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/* for a beautiful and intelligent free spirit unihorn separator xx menuClosedMsg default xx when menu is off skip menu on notices xx space needed after bb substitutions xx pm text repeating x slots "skipped" */ var tip4Char = 0; var tip4Goal = 0; var tipTotal = 0; var tip4GoalGoal = 0; var tip4GoalSeq = 0; var tip4GoalSeqMsg = 'Boost me up the ladder! Next Rung: [next] (of [goal])'; var roomSubject; var roomSubjectSet = false; var happyBirthday = false; var menuOpenMsg = ''; var menuClosedMsg = 'The Menu is closed'; var goalReachedMsg = 'The Goal has been reached!'; var tippedForPrizeMsg = '[tipper] has tipped for [prize]!'; var tipGoalOnMsg = 'Tip Goal is [tokens]'; var tipGoalOffMsg = 'Tip Goal is Off'; var prizeOffMenuMsg = '[prize] is OFF the Menu!'; var prizeOnMenuMsg = '[prize] is ON the Menu!'; var just4TipperMsg = '[tipper] tipped [just4]'; var just4NoticeMsg; var just4Key = 'Just4Char'; var notifyOn = true; var notifyTimer = 5; var notifyNext = 0; var notifyNotices = []; var notifyOnEnter = false; var brbTimer = 0; var menuOn = false; var menuItem = []; var menuPrice = []; var menuItemTotal = []; var menuSep = "|"; var holidayOn = false; var halloweenOn = false; var christmasOn = false; var aprilFoolOn = false; var stPatricksOn = false; var birthdayOn = false; var aprilFoolMenu = []; var aprilFoolMenuIx = 0; var aprilFoolOrioleCt = 0; var aprilFoolWellieCt = 0; var aprilFoolPbchndCt = 0; var expressColor = '#cc0066'; var leaderMinTip = 25; var charLeigh = cb.room_slug; var titlesOn = false; var titlesName = []; var titlesTitle = []; var titlesColor = []; var guestName = []; var guestTitle = []; var guestTotal = []; var guestSuckup = []; var guestLastAct = []; var guestNoCrown = []; var guestPassword = []; var todaysPassword = 'NowIlayMeDownToSleep'; var fiveSecondCount = 0; var oneMinuteCount = 0; var slowRoomCt=0; var flushPtr = 0; var duckPtr1 = 0; var duckPtr2 = 0; var duckPtr3 = 0; var gName,gTitle,gTips; var chaKingTotal = ''; var chaKingEmoti = ':crown-h1'; var noCrownList = ['Shutterstrike']; var saveAddu = ''; var oneTokensSave = []; var oneTokensIx = 0; var ruptTimer = 0; var ruptMsg = 'Enjoy Charleigh and her excellent playlist without interruption by sending a tip and enabling Adobe Flash'; var matchUser = ''; var matchTip = 0; var matchTotal = 0; var matchTally = 0; var matchMin = 10; var matchTimer = 5; var matchTimerCount = 0; var matchTipMsg = '[user] offers [tip] for Match Challenge! The tip was not counted toward goal, to start the match enter:'; var matchAddMsg = '/match [user] [tip]'; var matchLowMsg = 'Sorry, Match Challenge tips must be at least 100 tokens. But you still rock!'; var matchMsg = 'Matching Tip Challenge! [user] will match every gift of [min] or more towards Goal! [rem] is remaining to be matched!'; var matchMatchedMsg = 'Tip was matched by [user]! [rem] is remaining in Match Challenge!'; var matchCompleteMsg = 'Tip matching is complete - thanks so much [user]!'; var circle = [cb.room_slug]; var circleOn = false; var circleWelcome = 'Welcome to Charleigh\'s Private Circle\nYour chat will be seen only by members of the Circle'; var circleTopic = ''; var circleEntryFee = 25; var testBed = true; var autoTyOn = 0; var autoTyMsg = 'Thanks [tipper]!'; var autoTyName = ''; var autoTyTimer=0; var panelWatermarkText = ''; var panelImage = []; var panelImageIx = 0; var panelAnonKey = ''; var panelGrayKey = ''; var panamImageKeys = [' ']; var panamImageIx = 0; var panamImageCurrIx = 0; var panelVacKeys = [' ']; var panelVacOn = false; var panelVacTimer = 0; var panelImageTimer = 0; var lastTipper = ''; var lastTip = ''; var slotsOn = false; var slotsFee = 0; var slotsLoose = 3; var slotsInP1 = ['Bananas','Bells','Cherries','Grapes','Hearts','Lemons','Oranges','Plums','Rainbows','Stars','Unicorns','Watermelons']; var slotsInP2 = []; var slotsPics = []; // { pic: 'a b', key: 'imageid'} var slotsSpinKeys = []; // imageid var slotsSpinFrame = ''; var slotsInBook = []; // { tgt: n, name: '', pic: 'a b', pnum: 2/3 } var slotsResBook = []; // [ 0/1 ] var slotsResBookIx = 0; var slotsHitBook = []; // {name: '', p1: ab, p2: ab, p3: ab} var slotsPadBook = []; // { p1: 'a b', p2: 'a b', p3: 'a b' } var slotsSep = ''; var slotsSpread = 10; var slotsRunStatus = 0; var slotsRunQueue = []; // {user: '', ix: n} var slotsRunTimer = []; var slotsRunBook = []; // {name: '', p1: ab, p2: ab, p3: ab} var slotsRunBookIx = 0; var slotsRunPrivate = []; // {user: '', prizes: ['']}; var slotsRunPublic = []; // [ {name: '', count: 0} ] ; var slotsMissMsg = 'No prize, try again?' var fortuneCookieText = ' has won a Fortune Cookie!'; var fortuneCookieIx = 0; var aniGifsIx = 0; var aniGifs = [ {name: ':unicrown', ix: 0, list: [':unicrown11',':unicrown12',':unicrown13',':unicrown14',':unicrown15',':unicrown16',':unicrown17',':unicrown18',':unicrown10']} ]; cb.settings_choices = [ {name: 'roomSubject',type: 'str',defaultValue: 'TestBed',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'Room Subject'}, {name: 'panelWatermarkText',type: 'str', defaultValue: 'Love Ya!',minLength: 0,maxLength: 255,label: 'Panel Watermark'}, {name: 'panelImageIx',type: 'int', minValue: 1, defaultValue: 1, label: 'Panel#'}, {name: 'panamImageIx',type: 'int', minValue: 1, defaultValue: 3, label: 'Panam#'}, {name: 'just4Key', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 25,required: true,label: 'Just4 Keyword',defaultValue: 'Just4Char'}, {name: 'tip4GoalGoal', type: 'int',minValue: 0,defaultValue: 99,label: 'Tip Goal (zero means goal is off)'}, {name: 'tip4GoalSeqMsg', type: 'str',minLength: 0,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Sequence Message',defaultValue: 'Boost my bones up the ladder! Next Rung: [next] (of [goal])'}, {name: 'startTokens', type: 'int',minValue: 0,defaultValue: 0,label: 'Already received tokens'}, {name: 'notifyTimer',type: 'int',minValue: 0,defaultValue: 1,label: 'Rotating Notices Interval'}, {name: 'chaKingEmoti', type: 'str',minlength: 1,maxLength: 25,required: true,label: 'Crown Emoti',defaultValue: ':crown-h1'}, {name: 'autoTyMsg', type: 'str',minlength: 1,maxLength: 1024,required: true, label: 'Auto-Thanks Message',defaultValue: 'Thanks [tipper]!'}, {name: 'happyBirthday', label: 'Today is my Birthday', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'No'}, {name: 'holidayChoice' , label: 'Its a Holiday!' , type: 'choice', choice1: 'None', choice2: 'Halloween', choice3: 'Christmas', choice4: 'St. Patricks Day', defaultValue: 'None'}, {name: 'menuSep',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: true,label: 'Menu Separation',defaultValue: ':pixelglitter'}, {name: 'msg0',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg1',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg2',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg3',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg4',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg5',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg6',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg7',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg8',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg9',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg10',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg11',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg12',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg13',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg14',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'msg15',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,required: false,label: 'Notice',defaultValue: ''}, {name: 'menuOn',type: 'choice',choice1: 'On',choice2: 'Off',defaultValue: 'Off',label: 'Menu On/Off'}, {name: 'pos0',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos1',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos2',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos3',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos4',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos5',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos6',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos7',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos8',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos9',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos10',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos11',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos12',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos13',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos14',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos15',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos16',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos17',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos18',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'pos19',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'price | prize',required: false}, {name: 'titlesOn',type: 'choice',choice1: 'On',choice2: 'Off',defaultValue: 'Off',label: 'Titles On/Off'}, {name: 'ti0', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti1', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti2', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti3', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti4', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti5', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti6', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti7', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti8', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'ti9', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, required: false, label: 'Title,name,name,...'}, {name: 'noCrownList', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 4096, required: false, label: 'No Crown List name,name,...', defaultValue: 'Shutterstrike'}, {name: 'slotsOn',type: 'choice',choice1: 'On',choice2: 'Off',defaultValue: 'Off',label: 'Slots On/Off'}, {name: 'slotsFee', type: 'int',minValue: 0,defaultValue: 0,label: 'Tip Amount to Play Slots'}, {name: 'slotsLoose', type: 'int',minValue: 1,defaultValue: 3,label: 'Loose, 1-10, Win about every nth spin'}, {name: 'slots0', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots1', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false, defaultValue: '10 | Example'}, {name: 'slots2', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false, defaultValue: '50 | Example'}, {name: 'slots3', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false, defaultValue: '0 | Skipped'}, {name: 'slots4', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots5', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots6', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots7', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots8', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots9', type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots10',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots11',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots12',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots13',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots14',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots15',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots16',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, {name: 'slots17',type: 'str',minLength: 1,maxLength: 255,label: 'freq | prize',required: false}, ]; function updateSubject() { cb.changeRoomSubject(roomSubject); roomSubjectSet = true; } function loadSettings() { var i; var tmpp = []; var tmppi = ''; var tmpi, tmp1, tmp2; roomSubject = cb.settings.roomSubject; testBed = (cb.settings.roomSubject == 'TestBed'); initPanelKeys(); panelWatermarkText=cb.settings.panelWatermarkText; panelImageIx = (cb.settings.panelImageIx - 1) % panelImage.length; panamImageIx = (cb.settings.panamImageIx - 1) % panamImageKeys.length; just4Key = cb.settings.just4Key; if (cb.settings.chaKingEmoti != '') { chaKingEmoti = cb.settings.chaKingEmoti; } if (cb.settings.autoTyMsg != '') { autoTyMsg = cb.settings.autoTyMsg; } menuSep = cb.settings.menuSep; happyBirthday = (cb.settings.happyBirthday == 'Yes'); if (happyBirthday) { menuSep = ":hbscore"; } holidayOn = ! (cb.settings.holidayChoice == 'None'); halloweenOn = (cb.settings.holidayChoice == 'Halloween'); if (halloweenOn) { menuSep = ":sepjack"; } christmasOn = (cb.settings.holidayChoice == 'Christmas'); stPatricksOn = (cb.settings.holidayChoice == 'St. Patricks Day'); if (stPatricksOn) { fortuneCookies = irishJokes.slice(0); fortuneCookieText = " has won a St. Patrick's Fortune Cookie!"; } aprilFoolOn = (cb.settings.holidayChoice == 'April Fools'); if (aprilFoolOn) { panelImageIx = 4; } aprilFoolMenu.push('Elfin Tower for Sale!'); aprilFoolMenu.push('Ornery Cat for Sale!'); aprilFoolMenu.push('Going out of Business Sale! Lights, Camera, You provide the Action!'); slotsSep = ':lilcherries1'; tip4GoalGoal = cb.settings.tip4GoalGoal; tip4GoalSeqMsg = cb.settings.tip4GoalSeqMsg; tip4Goal = 0; tip4Char = 0; if (cb.settings.startTokens) { tip4Goal = cb.settings.startTokens; tipTotal = tip4Goal; } notifyTimer = cb.settings.notifyTimer; notifyOn = (notifyTimer != 0); notifyNotices = []; if (cb.settings.msg0 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg0); } if (cb.settings.msg1 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg1); } if (cb.settings.msg2 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg2); } if (cb.settings.msg3 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg3); } if (cb.settings.msg4 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg4); } if (cb.settings.msg5 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg5); } if (cb.settings.msg6 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg6); } if (cb.settings.msg7 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg7); } if (cb.settings.msg8 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg8); } if (cb.settings.msg9 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg9); } if (cb.settings.msg10 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg10); } if (cb.settings.msg11 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg11); } if (cb.settings.msg12 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg12); } if (cb.settings.msg13 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg13); } if (cb.settings.msg14 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg14); } if (cb.settings.msg15 != '') { notifyNotices.push(cb.settings.msg15); } for (i = 0; i < notifyNotices.length; i++) { notifyNotices[i] = (notifyNotices[i] + '').replace(/\[just4key\]/i,'"' + just4Key + '"'); } menuOpenMsg = notifyNotices[0]; just4NoticeMsg = notifyNotices[1]; menuOn = (cb.settings.menuOn == 'On'); tmpp = [cb.settings.pos0, cb.settings.pos1, cb.settings.pos2, cb.settings.pos3, cb.settings.pos4, cb.settings.pos5, cb.settings.pos6, cb.settings.pos7, cb.settings.pos8, cb.settings.pos9, cb.settings.pos10, cb.settings.pos11, cb.settings.pos12, cb.settings.pos13, cb.settings.pos14, cb.settings.pos15, cb.settings.pos16, cb.settings.pos17, cb.settings.pos18, cb.settings.pos19 ]; menuItem = []; menuPrice = []; menuItemTotal = []; for (i = 0; i < tmpp.length; i++) { tmppi = '' + tmpp[i]; tmpi = (tmpp[i] + '|').split('|'); tmp1 = parseInt(tmpi[0]); tmp2 = tmpi[1].trim(); if (tmppi.trim() == '') { continue; } if (tmppi.length != tmppi.replace('|','').length + 1) { cb.sendNotice('menu' + i + ': should have exactly one |',charLeigh,'','','bold'); continue; } if (tmp1 > 0 && tmp2 != '') { menuItem.push(tmp2); menuPrice.push(tmp1); menuItemTotal.push(0); } } if (menuPrice[0] != 1) { menuItem.splice(0,0,"oneTokens"); menuPrice.splice(0,0,1); } guestTitlesLoad(); noCrownList = (cb.settings.noCrownList + ',').split(','); slotsOn = (cb.settings.slotsOn == 'On'); slotsFee = cb.settings.slotsFee; slotsLoose = cb.settings.slotsLoose; tmpp = [cb.settings.slots0, cb.settings.slots1, cb.settings.slots2, cb.settings.slots3, cb.settings.slots4, cb.settings.slots5, cb.settings.slots6, cb.settings.slots7, cb.settings.slots8, cb.settings.slots9, cb.settings.slots10, cb.settings.slots11, cb.settings.slots12, cb.settings.slots13, cb.settings.slots14, cb.settings.slots15, cb.settings.slots16, cb.settings.slots17]; for (i = 0; i < tmpp.length; i++) { tmppi = '' + tmpp[i]; tmpi = (tmpp[i] + '|').split('|'); tmp1 = parseInt(tmpi[0]); tmp2 = tmpi[1].trim(); if (tmppi.trim() == '') { continue; } if (tmppi.length != tmppi.replace('|','').length + 1) { cb.sendNotice('slots ' + i + ': should have exactly one |',charLeigh,'','','bold'); continue; } if (tmp1 > 0 && tmp2 != '') { slotsInBook.push({ tgt: tmp1, name: tmp2, pic: '', pnum: 0}); } } //cb.sendNotice('sib0: ' + slotsInBook[0].tgt + ' ' + slotsInBook[0].name); if (slotsInBook.length > 0) { slotsInBook.sort(function(a,b) {return a.tgt - b.tgt;}); } //cb.sendNotice('sib0: ' + slotsInBook[0].tgt + ' ' + slotsInBook[0].name); } function initPanelKeys() { if (testBed) { panelImage.push({key: '6d6fbffb-ac6b-4770-b886-8a50dbc87fc1', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'Unicorns'}); panelImage.push({key: '0e0b83c3-da38-4c60-b9ca-1401480f2d67', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'Scroll'}); panelImage.push({key: 'e0a69ae3-1825-47a4-be0e-e17ad5c56f33', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'Bats'}); panelImage.push({key: '39db1cfb-46c2-409e-9859-702177535f8f', colorFore: '#ffffff', colorBack: '#000000', name: 'Christmas'}); panelImage.push({key: '4ebad3fa-9ecf-44de-9b9f-a4429a73cb3f', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'AprilFool'}); panamImageKeys[0]='04f764ab-1f7c-4ade-86c7-c6857a6ded47'; panamImageKeys[1]='ac468b04-f5b8-42dc-b231-125b28f76ecc'; panamImageKeys[2]='ba01a822-166e-41ea-a5b7-be6424cc6931'; panamImageKeys[3]='2b792ba8-72fb-4ddb-8e91-4a87e4235fae'; panamImageKeys[4]='53cda8bc-5c5a-4046-b87a-b935330e3a95'; panamImageKeys[5]='49ee8f8e-c265-4dc4-9704-6e03c22b2f33'; panelAnonKey='d249aac4-ad1d-4651-99b9-7ace837dec51'; panelVacKeys[0]='18730a27-66d6-4770-b8f3-296e530e66b7'; panelGrayKey=''; slotsSpinKeys.push('c0ed801e-6bc1-4b56-95e4-54660b790a97'); slotsSpinKeys.push('819708e0-12d2-407a-92e4-9e92dbb9a878'); slotsSpinKeys.push('795321ed-bdc3-4789-8c85-b82ce62a2ad5'); // slotsSpinFrame = '8dc4e2d8-f89a-46e2-84ad-0be866ea16a3'; slotsSpinFrame = '1281fb6a-488f-4315-b335-141a11864ceb'; slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Bananas', key: '5988466d-4d45-4c88-a8e8-48d4f06040ec' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Bells', key: 'd01b03fc-05d8-456c-bec8-71d29e31d1ad' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Cherries', key: '0a522b2c-6f7f-4e3e-bf0a-6b9730fb31e0' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Grapes', key: '8242a143-8952-4b39-82b5-1d5895db8671' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Hearts', key: '9d497575-ea13-4262-bc2c-ed4ad18f3570' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Lemons', key: '30b0847f-e03b-4ae6-831c-009a15a6aeac' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Oranges', key: '19411295-2170-4725-9559-616b1109ab79' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Plums', key: 'f40dbccf-b53a-47a7-bdae-57c9055827ff' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Rainbows', key: 'd1135fad-6e0d-49fa-9fd0-ae65ec3afbe8' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Stars', key: '095d74a9-1b99-405c-a0c2-337637173daa' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Unicorns', key: '28dd662d-dd2b-455e-b7f5-bd5dedaadcf5' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Watermelons', key: '53306675-1826-4350-b1f7-78b3afdaf093' }); } else { panelImage.push({key: 'c33736d1-f993-4d55-87d1-0c8bfccc15d0', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'Unicorns'}); panelImage.push({key: '8ec4e2ef-3b27-4e16-bc7a-1bf4fe0741b4', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'Scroll' }); panelImage.push({key: '1bc1054c-a308-4a81-b5fe-62f7760d3200', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'Bats' }); panelImage.push({key: 'f0cfbf69-58ee-4b73-a4bb-03bdc6a68b2f', colorFore: '#ffffff', colorBack: '#000000', name: 'Christmas'}); panelImage.push({key: 'a97be537-2ee1-424b-8540-725490207fec', colorFore: '#000000', colorBack: '', name: 'AprilFool'}); panamImageKeys[0]='9fc3151c-46fa-4007-8d18-1a0bc6af0075'; panamImageKeys[1]='d8e31a50-7011-4c47-a456-1771b1bd59f8'; panamImageKeys[2]='da2072f5-2895-4f70-9905-bc248f93849a'; panamImageKeys[3]='6b6a8ac6-8251-4a90-ab26-c172c06fb638'; panamImageKeys[4]='2238dd06-ad7e-4251-aa23-a2bfa01b330b'; panamImageKeys[5]='33e100b3-58e4-4543-b6a0-3dfbf800f61e'; panelVacKeys[0]='f8ab3d94-cf11-4ce2-b0cb-20e2364dc5fc'; panelAnonKey='1a4c94bd-1f17-402e-a48d-adbee8f60d0c'; panelGrayKey=''; slotsSpinKeys.push('78a94ee0-a52a-4d30-898d-228870cbeffc'); slotsSpinKeys.push('ddea8732-2804-46f5-b79c-cec562a4219e'); slotsSpinKeys.push('62131772-4549-42aa-bc55-f460626a831f'); // slotsSpinFrame = 'd29e2193-ef25-49f0-ac0f-5cb22488973c'; slotsSpinFrame = '50f793d1-4753-4541-a673-6ead5fedec32'; slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Bananas', key: '0f0f2f95-a503-417e-a5c0-f3f2e9c12f4e' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Bells', key: 'b6c5f068-159f-44dc-8c85-2cf86d4679f4' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Cherries', key: 'b0d36889-97e0-4fff-aa1e-efba73d5fbc2' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Grapes', key: '037bbca4-6a3f-4489-93c2-ebcec1b8c958' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Hearts', key: 'a9d650ef-e376-4148-8629-68ab8c03cd12' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Lemons', key: '8384753e-7eaa-41bd-8189-0ec403914e33' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Oranges', key: '00d8eda4-d10f-4ad4-8b31-6949e744c457' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Plums', key: '0c121e37-812f-43c1-96d2-aaa9b247dee4' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Rainbows', key: '55407a22-f1cd-48dc-b460-426f6552e20e' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Stars', key: '8d1f8c3b-8d5c-4301-9628-b13051a5074a' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Unicorns', key: '374d5198-f519-4660-8a5c-4bf77c6894ed' }); slotsPics.push( { pic: 'Watermelons', key: 'd754732c-6c58-4688-a2f3-267bf80c1cb3' }); } } cb.onTip(function(tip) { var a = tip.amount; var u = tip.from_user; var n = tip.message; var i; lastTipper = u; lastTip = a; tipTotal += a; slowRoomCt=0; if ( a >= 25 ) { panamImageIx = panamImageCurrIx; } if ( a >= 500 ) { panelVacTimer = fiveSecondCount + 8; } guestAdd(u); var g = guestInfo(u); guestLastAct[g.Index] = myGetTime(); if (!cb.limitCam_userHasAccess()) { cb.limitCam_addUsers([u]); } g.LastAct = myGetTime(); if (a >= 500 && g.Title == '') { g.Title = '[' + a + ']'; guestTitle[g.Index] = g.Title; } guestTotal[g.Index] += a; autoTyTimer = myGetTime() + 2500; if (n.toLowerCase() == 'match') { if (a >= 100) { cb.sendNotice(matchTipMsg.replace('[user]',u).replace('[tip]',a),charLeigh,'', colors[notifyColor],'bold'); cb.sendNotice(matchAddMsg.replace('[user]',u).replace('[tip]',a),charLeigh,'', colors[notifyColor],'bold'); myDrawPanel(1); return; } else { cb.sendNotice(matchLowMsg,u); } } if (n.toLowerCase().indexOf(just4Key.toLowerCase()) > -1) { tip4Char += a; if (a >= 500) { cb.sendNotice(":gdunicorn2"); } else { if (a >= 100) { cb.sendNotice(":gblg1"); } else { cb.sendNotice(":gbsm1"); }} myDrawPanel(2); return; } if (autoTyOn) { if (autoTyName == '' || autoTyName == u) { autoTyName = u; } else { autoTyName = 'Guys'; } } if (a >= 500) { if (autoTyName == u) {autoTyName = '';} if (happyBirthday) { cb.sendNotice(":birthdaycraze"); } else { cb.sendNotice(":gdUnicorn"); } } if (tip4GoalGoal && !tip4GoalSeq) { if (Math.floor(tip4Goal / tip4GoalGoal) < Math.floor((tip4Goal + a) / tip4GoalGoal)) { cb.sendNotice(goalReachedMsg,'',colors[goalReachedMsgColor],'','bold'); cb.sendNotice(u + ' has reached the goal',charLeigh,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); } } tip4Goal += a; if (matchTotal && a >= matchMin) { matchTimerCount = oneMinuteCount + matchTimer; if (a <= matchTotal - matchTally) { tip4Goal += a; matchTally += a; } else { tip4Goal += (matchTotal - matchTally); matchTally = matchTotal; } cb.sendNotice(matchMatchedMsg.replace('[user]',matchUser).replace('[rem]',matchTotal-matchTally),'','',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); if (autoTyName == u) {autoTyName = '';} if (matchTally >= matchTotal) { cb.sendNotice(matchCompleteMsg.replace('[user]',matchUser),'','',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); matchUser = ''; matchTotal = 0; matchTally = 0; } } if (tip4GoalSeq && a >= tip4GoalSeq) { var b = a; while (b >= tip4GoalSeq && tip4GoalSeq <= tip4GoalGoal) { b = b - tip4GoalSeq; tip4GoalSeq++; } if (tip4GoalSeq > tip4GoalGoal) { tip4GoalSeq = 2; cb.sendNotice(goalReachedMsg,'',colors[goalReachedMsgColor],'','bold'); cb.sendNotice(u + ' has reached the goal',charLeigh,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); if (autoTyName == u) {autoTyName = '';} } else { cb.sendNotice('Thanks! (Next tip needed: ' + tip4GoalSeq + ')',u,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); if (autoTyName == u) {autoTyName = '';} } } if (a == slotsFee && slotsOn) { slotsRunQueue.push({user: u, ix: ++slotsRunBookIx % slotsRunBook.length }); slotsStatusStart(); } else { if (menuOn) { i = menuPrice.indexOf(a); if (i != -1) { // if (autoTyName == u) {autoTyName = '';} if (menuItem[i].toLowerCase() == "onetokens") { if (holidayOn) { cb.sendNotice(u + " Q: " + oneTokens[oneTokensIx].q + " A: " + oneTokens[oneTokensIx].a ,"",colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); } else { cb.sendNotice(u + " tipped to ask: " + oneTokens[oneTokensIx].q,"",colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); cb.sendNotice(oneTokens[oneTokensIx].a.replace("[tipper]",u),u,colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); } oneTokensIx = (oneTokensIx + 1) % oneTokens.length; cb.sendNotice(oneTokens[oneTokensIx].q + " (1)","","",colors[prizeListColor],"bold"); } else { cb.sendNotice(tippedForPrizeMsg.replace("[tipper]",u).replace("[prize]",menuItem[i]),"",colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); } menuItemTotal[i] += a; } } } myDrawPanel(3); }); cb.onMessage(function(msg) { var i; var iT = []; var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; var ml = m.toLowerCase(); guestAdd(u); var guest = guestInfo(u); guestLastAct[guest.Index] = myGetTime(); guest.LastAct = myGetTime(); if (u != charLeigh && m.in_fanclub && !m.has_tokens && !m.is_mod && !m.tipped_recently && !m.tipped_alot_recently && !m.tipped_tons_recently && !guest.Password) { if (m.indexOf(todaysPassword) > -1) { guestPassword[guest.Index] = true; cb.sendNotice("Thank you! Please continue to enjoy the room.",u); msg['X-Spam'] = true; return msg; } else { cb.sendNotice("Due to the large number of spambots posing as gray guests, please enter today's password. Today's password is " + todaysPassword + ".",u); msg['X-Spam'] = true; return msg; } } if (!cb.limitCam_userHasAccess()) { cb.limitCam_addUsers([u]); } if (u != charLeigh) { slowRoomCt=0; } if (u == charLeigh) { msg.c = expressColor; if (ml.slice(0,3) == 'brb' && menuOn) { brbTimer = fiveSecondCount + 5; } else { brbTimer = 0; } } if (u == autoTyName || u == charLeigh) { autoTyName = ''; } if (m.slice(0,1) == '/') { return slashCmds(msg); } if (m.slice(0,1) == '!' && m != '!') { return exclamCmds(msg,u); } if (circleOn && circle.indexOf(u) > -1) { sendCircle(u,m); msg.m = ''; msg['X-Spam'] = true; return msg; } if (u != charLeigh && guest.Suckup) { msg.m = ':smile'; msg['X-Spam'] = true; guestSuckup[guest.Index] *= 0.90; if (guestSuckup[guest.Index] < Math.random()) { msg.m = suckup(); msg['X-Spam'] = false; } return msg; } if (u != charLeigh) { msg.m = m.replace(':chaKing',':chaBeanie2').replace(/:crown.* /,':chaBeanie2 '); m = msg.m; } if (guest.Tips == chaKingTotal && chaKingTotal > 0 && (! guest.NoCrown) ) { m = chaKingEmoti + ' ' + m; msg.m = m; } if (guest.Title != '' && guest.Title.toLowerCase() != 'none' && guest.Title) { m = '(' + guest.Title + ') ' + m; msg.m = m; } if (guest.Title == '' && u != charLeigh && (chaKingTotal == 0 || guest.Tips != chaKingTotal) && (! guest.NoCrown) ) { m = '(' + guest.Tips + ') ' + m; msg.m = m; } if ( panelVacTimer > fiveSecondCount && ( guest.Title != '' || guest.Tips > 0 || u == charLeigh ) && ( ml.indexOf('clean') > -1 || ml.indexOf('sweep') > -1 || ml.indexOf('vac') > -1 || ml.indexOf('mess') > -1 || ml.indexOf('confet') > -1 || ml.indexOf('glit') > -1 || ml.indexOf('broom') > -1 || ml.indexOf('clear') > -1 || ml.indexOf('roomba') > -1 || ml.indexOf('hoover') > -1 )) { panelVacOn = true; myDrawPanel(18); } msg = aniFilter(msg,guest); msg = allFilters(msg,guest); return msg; }); function slashCmds(msg) { var a; var m = msg.m + ' '; var u = msg.user; msg['X-Spam'] = true; if (m.slice(0,8).toLowerCase() == '/tipmenu' || m.slice(0,8).toLowerCase() == '!tipmenu') { if (menuOn || u == charLeigh) { prizeList(u); } else { cb.sendNotice(menuClosedMsg,u,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); } } if (u != charLeigh) { return msg; } if (m.slice(0,5) == '/chat' && circleOn) { msg.m = m.slice(6); msg['X-Spam'] = false; return msg; } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/panel') { panelImageIx = (panelImageIx + 1) % panelImage.length; myDrawPanel(4); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/panam') { panamImageCurrIx = (panamImageCurrIx + 1) % panamImageKeys.length; panamImageIx = panamImageCurrIx; myDrawPanel(4); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,5).toLowerCase() == '/menu') { msg = menuChange(msg); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,7).toLowerCase() == '/notify') { notifyOn = !notifyOn; return msg; } if (m.slice(0,10).toLowerCase() == '/aprilfool') { aprilFoolOn = !aprilFoolOn; if (aprilFoolOn) { panelImageIx = 4; aprilFoolOrioleCt = 0; aprilFoolWellieCt = 0; aprilFoolPbchndCt = 0; } else { panelImageIx = 0; } myDrawPanel(200); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,4).toLowerCase() == '/add') { a = parseInt(m.slice(5,255)); if (isNaN(a)) { cb.sendNotice('missing number: ' + m,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } else { tip4Goal += a; myDrawPanel(5); cb.sendNotice(a + ' has been added to counter',charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } } if (m.slice(0,5).toLowerCase() == '/rupt') { a = parseInt(m.slice(6,255)); if (isNaN(a)) { ruptTimer = myGetTime() + 30000; } else { ruptTimer = myGetTime() + (a * 1000); } ruptStart(); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/slots') { if (m.trim() == '/slots') { slotsOn = ! slotsOn; if (slotsOn) { cb.sendNotice('Slot Machine Started, ' + slotsFee + ' Tip to Play','','','','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice('Slot Machine Stopped','','','','bold'); } } return msg; } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/stats') { a = '----'; for (i = 0; i < menuItem.length; i++) { if (menuItemTotal[i]) { a = a + '\n' + menuItem[i] + ' (' + menuItemTotal[i] + ')'; } } a = a + '\n----'; for (i = 0; i < guestName.length; i++) { if (guestTotal[i]) { a = a + '\n' + guestName[i] + ' (' + guestTotal[i] + ')' } } cb.sendNotice(a,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,8).toLowerCase() == '/subject') { roomSubject = m.slice(9,255).trim(); updateSubject(); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,5).toLowerCase() == '/goal') { a = parseInt(m.slice(6,15)); if (isNaN(a) || a == 0) { tip4GoalGoal = 0; tip4GoalSeq = 0; } else { tip4GoalGoal = a; tip4GoalSeq = 0; } myDrawPanel(6); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,4).toLowerCase() == '/seq') { a = parseInt(m.slice(5,15)); if (isNaN(a) || a == 0) { tip4GoalGoal = 0; tip4GoalSeq = 0; } else { tip4GoalGoal = a; tip4GoalSeq = 2; } myDrawPanel(7); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/title') { iT = (m.slice(7,255).trim() + ',,').split(','); gi = guestName.indexOf(iT[1].trim()); if (iT[1].trim() != '' && gi > -1) { guestTitle[gi] = iT[0].trim(); if (guestTitle[gi].indexOf(':') > -1) { guestTitle[gi] = ' ' + guestTitle[gi] + ' '; } } return msg; } if (m.slice(0,3).toLowerCase() == '/xp') { var a = []; var c; a = m.split(/\s+/); var re = /[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/g; if (a[1].slice(0,1) == '#') { var a1 = a[1].slice(1); if (a1.length == 5 && re.test(a1)) { cb.sendNotice('??? ' + a[1],charLeigh); return msg; } c = a[1]; } else { if (!(a[1].toLowerCase() in colors)) { cb.sendNotice('??? ' + a[1],charLeigh); return msg; } c = colors[a[1].toLowerCase()]; } if (a.length > 2) { msg.c = c; msg.m = (a.slice(2,a.length)).join(' '); msg['X-Spam'] = false; return msg; } expressColor = c; cb.sendNotice('color changed to this',charLeigh,'',c); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,7).toLowerCase() == '/suckup' || m.slice(0,2) == '/ ') { var a = m.split(/\s+/); if (a[1] == '') { cb.sendNotice('who?: ' + m,charLeigh); return; } guestAdd(a[1]); var g = guestInfo(a[1]); if (g.Suckup) { guestSuckup[g.Index] = 0; } else { guestSuckup[g.Index] = 1; } return msg; } if (m.slice(0,7).toLowerCase() == '/circle') { return cmdCircle(msg); } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/flush') { cb.sendNotice(flushChat()); msg.m=flushChat(); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,6).toLowerCase() == '/match') { var a = m.split(/\s+/); if (a.length != 4) { cb.sendNotice('??? /match User(s) Tip',charLeigh); return msg; } matchUser = a[1]; matchTip = parseInt(a[2]); matchTotal = matchTotal - matchTally; matchTally = 0; matchTotal = matchTip; matchAdvert(''); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,4).toLowerCase() == '/aty') { autoTyOn = (autoTyOn + 1) % 2; return msg; } if (m.slice(0,5).toLowerCase() == '/help') { a = '' + '\n/menu on (turn menu on)' + '\n/menu off (turn menu off)' + '\n/menu price item (add item)' + '\n/menu price (drop item)' + '\n/menu 1 oneTokens (ask Charlie for 1)' + '\n/menu send user (send menu to user)' + '\n/menu send (send menu to all)' + '\n/panel (toggle new/old panel)' + '\n/notify (toggle notices on/off)' + '\n/goal n (n=new goal, zero=goal off)' + '\n/seq n (n=tip sequence goal, zero=goal off)' + '\n/add n (add n to tip counter)' + '\n/stats (show stats)' + '\n/title T,user (give title T to user)' + '\n/subject (change room subject)' + '\n/xp color (change your message color)' + '\n/xp color txt (send txt in color)' + '\n/flush (flush chat off screen)' + '\n/circle (get help for circle)' + '\n/rupt n (start rupt for n seconds, default 30)' + '\n/match user(s) tip (user(s) will match gifts to a total of tip)' + '\n/slots (toggle slots on/off)' + '\n/panel (next panel select)' + '\n/panam (next panel animation)' ; cb.sendNotice(a,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } return msg; } function menuChange(msg) { var a,i,p,px,z; var m = msg.m.slice(6,255).trim(); if (m.slice(0,2).toLowerCase() == 'on') { if (!menuOn) { cb.sendNotice(menuOpenMsg,'','',colors[notifyColor]); } menuOn = true; myDrawPanel(8); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,3).toLowerCase() == 'off') { if (menuOn) { cb.sendNotice(menuClosedMsg,'','',colors[notifyColor]); } menuOn = false; myDrawPanel(9); return msg; } if (m.slice(0,4).toLowerCase() == 'send') { zu = m.slice(5,255).trim(); prizeList(''); cb.sendNotice('menu sent',charLeigh,'','','bold'); if (!menuOn) { cb.sendNotice('menu is off',charLeigh,'','','bold'); } return msg; } p = parseInt(m.slice(0,255)); if (isNaN(p)) { cb.sendNotice('???: ' + m,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } z = m.replace(p.toString(),'').trim(); px = menuPrice.indexOf(p); if (px == -1 && z == '') { cb.sendNotice('???: ' + m,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } if (px != -1 && z == '') { a = menuItem[px]; menuItem.splice(px,1); menuPrice.splice(px,1); menuItemTotal.splice(px,1); cb.sendNotice('removed: ' + a,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } if (px == -1) { menuItem.push('hello'); menuPrice.push(0); menuItemTotal.push(0); for (i = menuItem.length - 1; i; i--) { if (p < menuPrice[i-1]) { menuItem[i] = menuItem[i-1]; menuPrice[i] = menuPrice[i-1]; menuItemTotal[i] = menuItemTotal[i-1]; } else { break; } } menuItem[i] = z; menuPrice[i] = p; menuItemTotal[i] = 0; cb.sendNotice('added: ' + z + ' (' + p + ')',charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } if (px != -1) { a = menuItem[px]; menuItem[px] = z; cb.sendNotice('replaced: ' + a + ' with ' + z,charLeigh,'','','bold'); return msg; } cb.sendNotice('???: ' + msg.m,charLeigh); } function matchAdvert(u) { cb.sendNotice(matchMsg.replace('[user]',matchUser).replace('[min]',matchMin).replace('[rem]',matchTotal-matchTally),u,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); } function exclamCmds(msg,u) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; var m = msg.m.toLowerCase().trim(); if (m == '!m' || m == '!tipmenu') { if (menuOn || u == charLeigh) { prizeList(u); } else { cb.sendNotice(menuClosedMsg,u,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); } } if (m == '!bd' && (u == 'pbchnd' || u == 'pbchnd4')) { happyBirthday = !happyBirthday; oneTokensShuffle(); if (happyBirthday) { menuSep = ":hbscore"; } else { menuSep = cb.settings.menuSep; } } return msg; } function aniFilter(msg,guest) { if (msg.user == charLeigh) { return msg; } var a = (msg.m + ' ').split(/[\s]+/); var m = msg.m; for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j<aniGifs.length; j++) { if (a[i] == aniGifs[j].name) { a[i] = aniGifs[j].list[aniGifs[j].ix]; aniGifs[j].ix = (aniGifs[j].ix + 1) % aniGifs[j].list.length; } } } msg.m = a.join(' '); return msg; } function allFilters(msg,guest) { var m = msg.m; if (msg.user == charLeigh) { return msg; } var message = msg; message = vFilter (msg,guest); if (message['X-Spam'] == true) {return message;} if (guest.Title != '') { return msg; } message = xxFilter(msg,guest); if (message['X-Spam'] == true) {return message;} message = pmFilter(msg,guest); if (m != message.m) {return message;} message = bbFilter(msg,guest); if (m != message.m) {return message;} message = swFilter(msg,guest); if (m != message.m) {return message;} // if (m.toLowerCase().replace(/[ ._\-\:\,]/g,'').search(/greenscreen/) > -1) {msg.m = ':_nogreenscreen';} duckFilter(msg); return msg; } var pmText = [ "(may be wanting something illegal)" ,"(fearing public ridicule)" ,"(tip-note, what's a tip-note?)" ,"(extremely shy)" ,"(what I have to ask - it's really embarrassing)" ,"(# pm/pvt requests rejected today: 103)" ,"(I thought about impressing with a nice tip-note but...)" ,"(I tried asking mom but that didn't go well)" ,"(I asked my sister... now I have to take classes... but I still want to know :)" ,"(I can't afford a tip-note, so could I have a private convo?)" ,"(CB can't see PM's right?)" ,"(I am asking 100 women for the Family Feud show. I'm actually afraid of women so...)" ]; var pmIx = 0; function pmFilter(msg,guest) { var m = msg.m.