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/******************************************************************** ** PLINKO for chaturbate ** by Nicky7282 ( (twitter: @nicky7282) ** This bot is still in beta and still in development, your mileage may vary. ** ** If you modify, adapt, or copy parts of this bot in ANY WAY please credit me: nicky7282 ** *Liam Neeson voice* ** IF YOU DON'T CREDIT ME... ಠ_ಠ ** I WILL FIND YOU... ಡ_ಡ ** AND I WILL KILL YOU... (⌐■_■)︻╦╤─ (╥﹏╥) ** ... ** .. ** So thanks for crediting me! THAT'S FUCKIN' TEAMWORK! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ** ** ** ** HIGH FIVE! ********************************************************************/ cb.settings_choices = [ { name: 'plinkoPrice', label: "(Multiples of 10 are easiest) Plinko chip price:", type: 'int', defaultValue: 40 }, { name: 'plinkoChip', label: "(default: white) What should the plinko chip be?", type: 'choice', choice1: 'white', choice2: 'black', choice3: 'red', choice4: 'blue', choice5: 'volleyball', defaultValue: 'white', }, { name: 'disableBounce', label: "Disable plinko chip bouncing?", type: 'choice', choice1: 'no', choice2: 'yes', defaultValue: 'no', }, { name: 'removePrizes', label: "Remove prizes from the board as they are won?", type: 'choice', choice1: 'no', choice2: 'yes', defaultValue: 'no', }, { name: 'prize0', label: "Prizes go here", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize1', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize2', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize3', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize4', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize5', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize6', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize7', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize8', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, { name: 'prize9', label: "", type: 'str', required: false, defaultValue: ''}, ]; //As of 11/27/2016 slight refactoring is needed but I wanted to get this released ASAP so... yeah... //Could fix "bounced" and "moved" to be variables set in getPath(), as they are calculated multiple times in multiple functions. //Integer math operations are less of a concern than the amount of times Math.random is called. I would like to consolodate getpath's random path generation to ONE Math.random call in the future. //I need to move slot tracking for removePrizes OUTSIDE of prizes array. var boardQueue = []; var beingDrawn = false; var prizeQueue = []; var plinkoWidth = 10; // excludes 0. If you modify my code, you will have to update the prizes array, fancyNumbers arrays, cb.settings_choices, and plinkoBottom() to change this value without breaking things. var plinkoHeight = 8; // excludes 0. excludes plinkoBottom(). var chips = {white:'\u{26AA}', black:'\u{26AB}', red:'\u{1F534}', blue:'\u{1F535}', volleyball:'\u{1F3D0}'}; var plinkoChip = chips[cb.settings.plinkoChip]; var canBounce = {no:true,yes:false}[cb.settings.disableBounce]; //interface psychology. I think it's more interesting if the ball bounces. var removePrizes = {no:false,yes:true}[cb.settings.removePrizes]; var plinkoBorder = '\u{1F536}'; var fancyNumbers1 = ['\u{1D7CF}','\u{1D7D0}','\u{1D7D1}','\u{1D7D2}','\u{1D7D3}','\u{1D7D4}','\u{1D7D5}','\u{1D7D6}','\u{1D7D7}','\u{1D7CF}\u{1D7CE}']; //Not much a difference. var fancyNumbers2 = ['\u{1D7D9}','\u{1D7DA}','\u{1D7DB}','\u{1D7DC}','\u{1D7DD}','\u{1D7DE}','\u{1D7DF}','\u{1D7E0}','\u{1D7E1}','\u{1D7D9}\u{1D7D8}']; //Meh in firefox. Will mess up fonts. var fancyNumbers3 = ['\u{2776}','\u{2777}','\u{2778}','\u{2779}','\u{277A}','\u{277B}','\u{277C}','\u{277D}','\u{277E}','\u{277F}']; //Okay in chrome. Bad in firefox. var fancyNumbers4 = ['\u{2780}','\u{2781}','\u{2782}','\u{2783}','\u{2784}','\u{2785}','\u{2786}','\u{2787}','\u{2788}','\u{2789}']; //Okay in chrome. Terrible in firefox. function