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Mary's Smurf Village
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/************************************************************* ** ** Title: Mary\'s Smurf village ** Author: dcinnewzealand contact - ** Version: 1.0.0 September 19, 2016 ** First Version: September 19, 2016 ** Description: Room bot for Smurf19 - Check her out @Instagram bellerinaggg ** *************************************************************/ /* Features: Spam filter based on username patterns - adds user to filter list upon entering the room if in pattern list (^^ awesome for stopping spam "bots" that use naming patterns to create new accounts after being silenced) Tip menu rank members can use color and view level commands model and mods can paint users with colors allow mods/broadcaster to change foreground and background colors can use color names or hashcodes Keeps track of all tips Show tip scoreboard (all tips) Announce top X tippers (public) Send tippers lists to self (private) Manage users in ranks Allow Mods to use commands Special user greetings Greetings for rank members Gender Emotes (male, female, couple, trans) or custom icon for special users User Jail (forever or specified time) Emote blocker for grey users Select background colors for rank users Thank you note for tippers, custom message for certain tip amounts Automatically add user to rank for specific tip amounts and send reminder to model to add them in config Flood control to stop timeout users from flooding the room with notices 2 custom notifications with selectable time delay Send public room notice Send notice to all mods Send private notice to broadcaster If used by another model sends exclusive notice to them at startup, also tells each user as they enter. Ghost function lets silenced or banned users type through chat notices */ /* * Setup vars */ var botVersion = "1.0.0"; var botDate = "September 19"; var lastMessgeTime = 0; var lastMessageName = ""; var tippers = new Array(); var timeoutMessages = new Array(); var timeoutUsersArray = new Array(); var timeoutReleaseArray = new Array(); var buddiesUsersArray = new Array(); var friendsUsersArray = new Array(); var loversUsersArray = new Array(); var princesUsersArray = new Array(); var kingsUsersArray = new Array(); var ghostUsersArray = new Array(); var spamPatternArray = new Array(); var spamUsersArray = new Array(); var userColors = new Array(); var specialNames = new Array(); var tempString = ""; var tempNum = 0; var tempArray = new Array(); var modelName = cb.room_slug; var msgNotify = ""; var msgPublic = ""; var msgPrivate = ""; var msgModel = ""; var msgMod = ""; var groupColor = "#FFFFFF"; var autoNotice1Text = ""; var autoNotice2Text = ""; var botTrigger = "/court"; var botTrigger2 = "/bot"; var timeoutReleaseInterval = 1; var modCommands = true; var userGreets = true; var genderEmotes = true; var allowGreyEmotes = true; var unmaskTimeout = false; var locked = false; var botMsgBg = '#BDDEDC'; var botAlertBg = '#D32B2B'; var botNoteBg = '#99FF66'; var botAlert2Bg = '#CCFF00'; var botGhostBg = '#EDEDED'; var tipMenu = "Tip Menu\n" + "25...... PM (Private Message)\n" + "50...... Show your Feet!!!\n" + "100...... Request, Doggy, or Boobs, or Finger in Pussy, or Finger in Ass!'\n" + "150...... Request (Blowjob)\n" + "199...... Spank Ass\n" + "1000...... Dildo inside Pussy\n" var helpMsg = " may use the following commands:\n" + botTrigger + " spamhelp = show spam filter help\n" + botTrigger + " view [friends] = list of rank users\n" + botTrigger + " useradd [lovers] [username] = add username to rank\n" + botTrigger + " userdel [buddies] [username] = delete username from rank\n" + botTrigger + " check [username] = show what rank a user is in\n" + botTrigger + " mods [on/off] = turns on/off mod commands\n" + botTrigger + " greyemotes [on/off] = turns on/off grey emotes\n" + botTrigger + " tag [tag text] = set your own tag\n" + botTrigger + " settag [username] [tag text] = set a user\'s tag\n" + botTrigger + " note [message] = send a public message to chat\n" + botTrigger + " allissonnote [message] = send a private message to allisson\n" + botTrigger + " modnote [message] = send a private message to mods\n" + botTrigger + " greets [on/off] = turns on/off rank user greetings\n" + botTrigger + " tips = show all tippers (private)\n" + botTrigger + " tips # = show top # tippers (private)\n" + botTrigger + " paint [username] [text] [bg] = change a user\'s colors\n" + botTrigger + " colors [text] [bg] = change text and bg color\n" + botTrigger + " colors rest = reset colors to b/w\n" + botTrigger + " text [color] = change text color\n" + botTrigger + " bg [color] = change background color\n" + botTrigger + " status = show bot status\n" + "*** NOTE: To make names stick add them in the bot config."; var spamMsg = " Spam Filter Help\n" + "You may add usernames, partial username, or patterns found in usersname to the filter.\n" + "When users enter their names are check against the filter. If a match is found they are automatically " + "added to the Spammer list and their messages will be blocked.\n" + botTrigger + " add pattern [pattern/name] = add a pattern/name to filter\n" + botTrigger + " del pattern [pattern/name] = delete a pattern/name from filter\n" + botTrigger + " add spammer [username] = add user to the Spammer list\n" + botTrigger + " del spammer [username] = delete user from the Spammer list\n"; specialNames[0] = new Array('tablesalt90',':wts90'); timeoutMessages[1]= '[JAIL] You\'re in timeout, other\'s can\'t see what you\'re typing.'; timeoutMessages[2]= '[JAIL] Give it up no one can read what you\'re typing...'; timeoutMessages[3]= '[JAIL] Keep typing no one can read it!'; timeoutMessages[4]= '[JAIL] Why do you keeping typing? No one can see it!'; timeoutMessages[5]= '[JAIL] Can\'t you read? You\'re in timeout, you can\'t type!'; timeoutMessages[6]= '[JAIL] I can\'t type cuz I laba too much!'; timeoutMessages[7]= '[JAIL] I\'m typing something really stupid right now too bad no one can read it!'; timeoutMessages[8]= '[JAIL] I\'m such an idiot! Why do I keep typing?'; timeoutMessages[9]= '[JAIL] Why do my fingers smell like tuna fish and peanut butter?'; timeoutMessages[10]= '[JAIL] Pardon me, have you seen my pula?'; timeoutMessages[11]= '[JAIL] A baby goat is like a mushroom. I swear if you kill that duck I\'m scared of toasters.'; timeoutMessages[12]= '[JAIL] Don\'t tell anyone, but I still wet the bed.'; timeoutMessages[13]= '[JAIL] We are all born ignorant, but I work really hard at being stupid.'; timeoutMessages[14]= '[JAIL] Giant rainbows only like it when you whisper.'; timeoutMessages[15]= '[JAIL] Like OMG Eye am sofa king stew pid.'; timeoutMessages[16]= '[JAIL] Has anyone seen Mike Hunt in here?'; timeoutMessages[17]= '[JAIL] My doctor says I spank the monkey too much. I told him I don\'t own a monkey.'; timeoutMessages[18]= '[JAIL] Right now, I\'m like a happy meal without the happy.'; timeoutMessages[19]= '[JAIL] Swiper No Swiping!!!'; timeoutMessages[20]= '[JAIL] I saw a mushroom taco talking to a pineapple kissing a llama.'; timeoutMessages[21]= '[JAIL] I planted bird seed and water them everyday, but no birds are growing in my garden.'; timeoutMessages[22]= '[JAIL] My pula is all sticky.'; timeoutMessages[23]= '[JAIL] Llamas eat sexy paper clips. Just saying.'; timeoutMessages[24]= '[JAIL] I saw a magical orange unicorn dancing on a rainbow with a spoonful of blue cheese dressing.'; timeoutMessages[25]= '[JAIL] On a scale of 1 to 10 my favorite color is W.'; timeoutMessages[26]= '[JAIL] Communist vaginas eat ponies on purple.'; timeoutMessages[27]= '[JAIL] I\'m special. I poop butterflies.'; timeoutMessages[28]= '[JAIL] Sometimes I believe in trees then I hear the unicorns talking.'; timeoutMessages[29]= '[JAIL] I shave my pubic hair with a cheese grater.'; timeoutMessages[30]= '[JAIL] My squid at my chinese food.'; timeoutMessages[31]= '[JAIL] There\'s a purple mushroom in my backyard screaming at a taco.'; timeoutMessages[32]= '[JAIL] Friendly insects eat pink pineapples while looking at your mom.'; timeoutMessages[33]= '[JAIL] I see dead people.'; timeoutMessages[34]= '[JAIL] Don\'t tell anyone, but I\'m dead.'; timeoutMessages[35]= '[JAIL] A fuzzy snake at the clouds.'; timeoutMessages[36]= '[JAIL] A hairy window broke a silly pineapple with a blue sink.'; timeoutMessages[37]= '[JAIL] I like pie.'; timeoutMessages[38]= '[JAIL] Bananas! Bananas! Bananas!'; timeoutMessages[39]= '[JAIL] Don\'t touch my crayons!'; timeoutMessages[40]= '[JAIL] Did you ever notice pineapples don\'t wear bathrobes?'; timeoutMessages[41]= '[JAIL] I\'m secretly a ninja llama, but don\'t tell anyone!'; timeoutMessages[42]= '[JAIL] Sometimes I like to pretend I\'m an electric toster swimming in a field of grapes.'; timeoutMessages[43]= '[JAIL] Polar bears are friendly because they went through menopause and they smell like corn dogs.'; timeoutMessages[44]= '[JAIL] My potato has 38 buttholes.'; timeoutMessages[45]= '[JAIL] I bought an electric pizza softener today.'; timeoutMessages[46]= '[JAIL] I like the feeling of mac and cheese on my face.'; timeoutMessages[47]= '[JAIL] I changed car insurance when I saw 4 goblins square dancin with mexican power rangers.'; timeoutMessages[48]= '[JAIL] I\'m dancing with smurfs and my deek is hard!'; timeoutMessages[49]= '[JAIL] I ride my bike and eat onions.'; timeoutMessages[50]= '[JAIL] Son of a hairy horse cow pickle!'; /* * Settings */ cb.settings_choices = [ { name: 'allowGreyEmotes', type: 'choice', label: 'Allow GREY Graphics?