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function runGoal(e) { goalOn = !0, goalReached = !1, remaining = setRemaining, goalNb = 0, goalSum = 0, goalUsrNb = 0, lastTipper = "", lastTip = 0, mvpName = "", mvpSum = 0, userList = {}, higherTipName = "", higherTip = 0, runNb++ && showGoalInfo(e), changeSubject(), changePanel() } function manageTotalList(e, t) { return e in totalList ? totalList[e].sum += t : totalList[e] = { sum: t, num: ++usrNb }, totalList[e].sum } function manageUserList(e, t) { return e in userList ? userList[e].sum += t : userList[e] = { sum: t, num: ++goalUsrNb }, userList[e].sum } function watchSingleGoal(e) { if (remaining -= e, !(remaining > 0)) { goalReached = !0, goalOn = !1, cb.changeRoomSubject(roomSubject + " Goal reached : " + goalSubject + " " + tags); var t = xLine(6); sendTitle(all, t + skp + "Goal Reached : Thanks you so much." + skp + t, cbColor), sendTitle(owner, skp + lck + owner + " : " + skp + sqr + "Use " + qt("/sum") + " for a Total Summary Board." + skp) } } function watchMultiGoal(e, t) { remaining -= t; var n = Math.floor(t / setRemaining); if (n += 0 >= remaining + n * setRemaining ? 1 : 0, goalNb += n, remaining += n * setRemaining, n) { var o = 1 == n ? " Goal " + goalNb : " Goals " + (goalNb - n + 1) + (2 == n ? " and " : " to ") + goalNb; sendTitle(all, sqr + sqr + sqr + qt(e) + " reached " + o + sqr + sqr + sqr, cbColor) } } function changeSubject() { var e = roomSubject; "COUNTER" != goalMode && (e += ("SINGLE" == goalMode ? " - Goal is : " : " - Multi-Goal : ") + goalSubject), cb["changeRoomSubject"](e + " " + tags); } function changePanel() { return goalReached ? (row1 = "Goal Reached - Thanks all.", row2 = "", row3 = "Gloria's King - " + cut(mvpName) + " (" + mvpSum + ")", cb["drawPanel"]()) : goalOn ? "COUNTER" == goalMode ? (goalSum ? (row1 = x(usrNb, "Pleaser$") + (tokenOn ? " - " + x(goalSum, "Token$ Received") : ""), row2 = "Gloria's King - " + cut(mvpName) + " - " + mvpSum, row3 = "Newest - " + cut(lastTipper) + " - " + lastTip) : (row1 = "My Lovense - Vibrator that react to your Tips", row2 = "Start Playing", row3 = ""), cb["drawPanel"]()) : "MULTI" == goalMode ? (row1 = "Goal #" + (goalNb + 1) + " : " + (setRemaining - remaining) + " / " + setRemaining + " [ " + remaining + " Remaining ]" + (tokenOn && goalNb >= 1 ? " (" + goalSum + ")" : ""), goalSum ? (row2 = "Gloria's King - " + cut(mvpName) + " - " + mvpSum, row3 = "Newest - " + cut(lastTipper) + " - " + lastTip) : (row2 = "My Lovense - Vibrator that react to your Tips", row3 = "Start Playing"), cb["drawPanel"]()) : "SINGLE" == goalMode ? (row1 = tokenOn ? "Goal - " + goalSum + " / " + setRemaining + " [ " + remaining + " Remaining ]" : "Goal Remaining [ " + remaining + _0x2ac8[63], goalSum ? (row2 = "Gloria's King - " + cut(mvpName) + " - " + mvpSum, row3 = "Newest - " + cut(lastTipper) + " - " + lastTip) : (row2 = "My Lovense - Vibrator that react to your Tips", row3 = "Start Playing"), cb["drawPanel"]()) : void(0) : cb["drawPanel"]() } function cmdGoal(e, t, n) { if (1 == t.length) return showGoalInfo(e); var o = t[1]; if (goalOn && 2 == t.length && (!isNaN(parseInt(o)) || ["counter", "single", "multi", "init"].indexOf(o) >= 