(userArray, username) { var releaseArrayLength = userArray.length; var userElement = -1; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userInReleaseArray(userArray, username)) { userElement = getRelaseArrayElement(userArray, username); if (userElement > -1) { tempArray = removeArrayElement(userArray, userElement); if (!userInReleaseArray(userArray, username)) { // user was removed return tempArray; } else { // user was not removed, failed return "failed"; } } else { //user element was not in array for some reason return "failed"; } } else { return 'notfound'; } } /* * remove users from timeout if their time has expired */ function releaseTimeouts() { // set current epoch time currentEpoch = (new Date).getTime(); //loop through all elements in timeout release array for (i = 0; i < timeoutReleaseArray.length; i++) { if (timeoutReleaseArray[i][1] < currentEpoch) { username = timeoutReleaseArray[i][0]; delUser(timeoutUsersArray, username); msgPublic += "User " + username + " has been released from timeout!\n"; delReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, username); } } // setup next check call cb.setTimeout(releaseTimeouts, timeoutReleaseInterval * 60000); if (msgPublic) { cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); msgPublic = ""; } } /* * display notification message and start interval timer */ //function displayNotification1() { // cb.sendNotice(autoNotice1Text,'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); // cb.setTimeout(displayNotification1, cb.settings.autoNotice1Interval * 60000); //} // //function displayNotification2() { // cb.sendNotice(autoNotice2Text,'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); // cb.setTimeout(displayNotification2, cb.settings.autoNotice2Interval * 60000); //} // //function displayNotification3() { // cb.sendNotice(autoNotice3Text,'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); // cb.setTimeout(displayNotification3, cb.settings.autoNotice3Interval * 60000); //} // //function displayNotification4() { // cb.sendNotice(autoNotice4Text,'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); // cb.setTimeout(displayNotification4, cb.settings.autoNotice4Interval * 60000); //} /* * return parameter value from a message string * Req: msgString = full message as string * Req: splitChr = character to split on (usually space) * Req: paramNumber = number of the parameter to return (first is 0) * Return: paramValue = value of the requested parameter */ function getParam(msgString,splitChr,paramNumber) { var tempArray = new Array(); tempArray = msgString.split(splitChr); paramValue = tempArray[paramNumber]; return paramValue; } /* * build a variable length divider from a character * Req: divChr = the character to use for the divier, ie: _ - * * Req: strLen = length of the data to be divided (lenth of a string, or fixed) * Req: maxDivLen = the max number of characters the div can grow to * Return: divStr = string of repeated character that make the divider */ function makeDiv(divChr, strLen, maxDivLen) { var divLen = 0; var divStr = ""; if (strLen > maxDivLen) { divLen = maxDivLen; } else { divLen = strLen; } while (divStr.length < divLen) { divStr = divChr + divStr; } return divStr; } /* * return array of users with the new user added, duplicate, * or error string. * Req: userArray = array of users to add the new user to * Req: username = username of new user * Return: array of users with new users added * On error: return "duplicate" if username in user array already * On error: return "failed" if user no duplicate and wasn't added */ function addUser(userArray, username) { var userArrayLength = userArray.length; username = username.toLowerCase(); // check if username is in userarray usernameExists = userInArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return "duplicate"; // username found in array, return duplicate } else { // remove user from all user arrays delUserFromAll(username); // add username to array userArray[userArrayLength] = username; // check to see that addition of user worked usernameExists = userInArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return userArray; // it worked, return the array } else { return "failed"; // failed, return failed } } } /* * return array of users with the new user removed, duplicate, * or error string. * Req: userArray = array of users to add the new user to * Req: username = username of new user * Return: array of users with user removed * On error: return "notfound" if username not in user array * On error: return "failed" if user no duplicate and wasn't added */ function delUser(userArray, username) { var userArrayLength = userArray.length; var userElement = -1; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userInArray(userArray, username)) { userElement = getArrayElement(userArray, username); if (userElement > -1) { tempArray = removeArrayElement(userArray, userElement); if (!userInArray(userArray, username)) { // user was removed return tempArray; } else { // user was not removed, failed return "failed"; } } else { //user element was not in array for some reason return "failed"; } } else { return 'notfound'; } } /* * remove a user from all groups * Req: username = name over user to remove * Return: none */ function delUserFromAll(username) { if ( userInArray(slaveUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(slaveUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { slaveUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(donkeyUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(donkeyUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { donkeyUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(princeUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(princeUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { princeUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(loverUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(loverUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { loverUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(husbandUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(husbandUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { husbandUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(lordUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(lordUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { lordUsersArray = result; } } } /* retun group bg color */ function getGroupBgColor(username) { var bgc = "#ffffff"; if ( userInArray (princeUsersArray, username) ) { bgc = princeColor; } else { if ( userInArray (slaveUsersArray, username) ) { bgc = slaveColor; } else { if (userInArray(loverUsersArray, username)) { bgc = loverColor; } else { if (userInArray(husbandUsersArray, username)) { bgc = husbandColor; } else { if (userInArray(donkeyUsersArray, username)) { bgc = donkeyColor; } else { if (userInArray(lordUsersArray, username)) { bgc = lordColor; } } } } } } return bgc; } /* * return the element or index number of an array value * Req: sourceArray = array to parse * Req: value = value to find * Return: index of the element */ function getArrayElement(sourceArray, value) { var index = 0; for (i = 0; i < sourceArray.length; i++) { if (sourceArray[i] == value) { index = i; } } return index; } /* * same as getArrayElement but for timeout release array */ function getRelaseArrayElement(sourceArray, value) { var index = 0; for (i = 0; i < sourceArray.length; i++) { if (sourceArray[i][0] == value) { index = i; } } return index; } /* * dynamic sort function to sort array by a property * Borrowed from Asdfghjkl28 */ function dynamicSort(property) { var sortOrder = 1; if (property[0] === "-") { sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1, property.length - 1); } var sortfunc = function (a, b) { if (typeof a[property] === "undefined") { if (typeof b[property] === "undefined") { // both undef return 0; } else { // b ok, a undef return -1; } } if (typeof b[property] === "undefined") { if (typeof a[property] === "undefined") { // both undef return 0; } else { // a ok, b undef return 1; } } var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; }; return sortfunc; } /* * convert object to an array * Borrowed from Asdfghjkl28 */ function objectToArray(myObj) { var arr = []; for (var i in myObj) { if (myObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { arr.push(myObj[i]); } } return arr; } /* * return an array with the indicated element removed * Req: sourceArray = array to be modified * Req: element = element to be removed * Return: the modified array */ function removeArrayElement(sourceArray,element) { sourceArray.splice(element, 1); return sourceArray; } /* * return boolean if user is in user array * Req: userArray = array of users to parse * Req: userName = name of user to parse fr * Returns: userFound = true or false */ function userInArray(userArray, username) { var userFound = false; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userArray.length > 0) { for(i=0; i < userArray.length; i++) { if (userArray[i] == username) userFound = true; } } return userFound; } /* * return boolean if user is in user release array * Req: timeoutReleaseArray = array of users to parse * Req: username = name of user to parse fr * Returns: userFound = true or false */ function userInReleaseArray(userArray, username) { var userFound = false; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userArray.length > 0) { for(i=0; i < userArray.length; i++) { if (userArray[i][0] == username) userFound = true; } } return userFound; } /* * return a string of usernames from an array of users * Req: userArray = array of users * Return: string of of usersnames */ function getUsers(userArray) { var userList = ""; for (i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) { userList += userArray[i] + ' '; } return userList; } /* * return list of groups that a user is a member of * Req: username = username to find * Return: string with list of groups the user was found in */ function checkUser(username) { var groupList = ""; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userInArray(princeUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Princes "; if (userInArray(slaveUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Slaves "; if (userInArray(donkeyUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Donkeys "; if (userInArray(loverUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Lovers "; if (userInArray(husbandUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Husbands"; if (userInArray(lordUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Lords"; return groupList; } function notModel() { var output = '\n\n' + modelName + '! This bot was created for '; output += 'Sammy, you are not her! Please consider having your own '; output += 'bot created.\n\n'; return output; } function newStuff() { var output = '\nHola ' + modelName + '! '; output += 'Bienvenido de nuevo y diviértete!\n'; return output; } function modWelcome() { var output = '\nGreetings Moderator...'; output += 'Sammy\'s Castle Bot version ' + botVersion + ' is running! Please take good care of our favorite model!\n'; return output; } /* * Builds user arrays and strings based on data provided by bot * config settings */ function loadSettings() { // grey graphics if (cb.settings.allowGreyEmotes == 'Yes') { allowGreyEmotes = true; } else { allowGreyEmotes = false; } // mod commands if (cb.settings.modCommands == 'Yes') { modCommands = true; } else { modCommands = false; } // greetings if (cb.settings.userGreets == 'Yes') { userGreets = true; } else { userGreets = false; } // gender emotes if (cb.settings.genderEmotes == 'Yes') { genderEmotes = true; } else { genderEmotes = false; } // load slaves into array and other variables if (cb.settings.slaveList) { tempStr = cb.settings.slaveList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.slaveList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces slaveUsersArray = cb.settings.slaveList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.slaveTag) { slaveTag = cb.settings.slaveTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.slaveColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.slaveColor.split(' '); slaveColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load donkeys into array and other variables if (cb.settings.donkeyList) { tempStr = cb.settings.donkeyList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.donkeyList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces donkeyUsersArray = cb.settings.donkeyList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.donkeyTag) { donkeyTag = cb.settings.donkeyTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.donkeyColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.donkeyColor.split(' '); donkeyColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load prince into array and other variables if (cb.settings.princeList) { tempStr = cb.settings.princeList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.princeList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces princeUsersArray = cb.settings.princeList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.princeTag) { princeTag = cb.settings.princeTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.princeColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.princeColor.split(' '); princeColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load lover into array and other variables if (cb.settings.loverList) { tempStr = cb.settings.loverList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.loverList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces loverUsersArray = cb.settings.loverList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.loverTag) { loverTag = cb.settings.loverTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.loverColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.loverColor.split(' '); loverColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load husband into array and other variables if (cb.settings.husbandList) { tempStr = cb.settings.husbandList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.husbandList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces husbandUsersArray = cb.settings.husbandList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.husbandTag) { husbandTag = cb.settings.husbandTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.husbandColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.husbandColor.split(' '); husbandColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load lord into array and other variables if (cb.settings.lordList) { tempStr = cb.settings.lordList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.lordList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces lordUsersArray = cb.settings.lordList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.lordTag) { lordTag = cb.settings.lordTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.lordColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.lordColor.split(' '); lordColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load notifications // if (cb.settings.autoNotice1) { // autoNotice1Text = cb.settings.autoNotice1.trim(); // } // // if (cb.settings.autoNotice2) { // autoNotice2Text = cb.settings.autoNotice2.trim(); // } // // if (cb.settings.autoNotice3) { // autoNotice3Text = cb.settings.autoNotice3.trim(); // } // // if (cb.settings.autoNotice4) { // autoNotice4Text = cb.settings.autoNotice4.trim(); // } } function announceBot() { var divStr=""; var statusMsg = ""; divStr = makeDiv('*', 45, 45); statusMsg = divStr + '\nSammy\'s Castle Bot ver ' + botVersion + ' last updated ' + botDate + '\nCreated by Mark\n' + divStr + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Gender Emotes: '; if (genderEmotes) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'Grey Emotes: '; if (allowGreyEmotes) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'Mod Commands: '; if (modCommands) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'User Greetings: '; if (userGreets) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Donkeys: ' + donkeyUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Slaves: ' + slaveUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Princes: ' + princeUsersArray.length + ' (tip 1000)\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Lovers: ' + loverUsersArray.length + ' (tip 2000)\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Husbands: ' + husbandUsersArray.length + ' (tip 5000)\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Lords: ' + lordUsersArray.length + ' (tip 7500)\n'; statusMsg += 'Type - ' + botTrigger + ' help - for a list of the commands\n'; statusMsg += divStr; return statusMsg; } loadSettings(); cb.sendNotice(announceBot(),'', botMsgBg, botMsgText,'bold'); if (modelName !='skinnytinyy2') cb.sendNotice(notModel(),modelName,botAlertBg,'','bold'); if (modelName == 'skinnytinyy2') cb.sendNotice(newStuff(),modelName,'#000000','#FFFF00','bold'); //if (autoNotice1Text) cb.setTimeout(displayNotification1, cb.settings.autoNotice1Interval * 60000); //if (autoNotice2Text) cb.setTimeout(displayNotification2, cb.settings.autoNotice2Interval * 60000); //if (autoNotice3Text) cb.setTimeout(displayNotification3, cb.settings.autoNotice3Interval * 60000); //if (autoNotice4Text) cb.setTimeout(displayNotification4, cb.settings.autoNotice4Interval * 60000); // start timeout release event cb.setTimeout(releaseTimeouts, timeoutReleaseInterval * 60000); // START FUNCTIONS TIP MENU function colorChecker(c, d, s) { if (typeof c !== "undefined") { if ((c.length == 3 || c.length == 6) && /^[0-9A-F]+$/i.test(c)) { return "#" + c; } else if ((c.length == 4 || c.length == 7) && /^#[0-9A-F]+$/i.test(c)) { return c; } else { cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - Error while setting " + s + ". It has to be in a HEX-format. Using default value: " + d + ".", cb.room_slug, "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000", 'bold'); return (d); } } return (d); } function timeLord(time, iden) { let timer = parseFloat(time); if (timer < 1) { cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - Time lapse for " + iden + " is to short. Using default value.", cb.room_slug, "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000", 'bold'); timer = 3; } timer *= 60000; timer = parseInt(timer); return timer; } function msg(t, u, m) { //overloading if (!m) { m = u; } switch (t) { //broadcaster case "b": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu to Broadcaster - " + m, cb.room_slug, COLOR.WARNDARK, COLOR.WARNLIGHT, "bold"); break; //to all fall to broadcaster and mod case "a": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - " + m, "", COLOR.BACKGROUND, COLOR.DEFAULT); /* falls through */ //to bc and mod, will fall to mod, break; case "bm": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu to Broadcaster - " + m, cb.room_slug, COLOR.WARNDARK, COLOR.WARNLIGHT, "bold"); /* falls through */ //to mod break; case "m": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu to mods - " + m, "", COLOR.BACKGROUND, COLOR.DEFAULT, "bold", "red"); break; //using command when not a mod case "nm": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - This command only works for broadcasters and mods", u, COLOR.WARNDARK, COLOR.WARNLIGHT, "bold"); break; //sending a warning to a user case "w": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - " + m, u, COLOR.WARNDARK, COLOR.WARNLIGHT, "bold"); break; //silent notice ( no app name) to a user case "s": cb.sendNotice(m, u, "#E6E6E6", "#737373"); break; //notice with app name to user case "n": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - " + m, u, "#FFFFFF", "#0629AC"); break; //dev case "d": cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu to Dev - " + m, "hello_im_mark", COLOR.DEFAULT, COLOR.BACKGROUND); break; default: cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - " + m, u, COLOR.BACKGROUND, COLOR.DEFAULT); break; } } function chatAd() { if (TIPMENU.enable) { if (TIPMENU.short && TIPMENU.initToken) { cb.sendNotice('Tip menu is active. It will be shown regularly in the chat!', '', TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); } else if (TIPMENU.part1 !== 'Tip Menu Part 1: \n' && TIPMENU.initToken) { if (TIPMENU.partToken === 1) { cb.sendNotice(TIPMENU.part1, '', TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); TIPMENU.partToken = 2; } else if (TIPMENU.partToken === 2) { cb.sendNotice(TIPMENU.part2, '', TIPMENU.bgColor2, TIPMENU.txtColor2, 'bold'); TIPMENU.partToken = 1; } } else if (TIPMENU.full !== 'Tip Menu: ') { cb.sendNotice(TIPMENU.full, '', TIPMENU.bgColor1, TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); if (!TIPMENU.initToken) { TIPMENU.initToken = true; } } else { cb.sendNotice("Something went wrong with the menu.", '', "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000", 'bold'); } cb.setTimeout(chatAd, TIPMENU.timer); } } function menuSanitize() { TIPMENU.full = 'Tip Menu: '; TIPMENU.part1 = 'Tip Menu Part 1: \n'; TIPMENU.part2 = 'Tip Menu Part 2: \n'; let menuArray = []; let menuArray1 = []; let menuArray2 = []; let sorted = []; let menuL = TIPMENU.prices.length; for (let i = 0; i < menuL; i++) { sorted.push({ "prices": TIPMENU.prices[i], "id": i }); } if (cb.settings.listSort !== 'Do not sort the list') { sorted.sort(function(a, b) { return a.prices - b.prices; }); if (cb.settings.listSort === 'Descending') { sorted.reverse(); } } for (let j = 0; j < sorted.length; j++) { if (TIPMENU.prices[sorted[j].id] !== 0) { menuArray.push(TIPMENU.items[sorted[j].id] + ' (' + TIPMENU.prices[sorted[j].id] + ') '); } } TIPMENU.full += menuArray.join(TIPMENU.sepChar); if (cb.settings.listSplit === 'Split the list in 2') { if (menuArray.length < 8) { cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - Error - The menu has less than 8 items, it will not be split.", cb.room_slug, "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000", 'bold'); } else { let msglength1 = 0; let msgHalf = (TIPMENU.full.length - 9) / 2; for (let k = 0; k < sorted.length; k++) { if (TIPMENU.prices[sorted[k].id] !== 0) { if (msglength1 < msgHalf) { menuArray1.push(TIPMENU.items[sorted[k].id] + '(' + TIPMENU.prices[sorted[k].id] + ') '); msglength1 = menuArray1.join(TIPMENU.sepChar).length; } else { menuArray2.push(TIPMENU.items[sorted[k].id] + '(' + TIPMENU.prices[sorted[k].id] + ') '); } } } TIPMENU.part1 += menuArray1.join(TIPMENU.sepChar) + '\n To see the full menu type: /sammybot tipmenu or /sb tipmenu'; TIPMENU.part2 += menuArray2.join(TIPMENU.sepChar) + '\n To see the full menu type: /sammybot tipmenu or /sb tipmenu'; } } TIPMENU.lenght = TIPMENU.prices.length; if (TIPMENU.full === 'Tip Menu: ') { cb.sendNotice('Error - No menu items found', '', '', TIPMENU.txtColor1, 'bold'); } } function setSepChar() { let sepChars = { "Vertical Bar": "|", "Hearts": ':heart2', "Glitter": ':pixelglitter', "Flowers": ':tinyflower2', "Pixelheart": ':pixelheart', "Hearts2": ':Hearts2', "Smiley": ':smile', "Text Heart": '\u2665', "Text Diamond": '\u2666', "Text Star": '\u2605' }; if (cb.settings.sepchar === "Custom" && cb.settings.sepcharcustom) { TIPMENU.sepChar = cb.settings.sepcharcustom; } else { TIPMENU.sepChar = sepChars[cb.settings.sepchar]; } TIPMENU.sepChar += " "; } function initMenu() { if (TIPMENU.enable) { TIPMENU.txtColor1 = colorChecker(cb.settings.menutxtcolor1, '#F10060', "Tip Menu text color 1"); TIPMENU.bgColor1 = colorChecker(cb.settings.menubgcolor1, '#FFFFFF', "Tip Menu background color 1"); if (cb.settings.listSplit === 'Split the list in 2') { TIPMENU.txtColor2 = colorChecker(cb.settings.menutxtcolor2, '#F10060', "Tip Menu text color 2"); TIPMENU.bgColor2 = colorChecker(cb.settings.menubgcolor2, '#FFFFFF', "Tip Menu background color 2"); } TIPMENU.timer = timeLord(cb.settings.menuTimer, "Tip Menu"); setSepChar(); for (let j = 0; j <= TIPMENU.size; j++) { if (cb.settings['item' + j] !