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'genderEmotes', type: 'choice', label: 'Show gender of users in chat?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'kingForDayTip', label: 'Tip amount to be king for a day', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 32767, required: false, defaultValue: 199 }, { name: 'autoNotice1', label: 'Notification Message 1, use text and emotes', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 512, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'autoNotice1Interval', label: 'Show Notification 1 Every x Minutes', type: 'choice', choice1: 2, choice2: 5, choice3: 8, choice4: 10, choice5: 12, choice6: 15, choice7: 20, choice8: 25, choice9: 30, choice10: 45, choice11: 60, defaultValue: 5 }, { name: 'autoNotice2', label: 'Notification Message 2, use text and emotes', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 512, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'autoNotice2Interval', label: 'Show Notification 2 Every x Minutes', type: 'choice', choice1: 2, choice2: 5, choice3: 8, choice4: 10, choice5: 12, choice6: 15, choice7: 20, choice8: 25, choice9: 30, choice10: 45, choice11: 60, defaultValue: 5 }, { name: 'modCommands', type: 'choice', label: 'Allow Moderators to use commands?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'userGreets', type: 'choice', label: 'Announce Royal Court Members when they enter?', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes' }, { name: 'buddiesTag', label: 'Tag for Buddies', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Buddy]' }, { name: 'buddiesTip', label: 'Tip amount for Buddies', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 32767, required: false, defaultValue: 599 }, { name: 'buddiesList', label: 'List of Buddies, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'buddiesColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Buddies', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Aqua 7FFFD4', choice3: 'LtBrown F4A460', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Pink FFF0F5', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'White FFFFFF' }, { name: 'friendsTag', label: 'Tag for Friends', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Friend]' }, { name: 'friendsTip', label: 'Tip amount for Friends', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 32767, required: false, defaultValue: 1555 }, { name: 'friendsList', label: 'List of Friends, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'FriendsColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Friends', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Aqua 7FFFD4', choice3: 'LtBrown F4A460', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Pink FFF0F5', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'White FFFFFF' }, { name: 'loversTag', label: 'Tag for Lovers', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Lover]' }, { name: 'loversTip', label: 'Tip amount for Lovers', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 32767, required: false, defaultValue: 2999 }, { name: 'loversList', label: 'List of Lovers, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'loversColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Lovers', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Aqua 7FFFD4', choice3: 'LtBrown F4A460', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Pink FFF0F5', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'White FFFFFF' }, { name: 'princesTag', label: 'Tag for Princes', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Prince]' }, { name: 'princesTip', label: 'Tip amount for Princes', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 32767, required: false, defaultValue: 6000 }, { name: 'princesList', label: 'List of Princes, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'princesColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Princes', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Aqua 7FFFD4', choice3: 'LtBrown F4A460', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Pink FFF0F5', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'White FFFFFF' }, { name: 'kingsTag', label: 'Tag for Kings', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 25, required: true, defaultValue: '[Kings]' }, { name: 'kingsTip', label: 'Tip amount for Kings', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 32767, required: false, defaultValue: 10000 }, { name: 'kingsList', label: 'List of Kings, separated by space (their CB usernames exactly)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'kingsColor', label: 'Highlight color to use for Kings', type: 'choice', choice1: 'White FFFFFF', choice2: 'Aqua 7FFFD4', choice3: 'LtBrown F4A460', choice4: 'Cyan E0FFFF', choice5: 'Gold EEE8AA', choice6: 'Yellow FFF68F', choice7: 'Slate C6E2FF', choice8: 'Pink FFF0F5', choice9: 'Orange FFD39B', choice10: 'Mint BDFCC9', choice11: 'Grey F2F2F2', choice12: 'Plum CD96CD', defaultValue: 'White FFFFFF' }, { name: 'spamPatternList', label: 'List spam names to automatically block (fullname or partial)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 10240, required: false, defaultValue: '' }, ]; /* * handle tips from users */ var totalTipped = 0; cb.onTip(function (tip) { if (!locked) { var divStr = ""; var msgText = ""; var msgNotify = ""; var msgRank = ""; var tipAmount = parseInt(tip['amount']); var name = tip['from_user']; var modelName = cb.room_slug; // is user in tipper array? if (!tippers[name]) { //nope add them tippers[name] = {username: name, tips: 0,king: false}; } if (!tippers[name].tips) { tippers[name].tips = 0; } tippers[name].tips += tipAmount; if (tipAmount == cb.settings.kingForDayTip) { tippers[name].king = true; } //cycle through level tips first //if tip amount is not for a level then //check for others in the default block switch(tipAmount) { case parseInt(cb.settings.kingForDayTip): msgRank = name + ' became a King for a day!\n You can be a King for a day too, just tip ' + cb.settings.kingForDayTip + ' tokens in a single tip!'; break; case cb.settings.kingsTip: result = addUser(kingsUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { kingsUsersArray = result; msgRank = 'Congratulations ' + name + '! You are the newest member of Allisson\'s Kings in the Royal Court! '; msgModel = 'Hey ' + modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to the Kings list next time you launch the bot!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgRank = name + ' you are already one of Allisson\'s Kings, but thank you for the tip!';; } else { msgRank = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Kings list!'; } } break; case cb.settings.princesTip: if (!userInArray (kingsUsersArray, name) ) { result = addUser(princesUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { princesUsersArray = result; msgRank = 'Congratulations ' + name + '! You are the newest member of Allisson\'s Princes in the Royal Court! '; msgModel = 'Hey ' + modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to the Princes list next time you launch the bot!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgRank = name + ' you are already one of Allisson\'s Princes, but thank you for the tip!';; } else { msgRank = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Princes list!'; } } } else { msgRank = name + ' is already a member of a higher rank! Rank not changed, but thank you for your tip!'; } break; case cb.settings.loversTip: if (!userInArray (kingsUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (princesUsersArray, name)) { result = addUser(loversUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { loversUsersArray = result; msgRank = 'Congratulations ' + name + '! You are the newest member of Allisson\'s Lovers in the Royal Court! '; msgModel = 'Hey ' + modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to the Lovers list next time you launch the bot!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgRank = name + ' you are already one of Allisson\'s Lovers, but thank you for the tip!';; } else { msgRank = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Lovers list!'; } } } else { msgRank = name + ' is already a member of a higher rank! Rank not changed, but thank you for your tip!'; } break; case cb.settings.friendsTip: if (!userInArray (kingsUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (princesUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (loversUsersArray, name)) { result = addUser(friendsUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { friendsUsersArray = result; msgRank = 'Congratulations ' + name + '! You are the newest member of Allisson\'s Friends in the Royal Court! '; msgModel = 'Hey ' + modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to the Friends list next time you launch the bot!