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[\?\!]/,''); var a = m.split(' '); var firstWord = a[0]; var lastWord = a[a.length - 1]; if (firstWord == 'pm' || firstWord == 'pvt' || firstWord == 'prvt' || firstWord == 'private' || lastWord == 'pm' || lastWord == 'pvt' || lastWord == 'prvt' || lastWord == 'private' ||\bpm\b/) > -1 ) { pmIx = (pmIx + 1) % pmText.length; msg.m = msg.m + ' ' + pmText[pmIx]; msg['X-Spam'] = false; } return msg; } var bbAdj = [ 'baffling' ,'bantering' ,'baresome' ,'bawdy' ,'beguiling' ,'blushing' ,'boisterous' ,'brainy' ,'brashy' ,'brassy' ,'brave' ,'brazen' ,'brilliant' ,'beading' ,'beaming' ,'busty' ,'butter' ,'buttery' ,'busterious' ]; var bbNoun = [ 'bananas' ,'beauty' ,'bee' ,'berries' ,'biscuits' ,'blossoms' ,'bobbers' ,'bosoms' ,'bottom' ,'becky' ,'britches' ,'brunette' ,'bunny' ,'bonnie' ,'belle' ,'budgie' ,'bubbles' ,'buddy' ,'buns' ]; function bbFilter(msg) { var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; var bbA; var bbN; var bbR; while (^| )bb($| )/i) > -1) { if (happyBirthday) { bbA = 'Birthday'; bbN = 'Beauty'; } else { bbA = bbAdj[Math.floor(Math.random() * bbAdj.length)].replace(/b/,'B'); bbN = bbNoun[Math.floor(Math.random() * bbNoun.length)].replace(/b/,'B'); } bbR = ' ' + bbA + ' ' + bbN + ' '; m = m.replace(/(^| )bb($| )/i,bbR).trim(); } if (m != msg.m) { msg['X-Spam'] = false; msg.m = m; cb.sendNotice('Charleigh\'s App has intervened on your behalf, she HATES being called bb :)',u); } return msg; } function swFilter(msg) { var m = msg.m; var mA = m.split(" "); var mAL = m.toLowerCase().split(" "); for (i=0; i<mAL.length; i++) { mAL[i] = mAL[i].replace(/[\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()@\+\?><\[\]\+]/g, ''); } var swList = ['sweetie','sweetness','sweety','dear','baby','babe','doll','sugar','bebe','bb']; var swSuff = ['y','ie','stuff','cake','cakes','ness','']; for (i=0; i<swList.length; i++) { for (j=0; j<swSuff.length; j++) { for (k=0; k<mAL.length; k++) { if (mAL[k] == swList[i] + swSuff[j]) { mA[k] = ":_no" + swList[i]; } } } } m = mA.join(" "); if (m != msg.m.replace(/\s/g," ")) { msg['X-Spam'] = false; msg.m = m; } return msg; } function vFilter(msg) { var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; var mu = ' ' + m.toLowerCase() + ' '; if ([fv]+[^a-z]*[3e]+[^a-z]*[r]+[^a-z]*[u]+[^a-z]*[ck]+[^a-z]*[a]/) > -1) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice('suppressed msg from ' + u + ': ' + m,charLeigh); } return msg; } function xxFilter(msg) { var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; var mu = ' ' + m.toLowerCase() + ' '; for (i = 0; i < xxList.length; i++) { if ([i]) > -1) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice('suppressed msg from ' + u + ': ' + m,charLeigh); return msg; } } return msg; } var xxList = [ " spank bank" ," spank vault" ," clit locker" ," watch my cam" ," see my cam" ]; function duckFilter(msg) { var m = msg.m; var dm; var di =\b(my|huge|enormous|monster|massive|big|black|inch|real) (cock|dick|penus|pens|penis|boner|hardon|rod|bbc)\b/i); if (di > -1) { duckPtr1 = (duckPtr1 + 1) % duckLine1.length; duckPtr2 = (duckPtr2 + 1) % duckLine2.length; duckPtr3 = (duckPtr3 + 1) % duckLine3.length; if (happyBirthday) { dm = "I have a big duck I'm so proud! But it's Charleigh's Big Day, so let me just say: Best Wishes from me and the crowd!"; } else { dm=duckLine1[duckPtr1] + duckLine2[duckPtr2] + duckLine3[duckPtr3]; } cb.sendNotice(dm,'','',colors[duckColor],'bold'); } return; } function duckShuffle() { var i,j,t; for (i = duckLine2.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = duckLine2[i - 1]; duckLine2[i - 1] = duckLine2[j]; duckLine2[j] = t; } } function todaysPwd() { var i,j,t; var s='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890123456789'; var a = s.split(""); for (i = a.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = a[i - 1]; a[i - 1] = a[j]; a[j] = t; } todaysPassword = a.join('').substr(0,Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)+8); } function reverseString(s) { var newString = ""; for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { newString += str[i]; } return newString; } function randPick(a) { return a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]; } function prizeList(u) { var pl = ''; var i; for (i = 0; i < menuItem.length; i++) { if (menuItem[i].toLowerCase() == "onetokens") { pl = pl + ' ' + menuSep + ' ' + oneTokens[oneTokensIx].q + ' (' + menuPrice[i] + ')'; } else { pl = pl + ' ' + menuSep + ' ' + menuItem[i] + ' (' + menuPrice[i] + ')'; } } if (aprilFoolOn) { pl = pl + ' ' + menuSep + ' ' + aprilFoolMenu[aprilFoolMenuIx++ % aprilFoolMenu.length] + ' (50000)'; } cb.sendNotice(pl,u,'',colors[prizeListColor],'bold'); if (slotsOn) { pl = ''; pl = pl + 'PLAY NAUGHTY SLOTS for ' + slotsFee + ': '; for (i = 0; i < slotsInBook.length; i++) { pl = pl + ' ' + slotsSep + ' ' + slotsInBook[i].pnum + ' ' + slotsInBook[i].pic + ' = ' + slotsInBook[i].name; } cb.sendNotice(pl,u,'',colors[slotsListColor],'bold'); } } function guestInfo(u) { var i; i = guestName.indexOf(u); if (i == -1) { return {Title: '', Tips: 0, Suckup: false, NoCrown: false, Password: false, Index: 1000}; } return {Title: guestTitle[i], Tips: guestTotal[i], Suckup: guestSuckup[i], NoCrown: guestNoCrown[i], Password: guestPassword[i], Index: i}; } function guestAdd(u) { var i; if (saveAddu == u) { return; } saveAddu = u; i = guestName.indexOf(u); if (i == -1) { if (u == charLeigh) { guestName.push(charLeigh); guestTitle.push(''); guestTotal.push(0); guestSuckup.push(0); guestLastAct.push(0); guestNoCrown.push(false); guestPassword.push(false); return; } else { guestName.push(u); guestTitleSet(u); guestTotal.push(0); guestSuckup.push(0); guestLastAct.push(0); guestNoCrownSet(u); guestPassword.push(false); } } } function guestTitleSet(u) { var a,i; i = titlesName.indexOf(u); if (i != -1) { guestTitle.push(titlesTitle[i]); } else { guestTitle.push(''); } } function guestNoCrownSet(u) { var i; i = noCrownList.indexOf(u); if (i != -1) { guestNoCrown.push(true); } else { guestNoCrown.push(false); } } function guestTitlesLoad() { var i,j,k; var iT = []; var inTitles = [ ,cb.settings.ti0 ,cb.settings.ti1 ,cb.settings.ti2 ,cb.settings.ti3 ,cb.settings.ti4 ,cb.settings.ti5 ,cb.settings.ti6 ,cb.settings.ti7 ,cb.settings.ti8 ,cb.settings.ti9 ]; guestAdd(charLeigh); for (i = 0; i < inTitles.length; i++) { iT = (inTitles[i] + ',,').split(','); for (j = 1; j < iT.length; j++) { if (iT[j] != '') { titlesTitle.push(iT[0]); titlesName.push(iT[j]); } } } } function suckup() { suCompIx = Math.floor(Math.random() * suComp.length); var m = ':hearty ' + suComp[suCompIx]; if (m != m.replace(/bty|stn/,'')) { suBeautyIx = (suBeautyIx + 1) % suBeauty.length; suStunnedIx = (suStunnedIx + 1) % suStunned.length; var b = suBeauty[suBeautyIx]; var s = suStunned[suStunnedIx]; m = m.replace(/bty/,b).replace(/stn/,s); } if (m != m.replace(/bty|stn/,'')) { suBeautyIx = (suBeautyIx + 1) % suBeauty.length; suStunnedIx = (suStunnedIx + 1) % suStunned.length; var b = suBeauty[suBeautyIx]; var s = suStunned[suStunnedIx]; m = m.replace(/bty/,b).replace(/stn/,s); } return m; } function suShuffle() { var i,j,t; for (i = suComp.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = suComp[i - 1]; suComp[i - 1] = suComp[j]; suComp[j] = t; } for (i = suBeauty.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = suBeauty[i - 1]; suBeauty[i - 1] = suBeauty[j]; suBeauty[j] = t; } for (i = suStunned.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = suStunned[i - 1]; suStunned[i - 1] = suStunned[j]; suStunned[j] = t; } } function oneTokensShuffle() { oneTokens = oneTokensSave.slice(0); oneTokensIx = 0; if (halloweenOn) { oneTokens = oneTokensHalloween.slice(0); } if (christmasOn) { oneTokens = oneTokensChristmas.slice(0); } if (happyBirthday) { oneTokens = oneTokensBirthday.slice(0); } var i,j,t; for (i = oneTokens.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = oneTokens[i - 1]; oneTokens[i - 1] = oneTokens[j]; oneTokens[j] = t; } } function shuffleCookies() { var i,j,t; for (i = fortuneCookies.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = fortuneCookies[i - 1]; fortuneCookies[i - 1] = fortuneCookies[j]; fortuneCookies[j] = t; } } function cmdCircle(msg) { var i,j; var m = msg.m; var a = (m.slice(8) + ',,').split(/[\s+,]/); var u = msg.user; if (a[0].toLowerCase() == 'on' || a[0].toLowerCase() == 'up') { circleOn = true; sendCircle('', circleWelcome); if (circleTopic != '') { sendCircle('',circleTopic); } return msg; } if (a[0].toLowerCase() == 'down' || a[0].toLowerCase() == 'off') { circleOn = false; sendCircle('', 'Circle is closed, your chat will now appear in public'); return msg; } if (a[0].toLowerCase() == 'topic') { circleTopic = m.slice(14,1000).trim(); return msg; } if (a[0].toLowerCase() == 'who') { for (i = 0; i < circle.length; i++) { cb.sendNotice(circle[i],charLeigh); } return msg; } if (a[0].toLowerCase() == 'boot') { for (i = 1; i < a.length; i++) { j = circle.indexOf(a[i]); if (j != -1) { cb.sendNotice('You are out of the circle, your chat is now in public',a[i]); circle.splice(j,1); } } return msg; } if (a[0].toLowerCase() == 'help' || a[0] == '') { var c = 'Circle Commands:' +'\n/circle user,user,... (add users to the circle)' +'\n/circle on/up/off/down (start/stop the circle)' +'\n/circle boot user,user,... (remove users from the circle)' +'\n/circle topic text... (what users see when they are added)' +'\n/circle who (show who is in the circle)' +'\n/chat msg (send msg to public chat)' ; cb.sendNotice(c,charLeigh); return msg; } for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (circle.indexOf(a[i]) == -1 && a[i] != '') { if (circleOn) { sendCircle('', a[i] + ' has been invited to the Circle'); cb.sendNotice('> ' + circleWelcome,a[i],colors[circleColorBG],colors[circleColorFG]); if (circleTopic != '') { cb.sendNotice('' + circleTopic,a[i],colors[circleColorBG],colors[circleColorFG]); } } circle.push(a[i]); } } return msg; } function sendCircle(u,m) { var i,j; var f = ''; if (u != '') { f = u + ': '; } if (circle.length < 1 && u == charLeigh) { cb.sendNotice('No one is in the circle but you', charLeigh); return; } for (i = 0; i < circle.length; i++) { cb.sendNotice(f + m,circle[i],colors[circleColorBG],colors[circleColorFG]); } } cb.onEnter(function (user) { var u = user.user; if (titlesName.indexOf(u) > -1 && cb.limitCam_isRunning() && !cb.limitCam_userHasAccess(u)) { cb.limitCam_addUsers([u]); } if (menuOn) { prizeList(u); cb.sendNotice(notifyNotices[0],u,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); } cb.sendNotice(notifyNotices[1],u,'',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); if (matchTotal) { matchAdvert(u); } if (user.in_fanclub || user.has_tokens || user.is_mod || user.tipped_recently || user.tipped_alot_recently || user.tipped_tons_recently) { return; } grayFiller(u); }); cb.onLeave(function (user) { var u = user.user; }); function grayFiller(u) { cb.sendNotice(flushChat(),u); } function myDrawPanel(i) { //cb.log('mdp: ' + i); cb.drawPanel(); } cb.onDrawPanel(function(user) { //cb.log('odp: ' + user.user); panelImageTimer = fiveSecondCount + 2; /* Anonymous User Panel */ if (user.user == '') { return { "template": "image_template", "layers": panelWatermark() .concat([{type: 'image', 'fileID': panelImage[panelImageIx].key, 'opacity': .90}]) .concat(panelText()) .concat([{type: 'image', 'fileID': panelAnonKey, 'opacity': .50}]) } } /* Full Panel */ if (user.user == charLeigh || user.in_fanclub || user.is_mod || user.has_tokens || user.tipped_recently || user.tipped_alot_recently || user.tipped_tons_recently || titlesName.indexOf(user.user) > -1 ) { if (slotsRunStatus) { return panelSlots(user.user,slotsRunStatus); } else { return { "template": "image_template", "layers": panelWatermark() .concat([{type: 'image', 'fileID': panelImage[panelImageIx].key, 'opacity': .90}]) .concat(panelText()) .concat(panelAnimate()) } } } /* Grays Panel */ return { "template": "image_template", "layers": panelWatermark() .concat([{type: 'image', 'fileID': panelImage[panelImageIx].key, 'opacity': .90}]) .concat(panelDumb('BUY TOKENS FOR MORE FUN')) .concat(panelAnimate()) } }); function panelWatermark() { var text = panelWatermarkText + ' ' + panelWatermarkText + ' ' + panelWatermarkText + ' ' + panelWatermarkText + ' ' + panelWatermarkText ; var family = 'cursive'; var size = 20; return [ {type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 3, left: 11, 'color': '#fff2cc', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 2, left: 10, 'color': '#fff2cc', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 1, left: 9, 'color': '#332600', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 23, left: 11, 'color': '#fff2cc', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 22, left: 10, 'color': '#fff2cc', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 21, left: 9, 'color': '#332600', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 43, left: 11, 'color': '#fff2cc', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 42, left: 10, 'color': '#fff2cc', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ,{type: 'text', 'text': text, top: 41, left: 9, 'color': '#332600', 'font-family': family, 'font-size': size} ]; } function panelText() { var a; var ll = []; var l1='',l2='',l3='',l4='',v1='',v2='',v3='',v4=''; var dLastTip = ''; if ( lastTip != 0 ) { dLastTip = 'Newest: ' + lastTipper; }; if (tip4GoalSeq) { a = (tip4GoalSeqMsg + '!').replace('[goal]',tip4GoalGoal).replace('[next]',tip4GoalSeq).split('!'); l1 = a[0] + '! '; v1 = a[1]; } else { if (tip4GoalGoal) { l1 = 'Received / Goal (Total):'; v1 = (tip4Goal % tip4GoalGoal) + ' / ' + tip4GoalGoal + ' (' + tip4Goal + ')'; l1 = 'Goal #' + (Math.floor(tip4Goal / tip4GoalGoal) + 1).toString() + ' : ' + tip4Goal % tip4GoalGoal + ' / ' + tip4GoalGoal ; v1 = ' (' + tip4Goal + ')'; } else { l1 ='Tokens Received:'; v1 = tip4Goal; }} l2 = just4Key + ':'; v2 = tip4Char; v3 = 'Don\'t forget to Follow'; if (tip4GoalGoal) { v3 = just4NoticeMsg; } if (menuOn) { v3 = menuOpenMsg; } ll = leaderList(); a = ll[0]; if (a != '') { v3 = ll[2]; } var family = ''; var size = 14; var style = 'Normal'; var t = []; if (panelImage[panelImageIx].colorBack != '') { t = t.concat([ {type: 'text', 'top' : 6,'left': 57,'text': l1 + ' ' + v1, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorBack} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 21,'left': 57,'text': l2 + ' ' + v2, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorBack} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 36,'left': 57,'text': ll[1].replace('Tip Leaders','MVP').replace('Tip Leader','MVP') , 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorBack} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 51,'left': 57,'text': dLastTip, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorBack} ]); } if (panelImage[panelImageIx].colorFore != '') { t = t.concat([ {type: 'text', 'top' : 4,'left': 55,'text': l1 + ' ' + v1, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorFore} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 19,'left': 55,'text': l2 + ' ' + v2, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorFore} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 34,'left': 55,'text': ll[1].replace('Tip Leaders','MVP').replace('Tip Leader','MVP') , 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorFore} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 49,'left': 55,'text': dLastTip, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: panelImage[panelImageIx].colorFore} ]); } return t } function panelAnimate() { if ( panelVacOn ) { panamImageIx = 1; return [{type: 'image', 'fileID': panelVacKeys[0], 'opacity': 1}] } else { return [{type: 