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/*bourbaki me fecit*/ (function() { function b(c) { function d(a) { return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".indexOf(a) } return c.split("").map(function(a) { return -1 < d(a) ? "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm" [d(a)] : a }).join("") } var e = function(c, d) { for (var a = 0; a < c - 1; a++) d() }.bind(null, 6); function f() { var c = [b(":abgzvar"), b(":abgzvar"), b(":abgzvar"), b(":abgzvar"), b(":abgzvar")].join(" "); e(function() { cb.sendNotice(c) }) } if (cb.room_slug === b("nuevoyhss")) { f(); return } var g = Math, h = parseInt, k = "prototype"; function l(a) { return "true" === ("" + a).toLowerCase() }; function m(a, b) { for (var c = a.split("%s"), d = "", e = Array[k], 1); e.length && 1 < c.length;) d += c.shift() + e.shift(); return d + c.join("%s") }; var n = Array[k], p = n.forEach ? function(a, b, c) {, b, c) } : function(a, b, c) { for (var d = a.length, e = "string" == typeof a ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < d; f++) f in e &&, e[f], f, a) }; function q(a, b, c) { for (var d in a), a[d], d, a) } function r(a) { var b = 0, c; for (c in a) b++; return b } function s(a, b, c) { for (var d in a) if (, a[d], d, a)) return d }; var t = 2147483648 * g.random() | 0; function v() { this.C = this.G = this.F = this.D = this.H = !1; this.n = {} } v.N = function() { return v.I ? v.I : v.I = new v }; v[k].M = function(a) { p(Array[k], 0), function(a) { switch (a) { case "t": this.H || (this.H = !0, cb.onTip(this.o.bind(this, "t"))); break; case "m": this.D || (this.D = !0, cb.onMessage(this.o.bind(this, "m"))); break; case "re": this.F || (this.F = !0, cb.onEnter(this.o.bind(this, "re"))); break; case "rp": this.G || (this.G = !0, cb.onLeave(this.o.bind(this, "rp"))); break; case "dp": this.C || (this.C = !0, cb.onDrawPanel(this.o.bind(this, "dp"))) } }, this) }; v[k].o = function(a, b) { q(this.n, function(c) { null != c && c.type == a && || this, b) }, this) }; function w(a, b, c, d) { var e = "brbki_" + t++; b = { type: b, B: c }; d && (b.A = d); a.n[e] = b } function x(a, b, c, d) { var e = s(a.n, function(a) { var e = d ? d == a.A : !0; return a.type == b && a.B == c && e }, a); e && (a.n[e] = null, delete a.n[e]) }; function y() { this.h = null; this.g = z; this.p = this.w = 0; this.r = []; this.v = []; this.i = {} } function A(a, b) { b = void 0 !== b ? b : ""; var c = m(":rremoji \u042fussian \u042foulette is running. Shoot yourself and WIN: [ %s ].", a.g.k); cb.sendNotice(c, b, "#ffffff", "#441177", "bold") } function B(a, b) { b = void 0 !== b ? b : ""; var c = a.g, c = m("\u042f\u042f: Tip %s tk to pull the trigger next. Loaded slots: %s (%s found, %s/%s tried). For help, type: %s", c.l, c.j, a.r.length, a.p, c.q, "/rh"); cb.sendNotice(c, b) } function C(a, b, c) { a = m("\u042f\u042f: This game, %s players and %s attempts have helped earn %s tokens!", b, c, a); cb.sendNotice(a, cb.room_slug, "#afeeee", "#000000", "bold") } function D(a) { var b = m("\u042f\u042f: You, %s, have won and can no longer play on this run.", a); cb.sendNotice(b, a, "#ffffff", "#000000", "bold") } var z = { j: 1, q: 40, k: "", l: 15, P: 25, t: 0, O: 15 }, E = { name: "a", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 99, defaultValue: z.j, label: "Total number of winners (loads)" }, F = { name: "b", type: "int", minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: z.l, label: "Fixed tip amount required to play" }, G = { name: "d", type: "int", minValue: 2, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: z.q, label: "Number of chambers (slots)" }, H = { name: "e", type: "int", minValue: 0, maxValue: z.O, defaultValue: z.t, label: "Rig %: put the initial load after % triggers" }; y[k].start = function() { this.g.k = "" + cb.settings.c; this.g.j = h(cb.settings.a, 10); this.g.l = h(cb.settings.b, 10); this.g.q = h(cb.settings.d, 10); this.g.t = h(cb.settings.e, 10); for (var a = this.g, b = a.q, c = g.min(1, g.floor(a.t / 100 * b)), a = a.j, a = g.max(a, 1), d = [], e; d.length < a;) { e = c; var f = b; e = g.max(e, 0); f = g.max(f, 1); e = g.floor(g.random() * f) + e; - 1 == d.indexOf(e) && d.push(e) } this.v = d; A(this, void 0); B(this, void 0); this.h = v.N(); this.h.M("t", "m", "re"); w(this.h, "m", this.J, this); w(this.h, "t", this.L, this); w(this.h, "re", this.K, this) }; function I(a) { a.w++; 0 == a.w % a.g.P && (A(a, void 0), B(a, void 0)) } function J(a) { var b = a.i, c = r(b), d = 0; q(b, function(a) { d += a.u }); C(a.g.l * d, c, d) } function K(a, b) { var c = a.i, c = c.hasOwnProperty(b) ? c[b] : null; return null === c || c && c.s } y[k].L = function(a) { var b = "" + a.from_user; a = h(a.amount, 10); if (K(this, b)) { a = a == this.g.l ? 