== '' && cb.settings['itemprice' + j] > 0) { if (cbjs.arrayContains(TIPMENU.prices, cb.settings['itemprice' + j])) { cb.sendNotice("Tip Menu - " + cb.settings['itemprice' + j] + " is already on the menu. It is recommended to have different prices for each item.", cb.room_slug, "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000"); } TIPMENU.prices.push(cb.settings['itemprice' + j]); TIPMENU.items.push(cb.settings['item' + j]); } } menuSanitize(); chatAd(); } } initMenu(); // END FUNCTIONS TIP MENU // START ROLL THE DICE GAME // from: // 25 because I got tired after uploading 25 gifs ;>_> // if someone wants to get in touch with me about updating/improving // or adding more dice gifs feel free to leave a comment etc // I *should* see it var maxPrizes = 25; for(var i=5; i <= maxPrizes; i++) { cb.settings_choices.push({ name: 'prize_' + i, type: 'str', label: 'Prize ' + i, required: false }); } // We're pushing these so that we can put them after the prizes that we want to push with a loop // there are better ways to deal with and organize this code cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_label', type:'choice', label:'################ Advanced Settings ################', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_desc_label', type:'choice', label:'##### (Safe to Ignore Everything Below this Point) #####', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({ name: 'mod_rolls', type: 'choice', label: 'Allow mods to use the /diceroll command?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'No' }); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'cmd_prefix', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1, label: 'Prefix for bot commands. (Might want to change if you have other bots using the same commands.)', defaultValue: '/'}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'die_img_prefix', type: 'str', label: 'Prefix for die gifs ("prefix#" only change if you know what you\'re doing. :80ngenericdie_1 through :80ngenericdie_25)', defaultValue: ':80ngenericdie_'}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_colors_label', type:'choice', label:'#################### Colors ####################', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_notice_label', type:'choice', label:'################ Notice ################', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'notice_fg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Bot advertisement text color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FFF300', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'notice_bg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Bot advertisement background color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FF00B4', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_prizes_label', type:'choice', label:'################ Prizes ################', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'prize_fg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Prize text color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FFF300', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'prize_bg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Prize background color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FF00B4', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_rare_label', type:'choice', label:'############### Rare Prize ##############', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'rare_fg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Rare Prize text color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FFF300', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'rare_bg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Rare Prize background color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FF00B4', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_info_label', type:'choice', label:'############## Stats and Info ##############', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'miscellaneous_section_info_desc_label', type:'choice', label:'(prizes list, winners, and dice stats etc)', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'info_fg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Prizes and Stats text color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FFF300', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'info_bg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Prizes and