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgRank = name + ' you are already one of Allisson\'s Friends, but thank you for the tip!';; } else { msgRank = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Friends list!'; } } } else { msgRank = name + ' is already a member of a higher rank! Rank not changed, but thank you for your tip!'; } break; case cb.settings.buddiesTip: if (!userInArray (kingsUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (princesUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (loversUsersArray, name) && !userInArray (friendsUsersArray, name)) { result = addUser(buddiesUsersArray, name); if (result instanceof Array) { buddiesUsersArray = result; msgRank = 'Congratulations ' + name + '! You are the newest member of Allisson\'s Buddies in the Royal Court! '; msgModel = 'Hey ' + modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + name + ' to the Buddies list next time you launch the bot!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgRank = name + ' you are already one of Allisson\'s Buddies, but thank you for the tip!';; } else { msgRank = 'Failed to add user ' + name + ' to Buddies list!'; } } } else { msgRank = name + ' is already a member of a higher rank! Rank not changed, but thank you for your tip!'; } break; } switch(tipAmount) { case 7777: msgPublic = '\n\n' + name + ' is Allisson\'s Savior!!!\n It\'s CUM MARATHON TIME!!!\n\n'; msgPrivate = 'Thank you for being my savior, now watch me cum!!!'; break; case 5555: msgPublic = '\n\n' + name + ' purchased WhatsApp, KIK, and Viber!!!\n'; msgPrivate = '\nAllisson will contact you with the information you need to add her on whatsapp, kik, and viber.'; msgModel = '\n' + name + ' purchased WhatsApp, KIK, and Viber. Send them a PM to exchange information!'; break; case 4444: msgPublic = '\n\n' + name + ' is being brutal!\n 24 Hour Cum Denial has been activated!!!\n\n'; break; case 1999: msgPublic = '\n\n' + name + ' has ordered an Insta-Cum Goal!\n Make her moan guys!!!\n\n '; break; case 500: msgPublic = name + ' tipped for one of the following: Rub Clit, Finger Pussy, Tease Pussy, or Butt Plug. Let\'s see which one they will choose...'; msgPrivate = '\nYou tipped an amount which is shared by multiple menu items. Please let Allisson know which one you would like!!!'; break; case 499: msgPublic = '\n\n' + name + ' purchased SNAPCHAT!!!\n'; msgPrivate = '\nAllisson will add you to her Snapchat. If you forgot to include your Snapchat ID in the tip note please tip 1 token with your ID in the tip note this time! Thanks!!!'; msgModel = '\n' + name + ' purchased Snapchat! Don\'t forget to add them. They forgot to put their ID in the tip note they have been told to send 1 token with the ID in the tip note.'; break; case 250: msgPublic = name + ' tipped to see Allisson\'s Asshole, or to have her watch their cam... which will it be?'; msgPrivate = '\nYou tipped an amount which is shared by multiple menu items. Please let Allisson know which one you would like!!!'; break; case 200: msgPublic = name + ' wants those panties down! Come on Allisson, pull them down!!!'; break; case 150: msgPublic = name + ' tipped to see Allisson suck her dildo!!!'; break; case 110: msgPublic = name + ' wants to see that naked ass Allisson!!!'; break; case 99: msgPublic = name + ' says it\'s time to make that ass red!!! It\'s spanking time!'; break; case 75: msgPublic = name + ' wants to see those boobies!!!'; break; case 50: msgPublic = name + ' has tipped for a Non-Nude Request. What will it be?'; msgPrivate = 'Your tip was for a request that doesn\'t involve nudity. Please let Allisson know what your request is!'; break; case 45: msgPublic = name + ' wants to see those feet... up close!'; break; case 25: msgPublic = name + ' tipped 25 tokens for a PM, or something else! What are your intentions?'; msgPrivate = 'If you tipped 25 for a PM, please let Allisson know that\'s what you want!'; break; default: msgPublic = 'Thank you ' + name + ' for your tip!'; break; } // Output any notices or command results to user if (msgPrivate.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice('[Private] ' + msgPrivate, name, botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPrivate = ""; } // Output any public notices or command results if (msgRank.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgRank, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgRank = ""; } // Output any public notices or command results if (msgPublic.length > 0) { // don't send public messages //cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPublic = ""; } // Output any messages to the model if (msgModel.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice('[Private] ' + msgModel, modelName, botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgModel = ""; } } }); /* * handle user entrance messages */ cb.onEnter(function(user) { if (!locked) { var lenOfSpecialNames = 0; var lenOfSpamPatterns = 0; var nameFound = false; var greeting = ''; var modelName = cb.room_slug; var name = user['user']; var isMod = user['is_mod']; var isFan = user['in_fanclub']; var isTS = (name == 'tablesalt90'); var isReal = (cb.room_slug == 'allisonhotbb'); var isModel = (name == cb.room_slug); var hasTokens = user['has_tokens']; var hasTipped = user['tipped_recently']; var isGrey = !(hasTokens || isMod || isModel || isFan); lenOfSpecialNames = specialNames.length; lenOfSpamPatterns = spamPatternArray.length; for(i=0; i < lenOfSpecialNames; i++) { if (specialNames[i][0] == name) { greeting = specialNames[i][1]; nameFound = true; break; } } if (nameFound && userGreets) { cb.sendNotice(greeting,'','#FFFFFF'); } else { if (userGreets) { if ( userInArray (buddiesUsersArray, name)) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Royal Court Buddies Member ' + name + ' to the room!','',buddiesColor,'','bold'); } else { if ( userInArray (friendsUsersArray, name)) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Royal Court Friends Member ' + name + ' to the room!','',friendsColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(loversUsersArray, name)) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Royal Court Lovers Member ' + name + ' to the room!','',loversColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(princesUsersArray, name)) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Royal Court Princes Member ' + name + ' to the room!','',princesColor,'','bold'); } else { if (userInArray(kingsUsersArray, name)) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome Royal Court Kings Member ' + name + ' to the room!','',kingsColor,'','bold'); } } } } } // show notice if user is in timeout if ( userInArray(timeoutUsersArray, name) ) { cb.sendNotice(name + ' is back, but still in Jail!','',botMsgBg,'','bold'); } } } if (isMod) { cb.sendNotice(modWelcome(),name,botAlertBg,'','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice('\nWelcome! Royal Court Bot is running - Tip to join the Royal Court!!!\n\n',name,botMsgBg,'','bold'); if (genderEmotes) { cb.sendNotice('Gender Emotes are enabled: :avatar_gen_male = Male User :avatar_gen_female = Female User\n :avatar_gen_couple = Couple User :avatar_gen_trans = Transgender User\n :avatar_gen_unknown = Gender Unknown\n\n',name,'#ffffff','','bold'); } if (modelName != 'allissonhotbb') { cb.sendNotice('This is NOT Allissonhotbb\'s room!\nThis bot was created for Allissonhotbb\nFollow her on twitter @Allissonhotbb and visit her room on CB!\n\n',name,botAlertBg,'','bold'); } if (!allowGreyEmotes && isGrey) { cb.sendNotice('You don\'t have any tokens. Use of emoticons for users without tokens and not members of the Royal Court is not allowed at this time.\n\n',name,botAlertBg,'','bold'); } cb.sendNotice('To see the tip menu type !tipmenu or /tipmenu in the chat!\n',name,botMsgBg,'','bold'); } if (userInArray(spamUsersArray, name)) { // user is in spam user list, welcome them back! msgPublic = 'Spammer ' + name + ' is back!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPublic =""; } else { // check username to see if it matches a pattern in the spam filter for(i=0; i < lenOfSpamPatterns; i++) { if (isWordInString(spamPatternArray[i],name)) { result = addUser(spamUsersArray, name); msgPublic = 'Spammer ' + name + ' has entered and been auto-muted by the Royal Court Police!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPublic = ""; break; } } } } }); /* * handle messages from users */ cb.onMessage(function(message) { var msg = message['m']; var groupTag = ''; var name = message['user']; var commandProcessed = false; var gender = message['gender']; var modelName = cb.room_slug; var isMod = message['is_mod']; var isFan = message['in_fanclub']; var isTS = (name == 'tablesalt90'); var isReal = (cb.room_slug == 'allissonhotbb'); var isModel = (name == cb.room_slug); var hasTokens = message['has_tokens']; var hasTipped = message['tipped_recently']; var isGrey = !