1 : 0; for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) { var d = b, e = this.i.hasOwnProperty(d) ? this.i[d] : null; null !== e ? e.s && e.u++ : e = { s: !0, u: 1, Q: !1 }; this.i[d] = e; d = b; e = !1; this.p++; var f = m("\u042f\u042f: %s pulls the trigger (#%s) ... ", d, this.p); if (-1 != this.v.indexOf(this.p)) { e = !0; this.r.push(d); var u = this.i[d]; u.Q = !0; u.s = !1; this.i[d] = u; f += m("*BOOM* -- WINNER! What a mess...", d) } else f += "*click* -- No luck this time."; cb.sendNotice(f); e && (e = "\u042f\u042f: " + m("%s wins [ %s ]", d, this.g.k), cb.sendNotice(e, "", "#98fb98", "#000000", "bold"), e = m("\u042f\u042f: Congrats, %s, you have won: [ %s ]. Thanks for playing!", d, this.g.k), cb.sendNotice(e, d, "#ffffff", "#000000", "bold"), D(d)); this.r.length == this.g.j ? (x(this.h, "m", this.J, this), x(this.h, "t", this.L, this), x(this.h, "re", this.K, this), d = m("\u042fussian \u042foulette shutting down. All winners found. %s won: [ %s ]. Thanks for playing!", this.r.join(" - "), this.g.k), cb.sendNotice(d, "", "#ffffff", "#441177", "bold"), J(this)) : B(this) } 0 < a && I(this) } }; y[k].J = function(a) { var b = "" + a.user; if (0 == ("" + a.m).lastIndexOf("/rh", 0)) { a["X-Spam"] = !0; var c = this.g.j, c = m("\u042f\u042f: Hi, %s! Here's how to play \u042fussian \u042foulette:\n\u042f\u042f: Tip %s tk in a single tip to pull the trigger on the next slot.\n\u042f\u042f: If the slot is loaded and fires, you win: [ %s ]!\n\u042f\u042f: Note: You have unlimited attempts until %s found. You can win only once.", b, this.g.l, this.g.k, 1 < c ? "all " + c + " winners are" : "the winner is"); cb.sendNotice(c, b); K(this, b) || D(b) } else I(this); return a }; y[k].K = function(a) { var b = "" + a.user, c = l(a.has_tokens), d = l(a.tipped_recently), e = l(a.tipped_alot_recently), f = l(a.tipped_tons_recently); a = l(a.is_mod); if (c || d || e || f || a) A(this, b), B(this, b) }; cb.settings_choices = [{ name: "c", type: "str", minLength: 2, maxLength: 255, label: "Prize description" }, G, E, F, H]; (new y).start(); })(); /* Author: anton1537 Version: 2.0.0 Added pm, added cherry separator Version: 2.1.0 Added autoanswer for common requests Version: 2.2.0 Block female models (male) Version: 2.3.0 Send gifs Version: 2.4.0 Cherry King Version: 2.4.5 Auto Remember Satisfied Version: 2.4.6 Tmp tip gifs Version: 2.5.0 Security Version: 2.6.0 Rotating Notifier Version: 2.7.0 improved autothank / endshow function Version: 2.8.0 no dirty talk in chat Version: 2.9.0 auto answer on small tip Version: 3.0.0 usable by all */ //{ var i_rot=0; var MAXITEMS=15; var i_love=0; var tipmenuActive = true; var noTipMenuRot = ["I have no Tipmenu, make me happy with tips, and I will make you happy with my body. ","No Tipmenu! I will show more of my body, only if I want to.","No Tipmenu right now, I will uncloth myself if I feel like that."] var i_noTipMenuRot = 0; var tip_amt = 0; var separator_char = "| "; var pmtoggle = 0; var lastpm = ''; var cstatus = 0; var mommy = 0; var tn = "0kk0kk0"; var ignorePhase = 0; var stopbot = false; var stopstate = 0; var timerboobs = 0; var timerass = 0; var timerpm = 0; var timeranal = 0; var timerc2c = 0; var timerfeet = 0; var timerpanties = 0; var timerclose = 0; var timerwhatsapp = 0; var timerreal = 0; var timerstand = 0; var timertoy = 1; var timerdildo = 0; var timerspread = 0; var timerpussy = 0; var timerlicktoe = 0; var timernatural = 0; var timertwitter = 0; var timerdirty = 0; var timerpvt = 0; var timersellpanties = 0; var timersuka = 0; var timersquirt = 0; var timersentence = 0; var timertipmenu = 0; var timerasshole = 0; var timerstrip = 0; var timersport = 1; var timerfinger = 0; var timertattoo = 1; var timerrussia = 0; var timercustum = 0; var timertall = 0; var timersingle = 0; var timersongrequest = 0; var timerage = 0; var timeroil = 0; var timersocks = 0; var timerbot = 0; var timervidc = 0; var timercontrol = 1; var timerglasses = 0; var timerface = 0; var timertwerk = 1; var timerbj = 0; var timerbb = 0; var timernyan = 0; var bocstring = ""; var timerTipGif = 0; var tmpTipGif = 0; var timeCounter1min =0; var timeCounter= (-1); var tksOverTime = []; var startedTip = false; var lvlPWR = 1; var lvlTPI = 1; var lvlTPI300 = 1; var lvlTHX = 1; var chatAction30 = 0; //var tip15 = 0; var tip30 = 0; var tip300 = 0; var tip900 = 0; var tks30real = 0; var auto30even = false; //var tks15 = 0; var tks30 = 0; var tks300 = 0; var tks900 = 0; var tksthx = 0; var timerthx = 0; var timeryellow = 0; var timernodemands = 0; var vibrateTime = 0; var isVibrate = false; var vibrateToken = 0; var chat30 = 0; var chat300 = 0; var modcount = 0; var usercount = 0; var delay_autoanswer_m = []; var delay_autoanswer_c = []; var thxtokencount = 0; var thxusers = []; var thxSpecialUsers = []; var autoThanknum=0; var autoThankGif= [":thanksies",":viber-thanku2",":sstya7",":rabbitthanks",":sstya",":ssty9"]; var autoThankAllGif= [":delya-thanksall",":thankstipperz ",":thankstoalltippers ",":hugethanks",":thanksfortipping2",":thxalltippers33",":thxalltippersgif",":thankyouverymuch",":thanks_everyone",":123ThanksEveryone",":iidduddddddd"]; var i_autoThankAllGif=0; var heartGif = [":mimiheart6", ":heart3",":monkeylove1 "]; var i_heartGif = 0; var talkGif = [":dontbeshycutie", ":dontbeshy112 You can talk to me!", ":dontbeshy2 "]; var i_talkGif = 0; //controlUser = ""; var snapchatUser = ""; var author = 'chaostheory223'; var model = 'bars_'; var gg=0; var club = []; var id = {}; var idCounter = 0; var cumCounter = 0; // function ids var id_auto30; var id_auto300; var id_chatAd; var id_chatAdRotating; var id_autoChat30; var id_autoChat300; // crazy ticket:: var crazyTicketActive = false; var crazyTicketPrice = 0; var crazyTicketTimer = 0; // club interface constants var USERNAME = 0; var USERID = 1; var CLUBTYPE = 2; var EMOJI = 3; var TITLE = 4; var TOKENTIPS = 5; var SATISFY = 6; var HAS_TOKENS = 7; var TIPPED_RECENTLY = 8; var TIPPED_ALOT_RECENTLY = 9; var TIPPED_TONS_RECENTLY = 10; var GENDER = 11; var SILENCE = 12; var THXTOKEN = 13; var ONLINESTATUS = 14; var GOODWORDS = 15; var BADWORDS = 16; var WARNING = 17; var DEMANDS = 18; var LASTSENTENCE = 19; var LASTSENTENCETIME = 20; //constantsre var SETFEEL = "If I feel good enough"; var friendList = "diamond_flower"; var igList = "yakassa, marysialove18, gilrenard, panther1937, disabledguyschat, 007lapinos, lapinos007, ujinok, diter40, mastercard_, pink_lara, afrasayab123, bigle, camgirl_lover, dyada_misha, fergal, fsociety, ilovepussy_69, kecske_69, killerqueen11, pepitofab, pewny14, stevensss, svmsungx, victorr09, yuripopov"; var igigList = "onesoulcouple, mrmrssmith777"; //cb.settings_choices = [ //{name: 'tipmenuactive', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "### PART 1: Tipmenu"}, //{name: 'nottipmenu', type: 'choice', choice1: 'nothing', choice2: 'pussy', choice3: 'dildo', defaultValue: 'nothing', label: "Your Goal, dont show it in tipmenu"}, /*{name: 'sepchar', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Vertical Bar', choice2: 'Hearts', choice3: 'Stars', choice4: 'Cherry', choice5: 'Flower', defaultValue: 'Flower', label: "Separator character"}, {name:'item1', type:'str', label:'Item 1',default: "kiss"}, {name:'item1price', type:'int', label:'Item 1 Price',default: 33}, {name:'item2', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 2',default: "spank ass"}, {name:'item2price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 2 Price',default: 44}, {name:'item3', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 3',default: "feet"}, {name:'item3price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 3 Price',default: 55}, {name:'item4', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 4',default: "show tits"}, {name:'item4price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 4 Price',default: 101}, {name:'item5', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 5',default: "show pussy"}, {name:'item5price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 5 Price',default: 111}, {name:'item6', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 6',default: "nipple clamps/play nipple"}, {name:'item6price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 6 Price',default: 112}, {name:'item7', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 7',default: "legs behind head"}, {name:'item7price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 7 Price',default: 115}, {name:'item8', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 8',default: "pm"}, {name:'item8price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 8 Price',default: 202}, {name:'item9', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 9',default: "c2c"}, {name:'item9price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 9 Price',default: 333}, {name:'item10', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 10',default: "dance"}, {name:'item10price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 10 Price',default: 191}, {name:'item11', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 11',default: "strip dance"}, {name:'item11price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 11 Price',default: 777}, {name:'item12', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 12',default: "dildo"}, {name:'item12price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 12 Price',default: 666}, {name:'item13', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 13',default: "doggy"}, {name:'item13price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 13 Price',default: 