0)) return void sendTitle(e, lck + skp + sqr + "Non updatable parameter when Goal is running. " + skp + "(Only Description is updatable)." + skp + sqr + "Use " + qt("/goal off") + " to stop running the Goal."); if ("off" == o && 2 == t.length) return sendTitle(e, skp + lck + "Goal Feature is confirmed OFF."), goalOn = !1, goalReached = !1, row1 = "", row2 = "", row3 = "", cb.drawPanel(), cb.changeRoomSubject(""), showGoalInfo(e); if ("on" == o && 2 == t.length) return goalOn ? void sendTitle(e, skp + lck + "Goal is already ON (Running)." + skp) : runGoal(e); if ("init" == o && 2 == t.length) return setRemaining = cb.settings.setRemaining, goalMode = goalModeList[cb.settings.goalMode].mode, goalSubject = cb.settings.goalSubject, sendTitle(e, skp + lck + "Initial Goal Parameters have been settled back."), showGoalInfo(e); var a = parseInt(o); return 2 != t.length || isNaN(a) ? 2 == t.length && "counter" == o ? (goalMode = "COUNTER", sendTitle(e, skp + lck + 'Goal-Mode has been settled at "COUNTER".' + skp + sqr + "(Tips Counter : Goal-Amount will not be used.)"), showGoalInfo(e, 2)) : 2 == t.length && "single" == o ? (goalMode = "SINGLE", sendTitle(e, skp + lck + 'Goal-Mode has been settled at "SINGLE".'), showGoalInfo(e, 2)) : 2 == t.length && "multi" == o ? (goalMode = "MULTI", sendTitle(e, skp + lck + 'Goal-Mode has been settled at "MULTI".'), showGoalInfo(e, 2)) : ["on", "off", "single", "multi", "counter", "init"].indexOf(o) >= 0 ? "Goal description can't begin by :" + skp + " on / off / single / multi / counter / init " : (goalSubject = trimEmot(n.substring(5)), sendTitle(e, skp + lck + "New Goal-Description has been settled."), goalOn && !goalReached && changeSubject(), void showGoalInfo(e, 3)) : 0 >= a ? "Goal amount must be >0." + skp + ' (It will not be used in mode "COUNTER").' : (setRemaining = a, sendTitle(e, skp + lck + "New Goal-Amount has been settled."), showGoalInfo(e, 1)) } function showGoalInfo(e, t) { var n = ""; (setRemaining != cb.settings.setRemaining || goalMode != goalModeList[cb.settings.goalMode].mode || goalSubject != cb.settings.goalSubject) && (n = sqr + qt("/goal init") + " if you want to restaure initial settings." + skp); var o = xLine(7), a = skp + o + skp + lck + "Goal Parameters :" + skp, i = sy(1, t) + "Amount : " + qt("/goal <X>") + " : " + setRemaining + skp + sy(2, t) + "Mode : " + qt("/goal [ single / multi / counter ]") + " : " + goalMode + skp + sy(3, t) + "Goal is : " + qt("/goal <description>") + " : " + goalSubject + skp + sqr + "Run goal : " + qt("/goal [ on / off ]") + " : " + (goalOn ? "ON" : "OFF") + (goalReached ? " - (Goal Reached) " : "") + skp, l = (goalOn ? lck + "Goal is ON (Running)." + skp + sqr + "Description (only) is updatable." + skp + sqr + qt("/goal off") + " to stop running the goal." + skp : lck + "Goal is OFF " + (goalReached ? "(Goal Reached). " : ".") + skp + (goalReached ? sqr + "(" + qt("/goal off") + " if you want to clear the screen.)" + skp : "") + sqr + "All parameters are updatable." + skp + n + sqr + qt("/goal on") + " to run the Goal." + skp) + o + skp; sendTitle(e, a), sendNote(e, i), sendTitle(e, l) }
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