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! function() { function q(a, b) { if ("Yes" == cb.settings.autoThanks) { for (var c = parseInt(cb.settings.levelMax), d = 1, e = 1; e < c + 1; e++) { if (cb.settings["level" + e + "Tip"] > b) { d = e - 1; break } e == c && (d = e) }(0 < d && "Yes" == cb.settings.autoThanksLevel1 || 1 < d && "No" == cb.settings.autoThanksLevel1) && cb.chatNotice(cb.settings["level" + (4 < d ? "5" : d) + "Thanks"], "", "#FFFFFF", l[cb.settings["level" + (4 < d ? "5" : d) + "Color"]].c, "bold") } } function r() { return m[cb.settings.activeToy].text } function y(a) { var b = parseInt(cb.settings.levelMax); switch (parseInt(a)) { case 1: return ":ldreamlev1lo"; case 2: return 5 == b ? ":ldreamlev2me" : ":ldreamlev2lo"; case 3: return ":ldreamlev3me"; case 4: return 5 == b ? ":ldreamlev4hi" : ":ldreamlev4me"; case 5: return 8 > b ? ":ldreamlev5hi" : ":ldreamlev5me"; case 6: return 9 == b ? ":ldreamlev6me" : ":ldreamlev6hi"; default: return ":ldreamlev" + a + "hi" } } function t() { for (var a; 0 == cb.settings["notice" + (c + 1)];) c++, c %= u; a = cb.settings["notice" + (c + 1)]; c++; c %= u; cb.sendNotice(a, "", "", v, "bold"); cb.setTimeout(t, 6E4 * cb.settings.messageTimer) } function w() { "Yes" != cb.settings.specialEnable || "No" == cb.settings.specialSplit ? cb.sendNotice(g, "", "", k, "bold") : h && "specials" != h ? "levels" == h && (cb.sendNotice(f, "", "", k, "bold"), h = "specials") : (cb.sendNotice(g, "", "", k, "bold"), h = "levels"); cb.setTimeout(w, 6E4 * cb.settings.toymenuTimer) } function x(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return !!(b && Number.isInteger(a) && 0 < a) && (setTimeout(function() { cb.sendNotice(b, c, d, e, f, g) }, a), !0) } var l = { "General Display Color": { c: "" }, Amaranth: { c: "#E61E64" }, Black: { c: "#000000" }, Blue: { c: "#6900CC" }, Brown: { c: "#9F000F" }, Olive: { c: "#9FA64E" }, Eucalyptus: { c: "#2B886D" }, Green: { c: "#296C28" }, Pink: { c: "#F77FBE" }, Red: { c: "#ff3232" }, Purple: { c: "#943293" }, Rose: { c: "#f42cbe" }, Orange: { c: "#DC5500" }, RedViolet: { c: "#BC156C" }, SlateGrey: { c: "#708090" }, Turquoise: { c: "#1ba0a2" }, Violet: { c: "#9F02D4" } }, m = { "Lovense Lush": { icon: ":lushsm", text: "Lovense Lush" }, "Lovense Domi": { icon: ":domismall3", text: "Lovense Domi" }, "Lovense Nora": { icon: ":norasmall", text: "Lovense Nora" }, "Lovense Hush": { icon: ":hushsm", text: "Lovense Hush" }, Ohmibod: { icon: ":ohmibodsm1", text: "Ohmibod" }, "Other/None": { icon: "\u2192", text: "My Lovense" } }, p = [{ name: "Random", icon: ":ldreamrandom" }, { name: "Wave", icon: ":ldreamwave" }, { name: "Pulse", icon: ":ldreampulse" }, { name: "Earthquake", icon: ":ldreamearth" }, { name: "Fireworks", icon: ":ldreamfireworks" }], k = (cb.room_slug, (new Date).getTime(), "#6900CC"), v = "#6900CC", u = ("#DC5500", "#2x", cb.settings.Auto1, cb.settings.level1Thanks, cb.settings.level2Thanks, cb.settings.level3Thanks, cb.settings.level4Thanks, cb.settings.level5Thanks, cb.settings.level6Thanks, cb.settings.level7Thanks, cb.settings.level8Thanks, 4), c = 0, g = (cb.settings.levelDisplay, cb.settings.toymenuTimer, ""), f = "", h = ""; cb.settings_choices = [{ name: "activeToy", label: "1. LOVENSE DEVICE ........... What toy are you using?", type: "choice", choice1: "Lovense Lush", choice2: "Lovense Domi", choice3: "Lovense Nora", choice4: "Lovense Hush", choice5: "Ohmibod", choice6: "Other/None", "default": "Lovense Lush" }, { name: "levelDisplay", label: "2. LEVELS SETTINGS .............. Display Levels in the room?", type: "choice", choice1: "Yes", choice2: "No (Skip to section 3)", defaultValue: "Yes", required: !0 }, { name: "levelMax", label: "Number of levels to display", type: "choice", choice1: 5, choice2: 6, choice3: 7, choice4: 8, choice5: 9, defaultValue: 5 }, { name: "levelColor", label: "Levels display Color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "SlateGrey" }, { name: "toymenuTimer", label: "Interval (in mins) to display levels", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 60, defaultValue: 4, required: !0 }, { name: "levelsTitle", label: "Title of levels notification", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E3, defaultValue: "Interactive Toy That Responds to Your Tips", required: !0 }, { name: "levelSubTitle", label: "Subtitle of levels notification", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E3, defaultValue: "Durations and Intensity Levels", required: !0 }, { name: "level1Tip", label: "[ Level 1 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 1, required: !0 }, { name: "level1Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 2, required: !0 }, { name: "level1Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Low", required: !0 }, { name: "level2Tip", label: "[ Level 2 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 15, required: !0 }, { name: "level2Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 5, required: !0 }, { name: "level2Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Low", required: !0 }, { name: "level3Tip", label: "[ Level 3 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 100, required: !0 }, { name: "level3Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 10, required: !0 }, { name: "level3Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Medium", required: !0 }, { name: "level4Tip", label: "[ Level 4 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 500, required: !0 }, { name: "level4Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 30, required: !0 }, { name: "level4Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "High", required: !0 }, { name: "level5Tip", label: "[ Level 5 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 1E3, required: !0 }, { name: "level5Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 60, required: !0 }, { name: "level5Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Ultra high", required: !0 }, { name: "level6Tip", label: "OPTIONAL LEVELS ..... [ Level 6 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 2E3, required: !0 }, { name: "level6Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 90, required: !0 }, { name: "level6Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Ultra high", required: !0 }, { name: "level7Tip", label: "[ Level 7 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 3E3, required: !0 }, { name: "level7Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 120, required: !0 }, { name: "level7Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Ultra high", required: !0 }, { name: "level8Tip", label: "[ Level 8 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 4E3, required: !0 }, { name: "level8Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 150, required: !0 }, { name: "level8Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Ultra high", required: !0 }, { name: "level9Tip", label: "[ Level 9 ] :: Minimum tokens", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 5E3, required: !0 }, { name: "level9Time", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 1E4, defaultValue: 160, required: !0 }, { name: "level9Intensity", label: "Intensity", type: "choice", choice1: "Low", choice2: "Medium", choice3: "High", choice4: "Ultra high", defaultValue: "Ultra high", required: !0 }, { name: "specialEnable", label: "SPECIAL LEVELS .......... Enable special levels", type: "choice", choice1: "Yes", choice2: "No (Skip to next section)", defaultValue: "No (Skip to next section)", required: !0 }, { name: "specialSplit", label: "Split normal and special levels in 2 notifications", type: "choice", choice1: "Yes", choice2: "No", defaultValue: "Yes" }, { name: "specialTitle", label: "Subtitle of special levels", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E4, defaultValue: "Special Levels", required: !0 }, { name: "randomTip", label: "[ Random Level ] :: Price (set 0 to disable)", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999, defaultValue: 40, required: !0 }, { name: "randomLevelMin", label: "Min. Level", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 6, defaultValue: 1, required: !0 }, { name: "randomLevelMax", label: "Max. Level", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 8, defaultValue: 5, required: !0 }, { name: "waveTip", label: "[ Wave Pattern ] :: Price (set 0 to disable)", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999, defaultValue: 99, required: !0 }, { name: "waveTime", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 36, required: !0 }, { name: "pulseTip", label: "[ Pulse Pattern ] :: Price (set 0 to disable)", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999, defaultValue: 98, required: !0 }, { name: "pulseTime", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 35, required: !0 }, { name: "earthquakeTip", label: "[ Earthquake Pattern ] :: Price (set 0 to disable)", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999, defaultValue: 222, required: !0 }, { name: "earthquakeTime", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 90, required: !0 }, { name: "fireworksTip", label: "[ Fireworks Pattern ] :: Price (set 0 to disable)", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: 9999, defaultValue: 111, required: !0 }, { name: "fireworksTime", label: "Reaction time (seconds)", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 45, required: !0 }, { name: "noticeDisplay", label: "3. NOTICE SETTINGS .............................. Enable optional notices", type: "choice", choice1: "Yes", choice2: "No (Skip to section 4)", defaultValue: "Yes", required: !0 }, { name: "messageTimer", label: "Interval (in mins) for notices", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 60, defaultValue: 3, required: !0 }, { name: "noteColor", label: "Notice color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "Brown" }, { name: "notice1", label: "Notice 1", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E3, defaultValue: "Interactive toy that responds to your tips! Give me pleasure and make me wet!", required: !0 }, { name: "notice2", label: "Notice 2", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E3, defaultValue: "Make me wet with your tips!!!", required: !1 }, { name: "notice3", label: "Notice 3", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E3, defaultValue: "Give me pleasure with your tips!!!", required: !1 }, { name: "notice4", label: "Notice 4", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 1E3, defaultValue: "", required: !1 }, { name: "autoThanks", type: "choice", choice1: "Yes", choice2: "No (Skip this section)", defaultValue: "No (Skip this section)", label: "4. AUTO-THANKS SETTINGS ...... Auto thank you active with tips?" }, { name: "autoThanksLevel1", label: "Auto-Thank Level 1?", type: "choice", choice1: "Yes", choice2: "No", defaultValue: "No" }, { name: "level1Thanks", label: "[ Level 1 ] :: Thanks Message", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, defaultValue: "I love it, thank you!!" }, { name: "level1Color", label: "Text color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "Pink" }, { name: "level2Thanks", label: "[ Level 2 ] :: Thanks Message", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, defaultValue: "Level 2 : Mhmmm... ! Thank you!!" }, { name: "level2Color", label: "Text color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "Rose" }, { name: "level3Thanks", label: "[ Level 3 ] :: Thanks Message", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, defaultValue: "Level 3! You know how to give me pleasure, thank you!!" }, { name: "level3Color", label: "Text color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "RedViolet" }, { name: "level4Thanks", label: "[ Level 4 ] :: Thanks Message", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, defaultValue: "Level 4!! OMG!!! I love it!! Thank you so much!!" }, { name: "level4Color", label: "Text color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "Amaranth" }, { name: "level5Thanks", label: "[ Levels 5-9 ] :: Thanks Message", type: "str", minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, defaultValue: "OMG OMG!! Yeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!! I really love this!! Thank youuu!" }, { name: "level5Color", label: "Text color", type: "choice", choice1: "Amaranth", choice2: "Black", choice3: "Blue", choice4: "Brown", choice5: "Eucalyptus", choice6: "Green", choice7: "Pink", choice8: "Purple", choice9: "Olive", choice10: "Orange", choice11: "Red", choice12: "RedViolet", choice13: "Rose", choice14: "SlateGrey", choice15: "Turquoise", choice16: "Violet", defaultValue: "Red" } ]; cb.onMessage(function(a) { var b = a.user; a.is_mod; if (n = a.m, a.has_tokens, a.hasOwnProperty("X-Spam") && a["X-Spam"]) return a; b == cb.room_slug && (a = a.m, b = a.indexOf("tip"), -1 != b && (a = a.substring(b).trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(" "), 3 == a.length && (a[1], a = parseInt(a[2]), isNaN(a) || 0 >= a || q(0, a)))) }); cb.onTip(function(a) { var b = parseInt(a.amount); a.from_user; q(0, b) }); cb.settings.levelColor && (k = l[cb.settings.levelColor].c); cb.settings.noteColor && (v = l[cb.settings.noteColor].c); (function() { if (cb.settings.activeToy) { var a = parseInt(cb.settings.levelMax); g = r() + " - " + cb.settings.levelsTitle + "\n \u2665 " + cb.settings.levelSubTitle + " \u2665 "; for (var b = 1; b < a + 1; b++) g += "\n" + y(b) + " \u23f5 Tip " + cb.settings["level" + b + "Tip"] + (b == a ? "+" : "-" + (cb.settings["level" + (b + 1) + "Tip"] - 1)) + " " + m[cb.settings.activeToy].icon + " " + cb.settings["level" + b + "Time"] + " sec (" + cb.settings["level" + b + "Intensity"] + " vibrations)"; if ("Yes" == cb.settings.specialEnable) { f += "\n \u2605 " + cb.settings.specialTitle + " \u2605 "; for (b = 0; b < p.length; b++) a = p[b].name.toLowerCase(), 0 < cb.settings[a + "Tip"] && (f += "\n" + p[b].icon + " \u23f5 Tip " + cb.settings[a + "Tip"] + " " + m[cb.settings.activeToy].icon + ("random" != a ? " " + cb.settings[a + "Time"] + " seconds" : " Random level " + cb.settings.randomLevelMin + "-" + cb.settings.randomLevelMax)); "No" == cb.settings.specialSplit ? g += "\n" + f : "Yes" == cb.settings.specialSplit && (f = r() + " - " + cb.settings.levelsTitle + f) } } })(); "Yes" == cb.settings.levelDisplay && cb.setTimeout(w, 2E4); "Yes" == cb.settings.noticeDisplay && cb.setTimeout(t, 3E4 * cb.settings.messageTimer); x(300, ":lushsm Lovense Dream Bot v2.1 :lushsm", "", "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "bold"); x(500, "Built by noiett (Mar 5, 2019)", "", "", "#000000", "normal") }()
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