'image', 'fileID': panamImageKeys[panamImageIx], 'opacity': 1}] } } function panelSlots(u,p) { var panel = { template: "image_template", layers: [] }; var charleighPanel = []; var a1 = ''; var a2 = ''; var a3 = ''; for (i = 0; i < slotsPics.length; i++) { if (slotsPics[i].pic == slotsRunBook[slotsRunQueueIx].p1) { a1 = slotsPics[i].key; } if (slotsPics[i].pic == slotsRunBook[slotsRunQueueIx].p2) { a2 = slotsPics[i].key; } if (slotsPics[i].pic == slotsRunBook[slotsRunQueueIx].p3) { a3 = slotsPics[i].key; } } if (a1 == '' || a2 == '' || a3 == '') { //cb.log('odp a1/a2/a3 WRONG: ' + a1 + ' ' + a2 + ' ' + a3); } if ( p == 1 ) { panel.layers = [ {type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinFrame , top: 0, left: 0} ,{type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinKeys[0], top: 5, left: 50} ,{type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinKeys[1], top: 5, left: 50 + (57*1)} ,{type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinKeys[2], top: 5, left: 50 + (57*2)} ]; } if ( p == 2 ) { panel.layers = [ {type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinFrame , top: 0, left: 0} ,{type: 'image', fileID: a1, top: 5, left: 50} ,{type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinKeys[1], top: 5, left: 50 + (57*1)} ,{type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinKeys[2], top: 5, left: 50 + (57*2)} ]; } if ( p == 3 ) { panel.layers = [ {type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinFrame , top: 0, left: 0} ,{type: 'image', fileID: a1, top: 5, left: 50} ,{type: 'image', fileID: a2, top: 5, left: 50 + (57*1)} ,{type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinKeys[2], top: 5, left: 50 + (57*2)} ]; } if ( p == 4 || p == 5 ) { panel.layers = [ {type: 'image', fileID: slotsSpinFrame , top: 0, left: 0} ,{type: 'image', fileID: a1, top: 5, left: 50} ,{type: 'image', fileID: a2, top: 5, left: 50 + (57*1)} ,{type: 'image', fileID: a3, top: 5, left: 50 + (57*2)} ]; } panel.layers.push ({type: 'text', top : 11, left: 10 , text: 'Tip', 'font-size': 16, color: '#808080'}); panel.layers.push ({type: 'text', top : 11, left: 62 + (57*3) , text: 'Tip', 'font-size': 16, color: '#808080'}); panel.layers.push ({type: 'text', top : 31, left: 6 , text: slotsFee, 'font-size': 24, color: '#808080'}); panel.layers.push ({type: 'text', top : 31, left: 59 + (57*3) , text: slotsFee, 'font-size': 24, color: '#808080'}); panel.layers.push ({type: 'text', top : 33, left: 8 , text: slotsFee, 'font-size': 24, color: '#808080'}); panel.layers.push ({type: 'text', top : 33, left: 61 + (57*3) , text: slotsFee, 'font-size': 24, color: '#808080'}); if (u == charLeigh) { } return panel; } function panelDumb(text) { var family = ''; var size = 14; var style = 'Bold'; return [ {type: 'text', 'top' : 5,'left': 55,'text': text, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: '#000000'} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 20,'left': 55,'text': text, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: '#ffffff'} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 35,'left': 55,'text': text , 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: '#000000'} ,{type: 'text', 'top' : 50,'left': 55,'text': text, 'font-size' : size, 'font-style': style, 'font-family': family, color: '#ffffff'} ] } function leaderList() { var i,l1,l2,l3; var r = []; var lName = ['','','']; var lTotal = [0,0,0]; for (i = 0; i < guestName.length; i++) { if (guestTotal[i] == 0) { continue; } if (guestTotal[i] > lTotal[0] && guestTotal[i] >= leaderMinTip && (! guestNoCrown[i]) ) { lName[2] = lName[1]; lName[1] = lName[0]; lName[0] = guestName[i]; lTotal[2] = lTotal[1]; lTotal[1] = lTotal[0]; lTotal[0] = guestTotal[i]; } else { if (guestTotal[i] > lTotal[1] && guestTotal[i] >= leaderMinTip && (! guestNoCrown[i])) { lName[2] = lName[1]; lName[1] = guestName[i]; lTotal[2] = lTotal[1]; lTotal[1] = guestTotal[i]; } else { if (guestTotal[i] > lTotal[2] && guestTotal[i] >= leaderMinTip && (! guestNoCrown[i])) { lName[2] = guestName[i]; lTotal[2] = guestTotal[i]; } } } } l1 = ''; l2 = ''; l3 = ''; if (lTotal[0]) { chaKingTotal = lTotal[0]; if (lTotal[1]) { l1 = 'Tip Leaders: '; } else { l1 = 'Tip Leader: '; } if (happyBirthday) { l1 = l1.replace("Tip Leader","Birthday Tipper"); } l2 = l1; l1 = l1 + lName[0] + '(' + lTotal[0] + ') '; l2 = l2 + lName[0] + ' (' + lTotal[0] + ') '; } if (lTotal[1]) { l1 = l1 + lName[1] + '(' + lTotal[1] + ') '; l3 = l3 + lName[1] + ' (' + lTotal[1] + ') '; } if (lTotal[2]) { l1 = l1 + lName[2] + '(' + lTotal[2] + ') '; l3 = l3 + lName[2] + ' (' + lTotal[2] + ') '; } r = [l1,l2,l3]; return r; } function notifyRotate() { var a = 'error'; var alc = ''; var ll = ''; if (!notifyOn || notifyNotices.length <= 2) { return; } notifyNext = (notifyNext + 1) % notifyNotices.length; a = notifyNotices[notifyNext]; alc = a.toLowerCase(); if (alc == 'leaders') { ll = leaderList()[0]; } if (notifyNotices.length == 3 && ll == '' && !menuOn && !roomSubjectSet ){ return; } if ((alc == 'menu' && !menuOn) || (alc == 'leaders' && ll == '') || (alc == 'subject' && !roomSubjectSet) ) { if (notifyNext < (notifyNotices.length - 1) || notifyNotices.length > 3) { notifyRotate(); } return; } if (alc == 'menu') { oneTokensIx = (oneTokensIx + 1) % oneTokens.length; prizeList(''); return; } if (alc == 'leaders') { a = ll; } if (alc == 'subject') { a = roomSubject; } cb.sendNotice(a,'','',colors[notifyColor],'bold'); } function flushChat() { var flushLen = 15; var flushNum = 40; var flushString = ''; var flushIx = 0; var flushAll = ''; while (flushString.length < flushLen * flushNum) { flushString = flushString + '. ' + nnMessages[flushPtr]; flushPtr = (flushPtr + 1) % nnMessages.length; } while (flushIx < flushString.length) { flushAll = flushAll + '\n' + (flushString.substring(flushIx,flushIx + flushLen)); flushIx += flushLen; } return flushAll; } function myGetTime() { var dt = new Date(); return dt.getTime(); } function fiveSecondTimer() { cb.setTimeout(fiveSecondTimer, 5000); fiveSecondCount++; if (fiveSecondCount % 12 == 0) { oneMinuteTimer(); } if (fiveSecondCount == brbTimer) { menuSpam(); brbTimer = 0; } if (fiveSecondCount > panelImageTimer && panamImageIx > 0) { panamImageIx=0; panelVacOn = false; panelVacTimer = 0; myDrawPanel(11); } var ct = myGetTime(); if (cb.limitCam_isRunning() && ct >= ruptTimer) { ruptStop(); } if (autoTyOn && autoTyName != '' && ct > autoTyTimer) { cb.sendNotice(autoTyMsg.replace('[tipper]',autoTyName),'','',colors[atycolor],'bold'); autoTyName = ''; } } function oneMinuteTimer() { oneMinuteCount++; if (matchTotal && matchTimerCount <= oneMinuteCount) { matchTimerCount = oneMinuteCount + matchTimer; matchAdvert(''); } if ((oneMinuteCount % notifyTimer == 0) && notifyOn) { if (slowRoomCt++ % 3 == 0) { notifyRotate(); } } } function menuSpam() { if (menuOn) { for (i=1; i < guestName.length; i++) { prizeList(guestName[i]); } } } function ruptStart() { var pl = [charLeigh]; var ll = cb.limitCam_allUsersWithAccess(); var i; for (i=0; i < guestName.length; i++) { if (guestLastAct[i] > 0 || guestTitle[i] != '') { pl[pl.length] = guestName[i]; } } cb.limitCam_removeUsers(ll); cb.limitCam_addUsers(pl); if (!cb.limitCam_isRunning()) { cb.limitCam_start(ruptMsg); } } function ruptStop() { if (cb.limitCam_isRunning()) { cb.limitCam_stop(); } } function mMessageShuffle() { var i,j,t; for (i = nnMessages.length; i; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); t = nnMessages[i - 1]; nnMessages[i - 1] = nnMessages[j]; nnMessages[j] = t; } } function slotsStatusStart() { var t = 0; while (slotsRunTimer.length) { t = slotsRunTimer.pop(); if (typeof cb.cancelTimout != 0) { cb.cancelTimeout(t) ; } } slotsRunStatus = 1; slotsRunQueueIx = slotsRunBookIx; //slotsRunQueue[slotsRunQueue.length - 1].ix; myDrawPanel(110); slotsRunTimer.push(setTimeout(slotsStatusTimer,2000)); } function slotsStatusTimer() { slotsRunTimer.pop(); if (slotsRunStatus == 5) { slotsRunStatus = 0; myDrawPanel(111); } else { if (slotsRunStatus == 4) { slotsRunReport(); myDrawPanel(112); slotsRunTimer.push(setTimeout(slotsStatusTimer,20000)); slotsRunStatus = 5; } else { myDrawPanel(113); slotsRunTimer.push(setTimeout(slotsStatusTimer,600)); slotsRunStatus++; } } } function slotsInit() { var a = []; var b,e,f,i,j,k,kt,p,per,t,ct; var sp = 0; myShuffle (slotsPics); i = 0; j = 0; while (i < 4 && i < slotsInBook.length && j <= slotsPics.length) { // while (i >= 0 && j <= slotsPics.length) { slotsInBook[i].pnum = 3; slotsInBook[i].pic = slotsPics[j].pic; i++; j++; } j = slotsPics.length - 1; while (i < slotsInBook.length) { slotsInBook[i].pnum = 2; slotsInBook[i].pic = slotsPics[j].pic; i++; j--; } j = slotsPics.length * slotsPics.length * slotsPics.length; slotsResBook = []; p = 0; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { slotsResBook[i] = 0; if ((Math.random() * slotsLoose) < 1.0) { slotsResBook[i] = 1; } if (slotsResBook.length > 1 && slotsResBook[i-1] != slotsResBook[i]) { p = 0; } if (slotsResBook[i] == 1) {p++;} else {p--;} if (p > 3 + (slotsLoose - 2)) { slotsResBook[i-2] = 0; j--; p = 2; } if (p < -3 + (2 - slotsLoose)) { slotsResBook[i-2] = 1; j++; p = -2; } j = j + slotsResBook[i]; } // t='srb: ' + i + ' ' + j + ' ' + slotsResBook.join(' '); cb.log('res: ' + t); // slotsResBook = k.replace(/00000/g,'00100').replace(/11111/g,'11011').split(); slotsHitBook = []; var slotsHitEntry = {}; for (i = 0; i < slotsInBook.length; i++) { ct = slotsInBook[i].tgt * 2; for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { slotsHitEntry = { tgt: slotsInBook[i].tgt, name: slotsInBook[i].name, p1: slotsInBook[i].pic, p2: slotsInBook[i].pic, p3: slotsInBook[i].pic }; if (slotsInBook[i].pnum == 2) { sp = (sp + 1) % 3; if (sp == 0) { while (slotsHitEntry.p3 == slotsHitEntry.p1) { slotsHitEntry.p3 = slotsPics[Math.floor(Math.random() * slotsPics.length)].pic; } } if (sp == 1) { while (slotsHitEntry.p2 == slotsHitEntry.p1) { slotsHitEntry.p2 = slotsPics[Math.floor(Math.random() * slotsPics.length)].pic; } } if (sp == 2) { while (slotsHitEntry.p2 == slotsHitEntry.p1) { slotsHitEntry.p1 = slotsPics[Math.floor(Math.random() * slotsPics.length)].pic; } } } slotsHitBook.push(slotsHitEntry); } } myShuffle(slotsHitBook); slotsPadBook = []; for (i = 0; i < slotsPics.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < slotsPics.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < slotsPics.length; k++) { if (i == j && i == k) { for (l = 0; l < slotsInBook.length; l++) { if (slotsPics[i].pic == slotsInBook[l].pic && slotsInBook[l].pnum == 3) { break; } } if (l != slotsInBook.length) { continue; } } if (i == j || i == k) { for (l = 0; l < slotsInBook.length; l++) { if (slotsPics[i].pic == slotsInBook[l].pic && slotsInBook[l].pnum == 2) { break; } } if (l != slotsInBook.length) { continue; } } if (j == k) { for (l = 0; l < slotsInBook.length; l++) { if (slotsPics[j].pic == slotsInBook[l].pic && slotsInBook[l].pnum == 2) { break; } } if (l != slotsInBook.length) { continue; } } slotsPadBook.push({ p1: slotsPics[i].pic, p2: slotsPics[j].pic, p3: slotsPics[k].pic }); } } } myShuffle(slotsPadBook); var fbP1 = slotsHitBook.length-1; var fbP2 = slotsHitBook.length-1; var fbJ = 0; k = 0; for (i = Math.round(slotsResBook.length * .1); i < 1000; i++) { if (slotsResBook[i % slotsResBook.length]) { fbJ = Math.floor( Math.random() * slotsHitBook.length ); while (((slotsHitBook[fbJ].name == slotsHitBook[fbP1].name || slotsHitBook[fbJ].name == slotsHitBook[fbP2].name) && Math.random() < .75) || (slotsHitBook[fbJ].tgt <= 100 && slotsRunBook.length < 20)) { fbJ = Math.floor( Math.random() * slotsHitBook.length ); } slotsRunBook.push( { name: slotsHitBook[fbJ].name, p1: slotsHitBook[fbJ].p1, p2: slotsHitBook[fbJ].p2, p3: slotsHitBook[fbJ].p3 }); fbP2 = fbP1; fbP1 = fbJ; } else { k = (k + 1) % slotsPadBook.length; for (var pk = k; pk == k; pk ++) { slotsRunBook.push( { name: '_', p1: slotsPadBook[k].p1, p2: slotsPadBook[k].p2, p3: slotsPadBook[k].p3 }); } } } slotsRunBookIx = 0; } function slotsRunReport() { var i,j,k,ix; slotsRunPrivate = []; // {user: '', prizes: ['']}; slotsRunPublic = []; // [ {name: '', count: 0} ] ; if (aprilFoolOn && slotsRunQueue.length == 1 && slotsRunQueue[0].user.substring(0,6).toLowerCase() == 'oriole' && aprilFoolOrioleCt++ < 5) { slotsRunPublic.push({ name: 'Show Butt', count: 1 }); slotsRunQueue = []; } if (aprilFoolOn && slotsRunQueue.length == 1 && slotsRunQueue[0].user.substring(0,6).toLowerCase() == 'wellie' && aprilFoolWellieCt++ < 5) { slotsRunPublic.push({ name: 'Smile', count: 1 }); slotsRunQueue = []; } if (aprilFoolOn && slotsRunQueue.length == 1 && slotsRunQueue[0].user.substring(0,6).toLowerCase() == 'pbchnd' && aprilFoolPbchndCt++ < 5) { slotsRunPublic.push({ name: 'Blow Kiss', count: 1 }); slotsRunQueue = []; } for (i = 0; i < slotsRunQueue.length; i++) { ix = slotsRunQueue[i].ix; if ( slotsRunBook[ix].name == '_' && Math.random() < .33 ) { for (j = 0; j < slotsRunPrivate.length; j++) { if ( slotsRunQueue[i].user == slotsRunPrivate[j].user ) { slotsRunPrivate[j].prizes.push( 'Cookie' ); break; } } if ( j == slotsRunPrivate.length ) { slotsRunPrivate.push({ user: slotsRunQueue[i].user, prizes: ['Cookie'] }); } } if ( slotsRunBook[ix].name != '_') { for (j = 0; j < slotsRunPublic.length; j++) { if ( slotsRunBook[ix].name == slotsRunPublic[j].name ) { slotsRunPublic[j].count++; break; } } if ( j == slotsRunPublic.length ) { slotsRunPublic.push({ name: slotsRunBook[ix].name, count: 1 }); } } } if (slotsRunPrivate.length == 0 && slotsRunPublic.length == 0) { cb.sendNotice(slotsMissMsg,"",colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); } for (i = 0; i < slotsRunPrivate.length; i++) { if ( slotsRunPrivate[i].prizes.length ) { cb.sendNotice(slotsRunPrivate[i].user + fortuneCookieText,"",colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); cb.sendNotice('Fortune Cookie! ' + fortuneCookies[fortuneCookieIx++],slotsRunPrivate[i].user,colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); } } var awd = ''; if (slotsRunPublic.length > 0) { awd = 'Slot Machine Hits! '; for (i = 0; i < slotsRunPublic.length; i++) { awd = awd + slotsRunPublic[i].name + ' ' + slotsSep + ' '; } cb.sendNotice(awd.replace(/\(1\)/g,''),"",colors[tippedForPrizeColor],"","bold"); } slotsRunQueue = []; } function myShuffle(myArray) { var ci = myArray.length; var t,ti; while (ci) { ti = Math.floor(Math.random() * ci--); t = myArray[ci]; myArray[ci] = myArray[ti]; myArray[ti] = t; } } function init() { cb.limitCam_stop(); loadSettings(); myDrawPanel(10); updateSubject(); notifyRotate(); fiveSecondTimer(); suShuffle(); mMessageShuffle(); duckShuffle(); oneTokensShuffle(); shuffleCookies(); myShuffle(pmText); todaysPwd(); slotsInit(); } var colors = {stpatrickgreen: "#004000", aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#00ffff", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", azure: "#f0ffff", beige: "#f5f5dc", bigduck: "#394d00", bisque: "#ffe4c4", black: "#000000", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", blue: "#0000ff", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", brown: "#a52a2a", burlywood: "#deb887", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#00ffff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkred: "#8b0000", darksalmon: "#e9967a", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", darkviolet: "#9400d3", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", forestgreen: "#228b22", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gray: "#808080", grey: "#808080", green: "#008000", greenyellow: "#adff2f", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", indianred: "# cd5c5c", indigo: "# 4b0082", ivory: "#fffff0", khaki: "#f0e68c", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lightblue: "#add8e6", lightcoral: "#f08080", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgreen: "#90ee90", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightslategray: "#778899", lightslategrey: "#778899", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lime: "#00ff00", limegreen: "#32cd32", linen: "#faf0e6", magenta: "#ff00ff", maroon: "#800000", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", mediumblue: "#0000cd", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", mediumpurple: "#9370db", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#f5fffa", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", olive: "#808000", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", orchid: "#da70d6", pbchnd: "#1e90ff", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", palegreen: "#98fb98", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", palevioletred: "#db7093", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", peru: "#cd853f", pink: "#ffc0cb", plcolor: "#8c1aff", plum: "#dda0dd", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", purple: "#800080", aty: "#6b00b3", rebeccapurple: "#663399", red: "#ff0000", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", royalblue: "#4169e1", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", salmon: "#fa8072", sandybrown: "#f4a460", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", sienna: "#a0522d", silver: "#c0c0c0", skyblue: "#87ceeb", slateblue: "#6a5acd", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", snow: "#fffafa", springgreen: "#00ff7f", steelblue: "#4682b4", tan: "#d2b48c", teal: "#008080", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tomato: "#ff6347", turquoise: "#40e0d0", violet: "#ee82ee", wheat: "#f5deb3", white: "#ffffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", yellow: "#ffff00", yellowgreen: "#9acd32" ,circlefg: "#8b008b",circlebg: "#dcefc2",slcolor: "#ff33cc"}; // colors site: var just4charTipColor = 'navy'; var notifyColor = 'navy'; var goalReachedMsgColor = 'gold'; var tippedForPrizeColor = 'gold'; var prizeListColor = 'plcolor'; var slotsListColor = 'slcolor'; var circleColorFG = 'circlefg'; var circleColorBG = 'circlebg'; var duckColor = 'bigduck'; var atycolor = 'aty'; var suCompIx = 0; var suBeautyIx = 0; var suStunnedIx = 0; var suBeauty = [ 'wonderful' ,'angelic' ,'excellent' ,'delightful' ,'incomparable' ,'amazing' ,'stunning' ,'splendid' ,'superb' ,'sublime' ,'pretty' ,'outstanding' ,'sweet' ,'awesome' ,'lovely' ,'perfect' ,'delicious' ]; var