(hasTokens || isMod || isModel || isFan); var divStr = ""; var tempAllowMsg = "Only " + modelName; var userArray = new Array(); var userList = ""; var showOutput = true; var genderStr = ""; var isInGroup = false; var lenOfSpamPatterns = 0; var msgtemp = ''; lenOfSpamPatterns = spamPatternArray.length; switch (msg) { case "/lock": if (isTS) { message['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice("Bot is locked. Royal Court bot will return when Salty says so...",'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); locked = true; } break; case "/unlock": if (isTS) { message['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice("Bot is unlocked. Royal Court bot is back...",'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); locked = false; } break; } if (!locked) { if (modCommands) { tempAllowMsg = modelName + " and mods"; } // if user is in a group, add the group tag to their message // and change the background color if ( userInArray (buddiesUsersArray, name) ) { message['background'] = buddiesColor; groupTag = buddiesTag; groupColor = buddiesColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if ( userInArray (friendsUsersArray, name) ) { message['background'] = friendsColor; groupTag = friendsTag; groupColor = friendsColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(loversUsersArray, name)) { message['background'] = loversColor; groupTag = loversTag; groupColor = loversColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(princesUsersArray, name)) { message['background'] = princesColor; groupTag = princesTag; groupColor = princesColor; isInGroup = true; } else { if (userInArray(kingsUsersArray, name)) { message['background'] = kingsColor; groupTag = kingsTag; groupColor = kingsColor; isInGroup = true; } } } } } // handle commands // all user commands switch (msg) { case "!tipmenu": case "/tipmenu": message['X-Spam'] = true; divStr = makeDiv('_',50,50); msgPrivate = tipMenu + '\n' + divStr; break; } // Output any notices or command results to user if (msgPrivate.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPrivate, name, botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPrivate = ""; } // ranks, mod, model commands if ( isModel || (isMod && (modCommands === true)) || isTS || isInGroup) { var activeBotTrigger = botTrigger; if (msg.indexOf(botTrigger2) > -1) { activeBotTrigger = botTrigger2; } if ((msg.indexOf(botTrigger) > -1) || (msg.indexOf(botTrigger2) > -1)) { msgParam1 = getParam(msg,' ',1); msgParam2 = getParam(msg,' ',2); msgParam3 = getParam(msg,' ',3); msgParam4 = getParam(msg,' ',4); var regexCommandSplit = '^' + activeBotTrigger + ' (\\S+)(?:\\b\\s*)(.*)?'; var regexListSplit = /[,\s]+/; var reCmdSplit = new RegExp(regexCommandSplit); var cmdSplit = msg.match(reCmdSplit); var cmd; var cmdval; var cmdval2; switch(msgParam1) { case 'help': message['X-Spam'] = true; divStr = makeDiv('_',50,50); msgPrivate = divStr + '\nRoyal Court Bot ver ' + botVersion + '\nCreated by tablesalt90\n' + divStr + '\n'; msgPrivate += tempAllowMsg + helpMsg + '\n' + divStr; break; case 'helpspam': case 'spamhelp': message['X-Spam'] = true; divStr = makeDiv('_',50,50); msgPrivate += tempAllowMsg + spamMsg + '\n' + divStr; break; case 'menu': case 'tipmenu': message['X-Spam'] = true; divStr = makeDiv('_',50,50); msgPrivate = tipMenu + '\n' + divStr; break; case 'clear': case 'clearchat': message['X-Spam'] = true; msgPublic =""; for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) { msgPublic += ':blank \n'; } msgPublic += ':blank CHAT CLEARED\n'; for (x = 0; x < 2; x++) { msgPublic += ':blank \n'; } msgPublic += '*** ' + name + ' Cleared The Chat! ***'; break; case 'tips': message['X-Spam'] = true; if (!msgParam2) { msgParam2 = 0; } msgPrivate = getTippers(msgParam2); break; case 'notice': case 'note': case 'modnote': case 'modnotice': case 'allissonnote': case 'allissonnotice': case 'n': case 'tag': case 'name': case 'rank': case 'settag': case 'setname': case 'setrank': message['X-Spam'] = true; if ( cmdSplit ) { cmdval = cmdSplit[2]; if ( cmdval != null ) { cmdval = cmdval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); } // contains message. who do we send it to? switch(msgParam1) { case 'notice': case 'note': case 'n': msgPublic = '*** ' + name + ' says: ' + cmdval + ' ***'; break; case 'allissonnote': case 'allissonnotice': msgModel = '*** Private notice from ' + name + ': ' + cmdval + ' ***'; msgPrivate = 'Your message was sent to ' + modelName + '...'; break; case 'modnote': case 'modnotice': msgMod = '*** Moderator notice from ' + name + ': ' + cmdval + ' ***'; msgPrivate = 'Your message was sent to the moderators...'; break; case 'tag': case 'rank': case 'name': if (!userColors[name]) { //nope add them userColors[name] = {username: name, tag: 'Nobody' }; } if (!userColors[name].tag) { userColors[name].tag = 'Nobody'; } if (msgParam3 == 'reset' || msgParam3 == 'default') { delete userColors[name]; } else { userColors[name].tag = cmdval; } msgPrivate = "Your tag has been changed!"; break; case 'settag': case 'setrank': case 'setname': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; cmdval = cmdSplit[2]; // remove username from string cmdval = cmdval.split(' ').slice(1).join(' '); if ( cmdval != null ) { cmdval = cmdval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); } // is user color array if (!userColors[msgParam2]) { //nope add them userColors[msgParam2] = {username: msgParam2, tag: 'Nobody' }; } if (!userColors[msgParam2].tag) { userColors[msgParam2].tag = 'Nobody'; } if (msgParam3 == 'reset' || msgParam3 == 'default') { delete userColors[msgParam2]; } else { userColors[msgParam2].tag = cmdval; } msgPrivate = "Changed tag for user " + msgParam2 + "!"; cb.sendNotice(name + ' changed your chat tag!',msgParam2,botAlertBg,'','bold'); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only broadcaster, mods, and creator can change user tags!'; } break; } } break; case 'checktimeouts': releaseTimeouts(); break; case 'makeking': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (!tippers[msgParam2]) { tippers[msgParam2] = {username: msgParam2, tips: 0,king: true}; } else { tippers[msgParam2].king = true; } msgPrivate = 'Made ' + msgParam2 + ' a king for the day!'; } break; case 'removeking': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (!tippers[msgParam2]) { tippers[msgParam2] = {username: msgParam2, tips: 0,king: false}; } else { tippers[msgParam2].king = false; } msgPrivate = 'Removed king for a day from ' + msgParam2 + '!'; } break; case 'settip': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; if (!tippers[msgParam2]) { tippers[msgParam2] = {username: msgParam2, tips: msgParam3,king: false}; } else { tippers[msgParam2].tips = msgParam3; } msgPrivate = 'Changed amount of tokens tipped for ' + msgParam2 + ' to ' + msgParam3 + ' tokens!'; } break; case 'paint': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { message['X-Spam'] = true; // is user color array if (!userColors[msgParam2]) { //nope add them userColors[msgParam2] = {username: msgParam2, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; } if (!userColors[msgParam2].fgColor) { userColors[msgParam2].fgColor = '#333333'; } if (!userColors[msgParam2].bgColor) { userColors[msgParam2].bgColor = '#ffffff'; } if (msgParam3 == 'reset' || msgParam3 == 'default') { delete userColors[msgParam2]; } else { userColors[msgParam2].fgColor = msgParam3; if (msgParam4) { userColors[msgParam2].bgColor = msgParam4; } } msgPrivate = "Changed color for user " + msgParam2 + "!"; cb.sendNotice(name + ' changed your colors!',msgParam2,botAlertBg,'','bold'); } else { msgPrivate = 'Only broadcaster, mods, and creator can paint other users!'; } break; case 'colors': message['X-Spam'] = true; // is user color array if (!userColors[name]) { //nope add them userColors[name] = {username: name, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; } if (!userColors[name].fgColor) { userColors[name].fgColor = '#333333'; } if (!userColors[name].bgColor) { userColors[name].bgColor = '#ffffff'; } if (msgParam2 == 'reset' || msgParam2 == 'default') { delete userColors[name]; } else { userColors[name].fgColor = msgParam2; if (msgParam3) { userColors[name].bgColor = msgParam3; } } msgPrivate = "Your Colors have been changed!"; break; case 'color': case 'text': case 'fgcolor': case 'fg': message['X-Spam'] = true; // is user color array if (!userColors[name]) { //nope add them userColors[name] = {username: name, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; } if (!userColors[name].fgColor) { userColors[name].fgColor = '#333333'; } if (!userColors[name].bgColor) { userColors[name].bgColor = '#ffffff'; } if (msgParam2 == 'reset' || msgParam2 == 'default') { delete userColors[name]; } else { userColors[name].fgColor = msgParam2; } msgPrivate = "Your text color has been changed!"; break; case 'background': case 'bg': case 'bgcolor': message['X-Spam'] = true; // is user color array if (!userColors[name]) { //nope add them userColors[name] = {username: name, fbColor: '#333333', bgColor: '#ffffff' }; } if (!userColors[name].fgColor) { userColors[name].fgColor = '#333333'; } if (!userColors[name].bgColor) { userColors[name].bgColor = '#ffffff'; } if (msgParam2 == 'reset' || msgParam2 == 'default') { delete userColors[name]; } else { userColors[name].bgColor = msgParam2; } msgPrivate = "Your background color has been changed!"; break; case 'view': case 'show': case 'list': // which