205}, {name:'item14', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 14',default: "squirt"}, {name:'item14price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 14 Price',default: 1001}, {name:'item15', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 15',default: "If you Love me"}, {name:'item15price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 15 Price',default: 2222}, {name:'item16', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 16',}, {name:'item16price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 16 Price'}, {name:'item17', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 17',}, {name:'item17price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 17 Price'}, {name:'item18', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 18',}, {name:'item18price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 18 Price'}, {name:'item19', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 19',}, {name:'item19price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 19 Price'}, {name:'item20', type:'str', required: false, label:'Item 20',}, {name:'item20price', type:'int', required: false, label:'Item 20 Price'},*/ //{name:'noticecolor', type:'str', label:'Notice color (html code default red #FF0000)', defaultValue: '#FF0000'}, //{name: 'chat_ad', type:'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 5, label: 'Delay in minutes between notice being displayed '}, //{name:'wearablesnick', type:'str', required: false, label:'Lovense Wearables Nickname',}, /*{name: 'part2rot', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "### PART 2: rotating notifier"}, {name: 'msgonentry', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "Display Message 1 privately on entry - set to no for busy rooms"}, {name:'msg1', type:'str', required: true, label:'Message 1',default:":bars377follow1 "}, {name:'msg2', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 2',}, {name:'msg3', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 3',}, {name:'msg4', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 4',}, {name:'msg5', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 5',}, {name:'msg6', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 6',}, {name:'msg7', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 7',}, {name:'msg8', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 8',}, {name:'msg9', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 9',}, {name:'msg10', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 10',}, {name:'msg11', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 11',}, {name:'msg12', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 12',}, {name:'msg13', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 13',}, {name:'msg14', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 14',}, {name:'msg15', type:'str', required: false, label:'Message 15',}, {name:'msgcolor', type:'str', label:'Notice color (html code default dark red #9F000F)', defaultValue: '#9F000F'}, {name: 'chat_ad_rot', type:'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 999, defaultValue: 7, label: 'Delay in minutes between notices being displayed (minimum 1)'},*/ //{name:'clubMembers', type:'str', required: false, label:'Cherry Kings',}, //{name:'HighTipKingName', type:'str', required: true, default: '',label:'HighTipKing-Name',}, //{name:'HighTipKingToken', type:'int', required: true, default: 0, label:'HighTipKing-Token',}, //{name:'tipmenuactive', type: 'choice', choice1: 'active', choice2: 'Not active', default: 'active', label:'Tip Menu' }, //{name: 'part3auto', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "### PART 3: auto answering (for all options under this: set 0 or let empty if you want to have no specific answer)"}, //{name:'tokenpm', type:'int', required: false, default: 202, label:'Price: PM (0 if no PM)'}, //{name:'tokenGlasses', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Take off glasses'}, //{name:'tokenLickFinger', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Lick Suck Finger'}, //{name:'tokenFeet', type:'int', required: false, default: 55, label:'Price: Show Feet'}, //{name:'tokenBoobs', type:'int', required: false, default: 101, label:'Price: Show Tits'}, //{name:'tokenNipple', type:'int', required: false, default: 112, label:'Price: Nipple Play'}, //{name:'showPussy', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'private only', choice3: 'no', choice4: SETFEEL, defaultValue: 'yes', label: "Will you show your Pussy?"