suStunned = [ 'am stunned' ,'can barely speak' ,'am astonished' ,'am astounded' ,'am floored' ,'am staggered' ,'am overwhelmed' ,'am flabbergasted' ,'am rendered speechless' ,'am blown away' ,'am boggled' ,'can hardly believe it' ]; /* */ var suComp = [ 'I love your outfit, it\'s perfectly bty' ,'I think you are bty!' ,'I love your bty hair' ,'I just adore your bty smile' ,'I am enjoying this program so much!' ,'I just adore you - bunny hug!' ,'I stn!' ,'I stn because you are just perfect!' ,'I stn and really wish more rooms were like this' ,'I stn by the program in here, it\'s so entertaining!' ,'This room is awesome, thank you for all that you are doing!' ,'bless all in this place, what great people you all are!' ,'You are so charminq and bty' ,'You are incrediblish bty!' ,'This room is so refreshing, what great conversations!' ,'I am so glad to be here!' ,'You have a generous and hospitable spirit!' ,'I am enchanted by your bty smile' ,'You have such a bright and stimulatering personality' ,'You are so thoughtful and intellegent!' ,'I appreciate all your hard work!' ,'You are a rare and bty person' ,'Let me just say that I appreciate you so much. Gosh you are bty!' ,'You are a very special and bty person' ,'I really want to say how bty you are :)' ,'I love your style!' ,'I can\'t find words to express how grapeful I am to have found this room' ,'you are my ideal woman' ,'i have totally fallen for you' ,'i gotta crush on you girl' ,'you have changed me in a good and bty way' ,'you make me want to be a butter man' ,'you put a spell on me and made me happy' ,'you are like sweet lemonade to a tired and thirsty lad' ,'you make me feel so happy' ,'can i hug you?' ,'is this a dream? you are so beautiful!' ,'i am not worthy, you are so knowledgeable' ,'thanks to you i have a brand new outlook on life' ,'you have changed my life for the better' ,'somehow i am inspired to be different when i am here' ,'you bring out the best in me' ,'i can\'t stop smiling, love is all around' ,'i am feeling lightheaded, is it love?' ,'This is the best program on CB!' ,'I stn, i can\'t believe my luck in finding you' ,'I apologize for my earlier remarks - please forgive me?' ,'Please don\'t ban me, so many already have' ,'I\'m not usually a jerk, gosh you\'re bty' ,'Is there a 12-step program for jerks? I need it bad' ,'I know I am rude and repulsive but can I still have a hug?' ,'I am a total failure on CB, please tell me why' ,'All the girls here hate me, why is that?' ,'Cubs Rule! Cubs Rule! Cubs Rule!' ,'Puuullleezzz talk to me, no one else will!' ,'I am not getting anywhere with CB girls, please help me' ,'I am going to stop drinking, and get a job so I can move out of the garage' ,'I am so happy to have found you - kiss!' ,'Are you always this bty or is this just my lucky day?' ,'Charleigh! Charleigh! Charleigh!' ,'Am I dreaming or are you really the most bty girl in the world?' ,'I am having the wierdest dream, I am in a room with a bty woman and I am being nice to her' ,'Cubs are Number 1!' ,'You a Cubs fan too?? I stn!' ,'It is so rare to find a cammer with such class and beauty' ,'Girls? What girls? There is only Charleigh!' ,'I think you must be the only original woman on earth' ,'I dream of waking up with you by my side' ,'Kisses and hugs I\'m a huge admirer' ,'I am showing your page to my mom, she wants to know where you get your outfits?' ,'if my legs looked that good I would be a broadcaster too!' ,'I f-ed up and spent my tokens somewhere else, seeing you makes me wish I had them back :smile' ,'This room is magical - it makes me so happy to be here' ,'my ex said I was a total f-up, so I came to see you :smile' ,'I need help taking something off, it\'s my eyes, they\'re stuck on you :smile' ,'your eyes looking in my eyes looking in your eyes... heaven!' ,'du bist stark schoene!' ,'deine harre ist lieblich!' ,'wenst du schmunzelst, alle schmunzeln!' ,'ach, du bist pfiffig!' ,'so viele sommersprosse!' ,'alles hier vergnugt!' ,'I will follow you because I like those bty eyes and your angelic face' ,'I summarize. You are so much bty' ,'So excited to be here' ,'mmm you are so bty' ,'You make me wanna buy coins' ,'Thank you for helping to fulfill my dreams' ,'Is this a cooking show? Because your eyes are making me hungry' ,'Do you speak Nigerian? I could make you so rich' ,'Since You are so Hot I got an Offer for you' ,'Many spend fortunes to look so nice as you' ,'Are you thinking of making me your mod? I stn' ,'If you mod me, you will make so many tokens' ,'I just decided to replace my Farrah Fawcett poster with yours' ,'I see a smile from you and I become happy' ,'Look at that bty woman, you are the sun' ]; var duckLine1 = [ "I have a big duck I'm so proud! " ]; var duckLine2 = [ "I've heard people freak when they got a peek," ,"I will not deny it, I can not be quiet," ,"He’s hard to disguise because of his size," ,"How much does he weigh I really can’t say," ,"At morning and night he’s a wonderful sight," ,"I sing out to feature this wonderful creature," ,"I think he's so clever, I’ll love him forever," ,"There’s not a contender for his kind of splendor," ,"There's no finer story, the tale of his glory," ,"It’s my sacred duty to proclaim his beauty," ,"He's perky and merry, some think a bit scary," ,"When he strikes a pose he tickles my nose," ]; var duckLine3 = [ " I have a big duck I'm so proud!" ," I just like to say it out loud!" ," He really stands out in a crowd!" ," (but papa had me disavowed)" ]; var oneTokens = [ {q: "Charleigh, how can I get what I really want?", a: "Just open your mouth and tell her, [tipper]. Be sure to ask what she really wants too :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, how do I tell a girl she needs to lose weight?", a: "Careful [tipper], women with a little extra weight usually live longer than the men who mention it."} ,{q: "Charleigh, have you ever been spotted in public?", a: "Polite people call them freckles, [tipper]. I call them Angel kisses :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, have you ever been an actress?", a: "Thanks sweetie, but I leave the acting to the omi-bodies :) "} ,{q: "Charleigh, what question annoys you the most?", a: "Who's that now? (during a zombie movie)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, you smell so nice, what perfume is that?", a: "[tipper], today's vocabulary word for you is 'synesthesia', or maybe you should change your weed supplier?"} ,{q: "Charleigh, why are you here?", a: "I am having fun [tipper]. I am a candle dispelling darkness and ignorance - and I also burn a few moths :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, when you are wearing your most revealing fancy wear, what do you suppose guys are looking at?", a: "The covered parts :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, why did God create women?", a: "He knew he could do better?"} ,{q: "Charleigh, how do you keep your dreams alive?", a: "Hit the snooze button :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, how do you keep smiling when things go wrong?", a: "I just think of people to blame :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, how can I turn myself around?", a: "Do the Hokey Pokey?"} ,{q: "Charleigh, how do you keep from waking up grumpy?", a: "Very slowly roll over, stand up, and tiptoe away."} ,{q: "Charleigh, when will women be equal to men?", a: "Someday when we can walk down the street with a bald head, a beer gut, and still think we are sexy!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, do you like undressing for men?", a: "Yes, because women are so judgemental but guys are always grateful :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, what do you call guys who argue with you?", a: "Losers, of course"} ,{q: "Charleigh, how long have you been a girl?", a: "Firstly, thank you for noticing. Secondly, does your mother know you are here?"} ,{q: "Charleigh, are you ALL natural?", a: "Naturally!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, are looks important in a relationship?", a: "[tipper], if you look it's ok, but if you tip it's awesome :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, do you believe in destiny?", a: "I believe in you [tipper], I believe you are destined to tip more than 1 :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, do you think we are meant to be together?", a: "That's a sweet thought [tipper], but six degrees of separation feels about right :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, do you get crazy when no one is looking?", a: "I get crazy when no one is tipping :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, are you a kissable person?", a: "Certainly [tipper], but we don't call them kisses, we call them tips :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, does size matter?", a: "It certainly does! We're talking about tips, right?"} ,{q: "Charleigh, are you a screamer?", a: "Well, after the election I found out I was"} ,{q: "Charleigh, have you ever gone nude in public?", a: "Are you kidding? My feet are always cold so I keep my booties ON :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, can you keep a secret?", a: "[tipper], if you send me a 1000-token tipnote, I PROMISE to keep it a secret :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, do you like to shop?", a: "Yes I do! And I get goosebumps every time someone clicks my wish-list link :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, do you have any hidden talents?", a: "You've got to be kidding. In THIS outfit with THIS camera?"} ,{q: "Charleigh, can you explain the dream I had last night?", a: "Don't worry [tipper], if you are under 30 it was quite normal. If over 30 - also quite normal :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, are you a good cook?", a: "Yes! Some of my most popular dishes are roasted troll, grilled yenta, boiled fink, and slow-cooked rubbernecker :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, what color are your toenails?", a: "Sweetie - what happens in the booties, stays in the booties!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, can I give you some advice?", a: "Certainly! (in a 100-token tipnote to show it wasn't your dick that thought it up)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, can I bring up something from the past?", a: "Only if you want me to leave you there hon :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, can you imagine an all-male universe?", a: "Easily [tipper] :) proton, electron, illusion, and bacon!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, what do you look like in real life?", a: "You can't miss me! I have a neon blue do, cat tats all over, and a boyfriend who looks just like young Arnold Swartzenegger :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, what do you do for fun?", a: "A lot really, but I especially like the CB-cammer blog 'Guys_Who_Don't_Get_It' (yes it's a double-entendre)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, are you free tonight?", a: "Not tonight, not ever, I have bills!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, what's the craziest thing a guy ever asked for?", a: "Please marry me? And I did!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, my girl doesn't trust me, what can I do?", a: "I'll pass the word to all the cammers to ban you, that's a good start :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, I really like another cammer, how can I get her attention?", a: "I can help you there [tipper], practice by sending me 1000 tokens :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, please help, I don't have a lot of time or tokens", a: "When in a hurry and short on tokens, tighten grip and increase strokin' :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, it's so gray here, is the sky blue where you are?", a: "Hon, both sky and grass are ever blue here :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, of all your fans, who is your favorite?", a: "My husband of course!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, my girl thinks I'm too hairy, what can I do?", a: "Kitten says: lick it til it's all gone and hack it behind the sofa when she's not looking :)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, my girlfriend doesn't like it when I'm late, what can I do?", a: "Better you than her, sweetie!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Behind the sofa! I hate that cat."} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Kitten took my charger, feeling weak, dizzy..."} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Crazy cat! I am in the trash, help me help me!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "In a drawer, I see pencils, rubber bands..."} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Buried in the litter box... Kitty nooo! BAD Kitty!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Kitten dumped me under the fridge, what vibrations!"} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Pink in the dryer goes round and round, round and round..."} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz (for one token what did you expect?)"} ,{q: "Charleigh, where is Pink?", a: "I see coins, candy wrappers... Kitten stashed me in the big chair..."} ]; oneTokensSave = oneTokens.slice(0); var oneTokensChristmas = [ {q: "Who is a Christmas tree’s favorite singer?", a: "Spruce Springsteen!"} ,{q: "What’s Santa’s favorite snack food?", a: "Crisp Pringles!"} ,{q: "Why didn’t Rudolph get a good report card?", a: "Because he went down in History!"} ,{q: "How did Scrooge win the football game?", a: "The ghost of Christmas passed!"} ,{q: "What do you call Santa’s helpers?", a: "Subordinate Clauses!"} ,{q: "What is Santa’s primary language?", a: "North Polish!"} ,{q: "What do reindeer say before they tell a joke?", a: "This will sleigh you!"} ,{q: "How do you lift a frozen car?", a: "With a Jack Frost!"} ,{q: "What would you call an elf who just has won the lottery?", a: "Welfy!"} ,{q: "How did the ornament get addicted to Christmas?", a: "He was hooked on trees his whole life!"} ,{q: "What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?", a: "A rebel without a Claus!"} ,{q: "Who is Santa’s favorite singer?", a: "Elf-is Presley!"} ,{q: "What do the elves get after Christmas?", a: "Santapplause!"} ,{q: "What do you say to Santa when he’s taking attendance?", a: "Present!"} ,{q: "Why does Santa go down the chimney?", a: "Because it soots him!"} ,{q: "What do you get for Christmas if you leave the fire burning?", a: "Crisp Kringle!"} ,{q: "How much did Santa pay for his sleigh?", a: "Nothing, it was on the house!"} ,{q: "What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?", a: "Claustrophobic!"} ,{q: "Who delivers presents to good little sharks while they’re sleeping?", a: "Santa Jaws!"} ,{q: "What is Tarzan's favorite carol?", a: "Jungle Bells!"} ,{q: "What do you call singing elves?", a: "Wrappers !"} ,{q: "Why is Christmas just like your job?", a: "You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit!"} ,{q: "Why is Santa so jolly?", a: "Because he knows where all the naughty girls live!"} ,{q: "Why doesn't Santa have any kids?", a: "He only comes once a year!"} ,{q: "What's the difference between snowmen and snowladies?", a: "Snowballs!"} ,{q: "Who is Frosty's favourite Aunt?", a: "Aunt Artica !"} ,{q: "What did the police officer say when he caught Frosty in the snow bank?", a: "Freeze!"} ,{q: "What does Trump want for Christmas?", a: "A Korea change!"} ,{q: "Why did it take Trump so long to decorate the Christmas tree?", a: "Because people kept shouting “moron”!"} ,{q: "What does Santa get if he gets stuck in a chimney?", a: "Claustrophobia!"} ,{q: "Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?", a: "Because he had a low 'elf' esteem!"} ,{q: "What kind of motorbike does Santa ride?", a: "A Holly Davidson!"} ,{q: "What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective?", a: "Santa Clues!"} ,{q: "Who is the rock-and-roll king of Santa'shelpers?", a: "Elfis (Thank you, thank you very much)!"} ,{q: "What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?", a: "Horn-aments!"} ,{q: "What do you call Rudolph with snow in his ears?", a: "Anything you want, he can't hear you!"} ,{q: "What do you get when you cross a snowman with a shark?", a: "Frostbite!"} ,{q: "When is a boat just like snow?", a: "When its adrift!"} ,{q: "What do you sing at a snowman party?", a: "Freeze a jolly good fellow!"} ,{q: "Why was the snowman rummaging in the bag of carrots?", a: "He was picking his nose!"} ,{q: "How does King Wenceslas like his pizzas?", a: "Deep pan, crisp and even!"} ,{q: "Who hides in the bakery at Christmas?", a: "A mince spy!"} ,{q: "What carol is heard in the desert?", a: "O camel ye faithful!"} ,{q: "What is a Spanish sheep's favorite carol?", a: "Fleece Navidad!"} ,{q: "What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?", a: "Tinsilitis!"} ,{q: "What's green, covered in tinsel and goes 'ribbet ribbet'?", a: "A Mistle-toad!"} ,{q: "What did the beaver say to the Christmas Tree?", a: "Nice gnawing you!"} ,{q: "What do the elves raise in their garden?", a: "Chili Beans!"} ,{q: "What do you call chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?", a: "Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer!"} ,{q: "What is the most competitive season?", a: "Win-ter!"} ,{q: "What do snowmen like to do on the weekend?", a: "Chill out!"} ,{q: "What did Prancer win at the fair?", a: "Best in Snow!"} ,{q: "Where do Donner and Blitzen vote?", a: "The North Poll!"} ,{q: "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?", a: "Do you smell carrots?!"} ,{q: "What happens to elves when they are naughty?", a: "Santa gives them the sack!"} ,{q: "How do you know when Santa Yoda is on the roof?", a: "You can sense his presents!"} ,{q: "What present will light up your spouse's face when they open it?", a: "A new refrigerator!"} ,{q: "Why does everybody like Frosty the Snowman?", a: "Because he is so cool!"} ,{q: "What does Santa call a reindeer that won't pull the sleigh?", a: "Venison!"} ,{q: "What do you call a blind reindeer?", a: "No eye-deer!"} ,{q: "What are the scariest kind of reindeer?", a: "Cariboo!"