user array do we need to display? var showOutput = true; message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "ghost": userArray = ghostUsersArray; break; case "timeout": case "jail": userArray = timeoutUsersArray; break; case "buddies": case "buddy": userArray = buddiesUsersArray; break; case "friends": case "friend": userArray = friendsUsersArray; break; case "lovers": case "lover": userArray = loversUsersArray; break; case "prince": case "princes": userArray = princesUsersArray; break; case "king": case "kings": userArray = kingsUsersArray; break; default: showOutput = false; msgPrivate = "You must provide a rank name to list: buddies friends lovers princes kings"; break; } if (showOutput === true) { userList = getUsers(userArray); arrayProperName = msgParam2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + msgParam2.substring(1); if (userList.length > 1) { divStr = makeDiv('_',userList.length,50); msgPrivate = divStr + '\n' + arrayProperName + ' Users\n'; msgPrivate += userList; msgPrivate += '\n' + divStr; } else { msgPrivate = 'No ' + arrayProperName + ' users found!'; } if (!isModel) { msgModel = name + ' viewed the list ' + arrayProperName + ' Users.'; } } break; case 'useradd': case 'adduser': case 'add': case 'a': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { var validSyntax = true; // check that we got 3 parameters if (msgParam3) { // which user array are we updating? switch(msgParam2) { case "timeout": case "t": case "to": case "j": case "jail": result = addUser(timeoutUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { timeoutUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' put ' + msgParam3 + ' in Jail!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; if (msgParam4 ) { // command has number of minutes result2 = addReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, msgParam3, msgParam4); if (result2 instanceof Array) { timeoutReleaseArray = result2; minutes = 'minutes'; if (msgParam4 == '1') minutes = 'minute'; msgPublic = name + ' put ' + msgParam3 + ' in timeout for ' + msgParam4 + ' ' + minutes + '!!! They will not be able to type until released!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to put user ' + msgParam3 + ' in Jail they are already scheduled for release!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to release schedule. Something went wrong!'; } } } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to put user ' + msgParam3 + ' in Jail they are already in timeout!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' to Jail. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "ghost": result = addUser(ghostUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { ghostUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' made ' + msgParam3 + ' a Ghost! They can now type in the room again!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a Ghost!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to make ' + msgParam3 + ' a Ghost. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "friend": case "friends": result = addUser(friendsUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { friendsUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Friends!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to the Friends list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a Friend!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a Friend. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "buddy": case "buddies": result = addUser(buddiesUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { buddiesUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Buddies!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to the Buddies list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a Buddy!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a Buddy. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "lovers": case "lover": result = addUser(loversUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { loversUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Lovers!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to the Lovers list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a Lover!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a Lover. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "prince": case "princes": result = addUser(princesUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { princesUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Princes!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Princes list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a Prince!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a Prince. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "king": case "kings": result = addUser(kingsUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { kingsUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the list of Kings!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Kings list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are already a King!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add user ' + msgParam3 + ' as a King. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "pattern": case "p": result = addUser(spamPatternArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { spamPatternArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the spam filter!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to the spam filter. Already in the list.'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to spam filter. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "spam": case "spammer": case "spammers": case "s": result = addUser(spamUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { spamUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' added ' + msgParam3 + ' to the Spammer list!'; } else { if (result == 'duplicate') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to the Spammer list. Already in the list.'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to add ' + msgParam3 + ' to Spammer list. Something went wrong!'; } } break; default: validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You didn\'t supply a valid rank to add the user to. Valid ranks are:\n'; msgPrivate += 'buddies friends lovers princes kings ... choose only one.'; break; } } else { validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You must provide the rank and the username you wish to add. For example,\n' + botTrigger + ' adduser friends someusername\n'; msgPrivate += 'or ' + botTrigger + ' adduser kings someuser'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only brodcaster, mods, and creator can add users to ranks!'; } if (validSyntax === true) { message['X-Spam'] = true; } break; case 'userdel': case 'deluser': case 'delete': case 'remove': case 'd': case 'del': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { var validSyntax = true; // check that we got 3 parameters if (msgParam3) { // which user array are we updating? switch(msgParam2) { case "timeout": case "t": case "to": result = delUser(timeoutUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { timeoutUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' released ' + msgParam3 + ' from Jail!!'; // delete any release time result2 = delReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, msgParam3); } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Jail because they are not in Jail!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Jail. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "buddies": case "buddy": result = delUser(buddiesUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { buddiesUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Buddies list!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Buddies list in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a Buddy!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Buddies list. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "ghost": case "ghosts": result = delUser(ghostUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { ghostUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the Ghost list!'; } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a Ghost!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Ghosts. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "friends": case "friend": result = delUser(friendsUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { friendsUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Friends!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Friends in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a Friend!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Friends. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "lovers": case "lover": result = delUser(loversUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { loversUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Lovers!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Lovers in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a Lover!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Lovers. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "prince": case "princes": result = delUser(princesUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { princesUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Princes!