plinkoBottom(){ var bottomString = '\n' + plinkoBorder; for (var i = 0; i < plinkoWidth; i++){ if (prizes[i][2]){ bottomString += fancyNumbers1[i]; } else { bottomString += (i+1); } if ((i+1) != plinkoWidth){ bottomString += '\u{2591}'; } } bottomString += plinkoBorder; return bottomString; } var plinkoCat = '\u{227D}^\u{072B}^\u{227C}'; // THIS CAT IS NECESSARY DO NOT REMOVE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE cb.chatNotice('Welcome to plinko by Nicky7282! ' + plinkoCat + '\nThis bot is brand new; if you encounter any issues please contact me on twitter: @nicky7282','','','','bold'); var prizes = [[cb.settings.prize0, false, false], [cb.settings.prize1, false, false], [cb.settings.prize2, false, false], [cb.settings.prize3, false, false], [cb.settings.prize4, false, false], [cb.settings.prize5, false, false], [cb.settings.prize6, false, false], [cb.settings.prize7, false, false], [cb.settings.prize8, false, false], [cb.settings.prize9, false, false]]; cb.onTip(function (tip) { var user = tip['from_user']; var amountTipped = parseInt(tip['amount']); if (amountTipped >= cb.settings.plinkoPrice && amountTipped <= (cb.settings.plinkoPrice + (plinkoWidth-1))){ dropChip(amountTipped, user); } }); function dropChip(amountTipped, user){ var startPosition = amountTipped - cb.settings.plinkoPrice; var pathAndMovement = getPath(startPosition); generateBoard(pathAndMovement[0], pathAndMovement[1], user); findPrize(pathAndMovement[0], pathAndMovement[1], user); // "find" does not return a value. "get" does. if (!beingDrawn) { beingDrawn = true; displayTheBoard(); } } function displayThePrizes(){ //cb.log("in displayThePrizes()"); //TRACE prizeQueue.pop(); cb.chatNotice(prizeQueue.join(''),'','','#FF0000','bold'); prizeQueue = []; } //I was really really tired when I wrote this. function findPrize(path, movement, user){ // My articulation is poor here. Sorry? Shruglife. Still, you should be able to get the gist of this function. //cb.log("findPrize()"); //TRACE var slot1 = path[path.length-1]; var slot2 = path[path.length-2]; var prize1 = prizes[slot1][0]; var prize2 = prizes[slot2][0]; var beenUsed1 = prizes[slot1][1]; var beenUsed2 = prizes[slot2][1]; var prizePhrase = ''; var moved = movement[movement.length-1]; var bounced = path.length - plinkoHeight; if (prize1 && !beenUsed1){ prizePhrase += user + ' won: ' + prize1; } else if (!prize1 && !beenUsed1){ prizePhrase += user + '\'s chip landed in slot ' + (slot1+1); } else if (prize1 && beenUsed1){ prizePhrase += user + '\'s chip landed in slot ' + (slot1+1) + ' but that prize was already won.'; } else if (!prize1 && beenUsed1){ prizePhrase += user + '\'s chip landed in slot ' + (slot1+1) + ' but that slot already had a chip in it.'; } else { cb.log('Something went wrong finding the first prize.'); } if (removePrizes){ prizes[slot1][1] = true; } prizeQueue.push(prizePhrase); prizeQueue.push('\n'); if (bounced && moved){ //cb.log("in if(bounced&&moved) in findPrize()"); //TRACE prizePhrase = ''; if (prize2 && !beenUsed2){ prizePhrase += user + ' won: ' + prize2; } else if (!prize2 && !beenUsed2){ prizePhrase += user + '\'s chip landed in slot ' + (slot2+1); } else if (prize2 && beenUsed2){ prizePhrase += user + '\'s chip landed in slot ' + (slot2+1) + ' but that prize was already won.'; } else if (!prize2 && beenUsed2){ prizePhrase += user + '\'s chip landed in slot ' + (slot2+1) + ' but that slot already had a chip in it.'; } else { cb.log('Something went wrong finding the second prize.'); } if (removePrizes){ prizes[slot2][1] = true; } prizeQueue.push(prizePhrase); prizeQueue.push('\n'); } } function displayTheBoard() { //cb.log("in displayTheBoard()"); //TRACE var time; if (boardQueue.length > 20){ time = 0; } else { time = 1000; } cb.setTimeout(function () { if (!boardQueue[0]){ //cb.log("in if(!boardQueue[0]) in setTimeout in displayTheBoard()"); //TRACE displayThePrizes(); beingDrawn = false; return; } else { cb.chatNotice(boardQueue.shift().join(''),'','','','bold'); } displayTheBoard(); }, time); } function generateBoard(path, movement, user){ //cb.log("in generateBoard()"); //TRACE var bounced = path.length - plinkoHeight; var moved = movement[movement.length-1]; var board = []; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++){ var row = []; for (var x = 0; x < plinkoWidth; x++){ if (isEven(i) && isEven(x)){ row.push("\u{1F53A}"); } else if (isEven(i) && isOdd(x)) { row.push("\u{1F53B}"); } else if (isOdd(i) && isEven(x)){ row.push("\u{1F53B}"); } else { row.push("\u{1F53A}"); } } board.push(row); board[i][path[i]] = plinkoChip; board[i].unshift(plinkoBorder); //These only exist to force firefox to display emoji correctly. (If the chip is on the far left, it gets a different font for some reason.) board[i].push(plinkoBorder); //Microsoft Edge doesn't display them correctly 11/22/2016. Nobody was surprised. if (movement[i]){ board[i].push(chipSound()); } } if (removePrizes) { if (bounced && moved) { prizes[path[path.length-2]][2] = true; } prizes[path[path.length-1]][2] = true; } if (bounced){ board[(board.length-2)].push(bouncePhrase()+plinkoBottom()); var leftOrRight = movement[movement.length-1]; board[(board.length-1)].push(itBounced(leftOrRight)+plinkoBottom()); } else { board[(board.length-1)].push(plinkoBottom()); } board[0].push(' The chip is dropped...'); board.unshift([user,approachesTheBoard()]); //displayTheBoard() requires arrays for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++){ boardQueue.push(board[i]); } } function itBounced(bounce){ if (bounce == 1){ return " It bounced right! Both prize buttons were hit!"; } else if (bounce == -1){ return " It bounced left! Both prize buttons were hit!"; } else { return ' But it settled back to where it was.'; } } function bouncePhrase(){ var randomPhrase = [' The chip bounced out!', ' The chip bounced out of it\'s slot!', ' The chip bounced out and teeters on the edge!']; return randomPhrase[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomPhrase.length)]; } function chipSound(){ var sounds = [' *plink*', ' *plink*', ' *plink*', ' *plink*', ' *plink*', ' *plink*', ' *clack*', ' *clack*', ' *clack*', ' *tink*', ' *tink*', ' *tink*', ' *tink*', ' *ping*', ' *ting*', ' *click*', ' *pop*']; return sounds[Math.floor(Math.random() * sounds.length)]; } function approachesTheBoard(){ var randomPhrase = [' crosses their fingers as they step up to the plinko board', ' nervously approaches the plinko board', ' steps up the plinko board', ' confidently walks up to the plinko board', ' quietly sneaks up to the board while nobody\'s looking', ' tries to eat the plinko chip. '+cb['room_slug']+' drops the chip for them', ' gnaws at the plinko chip. '+cb['room_slug']+' drops the chip for them']; return randomPhrase[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomPhrase.length)]; } function getPath(startPosition){ //cb.log("in getPath()"); //TRACE var path = [startPosition]; var movement = [0]; var bounces = plinkoHeight-1; if (canBounce) { var sticky = getRandomInt(0,30); // Default(0,30) Most chips are sticky. Lowered for testing. if (!sticky){ bounces++; } } for (var i = 0; i < bounces; i++){ var move = getRandomInt(-1,2); var newPosition = path[i] + move; if (newPosition < 0){ newPosition = path[i] + Math.abs(move); path.push(newPosition); movement.push(Math.abs(move)); } else if (newPosition > (plinkoWidth-1)){ newPosition = path[i] - Math.abs(move); path.push(newPosition); movement.push(-Math.abs(move)); } else { path.push(newPosition); movement.push(move); } } return [path, movement]; } function isEven(n) { return n == parseFloat(n) && !(n % 2); } function isOdd(n) { return n == parseFloat(n) && !!(n % 2); //Checks if number. isOdd != !isEven } function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; }
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