} ,{q: "Why did the gingerbread man go to the doctor?", a: "Because he was feeling crummy!"} ,{q: "Why did the mosquito buzz around the bar?", a: "Because he was a 'bar humbug'!"} ,{q: "Why did the elf wear just one boot to shovel snow?", a: "There was only one foot of it!"} ,{q: "What was Santa's complaint after sitting in a cold sleigh all night?", a: "Poleroids!"} ,{q: "Why was the snowman sad?", a: "His date had a meltdown!"} ,{q: "How was the snow globe feeling?", a: "A little shaken!"} ,{q: "Why doesn't the Grinch like knock knock jokes?", a: "Because there's always Who's There !"} ,{q: "Why did Carole skip the party?", a: "Because she had 'No Man but a Snowman'!"} ,{q: "What is big, black, hard and stands on three balls?", a: "A Stovepipe Hat!"} ,{q: "Why don't dogs like snowmen?", a: "They never let go of the stick!"} ,{q: "Why was Ms. Ornament eyeing Mr. Stocking?", a: "She noticed how he was hung!"} ,{q: "Why doesn't Frosty like these jokes?", a: "He just can't warm up to them!"} ,{q: "Why is the fourth Wise Man forgotten. He brought fruitcake!"} ,{q: "What is Mrs. Claus's favorite Christmas Eve tease?", a: "You're not going to work dressed in that are you!"} ,{q: "What is Santa's lame excuse?", a: "It's my job to visit my ex on Christmas Eve!"} ,{q: "What did Mrs. Snow say when Frosty came home late?", a: "I can see you got plowed again!"} ,{q: "What did Rain Man say to the Snow Man?", a: "2,016,103 flakes!"} ,{q: "How can you tell Christmas lights belong to a union?", a: "Everyone works or no one works!"} ,{q: "Why was Mrs. Snow depressed?", a: "She was retaining water!"} ,{q: "Why was the Gingerbread Boy shocked?", a: "Somebody left out the recipe for making Gingerbread men!"} ,{q: "Why did the snowman have two holes in his head?", a: "Laser eye surgery!"} ,{q: "How do snowmen describe themselves on dating sites?", a: "I'm built!"} ,{q: "What did the dog think when the Christmas tree was brought in?", a: "At last, indoor plumbing!"} ,{q: "Why was the Christmas tree depressed?", a: "The presents weren't actually for him!"} ,{q: "Why is the Gingerbread Boy jealous of the Fruitcake?", a: "He always has dates!"} ,{q: "What did the doctor say about the Gingerbread Boy's sore knee?", a: "Try icing it!"} ,{q: "What did the reindeer say when Santa got stuck in the chimney?", a: "Selfie Time!"} ,{q: "What's #1 in the 12-step program for Christmas Ornaments?", a: "Admit you're hooked!"} ,{q: "What disease is Santa most afraid of?", a: "Shingles!"} ,{q: "Why do Coment and Cupid serve lattes in the afternoon?", a: "They think they are Star-bucks!"} ,{q: "Santa was playing Scrabble with the reindeer but was afraid to play his letters, what were they?", a: "V-E-N-I-S-O-N!"} ,{q: "What worries the little Christmas light about the big one?", a: "He never blinks!"} ,{q: "Mrs. Claus investigated some noises coming from the spice copboard, what did she find?", a: "Seasons Greetings!"} ,{q: "How to make children be good after Thanksgiving?", a: "Wrap empty boxes in Christmas paper, when someone misbehaves toss a box in the fire!"} ,{q: "What is the favorite food of snowmen?", a: "Brrr-itos!"} ,{q: "What was the greatest Christmas disaster?", a: "The fall of Turkey leading to the breakup of China and the overthrow of Greece!"} ,{q: "Won't going in and out of hot chimneys all night make Santa sick?", a: "No, he had his flue shot!"} ,{q: "What is mother's hardest job at Christmas?", a: "Separating the men from the toys!"} ,{q: "Why doesn't the Grinch like Christmas riddles?", a: "He can't stand the Who-mor!"} ,{q: "What to you call a snowman with a six-pack?", a: "An abdominal snowman!"} ,{q: "What happened when the snowman dropped his girlfriend?", a: "She gave him the cold shoulder!"} ,{q: "According to Yoda, Whoville's police just a case cracked. Who did they arrest?", a: "Yes they did!"} ,{q: "Which of Trump's aides plugs in the Christmas tree?", a: "None, they try to keep him in the dark!"} ,{q: "Why are reindeer like Grateful Dead fans?", a: "Rudolph burned out decades ago but they're still following him!"} ,{q: "How many gifts did the optometrist ask Santa for?", a: "One...Or Two...One...Or Two..!"} ]; var oneTokensHalloween = [ {q: "Why was the girl afraid of the vampire?", a: "He was all bite and no bark"} ,{q: "Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch?", a: "At the casketeria"} ,{q: "What does a vampire never order at a restaurant?", a: "A stake sandwich"} ,{q: "Why do vampires need mouthwash?", a: "They have bat breath"} ,{q: "How many vampires are in this room?", a: "I dont know, I can't Count Draculas"} ,{q: "What's a vampire's favorite fast food?", a: "A guy with very high blood pressure"} ,{q: "Why did Dracula take cold medicine?", a: "To stop his coffin"} ,{q: "What is a vampire's favorite mode of transportation?", a: "A blood vessel"} ,{q: "Why did the Vampire read the Wall Street Journal?", a: "He heard it had great circulation"} ,{q: "What is a vampires favorite holiday?", a: "Fangsgiving"} ,{q: "What happened when the two vampires finally met?", a: "It was love at first bite!"} ,{q: "Which building does Dracula visit in New York?", a: "The Vampire State Building"} ,{q: "Do vampires bite family?", a: "Only if they are blood brothers"} ,{q: "What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snow man?", a: "Frostbite"} ,{q: "Why do vampires scare people?", a: "They are bored to death!"} ,{q: "What is a vampires favorite ice cream flavor? Veinilla"} ,{q: "What Do You call A Single Vampire?", a: "A bat-chelor!"} ,{q: "How can you tell a vampire likes baseball?", a: "Every night he turns into a bat"} ,{q: "What's it like to be kissed by a vampire?", a: "It's a pain in the neck"} ,{q: "How can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery?", a: "All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly doughnuts"} ,{q: "What song does Dracula hate?", a: "You Are My Sunshine"} ,{q: "How does a girl vampire flirt?", a: "She bats her eyes"} ,{q: "What is a vampires least favorite food?", a: "Stake"} ,{q: "What's it called when a vampire has trouble with his house?", a: "A grave problem"} ,{q: "Why doesn't anybody like Dracula?", a: "He has a bat temper"} ,{q: "What is blue and scary?", a: "A vampire holding its breath"} ,{q: "What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack?", a: "Count Duckula"} ,{q: "Why are vampires like false teeth?", a: "They all come out at night"} ,{q: "What kind of mail does Dracula like?", a: "Fang Club Mail"} ,{q: "Why did Dracula take cold medicine?", a: "To stop his coffin"} ,{q: "Why does Dracula wear patent leather shoes?", a: "Sandals don't look good with his tuxedo"} ,{q: "What type of dog does every vampire have?", a: "Bloodhound!"} ,{q: "Why did the vampire need mouthwash?", a: "Because he had bat breath"} ,{q: "What is a vampire's favorite fruit?", a: "A necktarine"} ,{q: "How did the ghost say goodbye to the vampire?", a: "So long sucker!"} ,{q: "What did Dracula have for dessert?", a: "Whine & Ice Scream"} ,{q: "What is Dracula's favorite restaraunt?", a: "Murder King"} ,{q: "Where do vampires keep their money?", a: "The blood bank!"} ,{q: "Why did the vampire go out?", a: "For a bite"} ,{q: "What did Dracula say after reading all these jokes?", a: "They suck!"} ,{q: "What is a vampire's favorite sport?", a: "Casketball"} ,{q: "Why does Dracula consider himself a good artist?", a: "Because he likes to draw blood!"} ,{q: "Why did the vampire get into a fight?", a: "Because he wanted blood on his hands"} ,{q: "What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween", a: "Ghoul-aid!"} ,{q: "What did one ghost say to the other ghost?", a: "Do you believe in people?"} ,{q: "Why can't the boy ghost have babies?", a: "Because he has a Hollow-weenie"} ,{q: "Where does a ghost go on Saturday night?", a: "Anywhere where he can boo-gie"} ,{q: "What does the papa ghost say to his family when driving?", a: "Fasten your sheet belts"} ,{q: "What do ghosts say when something is really neat?", a: "Ghoul!"} ,{q: "Why can't a ghost win a race?", a: "Because it's always dead tired"} ,{q: "What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?", a: "Bamboo"} ,{q: "Why did the ghost go into the bar?", a: "For the Boos"} ,{q: "What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?", a: "He is mist"} ,{q: "What does a ghost do when he's hungry?", a: "Go ghost-ry shopping"} ,{q: "What is a ghost's favorite mode of transportation?", a: "A scareplane"} ,{q: "Why is a ghost such a messy eater?", a: "Because he is always a goblin"} ,{q: "What tops off a ghost's ice cream sundae?", a: "Whipped scream"} ,{q: "What are ghosts' favorite kind of streets?", a: "Dead ends"} ,{q: "What kind of makeup do ghosts wear?", a: "Mas-scare-a"} ,{q: "Where do ghosts buy their food?", a: "At the ghost-ery store"} ,{q: "Where do ghosts mail their letters?", a: "At the ghost office"} ,{q: "What's a ghosts favorite ride at the carnival?", a: "The roller ghoster"} ,{q: "Who was the most famous ghost detective?", a: "Sherlock Moans"} ,{q: "Where does a ghost refuel his porche?", a: "At a ghastly station"} ,{q: "Why do ghosts shiver and moan?", a: "It's drafty under that sheet"} ,{q: "What do ghosts eat for breakfast?", a: "Boo-Berries"} ,{q: "What do ghosts eat for dinner?", a: "Spookgetti"} ,{q: "What do you call a ghosts mom and dad?", a: "Transparents"} ,{q: "What kind of gum do ghosts chew?", a: "Boo Boo Gum"} ,{q: "What is a ghosts favorite sale?", a: "A white sale"} ,{q: "What kind of tie does a ghost wear to a formal party?", a: "A boo-tie"} ,{q: "What's a ghosts favorite desert?", a: "Boo-berry pie"} ,{q: "Why do girl ghosts go on diets?", a: "So they can keep their ghoulish figures"} ,{q: "When does a ghost have breakfast?", a: "In the moaning"} ,{q: "What do goblins mail home while on vacation?", a: "Ghostcards"} ,{q: "What is a ghost's favorite party game?", a: "Hide-and-go-shriek"} ,{q: "What kind of roads do ghosts haunt?", a: "Dead Ends"} ,{q: "What do ghosts drink at breakfast?", a: "Coffee with scream and sugar"} ,{q: "Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?", a: "He didn't have a haunting license"} ,{q: "Where does a ghost go on vacation?", a: "Mali-boo"} ,{q: "Where did the ghost get it's hair done?", a: "At the boo-ty shop"} ,{q: "What is a ghosts favorite breakfast?", a: "BOOberry muffins!"} ,{q: "Where do ghosts go out?", a: "Where they can get sheet-faced"} ,{q: "What did the mother ghost say to her kids in the car?", a: "Fasten your sheet belts"} ,{q: "Why don't ghost have bands?", a: "They get booooooooooed"} ,{q: "Whats a ghost's favorate type of car?", a: "A boo-ick"} ,{q: "Where do ghost go for fun?", a: "To the boo-vies"} ,{q: "What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?", a: "Hoblin Goblin"} ,{q: "When does a ghost have breakfast?", a: "In the moaning"} ,{q: "What do ghosts drink at breakfast?", a: "Coffee with scream and sugar"} ,{q: "Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?", a: "It raises their spirits"} ,{q: "What do ghosts call there girl friends?", a: "Ghoul Friends"} ,{q: "How did the ghost say goodbye to the vampire?", a: "So long sucker!"} ,{q: "What kind of mistakes do ghosts make?", a: "Boo boos"} ,{q: "Where do baby ghosts go during the day?", a: "Dayscare centers"} ,{q: "What is a ghost's favorite band?", a: "The Boos Brothers"} ,{q: "What is a Ghost's favorite food?", a: "HamBoogers"} ,{q: "What is in a ghost's nose?", a: "Boogers"} ,{q: "What did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost?", a: "You are the most booooooooo-tiful thing I have ever seen!"} ,{q: "What kind of shoes does a ghost wear?", a: "boooooooooots"} ,{q: "What was the mummies' vacation like?", a: "Nobody knows, they were too wrapped up to tell us"} ,{q: "What is a Mummie's favorite type of music?", a: "Wrap!"} ,{q: "Why was the mummy so tense?", a: "Because he was all wound up"} ,{q: "What did the Mummy movie director say when the final scene was done?", a: "Ok, that's a wrap"} ,{q: "What do you call a mummy who eats cookies in bed? A crummy mummy!"} ,{q: "Why don't mummies take vacations?", a: "They're afraid to unwind"} ,{q: "Where do mummies go for a swim?", a: "To the Dead Sea"} ,{q: "What do you call a little monsters parents", a: "mummy and deady "} ,{q: "What do the skeletons say before eating?", a: "Bone appetite"} ,{q: "Why didn't the skeleton go to see a scary movie?", a: "He didn't have the guts"} ,{q: "When does a skeleton laugh?", a: "When something tickles his funny bone"} ,{q: "Why do skeletons drink milk?", a: "To help their bones!"} ,{q: "What do Skeletons like to eat?", a: "Ribs"} ,{q: "What did the witch say to the skeleton when he was lying?", a: "I know your lying because I can see right through you"} ,{q: "Who was the most famous skeleton detective?", a: "Sherlock Bones"} ,{q: "What do you give a skeleton for valentine's day?", a: "Bone-bones in a heart shaped box"} ,{q: "Why did the skeleton cross the road?", a: "To go to the body shop"} ,{q: "What did the skeleton say to the vampire?", a: "You suck"} ,{q: "Why did the skeleton stay out in the snow all night?", a: "He was a numb skull"} ,{q: "Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party?", a: "He had no body to dance with"} ,{q: "Why did the skeleton go to a BBQ?", a: "For the spare ribs"} ,{q: "Who was the most famous French skeleton?", a: "Napoleon bone-apart"} ,{q: "Why was the skeleton a bad archer?", a: "Someone stole his bone and marrow"} ,{q: "Why did the skeleton go disco dancing?", a: "to see the boogie man"} ,{q: "Why is the skeleton never mad?", a: "Because nothing gets under his skin!"} ,{q: "Why did he skeleton go to the barbecue?", a: "To get another rib"} ,{q: "What is a skeleton's favorite song", a: "Bad to the Bone"} ,{q: "Who won the skeleton beauty contest?", a: "No body!"} ,{q: "Why did the skeleton give a dog a bone?", a: "Because he had spare ribs"} ,{q: "Why was the boy afraid of a skeleton?", a: "Because it had a bone to pick with him"} ,{q: "What do skeletons say before they begin dining?", a: "Bone appetit!"} ,{q: "What kind of key does a skeleton use?", a: "A skeleton key"} ,{q: "What instrument do skeleton play?", a: "Trom-BONE"} ,{q: "What's a skeletons favorite part of the house?", a: "the living room"} ,{q: "Why do skeletons like wind?", a: "They don't, it goes right through them!"} ,{q: "What Does A Skeleton Do Before Sex?", a: "He Gets a Boner"} ,{q: "Where did the skeleton park his horse and buggy?", a: "At a dead end"} ,{q: "Why can't a Skeleton Lift Weights?", a: "He's all bone & no muscle"} ,{q: "Why can't skeletons pick a fight?", a: "They don't have the guts to do it"} ,{q: "Why did'nt the skeleten go to the Halloween party?", a: "Because he had no body to go with"} ,{q: "Who are some of the werewolves cousins?", a: "The whatwolves, the whowolves and the when wolves"} ,{q: "Where do most werewolves live?", a: "In howlywood, California"} ,{q: "What is a witch's favorite subject in school?", a: "Spelling"} ,{q: "Why don't witches wear underwear when riding their broomsticks?", a: "So they can get a better grip!"} ,{q: "What do u get when there's a witch in the desert?", a: "You get a sandwich"} ,{q: "What do witches get at hotels?", a: "Broom service"} ,{q: "What did the teenage witch ask her mother on Halloween?", a: "Can i have the keys to the broom tonight"} ,{q: "Who was the most famous witch detective?", a: "Warlock Holmes"} ,{q: "What do they teach in witching school?", a: "Spelling"} ,{q: "Why don't angry witches ride their brooms?", a: "They're afraid of flying off the handle"} ,{q: "What do witches use in their hair?", a: "Scare-spray"} ,{q: "Why couldn't Dorothy tell the bad witch from the good witch?", a: "Because she didn't know which witch was which!"} ,{q: "What did the little witch want for her birthday?", a: "A haunted doll house!"} ,{q: "How do you make a Witch scratch herself?", a: "Take away the W!"} ,{q: "How do you know a witch invented the alphabet?", a: "Because you have to spell it"} ,{q: "What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?", a: "A sand-witch"} ,{q: "Why does a witch ride a broom?", a: "Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord"} ,{q: "What do you call a witch's garage?", a: "A broom closet"} ,{q: "What do you call two witches living together?", a: "Broommates"} ,{q: "Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?", a: "Because demons are a ghouls best friend!"} ,{q: "What's a monster's favorite bean?", a: "A human bean"} ,{q: "Where did the goblin throw the football?", a: "Over the ghoul line"} ,{q: "When a goblin comes home from work what does he say his wife?", a: "Hey pumpkin!"} ,{q: "How do monsters tell their future?", a: "They read their horrorscope"} ,{q: "Why is a ghost such a messy eater?", a: "Because he is always a goblin"} ,{q: "What do you call a goblin who gets too close to a bonfire?", a: "A toasty ghosty"} ,{q: "What do you call two spiders that just got married?", a: "Newlywebbed"} ,{q: "Where do most goblins live?", a: "in North and South Scarolina"} ,{q: "What do Italian's eat on Halloween?", a: "Fettucinni Afraid-o"} ,{q: "What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon", a: "sour-puss"} ,{q: "How do you keep a monster from biting his nails?", a: "Give him screws"} ,{q: "What can't you give the headless horseman?", a: "A headache"} ,{q: "Why did the headless horseman go into business?", a: "He wanted to get ahead in life"} ,{q: "Who did Frankenstein take to the prom?", a: "His ghoul friend"} ,{q: "What's a monster's favorite play?", a: "Romeo and Ghouliet"} ,{q: "Why did the man with a knife in his head cross the street?", a: "He was dying to get to the other side!"} ,{q: "What did the corpse' mom do when her son was bad?", a: "Ground him"} ,{q: "How do monsters like their eggs?", a: "Terri-fried"} ,{q: "What do you call a monster who poisons corn flakes?", a: "A cereal killer"} ,{q: "What did the bird say on Halloween?", a: "Trick or tweet!"