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/** * Created by kyle on 4/28/17. */ //this is an app for token poll that takes mulitple tips as a vote var pollNotice = ''; var pollSubject = ''; var firstPollVotes = 0; var firstPollAmount = 0; var firstPollSubject = ''; var secondPollVotes = 0; var secondPollAmount = 0; var secondPollSubject = ''; cb.settings_choices = [ {name: 'pollSubject_CB', label: 'What is the purpose of your Poll?', type: 'str'}, {name: 'pollNotice_CB', label: 'What would you like the poll notice to say?', type: 'str'}, {name: 'firstPollSubject', label: 'First Poll Subject?', type: 'str'}, {name: 'firstPollAmount', label: 'How Much for the first poll?', type: 'int'}, {name: 'firstPollVotes', label: 'How Many votes have been casted for the first poll?', type: 'int'}, //{name: 'firstPollVotes', label: 'How Many votes have been casted for the first poll?', type 'int' }, {name: 'secondPollSubject', label: 'Second poll subject?', type: 'str'}, {name: 'secondPollAmount', label: 'How much for the second poll?', type: 'int'}, {name: 'secondPollVotes', label: 'How Many votes have been casted for the second poll?', type: 'int'}, {name: 'noticeRotation', label: 'How offten would you like the token poll notice to be advertised?', type: 'int'} ] cb.onEnter(function(user) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome to the room there is currently a poll running and at some point i will show you the results here.', user['user'], '#ff0000', '#0000000'); });
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