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Princes in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a Prince!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Princes. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "king": case "kings": result = delUser(kingsUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { kingsUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the list of Kings!'; // if model didn't issue command remind model to update the bot if (!isModel) { msgModel = modelName + ', don\'t forget to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Kings in the bot config!'; } } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not a King!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove user ' + msgParam3 + ' from Kings. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "pattern": case "p": result = delUser(spamPatternArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { spamPatternArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from the spam filter!'; } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' because it is not in the filter list!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from spam filter. Something went wrong!'; } } break; case "spam": case "spammers": case "spammer": case "s": result = delUser(spamUsersArray, msgParam3); if (result instanceof Array) { spamUsersArray = result; msgPublic = name + ' removed ' + msgParam3 + ' from Spammer list!'; } else { if (result == 'notfound') { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' because they are not in the Spammer list!'; } else { msgPrivate = 'Failed to remove ' + msgParam3 + ' from Spammer list. Something went wrong!'; } } break; default: validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You didn\'t supply a valid rank to remove the user from. Valid ranks are:\n'; msgPrivate += 'buddines friends lovers princes kings ... choose only one.'; break; } } else { validSyntax = false; msgPrivate = 'You must provide the rank and the username you wish to remove. For example,\n' + botTrigger + ' deluser buddies someusername\n'; msgPrivate += 'or ' + botTrigger + ' deluser kings someuser'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only broadcaster, mods, and creator can remove users from ranks!'; } if (validSyntax === true) { message['X-Spam'] = true; } break; case 'check': if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; groupList = checkUser(msgParam2); msgPrivate = 'User ' + msgParam2 + ' found in: ' + groupList; } break; case 'modcommands': case 'mods': if(isModel || isTS) { if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": modCommands = true; msgPublic = name + ' has enabled Moderator commands!'; break; case "off": modCommands = false; msgPublic = name + ' has disabled Moderator commands!'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' modcommands off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' modcommands on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only broadcaster and creator can enable or disable mod commands!'; } break; case 'unmask': case 'unmasktimeout': if(isTS) { if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": unmaskTimeout = true; msgPrivate = 'Timeout messages will be sent to you for debugging...'; break; case "off": unmaskTimeout = false; msgPrivate = 'Timeout unmasking disabled...'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' unmask off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' unmask on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only Creator can use the unmask command!'; } break; case 'greyemote': case 'greyemotes': case 'grayemote': case 'grayemotes': case 'emotes': case 'emote': if (isTS || isModel || isMod) { if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": allowGreyEmotes = true; msgPublic = name + ' has enabled grey emotes!'; break; case "off": allowGreyEmotes = false; msgPublic = name + ' has disabled grey emotes!'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greyemotes off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greyemotes on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only broadcaster, mods and creator can disable or enable grey emotes!'; } break; case 'greets': case 'greetings': if(isModel || isTS) { if (msgParam2) { message['X-Spam'] = true; switch(msgParam2) { case "on": userGreets = true; msgPublic = name + ' has enabled User Greetings!'; break; case "off": userGreets = false; msgPublic = name + ' has disabled User Greetings!'; break; default: // invalid option msgPrivate = 'Invalid option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greets off'; break; } } else { // missing on/off value msgPrivate = 'Missing option, you must use on or off. Example: ' + botTrigger + ' greets on'; } } else { msgPrivate = 'Only broadcaster and creator can enable or disable user greetings!'; } break; case "status": case "announce": message['X-Spam'] = true; msgPrivate = announceBot(); break; default: message['X-Spam'] = true; msgPrivate = 'You must provide a command. Type ' + botTrigger + ' help\n get a list of options.'; break; } // Output any notices or command results to user if (msgPrivate.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPrivate, name, botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPrivate = ""; } // Output any public notices or command results if (msgPublic.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPublic = ""; } // Output any messages to the mods if (msgMod.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgMod,'', botMsgBg,'','bold','red'); msgMod = ""; } // Output any messages to the model if (msgModel.length > 0) { cb.sendNotice(msgModel, modelName, botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgModel = ""; } } } // see if user envoked emotes that should be removed (no grey emotes) if (!isInGroup && !isTS && !isModel && !allowGreyEmotes && isGrey) { //user is grey, is not in a group, not TS, not model and grey emotes are not allowed if (msg.indexOf(':') > -1) { //colon found, replace all with _ msg = msg.replace(/:([^\s]+)/g,"[blocked emote]"); } } // apply group tags if (userColors[name]) { if (userColors[name].tag) { msgtemp = '[ ' + userColors[name].tag + ' ] '; } } else { if (groupTag) { msgtemp = groupTag + ' '; } } // add token amount if user tipped if (tippers[name]) { if (tippers[name].tips > 0) { msgtemp = msgtemp + '|' + tippers[name].tips + '| '; } } msg = msgtemp + msg; // if gender emotes are enabled, prefix message with correct gender if (genderEmotes) { switch (gender) { case 'm': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_male'; break; case 'f': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_female'; break; case 's': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_trans'; break; case 'c': genderStr = ':avatar_gen_couple'; break; default: genderStr = ':avatar_gen_unknown'; break; } // set gender emote to crown if king for day if (tippers[name]) { if (tippers[name].king === true) { genderStr= ':rc_king3'; } } // special user icons if (isTS) { genderStr= ':tsalien'; } msg = genderStr + ' ' + msg; } // show notice if user is in timeout if ( userInArray(timeoutUsersArray, name) ) { thisMessageTime = (new Date).getTime(); // simple trottle timeout message output to keep users from flooding room if ( (lastMessageName == name && (thisMessageTime > (lastMessgeTime + 4000))) || lastMessageName != name ) { selectedTimeoutMessage = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1; msg = timeoutMessages[selectedTimeoutMessage]; lastMessgeTime = (new Date).getTime(); lastMessageName = name; } else { message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = ""; cb.sendNotice("Jail Flood Protector Enabled! Message Blocked! Stop trying to flood the room! [only you are seeing this]", name, botMsgBg,'','bold'); } } else { if ( userInArray(ghostUsersArray, name) ) { // user is ghost message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = '[Ghost] ' + name + ' says: ' + message['m']; cb.sendNotice(msg,'', botGhostBg,'','bold'); } else { if ( userInArray(spamUsersArray, name) ) { // user is in spammer list message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = ""; } else { // check if username matches a pattern and add to spammer array if matched // a match should only be found if the spammer enters the room on a mobile device // that doesn't trigger the onEnter event. otherwise the onEnter event should // catch them when they enter for(i=0; i < lenOfSpamPatterns; i++) { if (isWordInString(spamPatternArray[i],name)) { result = addUser(spamUsersArray, name); msgPublic = 'Spammer ' + name + ' has been spotted and auto-muted by the Royal Court Police!'; cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPublic = ""; message['X-Spam'] = true; msg = ""; break; } } } } } // does user have modified colors if (!userColors[name]) { // do nothing } else { // apply colors to message if in color array if (userColors[name].fgColor) { message['c'] = userColors[name].fgColor; } if (userColors[name].bgColor) { message['background'] = userColors[name].bgColor; } } // return final altered message message['m'] = msg; return message; } }); //end onMessage /* * bot functions */ /* * return string of tippers to display * can limit number of tippers returned to show only top 10, top 5 ect. */ function getTippers(topNumber) { var topTippers = new Array(); var tempTippers = objectToArray(tippers); var output = ''; tempTippers.sort(dynamicSort('-tips')); if (topNumber > 0) { topTippers = tempTippers.slice(0,topNumber); if (topTippers.length == 1) { output = '\nTop Tipper'; } else { output = '\nTop ' + topTippers.length + ' Tippers'; } } else { topTippers = tempTippers; output = '\nAll Tippers'; } if (topTippers.