} ,{q: "What is a ghoul's favorite flavor?", a: "Lemon-slime"} ,{q: "What is a monster's favorite food?", a: "Ghoul scout cookies"} ,{q: "Why didn't the mummy date the invisible man?", a: "She could see right through him"} ,{q: "When do ghouls cook their victims?", a: "On Fry Day"} ,{q: "What's the ratio of a pumpkin's circumference to its diameter?", a: "Pumpkin Pi"} ,{q: "Why does a cemetery have to keep a fence around it?", a: "Because people are dying to get in"} ,{q: "What kind of hot dog do you eat on Halloween?", a: "a Halloweenie"} ,{q: "What do you give to a pumpkin who is trying to quit smoking?", a: "A pumpkin patch!"} ,{q: "Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?", a: "No, they eat the fingers separately"} ,{q: "What would a monster's psychiatrist be called?", a: "Shrinkenstein"} ,{q: "What did the graveyard digger say to the girl tomb?", a: "I dig you"} ,{q: "What type of cheese does Frankenstien eat?", a: "Muenster"} ,{q: "How do Rednecks celebrate Halloween?", a: "Pump kin!"} ,{q: "Why did the monster fall asleep on his bicycle?", a: "Because he was two tired"} ,{q: "Why made the computer scary?", a: "It had a terrorbyte"} ,{q: "How do you get to the witch apartments?", a: "Go to the dead end and take a fright"} ,{q: "Why didn't the ghost get wine with his dinner?", a: "They don't serve spirits"} ]; var oneTokensBirthday = [ {q: "What's the best way for us to remember your birthday?", a: "Forget it once!"} ,{q: "What did one candle say to the other?", a: "Don't birthdays just burn you up?"} ,{q: "What's the best birthday gift DH ever gave you?", a: "A new fridge, my face really lit up when I opened it!"} ,{q: "How do you know who your true friends are?", a: "They remember my birthday but not my age!"} ,{q: "What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?", a: "Aye Matey!"} ,{q: "Why didn't the teddy bear want any cake?", a: "He was stuffed"} ,{q: "What is your favorite kind of cake?", a: "Shortcake!"} ,{q: "What year is your birthday?", a: "Every year!"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "When 'getting lucky' means finding your car in the parking lot!"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "When you and your teeth don't sleep together anymore"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "When there's nothing left to learn the hard way"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "When you sing along with the elevator music!"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "When a happy hour means a nap!"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "You turn down the lights to save money!"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "When an all-nighter means not getting up to pee!"} ,{q: "How do you know when you're getting old?", a: "You can hold your liquor but not your water!"} ,{q: "Is age just a question of mind over matter?", a: "Yes, if you don't mind, it just doesn't matter!"} ,{q: "Young rock stars say - don't trust anyone over 30 - what do old rock stars say?", a: "We didn't mean us!"} ,{q: "What's the best part of being older?", a: "You did all the stupid stuff before the Internet!"} ,{q: "When I'm old and senile will we still be friends?", a: "Of course we will, we'll be NEW friends every day!"} ,{q: "What did the birthday cake say to the doctor?", a: "I'm feeling a little crummy"} ,{q: "What did Hillary ask for her 70th birthday?", a: "A recount!"} ,{q: "What's the best present for a 60th birthday?", a: "A tattoo with your address and phone number!"} ,{q: "Are you going to have super sex for your birthday?", a: "Both!"} ,{q: "Did you like the snacks we sent?", a: "Sure did! Thanks to everyone who chipped in"} ,{q: "Have anything to tell us on your birthday?", a: "I am not 40 I am not 40 I am not 40"} ]; nnMessages = [ "a candy store is full of sweets for every taste and trend, but wiser souls pick out one, enjoy, and be a friend", "a daily thumbs-up if convenient, would assure of your allegiance", "a heart is warmed by compliments made honestly by friendly gents", "a place for chat and merry folk, send hru or share a joke", "a polished guy sends more than hi, and oft thereby gets sweet reply", "assist Charleigh to excel, vote thumbs-up now and stay a spell", "a thumbs-up select will have wondrous affect", "a tip of one would be polite, send one of ten to show delight, or 101 to hold Char tight", "a token given now and then accumulates to nine or ten", "all's not free like sky and rain, don't forget to tip again", "attentive men articulate, and add some tips to punctuate", "be remembered as a friend, use Follow and come back again", "be witty, humorous, and disarming, (or maybe wealthy like Prince Charming)", "chat is free on any day, but Charleigh has some bills to pay", "click Follow now to reacquire more of the room that you admire", "click Thumbs-up now you've tipped a few, and Follow for a return view", "conversation can go anywhere but Char's got bills to pay out there", "could warm her heart like gifts of gold, those tokens gripped by watchers cold", "desiring further contemplation? click Follow to avoid frustration", "dive into imagination and come up with appreciation", "don't be remote and lonely guy, you're welcome here, relax, say 'hi'", "don't be shy just be polite, enjoy your visit here tonight", "don't feel lost or get frustrated, click to Follow, stay updated", "don't let shyness grip your tongue, say hello and tip her some", "down below is the bio, read to know about the show", "fear not a test or questionnaire, make conversation, don't just stare", "Follow's down there on your right, and thumbsup rate would sure delight", "for grateful host and max enjoyment, give your tokens some employment", "for guests just waiting, silent peeping: please say hi if you're not sleeping", "for private question not in session, please tip a token with a note in", "for sure relief from long workday, take two deep breaths and send a hey!", "don't make Char wait to discover that you think some good things of her", "if every peeper dug a bit deeper, tokens would keep her from going to sleep here", "Char and guests are most content when chat is sweet and tips are sent", "she can't read minds that's just absurd, so send a tip or friendly word", "Char is hoping all is well, with silent guests it's hard to tell", "Char is live, are you?", "she wrote a bio with something in it you need to know before beginning", "give a Thumbs-Up once a day, and she'll enjoy your every stay", "good gifts brought by every friend, on this the Lady does depend", "he was a nice and welcome lad, enjoyed his stay and was so glad, he did not Follow now he's sad", "hoarders save what's not enjoyed, like tokens that are undeployed", "hoarding tokens is no fun, they're made for giving, every one", "if overthinking leaves you dry, send 'hru' or maybe 'hi'", "impress with your good intentions, tip a few when asking questions", "it's not a race or war to win, it's just for fun so join right in", "it's not for lack of trying, but lack of Follow leaves men crying", "larger gifts are highly rated, but small ones are appreciated", "let them out to brighten day, some tokens you have locked away", "on his grave they say is written, had his fun but was not tippin'", "put away your stress and worry, come be a friend, there is no hurry", "satisfy her deepest wishes, treat her to 1000 tipses", "send a smile or some applause, let her know she's not on pause", "send a tip with conversation, she needs more than just flirtation", "some courtesy, a token or two, will win the lady's heart for you", "speak up when you like the show, and don't forget to click Follow", "testify that she is great, add tokens to accentuate", "the poet knows a sweeter play, but here it's fine to start with 'hey'", "the poorest fellow could still give a hello", "tokens are no fun in pocket, have some fun and please unlock it", "tokens sent without request gain favor for a welcome guest", "to make your stay a special one, a Thumbs-Up vote before you run", "to see Charleigh get energized try spicing chat with tip suprise", "vote Thumbs-up to let others know you recommend Charleigh's show", "when Charleigh frowns we make prediction, someone's close to an eviction", "when no one talks or sends a token, Char worries that her link is broken", "when rent is paid and grocery, then chat is fun and show is free", "when room is full of chatty guys, nice tips will engage Charleigh's eye", "when there's no chat for Charleigh's eyes she'll think we all are fossilized", "end of world is far away, don't wait that long to tip okay?", "you paid good money for those tokens, now have some fun and don't just hold 'em", "you're not at a picture show, it's interactive, say hello" ]; var fortuneCookies = [ "A bicycle can't stand on its own because it's two-tired" ,"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song" ,"A bird may be ever so small, it always seeks a nest of its own" ,"A bold attempt is half success" ,"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" ,"Abundance is from activity" ,"A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle" ,"A chattering bird builds no nest" ,"A child must creep until it learns to walk" ,"Acknowledgement is half of correction" ,"A clear conscience is a good pillow" ,"A clear conscience never fears midnight knocking" ,"A clever person turns great troubles into little ones, and little ones into none at all" ,"A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood" ,"A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind" ,"A crowd is not company" ,"Act honestly, and answer boldly" ,"Action is the proper fruit of knowledge" ,"A cutting word is worse than a bowstring, a cut may heal, but the cut of the tongue does not" ,"A dog is a man's best friend" ,"A donkey that carries a lot of books is not often learned" ,"A dose of adversity is often as needful as a dose of medicine" ,"Adversity and loss make a man wise" ,"Adversity is the foundation of virtue" ,"Adversity makes a man wise" ,"Advice after injury is like medicine after death" ,"A fall into a ditch makes you wiser" ,"A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has it's place" ,"A fault denied, is twice committed" ,"A favor to come is better than a hundred received" ,"A feeble effort will not fulfill" ,"A fifth wheel to a cart is but an encumbrance" ,"A fool only wins the first game" ,"A fool says what he knows, and a wise man knows what he says" ,"A forced kindness deserves no thanks" ,"A friend is known in time of need" ,"A friend is someone you share the path with" ,"A friend's eye is a good mirror" ,"A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile" ,"Age is honorable and youth is noble" ,"Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul" ,"A glutton lives to eat; a wise man eats to live" ,"A good beginning makes a good ending" ,"A good deed given should be returned" ,"A good example is the best sermon" ,"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book" ,"A good pilot is not known when the sea is calm and the weather fair" ,"A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow" ,"A good retreat is better than a bad stand" ,"A great estate is not gotten in a few hours" ,"A hundred no's are less agonizing than one insincere yes" ,"A kind word is like a Spring day" ,"A kitchen knife cannot carve its own handle" ,"A knife wound heals; a wound caused by words does not" ,"A lake forms drop by drop" ,"A lie travels round the world while truth is putting her boots on" ,"A little fire that warms is better than a big fire that burns" ,"A little impatience will spoil great plans" ,"A little stone may upset a large cart" ,"All happiness is in the mind" ,"All things change, and we change with them" ,"A man does not seek his luck, luck seeks the man" ,"A man is not old until his regrets take the place of his dreams" ,"A man who cannot tolerate small misfortunes can never accomplish great things" ,"A man who pays respect to the great paves his own way for greatness" ,"Ambition and revenge are always hungry" ,"An ant hole may collapse an embankment" ,"A needle is not sharp at both ends" ,"Anger can be an expensive luxury" ,"Anger is a bad advisor" ,"An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold" ,"Another man's burden is always light" ,"Anyone who goes hungry for three days will be inclined to steal" ,"A penny in time is as good as a dollar" ,"A penny saved is a penny earned" ,"A person of high principles is one who can watch an entire chess game without making a comment" ,"A questioning man is halfway to being wise" ,"Art is the illusion of spontaneity" ,"Ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them" ,"A short rest is always good" ,"A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle" ,"A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn" ,"A slip of the foot may soon be recovered; but that of the tongue perhaps never" ,"A small leak will sink a great ship" ,"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner" ,"A stream cannot rise above its source" ,"A stumble may prevent a fall" ,"A tired person can sleep anywhere" ,"A tree is straightened while it is still young" ,"A trouble shared is a trouble halved" ,"A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea" ,"A turtle travels only when it sticks its neck out" ,"A willing helper does not wait until he is asked" ,"A wise man changes his mind, a fool never" ,"Bad is never good until worse happens" ,"Before leaving to improve the world, look around your own home three times" ,"Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard" ,"Be happy while you're living, For you're a long time dead" ,"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still" ,"Be slow in choosing a friend but slower in changing him" ,"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one" ,"Better a little furniture than an empty house" ,"Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow" ,"Better ask ten times than be lost once" ,"Better a steady dime than a rare dollar" ,"Better be ill spoken of by one before all than by all before one" ,"Better give a penny then lend twenty" ,"Better good manners than good looks" ,"Better one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep" ,"Better the cottage where one is merry than the palace where one weeps" ,"Better to wear out than rust out" ,"Between saying and doing many a pair of shoes is worn out" ,"Between true friends even water drunk together is sweet enough" ,"Blame is the lazy man's wages" ,"Books are preserved minds" ,"Break one link and the whole chain falls apart" ,"By crawling a child learns to stand" ,"By labor comes wealth" ,"Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water" ,"Confidence is half of victory" ,"Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom" ,"Control your emotion or it will control you" ,"Darkness reigns at the foot of the lighthouse" ,"Distant water does not put out a nearby fire" ,"Do everything at the right time, and one day will seem like three" ,"Do not be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie" ,"Do not believe that you will reach your destination without leaving the shore" ,"Do not call the forest that shelters you a jungle" ,"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped" ,"Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends" ,"Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege" ,"Don't find fault with what you don't understand" ,"Don't spend all your money before you get paid" ,"Don't think you have passed the exam until you get it back" ,"Don't use a lot where a little will do" ,"Each day provides its own gifts" ,"Elbow grease is the best polish" ,"Even children of the same mother look different" ,"Even if you encounter a stone bridge, tap it first before crossing" ,"Even small fish are fish" ,"Even the best cooking pot will not produce food" ,"Even the mightest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest" ,"Every cat is black at night" ,"Everyone is wise till he speaks" ,"Everyone must row with the oars he has" ,"Every road has two directions" ,"Every seed knows its time" ,"Experience is a comb which nature gives us when we are bald" ,"Failure teaches you more than success" ,"Fall down seven times, get up eight" ,"Faults are thick where love is thin" ,"For a good appetite there is no hard bread" ,"Forgetting a debt doesn’t mean it’s paid" ,"Fortune will call at the smiling gate" ,"Friends are lost by calling often and calling seldom" ,"Genius can be recognized by its childish simplicity" ,"Gentleness does more than violence" ,"Get what you can and keep what you have; that's the way to get rich" ,"Give neither counsel nor salt till you are asked for it" ,"Give time time" ,"Gold will never get rusty" ,"Good actions are never lost" ,"Good advice is better than gold" ,"Good sense is as important as good food" ,"Gossip about a person and his shadow will appear" ,"Guessing is cheap, but guessing wrong can be expensive" ,"Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last" ,"Had you gotten up early, you wouldn't have needed to stay up late" ,"Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak" ,"He is bad that will not take advice, but he is a thousand times worse that takes every advice" ,"He is rich enough who owes nothing" ,"Here's to eyes in your heads and none in your potatoes" ,"He that does not save pennies, will never have dollars" ,"He that inquires much, learns much" ,"He that lives on hope will die fasting" ,"He that marries for money will earn it" ,"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever" ,"He who comes with a story to you brings two away from you" ,"He who digs a hole for someone, will fall in it himself" ,"He who does nothing, does not fail" ,"He who doesn't risk never gets to drink champagne" ,"He who finds a friend, finds a treasure" ,"He who gives when he is asked has waited too long" ,"He who is being carried does not realize how far the town is" ,"He who starts well is half way done" ,"He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is only taking a walk" ,"He who thinks too much about every step he takes will always stay on one leg" ,"Hindsight is the best insight to foresight" ,"Hope is a good breakfast, but a poor supper" ,"However long the night may last, there will be a morning" ,"If and When were planted and Nothing grew" ,"If each one sweeps before his own door, the whole street is clean" ,"If everyone gives one thread, the poor man will have a shirt" ,"If there be no remedy, why