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cb.onMessage(function (msg) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; q = change(msg); msg['m'] = q; msg['X-Spam'] = false; return msg; }); function change (text) { var res; switch (text['m']) { case '/ty': res = 'Thank you!'; break; case '/hru': res = 'How are you?'; break; case '/wruf': res = 'Where are you from?'; break; case '/u': res = 'And you? What about you?'; break; case '/ty': res = 'Thank you!'; break; case '/rus': res = 'I\'m from Russia, Volgograd. This is a city in the south of the country.'; break; case '/wrul': res = 'What are you looking for in CB?'; break; } return res; }
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