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < topTippers.length; i++) { output += '\n' + topTippers[i].username + ': ' + topTippers[i].tips; } } else { output = '\nThere have been no tippers since the bot started!\n'; } return output + '\n'; } /* * check if a word or phrase is in a string */ function isWordInString(word,str) { var re = new RegExp(word,"i"); var n =; if (n > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * add a user to the release array */ function addReleaseTime(userArray, username, timeoutMinutes) { var userArrayLength = userArray.length; username = username.toLowerCase(); // check if username is in userarray usernameExists = userInReleaseArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return "duplicate"; // username found in array, return duplicate } else { // add username to array currentEpoch = (new Date).getTime(); userArray[userArrayLength] = new Array(username,currentEpoch + (timeoutMinutes * 60000)); //userArray[userArrayLength][0] = username; //userArray[userArrayLength][1] = currentEpoch + timeoutMinutes * 60000; // check to see that addition of user worked usernameExists = userInReleaseArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return userArray; // it worked, return the array } else { return "failed"; // failed, return failed } } } function delReleaseTime(userArray, username) { var releaseArrayLength = userArray.length; var userElement = -1; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userInReleaseArray(userArray, username)) { userElement = getRelaseArrayElement(userArray, username); if (userElement > -1) { tempArray = removeArrayElement(userArray, userElement); if (!userInReleaseArray(userArray, username)) { // user was removed return tempArray; } else { // user was not removed, failed return "failed"; } } else { //user element was not in array for some reason return "failed"; } } else { return 'notfound'; } } /* * remove users from timeout if their time has expired */ function releaseTimeouts() { // set current epoch time currentEpoch = (new Date).getTime(); //loop through all elements in timeout release array for (i = 0; i < timeoutReleaseArray.length; i++) { if (timeoutReleaseArray[i][1] < currentEpoch) { username = timeoutReleaseArray[i][0]; delUser(timeoutUsersArray, username); msgPublic += "User " + username + " has been released from Jail!\n"; delReleaseTime(timeoutReleaseArray, username); } } // setup next check call cb.setTimeout(releaseTimeouts, timeoutReleaseInterval * 60000); if (msgPublic) { cb.sendNotice(msgPublic, '', botMsgBg,'','bold'); msgPublic = ""; } } /* * display notification message and start interval timer */ function displayNotification1() { cb.sendNotice(autoNotice1Text,'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); cb.setTimeout(displayNotification1, cb.settings.autoNotice1Interval * 60000); } function displayNotification2() { cb.sendNotice(autoNotice2Text,'',botNoteBg,'','bold'); cb.setTimeout(displayNotification2, cb.settings.autoNotice2Interval * 60000); } /* * return parameter value from a message string * Req: msgString = full message as string * Req: splitChr = character to split on (usually space) * Req: paramNumber = number of the parameter to return (first is 0) * Return: paramValue = value of the requested parameter */ function getParam(msgString,splitChr,paramNumber) { var tempArray = new Array(); tempArray = msgString.split(splitChr); paramValue = tempArray[paramNumber]; return paramValue; } /* * build a variable length divider from a character * Req: divChr = the character to use for the divier, ie: _ - * * Req: strLen = length of the data to be divided (lenth of a string, or fixed) * Req: maxDivLen = the max number of characters the div can grow to * Return: divStr = string of repeated character that make the divider */ function makeDiv(divChr, strLen, maxDivLen) { var divLen = 0; var divStr = ""; if (strLen > maxDivLen) { divLen = maxDivLen; } else { divLen = strLen; } while (divStr.length < divLen) { divStr = divChr + divStr; } return divStr; } /* * return array of users with the new user added, duplicate, * or error string. * Req: userArray = array of users to add the new user to * Req: username = username of new user * Return: array of users with new users added * On error: return "duplicate" if username in user array already * On error: return "failed" if user no duplicate and wasn't added */ function addUser(userArray, username) { var userArrayLength = userArray.length; username = username.toLowerCase(); // check if username is in userarray usernameExists = userInArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return "duplicate"; // username found in array, return duplicate } else { // remove user from all user arrays delUserFromAll(username); // add username to array userArray[userArrayLength] = username; // check to see that addition of user worked usernameExists = userInArray(userArray, username); if (usernameExists === true) { return userArray; // it worked, return the array } else { return "failed"; // failed, return failed } } } /* * return array of users with the new user removed, duplicate, * or error string. * Req: userArray = array of users to add the new user to * Req: username = username of new user * Return: array of users with user removed * On error: return "notfound" if username not in user array * On error: return "failed" if user no duplicate and wasn't added */ function delUser(userArray, username) { var userArrayLength = userArray.length; var userElement = -1; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userInArray(userArray, username)) { userElement = getArrayElement(userArray, username); if (userElement > -1) { tempArray = removeArrayElement(userArray, userElement); if (!userInArray(userArray, username)) { // user was removed return tempArray; } else { // user was not removed, failed return "failed"; } } else { //user element was not in array for some reason return "failed"; } } else { return 'notfound'; } } /* * remove a user from all groups * Req: username = name over user to remove * Return: none */ function delUserFromAll(username) { if ( userInArray(buddiesUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(buddiesUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { buddiesUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(friendsUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(friendsUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { friendsUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(loversUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(loversUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { loversUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(princesUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(princesUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { princesUsersArray = result; } } if ( userInArray(kingsUsersArray, username) ) { result = delUser(kingsUsersArray, username); if (result instanceof Array) { kingsUsersArray = result; } } } /* retun group bg color */ function getGroupBgColor(username) { var bgc = "#ffffff"; if ( userInArray (buddiesUsersArray, username) ) { bgc = buddiesColor; } else { if ( userInArray (friendsUsersArray, username) ) { bgc = friendsColor; } else { if (userInArray(loversUsersArray, username)) { bgc = loversColor; } else { if (userInArray(princesUsersArray, username)) { bgc = princesColor; } else { if (userInArray(kinsgUsersArray, username)) { bgc = kingsColor; } } } } } return bgc; } /* * return the element or index number of an array value * Req: sourceArray = array to parse * Req: value = value to find * Return: index of the element */ function getArrayElement(sourceArray, value) { var index = 0; for (i = 0; i < sourceArray.length; i++) { if (sourceArray[i] == value) { index = i; } } return index; } /* * same as getArrayElement but for timeout release array */ function getRelaseArrayElement(sourceArray, value) { var index = 0; for (i = 0; i < sourceArray.length; i++) { if (sourceArray[i][0] == value) { index = i; } } return index; } /* * dynamic sort function to sort array by a property * Borrowed from Asdfghjkl28 */ function dynamicSort(property) { var sortOrder = 1; if (property[0] === "-") { sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1, property.length - 1); } var sortfunc = function (a, b) { if (typeof a[property] === "undefined") { if (typeof b[property] === "undefined") { // both undef return 0; } else { // b ok, a undef return -1; } } if (typeof b[property] === "undefined") { if (typeof a[property] === "undefined") { // both