}, //{name:'tokenPussy', type:'int', required: false, default: 111, label:'Price: Show Pussy'}, //{name:'tokenPanties', type:'int', required: false, default: 111, label:'Price: Panties/pants off'}, //{name:'tokenHitachi', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Hitachi'}, //{name:'tokenFinger', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Finger Pussy'}, //{name:'tokenDildo', type:'int', required: false, default: 666, label:'Price: Use Dildo'}, //{name:'tokenBJ', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Blowjob'}, //{name:'tokenAss', type:'int', required: false, default: 205, label:'Price: Show Ass'}, //{name:'tokenDoggy', type:'int', required: false, default: 205, label:'Price: Show Doggy'}, //{name:'tokenAss2', type:'int', required: false, default: 44, label:'Price: Spanks '}, //{name:'tokenStand', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Stand Up'}, //{name:'tokenSocks', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Wear Socks'}, //{name:'tokenStrip', type:'int', required: false, default: 777, label:'Price: Strip'}, //{name:'tokenOil', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Oil Show'}, //{name:'tokenSnapchat', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Snapchat'}, //{name:'bioSnapchat', type:'str', required: false, default: '', label:'Snapchat Nickname - for Autonotice when someone buys'}, //{name:'tokenHeels', type:'int', required: false, default: 0, label:'Price: Wear High Heels'}, //{name:'tokenPvt', type:'int', required: false, default: 90, label:'Price: Private'}, //{name:'showSquirt', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'private only', choice3: 'no', choice4: SETFEEL, defaultValue: 'yes', label: "Do you squirt?"}, //{name:'tokenSquirt', type:'int', required: false, default: 1001, label:'Price: Squirt'}, //{name:'showC2C', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'private only', choice3: 'no', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "You Do C2C?"}, //{name:'tokenC2C', type:'int', required: false, default: 333, label:'Price: c2c'}, //{name: 'blockdirty', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "Block Dirty Talk messages"}, //{name: 'greyallowed', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', defaultValue: 'no', label: "Are Grey members allowed to chat in your room?"}, /* {name: 'modelName', type:'str', required: false, label:'Your Name'}, {name: 'twitterName', type:'str', required: false, default: '', label:'Twitter Account'}, {name: 'bioTall', type:'str', required: false, default: '', label:'How tall are you? (eg 170cm)'}, {name: 'bioAge', type:'int', required: false, default: '', label:'How old are you?'}, {name: 'bioFrom', type:'str', required: false, default: '', label:'Where Are You from? (let it empty if you dont want to tell)'}, {name: 'bioBfs', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', choice3: 'ignore this question', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "Are You Single?"}, {name: 'bioPanties', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "You sell your Panties?"}, {name: 'bioNatur', type: 'choice', choice1: 'yes', choice2: 'no', defaultValue: 'yes', label: "Natural tits?"}*/ //]; var modelName = "Haylee";//= cb.settings.modelName; var twitterName = "sexycouple20"; var bioTall ="170cm"; var bioAge = "24"; var bioFrom = "Netherlands"; var bioBfs = "yes"; var bioPanties = "yes"; var bioNatur = "yes"; var chat_ad = 3; var HighTipKingName = "";// cb.settings.HighTipKingName; var HighTipKingToken = "";//cb.settings.HighTipKingToken; var highTipKingGif = ":crowngif282 "; //Pricelist: var tokenPM = 0;//cb.settings.tokenpm; var tokenGlasses = 0;//cb.settings.tokenGlasses; var tokenLickFinger = 0;//cb.settings.tokenLickFinger; var tokenFeet = 24;//cb.settings.tokenFeet; var tokenBoobs = 61;//cb.settings.tokenBoobs; var tokenPanties = 77;//cb.settings.tokenPanties; var tokenAss = 77;//cb.settings.tokenAss; var tokenDoggy = 222;//cb.settings.tokenDoggy; var tokenAss2 = 14;//cb.settings.tokenAss2; var tokenStand = 222;//cb.settings.tokenStand; var tokenSocks = 0;//cb.settings.tokenSocks; var tokenNipple = 112;//cb.settings.tokenNipple; var tokenStrip = 0;//cb.settings.tokenStrip; var tokenHitachi = 0;//cb.settings.tokenHitachi; var tokenOil = 0;//cb.settings.tokenOil; var tokenSnapchat = 150;//cb.settings.tokenSnapchat; var tokenHeels = 350;//cb.settings.tokenHeels; //var tokenWhatsapp = 999; //var tokenControl = 555; var tokenPvt = 90;//cb.settings.tokenPvt; var tokenDildo = 245;//cb.settings.tokenDildo; var tokenPussy = 125;//cb.settings.tokenPussy; var tokenFinger = 0;//cb.settings.tokenFinger; var tokenBJ = 0;//cb.settings.tokenBJ; var tokenSquirt = 1000; var tokenC2C=0; var showPussy = "yes";//cb.settings.showPussy; var clubList = "";//cb.settings.clubMembers; function chatAdRotating() { if(cb.settings.part2rot=="no"){return;} var msg; while (cb.settings['msg' + (i_rot + 1)] == 0) { //skip empty messages i_rot++; i_rot %= MAXITEMS; } msg = cb.settings['msg' + (i_rot + 1)]; i_rot++; i_rot %= MAXITEMS; cb.sendNotice(msg,'','',cb.settings['msgcolor'],'bold'); id_chatAdRotating=cb.setTimeout(chatAdRotating, (cb.settings.chat_ad_rot * 60500)); } function autoVibration() { if(vibrateTime>0){ isVibrate = true; cb.setTimeout(autoVibration, (vibrateTime * 1000)); vibrateTime=0; } else if(vibrateToken>385){ isVibrate = false; if(timerthx==1){ cb.sendNotice(heartGif[i_heartGif]+" "); i_heartGif++; i_heartGif %= heartGif.length; } else { auto30thx(); } vibrateToken = 0; } else { isVibrate = false; vibrateToken=0; } } cb.onTip(function (tip) { if(mommy==0 ){return;} tip_amt=parseInt(tip['amount']); var user = tip['from_user']; initializeUser(user,tip['has_tokens'],tip['tipped_recently'],tip['tipped_alot_recently'],tip['tipped_tons_recently'],tip['gender']); if(tip_amt==111){ vibrateTime+=14; } else if(tip_amt==112){ vibrateTime+=15; } else if(tip_amt==113){ vibrateTime+=16; } else if(tip_amt==114){ vibrateTime+=17; } else if(tip_amt>=1300){ vibrateTime+=180; } else if(tip_amt>=1000){ vibrateTime+=180; } else if(tip_amt>=500){ vibrateTime+=60; } else if(tip_amt>=100){ vibrateTime+=10; }else if(tip_amt>=15){ vibrateTime+=6; }else { vibrateTime+=1; } if(!isVibrate){ cb.setTimeout(autoVibration, (1000)); } thxtokencount+=tip_amt; if(thxusers.includes(user)){ club[id[user]][THXTOKEN]+=tip_amt; } else{ club[id[user]][THXTOKEN]=tip_amt; thxusers[thxusers.length] = user; } club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]=club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]+tip_amt; if(club[id[user]][SATISFY]==0 && club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]>24 ){ cb.sendNotice(':sstu ', user); //cb.sendNotice(':SATISFIED ', user); club[id[user]][SATISFY]=1; } /*if(club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS] >= HighTipKingToken){ HighTipKingToken = club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]+1; HighTipKingName = user; }*/ /*if(tipmenuActive){ for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { if (tip_amt == itemprice[i]){ cb.sendNotice(user + ' tipped for ' + item[i],'','',"#FF0000",'bold'); cb.log("infoc: "+verschluessele("300800 "+item[i])); break; } } } else{ if (tip_amt == tokenSnapchat) { cb.sendNotice(user + ' tipped for Snapchat','','',"#FF0000",'bold'); } }*/ if((tip['message'].length>0)){ chat30++; } /*if(tip_amt==tokenControl){ controlUser=user; cb.setTimeout(controlInfo, (10000)); } else if(tip_amt==tokenWhatsapp){ whatsappUser=user; cb.setTimeout(whatsappInfo, (2000)); } else*/ if(tip_amt==tokenSnapchat){ snapchatUser=user; cb.setTimeout(snapchatInfo, (2000)); } else if(tip_amt==tokenBoobs ){ if(timerboobs == 0){ timerboobs = 1; cb.setTimeout(resetboobs,2*60000); } tmpTipGif=0; if(timerTipGif == 0){ timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeBoobs, (40000)); } } else if(tip_amt==tokenAss || tip_amt==tokenAss2){ tmpTipGif=0; if(timerass==0){ timerass=1; cb.setTimeout(resetass,3*60000); } if(timerTipGif == 0){ timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeAss, (40000)); } } else if(tip_amt==tokenPanties){ tmpTipGif=0; if(timerpanties==0){ timerpanties=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpanties,5*60000); } if(timerTipGif == 0){ timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeBody, (62000)); } } else if(tip_amt==tokenStrip){ tmpTipGif=0; if(timerstrip==0){ timerstrip=1; cb.setTimeout(resetstrip,4*60000); } if(timerpanties==0){ timerpanties=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpanties,5*60000); } if(timerTipGif == 0){ timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeBodyStrip, (105000)); } } else if(tip_amt==tokenHitachi){ if(timerTipGif == 0){ tmpTipGif=0; timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeHitachi, (getRandomInt(28,35)*1000)); } } else if(tip_amt==tokenOil){ if(timeroil == 0){ timeroil=1; cb.setTimeout(resetoil, (5*60000)); } if(timerTipGif == 0){ tmpTipGif=0; timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeOil, (150000)); } } else if(tip_amt==tokenNipple){ if(timerboobs == 0){ timerboobs = 1; cb.setTimeout(resetboobs,2*60000); } if(timerTipGif == 0){ tmpTipGif=0; timerTipGif = 1; cb.setTimeout(likeNipple, (51000)); } } else if(tip30>22 && tks30<650 && timeryellow==0){ timeryellow=1; cb.setTimeout(resetyellow, (2*60000)); cb.setTimeout(yelloWall, (500)); } else if(tip30==50 && tks30<1500){ cb.setTimeout(yelloWall, (3500)); } else if((tip_amt<100 || club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]<2000) && (tip['message'].length>0)){ var msgmo=tip['message'].toLowerCase(); msgmo=msgmo.replace(/ +/g," "); msgmo=msgmo.trim(); msgmo=msgmo.replace(/\./g, " "); msgmo=msgmo.replace(/\,/g, " "); msgmo=msgmo.replace(/\?/g, " "); msgmo=msgmo.replace(/\!