worry?" ,"If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom" ,"If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow" ,"If you bow at all, bow low" ,"If you climb up a tree, you must climb down the same tree" ,"If you come up in this world be sure not to go down in the next" ,"If you do not sow in the spring you will not reap in the autumn" ,"If you don't have time to do it right you must have time to do it over" ,"If you ever need a helping hand you'll find one at the end of your arm" ,"If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct it" ,"If you're healthy, you're wealthy" ,"If you understand everything, you must be misinformed" ,"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together" ,"If you want to judge a man's character, give him power" ,"If you want your children to have a peaceful life, let them suffer a little hunger and a little cold" ,"If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep" ,"In a group of many words, there is bound to be a mistake somewhere in them" ,"It is better to not read at all than to believe everything you read" ,"It is easy to halve the potato when there is love" ,"It is easy to manage when fortune favors" ,"It is easy to sit at the helm in fine weather" ,"It is not a secret if it is known to three people" ,"It is not enough to run, one must start in time" ,"It is not the knowing that is difficult, but the doing" ,"It is not what you are called, but what you answer to" ,"It is not work that kills, but worry" ,"It's for her own good that the cat purrs" ,"It's no use carrying an umbrella if your shoes are leaking" ,"It will come back, said the man, when he fed his pig ham" ,"Keep your nose out of another's shit" ,"Kind words don't wear out the tongue" ,"Kind words will unlock an iron door" ,"Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested" ,"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere" ,"Least said is soonest mended" ,"Let what is past flow away downstream" ,"Little and often fills the purse" ,"Lose an hour in the morning and you'll be running after it all day" ,"Love is one-eyed, hate is blind" ,"Make new friends, but don't forget the old ones" ,"Marriages are all happy - it's having breakfast together that causes all the trouble" ,"Married couples tell each other a thousand things without speech" ,"Men trip not on mountains they trip on molehills" ,"Money grows on the tree of work" ,"Need teaches a plan" ,"Never be content with your lot. Try for a lot more" ,"Never bolt your door with a boiled carrot" ,"Never burn a penny candle looking for a halfpenny" ,"Never let your feet run faster than your shoes" ,"Nodding the head does not row the boat" ,"No matter how tall the mountain is, it cannot block the sun" ,"No time for health today, no health for your time tomorrow" ,"Old people are everyone's treasures" ,"One beam, no matter how big, cannot support an entire house on its own" ,"One must talk little and listen much" ,"One of these days is none of these days" ,"One who sleeps doesn't catch fish" ,"Only a fool tests the depth of the river with both feet" ,"Patience brings roses" ,"Patience is a bitter plant, but its fruit is sweet" ,"Patience is the mother of a beautiful child" ,"Patience wears away stones" ,"Perseverance is the mother of good luck" ,"Poor is the person who does not know when he has had enough" ,"Power lasts ten years; influence not more than a hundred" ,"Proportion your expenses to what you have, not what you expect" ,"Put off for one day and ten days will pass" ,"Rain does not fall on one roof alone" ,"Repetition is the mother of knowledge" ,"Ripe fruit falls by itself - but it doesn't fall in your mouth" ,"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors" ,"Soft words butter no parsnips but they won't harden the heart of the cabbage either" ,"Solve one problem, and you keep a hundred others away" ,"Some men go through a forest and see no firewood" ,"Some people like to make of life a garden, and to walk only within its paths" ,"Speaking is silver, silence is gold" ,"Speech is silver, but silence is golden" ,"Speedy execution is the mother of good fortune" ,"Success and rest don't sleep together" ,"Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan" ,"Talk does not cook rice" ,"Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom" ,"Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself" ,"The best candle is understanding" ,"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today" ,"The calmer you go, the further along you will be" ,"The cemeteries are filled with people who thought the world couldn't get along without them" ,"The friend that can be bought is not worth buying" ,"The future is purchased by the present" ,"The liar needs a good memory" ,"The light heart lives long" ,"The more acquaintances you have, the less you know them" ,"The morning is wiser than the evening" ,"The most difficult mountain to cross is the threshold" ,"The person who admits ignorance shows it once; the one who tries to hide it shows it often" ,"The person who has many faults is usually the first to criticize others" ,"The person who is his own master cannot tolerate another boss" ,"The person who knows himself and his opponent will be invincible" ,"There are finer fish in the sea than have ever been caught" ,"There are two kinds of perfect people: those in the tomb, and those in the womb" ,"There is an eraser on every pencil" ,"There's no need to fear the wind if your haystacks are tied down" ,"The reverse side also has a reverse side" ,"The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have" ,"Think about your own faults during the first half of the night, and the faults of others during the second half" ,"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" ,"Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today" ,"To try and to fail is not laziness" ,"Trouble rides a fast horse" ,"Two captains sink the ship" ,"Want a thing long enough and you don't" ,"What may be done at any time will be done at no time" ,"When a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it" ,"When fire is applied to a stone it cracks" ,"When you're thirsty it's too late to think about digging a well" ,"Who gossips to you will gossip about you" ,"Who moves, picks up, who stands still, dries up" ,"Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own" ,"Wishes won't wash dishes" ,"Wish well, be well" ,"Without oars, you cannot cross in a boat" ,"Your hand is never the worse for doing its own work" ,"You can't see the whole sky through a straw" ,"You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince" ,"You have to make the most of the chances that come your way" ,"You never know what you can do until you try" ,"You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was" ,"You won't learn to swim on the kitchen floor" ]; var irishJokes = [ "80-year-old Sean proudly told his doctor that he just married an 18-year-old girl and she was pregnant with his child. The doctor replied 'Sean, I've got a hunter friend who killed a lion by shooting it with his umbrella'. 'Why that's impossible!' said Sean. 'Exactly!' said the doctor." ,"An American asked Paddy: 'Why does every Irishman answer a question with another question?' 'Who told you that?' replied Paddy." ,"An American asked Riley which was the quickest way to Dublin? 'Are you drivin or walkin?' 'Driving' 'Well that's the quickest way'." ,"An Englishman and an Irishman had an accident, they were not hurt but both their cars were totalled. The Irishman smiled, dug out a blessedly undamaged bottle of Guinness and offered it to the Englishman. 'Tank God we were spared' he said. The Englishman took three long swigs, grinned, and offered the bottle back. 'No thank you sirr' said the Irishman, 'I believe I'll wait for the Garda'." ,"An old Irish rooster challenged a new rooster to race him ten times around the barn, the winner getting all the hens to hisself. After the first lap the barnyard was in an uproar and the old rooster was well in the lead. After the 5th lap the farmer ran out with his gun to see what was exciting his chickens. He saw the young rooster close behind the old one, pointed his gun at him and fired! 'Begorrah! That's the second gay rooster I had to shoot'." ,"A priest, a minister, and a rabbi went skinny-dipping in a remote pond. When they came out they were dismayed to find a large group of the town's ladies out for a walk. The minister and the rabbi immediately covered their privates but the priest covered his face. Afterwards the priest explained: 'I don't know about you but I was afraid someone would recognize my face!'" ,"As Patrick lay dying he called his friend Sean over to make a request. 'After I'm buried I want bottle of fine whiskey poured over my grave, would you do that for me lad?' Sean replied, 'You're a grand friend Patrick and that's a beautiful thing to ask. Do you mind if I filter it through my kidneys first?'" ,"A Texan walks into a Dublin bar and offers a challenge 'I'll pay $500 American to any Irishman who can drink 10 shots of Guinness back-to-back!' Nobody takes the challenge and one lad walks out. 30 minutes later he's back 'I'll do it!' 10 shots are lined up on the bar, he downs them one after the other and claims his $500 with a grin. 'I didn't know so I went to another bar and practiced it twice to be sure!'" ,"A wealthy farmer went to church one Sunday. After services he said to the priest, 'Father, that was a damned good sermon you gave, damned good!' 'I'm happy you liked it,' said the priest. 'But I wish you wouldn't swear in the church.' 'I can't help it,' said the rich farmer. 'In fact, I liked it so much I put a fifty pound note in the collection.' 'The hell you did!' replied the priest." ,"Bartender: 'Your glass is empty, fancy another one?' Mickey: 'Why would i be needin two empty glasses?'" ,"Coleen challenged the Irish Bank President to a wager. 'I bet $10,000 your testicles are square!' He accepted the bet. 'I'll bring my lawyer as a witness tomorrow' she said. The next day she and the lawyer watched as the banker dropped his trousers for inspection. Coleen insisted on feeling them to be sure and he agreed. Suddenly the lawyer started banging his head on the wall. 'What's got into him?' asked the banker. 'I bet him $100,000 that this morning I would be holding the balls of the President of the Bank of Ireland!'" ,"Coleen says to her husband 'Look at Mick there, kissin his wife at the door every morning when he leaves for work. Why don't you do that?' 'But I hardly know the woman' he said." ,"Did you hear about the Irish metal detector who got trapped after digging a 30 foot hole? Turns out he was wearing steel-toe boots." ,"Donny asked the barman if he'd heard the latest Kerryman joke. 'Careful lad, I'm from the beautiful County of Kerry myself!' 'That's ok then, I'll tell it slow'." ,"Fanny Green overheard that the local priest had called her a 'whore', so she went to Mass wearing a short skirt, low-cut top, her highest heels, and sat in the front row. The priest and the alter boy were shocked to see she was wearing no underwear. The priest whispered to the boy 'Is that Fanny Green?' The boy replied 'No Father, it's just the reflection off her shoes'." ,"Michael was in court for non-payment of maintenance to his ex-wife. The judge told him 'I have decided to increase this allowance and give your wife 50 Pounds per week'. Michael replied 'You're a gentleman sir, and I might even send her a few bob myself." ,"Michael was courting Coleen one night when her father called from up the stair 'What's that young fella doing all night down there?!'. 'Oh father, he's telling me all that's in his heart'. 'Well ask him to tell you all that's in his head, it won't take half as long!'" ,"Mick and an American took the test for a job at the Post. Both missed the same question but the job was given to the American. The boss told Mick the American had answered 'I don't know' but Mick had written 'I don't either!'" ,"Mickey to a Leprechaun at a bar: 'You're sure an ugly fellow!' Leprechaun: 'SPLBLBLBT!' Mickey: 'I'll cut off your willie for that!' Leprechaun: 'Leprechauns don't have willies'. Mickey: 'how do you pee then?' The Leprechan: 'SPLBLBLBT!'" ,"Mick noticed Murphy eyeing his bag of doughnuts and said: 'If you guess how many are in the bag you can have them both'" ,"Mick walks into the pub and his friend Paddy grabs him, 'Saints be praised! Your doctor sent me with a message, the test came back and you've only got 24 hours to live!'. 'That's terrible!' replied Mick. 'It's worse! I've been waiting for you all day!'" ,"Mick was envying Paddy's enormous dong at the urinals. Paddy noticed and grinned: 'It's wonders what they can do for $1000 at the new clinic!' A month passed. Mick: 'Thanks for the advice, but you paid too much, check what I got for $500!' Paddy laughed: 'La! That's my old one!'" ,"Mrs. Murphy banged her husband on the head with a pan. 'What's that for?' 'I found a slip of paper in your pocket with the name Jenny and a number written on it!'. Her husband protested: 'That's for the races, Jenny was me horse!'. A few days later she hit him again with the same pan. 'Your horse is on the phone!'" ,"Mrs. Murphy called from the kitchen: 'Murph! is that you I hear spittin in my good vase?' 'No' replied Murph, 'but I'm gettin closer!'" ,"Mrs. Murphy explained her husband's absence at Church: 'Yesterday he swallowed his spoon and he hasn't stirred since!'" ,"O'leary marveled as a truck carrying a load of sod passed by, 'That's what I want! When I win the lottery I'm going to send my lawn out for a trim every week!'" ,"O'toole was asked what the name of the swagman was in the song Waltzing to Matilda. 'Andy it was!' he replied. 'Andy sat, Andy watched, Andy waited till his Billy boiled!'" ,"Paddy noticed Mickey looked like he'd been mugged and asked him who did it and what kind of weapon did they use? Mickey told him it was Mr. Mulligan hit him with a shovel pretty good. Paddy asked didn't he have anything in his hand to defend himself? Mickey said 'Mrs. Mulligan's breast, a beautiful thing, but not much use in a fight!'" ,"Paddy told Seamus 'I've not been feeling myself lately'. Seamus replied 'That's good to hear lad, it was a nasty habit anyway!'" ,"Paddy was out for a walk on a rare sunny afternoon when he spotted a Leprechaun napping. He grabbed him quick and demanded three wishes. The Leprechaun said: 'I'll give them, but Riley gets two of every thing you ask for as well'. First Paddy asked for a big mansion with a well-stocked wine celler. Then he asked for a gorgeous young nymphomaniac to live with him in the mansion. Remembering that he didn't like Riley very much he pondered and finally gave his last wish - remove one testicle!" ,"Seamus and Michael went to the pet shop and asked for 'Four of the little birds in that cage there'. They drove out to a high bluff where Seamus took a bird in each hand and jumped off. Michael watched in horror as Seamus dropped onto the rocks far below. 'Begorrah! I'm not likin this budgie jumpin much!' he said as he took hold of his two birds." ,"Sean just returned from the funeral for his pal Riley who died after being hit on the head with a tennis ball. It was a lovely service." ,"Sean, Mick, and Murphy were enjoying a fine heady ale at the pub when a fly dropped into each of their drinks. Sean asked for another glass. Mick blew his fly out along with a little foam. Murphy caught his fly by the wings and violently shook it shouting 'SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT!'" ,"Sister Mary confronted Mick as he was just going into the pub 'You're wasting away your life!' 'How would you know? You've never tasted a good whiskey' he protested. The Sister was taken aback and said 'True as sunshine Mick, but if you bring me a bit in a glass I can taste it and then I will know'. Mick went into the pub and asked for a shot of Guinness in a glass. The owner said 'Sister Mary is outside again isn't she?'" ,"Six Irish men were playing poker when one of them had a heart attack and died. Mick offered to tell the man's wife. 'Mrs. Shaunessy, your husband's lost all his money at poker and is afraid to come home' 'Tell him to drop dead!' 'That's fine then, I'll tell him'" ,"'So sorry to tell you this Mrs. Murphy, but your husband fell into a vat of beer and drowned!' 'Oh No! Did he suffer long?' 'He woulda died a mite quicker, but he stood up to pee three times!'" ,"The judge looked Paddy straight in the eye and told him he was brought in for drinking. 'Grand!' said Paddy, 'Let's get started!'" ,"The priest found Sean drunk on the street last night and began preaching at him to change his ways. Sean moaned in pain and asked: 'Father forgive me, but what is the cause of arthritis?' 'I'll tell you what causes it! Drinking cheap whiskey, gambling and carousing around with loose women is why you've got it!' 'Oh no Father, it's the Bishop got it'." ,"The store clerk asked Paddy how he liked the new toilet brush his wife bought. Paddy frowned and said 'I believe I was likin the toilet paper better!'" ,"Tiger Woods was seated at the bar with Seamus when he leaned over and two tees fell out of his shirt pocket. Seamus: 'What are those?', Tiger: 'I set my balls on them when I'm driving'. 'Begorrah!' said Seamus and finished his drink." ,"What do you call a bulletproof Irishman? Rick O’Shea." ,"Why can't you borrow money from a Leprechaun? Because they're always a little short." ,"The morning after a big fight with his wife Sean brought out a crate of bottles. He smashed one and said: 'You're the reason I fight with my wife!'. He smashed another: 'You're the reason I don't have a decent job!'. He picked up a third which was still full. 'You stand aside, I know you are not to blame'." ,"When Paddy woke up after a glorious drunk, he found he was in bed with the dog beside him in place of his wife. 'Glory be!' said Paddy. 'I must have been wondrous drunk when I got home. Now that I think about it, there was a lot of noise and commotion when I threw the dog out!" ,"Mrs. O'Leary suggests that when you make beans that you count them and stop at 239. Otherwise, they'll be two farty." ]; init(); /* by pbchnd */
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