undef return 0; } else { // a ok, b undef return 1; } } var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; }; return sortfunc; } /* * convert object to an array * Borrowed from Asdfghjkl28 */ function objectToArray(myObj) { var arr = []; for (var i in myObj) { if (myObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { arr.push(myObj[i]); } } return arr; } /* * return an array with the indicated element removed * Req: sourceArray = array to be modified * Req: element = element to be removed * Return: the modified array */ function removeArrayElement(sourceArray,element) { sourceArray.splice(element, 1); return sourceArray; } /* * return boolean if user is in user array * Req: userArray = array of users to parse * Req: userName = name of user to parse fr * Returns: userFound = true or false */ function userInArray(userArray, username) { var userFound = false; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userArray.length > 0) { for(i=0; i < userArray.length; i++) { if (userArray[i] == username) userFound = true; } } return userFound; } /* * return boolean if user is in user release array * Req: timeoutReleaseArray = array of users to parse * Req: username = name of user to parse fr * Returns: userFound = true or false */ function userInReleaseArray(userArray, username) { var userFound = false; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userArray.length > 0) { for(i=0; i < userArray.length; i++) { if (userArray[i][0] == username) userFound = true; } } return userFound; } /* * return a string of usernames from an array of users * Req: userArray = array of users * Return: string of of usersnames */ function getUsers(userArray) { var userList = ""; for (i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) { userList += userArray[i] + ' '; } return userList; } /* * return list of groups that a user is a member of * Req: username = username to find * Return: string with list of groups the user was found in */ function checkUser(username) { var groupList = ""; username = username.toLowerCase(); if (userInArray(friendsUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Friends "; if (userInArray(buddiesUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Buddies "; if (userInArray(loversUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Lovers "; if (userInArray(princesUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Princes "; if (userInArray(kingsUsersArray, username)) groupList += "Kings"; return groupList; } function daysUntilNext(month, day){ var tday= new Date(), y = tday.getFullYear(), next = new Date(y, month - 1, day); tday.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if(tday > next) next.setFullYear(y + 1); return Math.round((next - tday)/8.64e7); } function notModel() { var output = '\n\n' + modelName + '! This bot was created for '; output += 'Allissonhotbb, you are not her! Please consider having your own '; output += 'bot created. Contact tablesalt90 on here or twitter @tablesalt90\n\n'; return output; } function newStuff() { var output = '\nHi ' + modelName + '! '; output += 'Here are the newest features in version '+ botVersion +' of your bot!\n'; output += 'Use the help option to view the commands. Type /bot help \n'; return output; } function modWelcome() { var output = '\nGreetings Moderator...'; output += 'Royal Court Bot version ' + botVersion + ' is running! Below are the latest changes and features that you as a moderator may use...\n'; output += 'Use the help option to view the commands. Type /bot help \n'; return output; } /* * Builds user arrays and strings based on data provided by bot * config settings */ function loadSettings() { // grey graphics if (cb.settings.allowGreyEmotes == 'Yes') { allowGreyEmotes = true; } else { allowGreyEmotes = false; } // mod commands if (cb.settings.modCommands == 'Yes') { modCommands = true; } else { modCommands = false; } // greetings if (cb.settings.userGreets == 'Yes') { userGreets = true; } else { userGreets = false; } // gender emotes if (cb.settings.genderEmotes == 'Yes') { genderEmotes = true; } else { genderEmotes = false; } // load friends into array and other variables if (cb.settings.buddiesList) { tempStr = cb.settings.buddiesList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.buddiesList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces buddiesUsersArray = cb.settings.buddiesList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.buddiesTag) { buddiesTag = cb.settings.buddiesTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.buddiesColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.buddiesColor.split(' '); buddiesColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load friends into array and other variables if (cb.settings.friendsList) { tempStr = cb.settings.friendsList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.friendsList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces friendsUsersArray = cb.settings.friendsList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.friendsTag) { friendsTag = cb.settings.friendsTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.friendsColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.friendsColor.split(' '); friendsColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load lover into array and other variables if (cb.settings.loversList) { tempStr = cb.settings.loversList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.loversList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces loversUsersArray = cb.settings.loversList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.loversTag) { loversTag = cb.settings.loversTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.loversColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.loversColor.split(' '); loversColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load princes into array and other variables if (cb.settings.princesList) { tempStr = cb.settings.princesList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.princesList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces princesUsersArray = cb.settings.princesList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.princesTag) { princesTag = cb.settings.princesTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.princesColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.princesColor.split(' '); princesColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load king into array and other variables if (cb.settings.kingsList) { tempStr = cb.settings.kingsList.toLowerCase(); //make names all lowercase cb.settings.kingsList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces kingsUsersArray = cb.settings.kingsList.split(' '); } if (cb.settings.kingsTag) { kingsTag = cb.settings.kingsTag.trim(); } if (cb.settings.kingsColor) { tempArray = cb.settings.kingsColor.split(' '); kingsColor = '#' + tempArray[1]; } // load spam pattern list into array if (cb.settings.spamPatternList) { tempStr = cb.settings.spamPatternList.toLowerCase(); //make patterns all lowercase cb.settings.spamPatternList = tempStr.trim(); // remove extra spaces spamPatternArray = cb.settings.spamPatternList.split(' '); } // load notifications if (cb.settings.autoNotice1) { autoNotice1Text = cb.settings.autoNotice1.trim(); } if (cb.settings.autoNotice2) { autoNotice2Text = cb.settings.autoNotice2.trim(); } } function announceBot() { var divStr=""; var statusMsg = ""; divStr = makeDiv('*', 45, 45); statusMsg = divStr + '\nRoyal Court Bot ver ' + botVersion + ' last updated ' + botDate + '\nCreated by tablesalt90\n' + divStr + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Gender Emotes: '; if (genderEmotes) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'Grey Emotes: '; if (allowGreyEmotes) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'Mod Commands: '; if (modCommands) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'User Greetings: '; if (userGreets) { statusMsg += 'On'; } else { statusMsg += 'Off'; } statusMsg += '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Buddies: ' + buddiesUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number in Friends: ' + friendsUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Lovers: ' + loversUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Princes: ' + princesUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Number of Kings: ' + kingsUsersArray.length + '\n'; statusMsg += 'Type - ' + botTrigger + ' help - for list commands\n'; statusMsg += divStr; statusMsg += '\nType /tipmenu for the Tip Menu\n'; statusMsg += divStr; return statusMsg; } if (!locked) { loadSettings(); cb.sendNotice(announceBot(),'', botMsgBg,'','bold'); if (modelName !='allissonhotbb') cb.sendNotice(notModel(),modelName,botAlertBg,'','bold'); if (modelName == 'allissonhotbb') cb.sendNotice(newStuff(),modelName,'#000000','#FFFF00','bold'); if (autoNotice1Text) cb.setTimeout(displayNotification1, cb.settings.autoNotice1Interval * 60000); if (autoNotice2Text) cb.setTimeout(displayNotification2, cb.settings.autoNotice2Interval * 60000); // start timeout release event cb.setTimeout(releaseTimeouts, timeoutReleaseInterval * 60000); }
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