Stats background color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FF00B4', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'winners_fg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Winners text color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FFF300', required: false}); cb.settings_choices.push({name: 'winners_bg_color', type: 'str', label: 'Winners background color (hex code for color make sure you include the # in front)', defaultValue: '#FF00B4', required: false}); switch(cb.settings.rare_chance_mult) { case '1x': rareChance = 1; break; case '1/2x': rareChance = 0.5; break; case '3/4x': rareChance = 0.75; break; case '1.5x': rareChance = 1.5; break; case '2x': rareChance = 2; break; case '4x': rareChance = 4; break; case '8x': rareChance = 8; break; default: rareChance = 1; break; } var changeSubject = cb.settings.change_room_subject == 'Yes'; var allow_mod_rolls = cb.settings.mod_rolls == 'Yes'; //var cmdPrefix = cb.settings.cmd_prefix; var diePrefix = cb.settings.die_img_prefix; var notice_fg = cb.settings.notice_fg_color; var notice_bg = cb.settings.notice_bg_color; var lastRoller = '--'; var lastPrizeWon = '--'; var prizes = []; var stats = { 'tipCounter': 0, 'winners': [], 'rollCounter': 0, 'rollResultCounts': {} }; cb.onDrawPanel(function (user) { return { 'template': '3_rows_12_22_31', 'row1_label': 'Last prize won:', 'row1_value': lastPrizeWon, 'row2_label': 'Last player:', 'row2_value': lastRoller, 'row3_value': stats.tipCounter + ' ' + ((stats.tipCounter > 1)?'tokens':'token') + ' received / rolled ' + stats.rollCounter + ' time(s)' }; }); //cb.onEnter(function (user) { // adBlurb(cb.settings.entry_blurb_size, user.user); //}); function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function getRandomFloatInclusive(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min; } //function isPrivileged(msg) { // return (msg.is_mod === true) || (msg.user == cb.room_slug) ||(msg.user == 'hello_im_mark'); //} function roll(username, count_towards_rare, send_roll_notice_to) { var prize = 'A Thank You!'; if(count_towards_rare)stats.rollCounter += 1; var dieResults = []; var total = -numberOfDie; for(var i = 0; i < numberOfDie; i++) { dieResults[i] = getRandomIntInclusive(1, die[i].sides); total += dieResults[i]; } if(usingRares && (stats.rollCounter > minRollsForRare) && (getRandomFloatInclusive(0,100) <= rareChance)) { //RARE PRIZE WON!!! if(numberOfDie == 1) { dieResults[0] = die[0].sides+1; total = dieResults[0] - numberOfDie; } else { if(getRandomIntInclusive(0,1) === 0) { dieResults[0] = die[0].sides+1; dieResults[1] = die[1].sides; total = dieResults[0] + dieResults[1] - numberOfDie; } else { dieResults[0] = die[0].sides; dieResults[1] = die[1].sides+1; total = dieResults[0] + dieResults[1] - numberOfDie; } } } var winner = false; if (total >= 0 && total < prizeCount) { if((total+numberOfDie) in stats.rollResultCounts)stats.rollResultCounts[(total+numberOfDie)] += 1; else stats.rollResultCounts[(total+numberOfDie)] = 1; winner = true; prize = prizes[total]; } else { winner = false; } var msg = ((numberOfDie == 1)?diePrefix + dieResults[0]: diePrefix + dieResults[0] + " " + diePrefix + dieResults[1]) + "\n"; msg += username + " rolled " + (total+numberOfDie) + "! \n".toUpperCase(); msg += "Roll #" + stats.rollCounter + " | Prize: " + prize; var textColor = '#000000'; var bgColor = cb.settings.prize_bg_color; // '#D9FAD7'; if (winner) textColor = cb.settings.prize_fg_color; // '#067D00'; if (total == prizeCount-1) { bgColor = cb.settings.rare_bg_color; // '#FFDBF3'; textColor = cb.settings.rare_fg_color; // '#A805A6'; } cb.sendNotice(msg, send_roll_notice_to, bgColor, textColor, 'bold'); lastPrizeWon = prize;"Roll #" + stats.rollCounter + " (" + (total+numberOfDie) + "): " + username + " - " + prize); if( > 20) =; cb.drawPanel(); } function initPrizes() { for (var i = 1; i <= maxPrizes; i++) { if(!('prize_' + i in cb.settings) || cb.settings['prize_' + i] === '' || cb.settings['prize_' + i] == '.' || cb.settings['prize_' + i] == ' ')continue; if(i%2 == 1)prizes.push(cb.settings['prize_' + i]); else prizes.unshift(cb.settings['prize_' + i]); } prizeCount = prizes.length; if(usingRares) { if(prizeCount%2 === 0)prizes.push(prizes.shift()); prizes[prizes.length-1] += " (RARE)"; } for(var j = 0; j < prizeCount; j++) { stats.rollResultCounts[(j+numberOfDie)] = 0; } die[0].sides = Math.floor(((numberOfDie == 1)? ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount-1:prizeCount) : ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount:prizeCount+1)/2)); die[1].sides = Math.ceil(((numberOfDie == 1)? ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount-1:prizeCount) : ((cb.settings.last_prize_rare == 'Yes')?prizeCount:prizeCount+1)/2)); cb.log(die[0].sides + " " + die[1].sides); // basically this is +2 because only using +1 for unequal dice odds consistently made the rare prize feel too close in likelyhood by default to just one of the least likely prizes rareChance *= equalOdds?100/(prizeCount*1.35):100/((die[0].sides+2)*die[1].sides); cb.log(rareChance); } function statsBlurb(username) { var msg = "##### Dice Roll Statistics #####\n"; for(var rollval in stats.rollResultCounts) { msg += "Roll " + rollval + ": " + stats.rollResultCounts[rollval] + "\n"; } msg += "Total Rolls: " + stats.rollCounter; cb.sendNotice(msg, username, cb.settings.info_bg_color, cb.settings.info_fg_color, 'bold'); // '#DBFBFF', '#008596' } function prizesBlurb(username) { var msg = "No Prizes!! D:"; if (prizes.length) { msg = "##### POSSIBLE PRIZES #####"; for (var i = 0; i < prizeCount; i++) { msg += "\nRoll " + (i+numberOfDie) + " - " + prizes[i]; } } cb.sendNotice(msg, username, cb.settings.info_bg_color, cb.settings.info_fg_color, 'bold'); // '#DBFBFF', '#008596' } function winnersBlurb(username) { var msg = "##### LAST 20 WINNERS #####"; msg += "\nList sorted in chronological order"; if ( === 0) { cb.sendNotice('No one has won anything yet. Roll the dice to win a prize!', username, '', '', 'bold'); } else { var recentWinners =; for (var i = 0; i < recentWinners.length; i++) msg += "\n" + recentWinners[i]; cb.sendNotice(msg, username, cb.settings.winners_bg_color, cb.settings.winners_fg_color, 'bold'); // '#FFF0DE', '#8A4900' } } function adBlurb(blurb_size, username) { var msg = ""; switch(blurb_size) { case 'Off': break; case 'Without "all" or Bot Name': msg += "Tip " + rollprice + " " + ((rollprice>1)?'tokens':'token') + " to roll the dice. There are " + prizes.length + " possible prizes.\n"; if(maxRollsPerTip>1) { msg += "You can roll up to " + maxRollsPerTip + " times with a single tip (" + (maxRollsPerTip*rollprice) + " tokens).\n"; if(perfectMults && rollprice>1) msg += "You must tip exact amounts to roll the dice.\n(1 roll for " + rollprice + " tokens, 2 for " + rollprice*2 + " tokens, but " + Math.ceil(rollprice*1.5) + " tokens won't roll the dice)."; } // msg += "Type /sb prizes to see the list of prizes. Type /sb winners to see a list of the last 20 winners."; break; case 'Short Blurb': msg += "Tip " + rollprice + " " + ((rollprice>1)?'tokens':'token') + " to roll the dice. There are " + prizes.length + " possible prizes.\n"; if(maxRollsPerTip>1) { msg += "You can roll up to " + maxRollsPerTip + " times with a single tip (" + (maxRollsPerTip*rollprice) + " tokens).\n"; if(perfectMults && rollprice>1) msg += "You must tip exact amounts to roll the dice."; } // msg += "Type /sb prizes to see the list of prizes. Type /sb winners to see a list of the last 20 winners."; break; case 'Minimal Blurb': msg += "Tip " + rollprice + " " + ((rollprice>1)?'tokens':'token') + " to roll the dice. "; break; case 'Full Blurb': default: msg += "Dice Roll Game for Sammy's Castle\n"; msg += "Tip " + rollprice + " " + ((rollprice>1)?'tokens':'token') + " to roll the dice. There are " + prizes.length + " possible prizes.\n"; if(maxRollsPerTip>1) { msg += "You can roll up to " + maxRollsPerTip + " times with a single tip (" + (maxRollsPerTip*rollprice) + " tokens).\n"; if(perfectMults && rollprice>1) msg += "You must tip exact amounts to roll the dice.\n(1 roll for " + rollprice + " tokens, 2 for " + rollprice*2 + " tokens, but " + Math.ceil(rollprice*1.5) + " tokens won't roll the dice)."; } // msg += "Type /sb prizes to see the list of prizes. Type /sb winners to see a list of the last 20 winners."; break; } if (msg !== "") { cb.sendNotice(msg, username, notice_bg, notice_fg, 'bold'); } } function advertise() { adBlurb(cb.settings.blurb_size); if(cb.settings.notice_wait_time > 0)cb.setTimeout(advertise, parseInt(cb.settings.notice_wait_time) * 60 * 1000); } //function init() { // initPrizes(); // advertise(); // if (changeSubject) { // cb.changeRoomSubject('Tip ' + rollprice + ' ' + ((rollprice>1)?'tokens':'token') + ' to roll the dice and win a prize!'); // } //} // //init(); // END ROLL THE DICE GAME // START ROTATING NOTIFIER function RotatingAd() { var msgrotate; while (cb.settings['msg' + (irotating + 1)] == 0) { //skip empty messages irotating++; irotating %= MAXITEMS; } msgrotate = cb.settings['msg' + (irotating + 1)]; irotating++; irotating %= MAXITEMS; cb.sendNotice(msgrotate,'',cb.settings['msgcolor'],'','bold'); cb.setTimeout(RotatingAd, (cb.settings.chat_ad * 60000)); } cb.setTimeout(RotatingAd, (cb.settings.chat_ad * 60000)); function init() { initPrizes(); advertise(); } init(); // END ROTATING NOTIFIER
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