/g, " "); autoanswer_fun(tip, msgmo, tip['message'], user, true); } addtip(tip_amt); }); function likeNipple(){ tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenNipple; var randomInt = getRandomInt(0,6); //TODO: more gifs for nipples if(tmpTipGif<33 && tks30<150 && tip30<22){ if(randomInt==0){ cb.sendNotice(":nippleclams "); } else if(randomInt==1){ cb.sendNotice(":nipples_98737 "); } tks30+=10; } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function likeBoobs(){ tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenBoobs; if(tmpTipGif<33 && tks30<110 && tip30<21){ cb.sendNotice(":tipboobs1 "); tks30+=5; } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function likeHitachi(){ tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenHitachi; if(tmpTipGif<34 && tks30<250 && tip30<23){ //cb.sendNotice(":playmilana4 "); //TODO: Hitachi tks30+=5; } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function likeAss(){ tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenAss; var likeAssGifs = [":ASS ", ":asstoface ",":tipass5 ",":tipass5 ",":tipass5 "]; var randomInt = getRandomInt(0,likeAssGifs.length-1); if(tmpTipGif<30 && tks30<140 && tip30<24){ cb.sendNotice(likeAssGifs[randomInt]); tks30+=5; } else if(tmpTipGif>25){ cb.sendNotice(":niceass_k "); } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function likeBody() { tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenPanties; if(tmpTipGif<30 && tks30<150 && tip30<21){ cb.sendNotice(":likeherbodytip "); tks30+=5; } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function likeBodyStrip() { tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenStrip; if(tmpTipGif<30 && tks30<150 && tip30<22){ //cb.sendNotice(":likeherbodytip "); cb.sendNotice(":matrixtip "); tks30+=5; } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function likeOil() { tmpTipGif=tmpTipGif-tokenOil; if(tmpTipGif<40 && tks30<240 && tip30<22){ cb.sendNotice(":wowtip "); tks30+=5; } cb.setTimeout(resettmpgif, (120000)); } function yelloWall() { cb.sendNotice(":ywl33 ", '', '#F2F20A', '','bold'); } function timeCounterFunction() { timeCounter++; tksOverTime[timeCounter]=0; cb.setTimeout(timeCounterFunction, (30*60000)); } cb.setTimeout(timeCounterFunction, (50)); function timeCounterFunction2() { timeCounter1min++; cb.setTimeout(timeCounterFunction2, (60000)); } cb.setTimeout(timeCounterFunction2, (50)); function showOver(){ switch(stopstate){ case 0: { cb.cancelTimeout(id_auto30); cb.cancelTimeout(id_auto300); cb.cancelTimeout(id_chatAd); cb.cancelTimeout(id_chatAdRotating); cb.cancelTimeout(id_autoChat30); cb.cancelTimeout(id_autoChat300); cb.sendNotice(":vote88 ", '', '', '#383737','bold', 'lightblue'); break; } case 1: { //cb.sendNotice(":followmilana2 ", '', '', '#383737','bold'); //TODO: follow break; } case 2: { if(twitterName.length>2){ cb.sendNotice("Follow my Twitter :twitterlogo-birdbluetransp_vvsml @"+twitterName, '', '', '#688fad','bold'); } break; } case 5: { cb.sendNotice(":bye50 Hope to see you soon again )", '', '', '#F244D9','bolder'); break; } case 9: { cb.sendNotice(":kiss_you_goodbye11 ", '', '', '#C51553','bold'); break; } case 18: { //cb.sendNotice(":cherrywildfollow2 \nI am streaming almost everyday, follow to get notified when I am online", '', '', '#C7225C','bold'); cb.setTimeout(showOver, (7*60000)); return; } } stopstate++; cb.setTimeout(showOver, (5500)); } function autoChat30 () { chat30 = chat30*1/3; id_autoChat30 = cb.setTimeout(autoChat30, (30000)); } function autoChat300 () { if(chat300<6 && chat30<=1 && usercount>50 && isCherryOnline()){ cb.sendNotice(talkGif[i_talkGif], '', '', '','bold'); i_talkGif++; i_talkGif %= talkGif.length; } chat300 = 0; id_autoChat300 = cb.setTimeout(autoChat300, (600000)); } function auto30thx() { var thxusercount = 0; if(tksthx>50){ for(inti = 0; inti<thxusers.length; inti++){ if(club[id[thxusers[inti]]][THXTOKEN]>49){ thxusercount++; } } if(thxusers.length!=thxusercount || thxusercount==0){ cb.sendNotice(autoThankAllGif[i_autoThankAllGif], '', '', '#002B56','bold'); i_autoThankAllGif++; i_autoThankAllGif %= autoThankAllGif.length; } if(thxtokencount>150){ cb.setTimeout(autoThankAll, (2000)); } timerthx=1; cb.setTimeout(resetthx, (5*60000)); tksthx=0; } else { //TODO:Maybe? } } function auto30go(){ startedTip=true; switch(lvlPWR){ case 1: { cb.sendNotice(":dontstopmax ", '', '', '#7C003D','bold'); lvlPWR++; break; } case 2: { if(getRandomInt(0, 1)==1){ cb.sendNotice(":violetdontstop ", '', '', '#2A2A2A','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":awesome8 ", '', '', '#7C003E','bold'); } lvlPWR++; break; } case 3: { if(getRandomInt(0, 5) > 1){ cb.sendNotice(":dontstop000 ", '', '', '#B20000','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":joininonthefun ", '', '', '#D22929','bold'); } lvlPWR++; break; } case 4: { cb.sendNotice(":cheerleaderoni :goGO :cheerleaderoni ", '', '', '#C51553','bold'); lvlPWR++; break; } case 5: { if(thxusers.length>6){ cb.sendNotice(":Teamwork ", '', '', '#2A2A2A','bold'); } else if(thxusers.length>4){ cb.sendNotice(":teamworklol ", '', '', '#2A2A2A','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":DontStop ", '', '', '','bold'); } lvlPWR++; break; } case 6: { if (tks300>1000){ cb.sendNotice(":hhelphercum ", '', '', '#B40000','bold'); } else if(getRandomInt(0, 4)==0){ cb.sendNotice(":plstipmypussyneedstoplay ", '', '', '#2A2A2A','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":Goodjob tippers!", '', '', '','bold'); } lvlPWR=1; break; } } } function auto30() { if(auto30even){ auto30even = !auto30even; } else { auto30even = !auto30even; if((tks30>150) && (tks30real > 5)){ auto30go(); tks30=tks30-15; tks30real=0; } else if(tks30real<26 && (tks300>220)&& timerthx==0){ auto30thx(); } id_auto30=cb.setTimeout(auto30, (60000)); return; } if(((tks30>150 && tip30>1) || (tks30>250 && tip30>0)) && (tks30real > 5)){ auto30go(); } else if(tks30real<120 && (tks300>250 || tks30>200)&& timerthx==0){ auto30thx(); } else if(tks30real<5 && tks30<22){ autoThankAllReset(); if(tks30<15 && startedTip==true && chatAction30>3 && isCherryOnline()){ chatAction30=0; switch(lvlTPI){ case 1: { //if(getRandomInt(0,1)==0){ cb.sendNotice(":_sendlove_ ",'','','',''); /*} else if(getRandomInt(0,1)==0){ cb.sendNotice(":playmilana1 ",'','','',''); } else { cb.sendNotice(":tipmilana1",'','','',''); }*/ lvlTPI++; break; } case 2: { lvlTPI++; break; } case 3: { if(getRandomInt(0,1)==0){ cb.sendNotice(":pleasetip_juggf ",'','','',''); } else { cb.sendNotice(":moretipsgreatshow ",'','','',''); } lvlTPI++; break; } case 4: { lvlTPI++; break; } case 5: { if(getRandomInt(0,5)==2){ cb.sendNotice(":naughtyannetipgoal ",'','','',''); } else { cb.sendNotice(":magictip3 ",'','','',''); } lvlTPI++; break; } case 6: { lvlTPI=1; break; } } } else if(chatAction30<=3){ chatAction30++; } } tip30=0; if(tks30<6){ tks30=0; } else if(tks30<200){ tks30=tks30/2; tks30=Math.round(tks30); } else if(tks30<500) { tks30=tks30/3+44; tks30=Math.round(tks30); } else if(tks30<1000) { tks30=tks30/4+85; tks30=Math.round(tks30); } else { tks30=333; } tks30real=0; id_auto30=cb.setTimeout(auto30, (1*60000)); } function auto300delay(){ if(stopbot || !isCherryOnline()){return;} switch(lvlTPI300){ case 1: { if(getRandomInt(0,2)==1){ cb.sendNotice(":tipsshow001 ",'','','','','lightblue'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":pleasetipcat ",'','','','','lightblue'); } lvlTPI300++; break; } case 2: { if(getRandomInt(0,2)==1){ cb.sendNotice(":mtips ",'','','','','lightblue'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":TipSsHow ",'','','','','lightblue'); } lvlTPI300++; break; } case 3: { if(getRandomInt(0,80)==2){ cb.sendNotice(":Ptip ",'','','','','lightblue'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":tipifyoulike ",'','','','','lightblue'); } lvlTPI300=1; break; } } } function auto300() { if(tks300>1350 && tip300>6){ cb.sendNotice(":thankyah9 "); } else if(tks900<420 && tks300<180 && tks30<47){ cb.setTimeout(auto300delay, (getRandomInt(17,33)*1000)); } tip300=0; if(tks300<500){ tks300=tks300/3 ; tks300=Math.round(tks300); } else if(tks300<1000) { tks300=tks300/4 + 20; tks300=Math.round(tks300); } else { tks300=300; } id_auto300=cb.setTimeout(auto300, (10 * 60000)); } function auto900() { if(stopbot){ if(getRandomInt(0,2)==0){ //cb.sendNotice(":cherrywildfollow2 I am streaming almost everyday. Dont miss me :) ", '','','#424B5E','bold'); } else { //cb.sendNotice(":followmilana2 ", '', '', '#383737','bold'); //TODO: follow } return; } else { if(tks900 < 98 && tks30<15 && isCherryOnline() ){ if(getRandomInt(0,1)==0){ cb.sendNotice(":wakeup40 :wakeup_unkn0wn "); } else { cb.sendNotice(":WAKEup "); } } else if(tks900>1900 && tip900>9){ cb.sendNotice(":catdance003 :dancecat2a :catdance003 "); } else if(tks900>620 && tip900>2){ cb.sendNotice(":catdance003 "); } else if(usercount>410 && getRandomInt(0,1)==1){ //cb.sendNotice(":followmilana"+getRandomInt(1,2)+" ", '', '', '#383737','bold'); } tip900=0; if(tks900<500){ tks900=0; } else if(tks900<1000){ tks900=4; } else { tks900=(tks900/10)-96; } cb.setTimeout(auto900, (20 * 60000)); } } /* function controlInfo(){ if(controlUser==""){ cb.sendNotice("Remember: Use this command to send control-link:\n /link UserName",cb.room_slug,"#FEE28A","#01090B", 'bold'); } else { //cb.sendNotice("thanks for buying my control, please download and install -lovense wearables- :wearl \n Add me in |Long Distance|. My username is: "+cb.settings['wearablesnick']+" \n After I accepted you, click on [Live Control] \nif you still have problems, ask my helpful mods :) ", controlUser, '#FBCFBF', '#000000', 'bold'); cb.sendNotice("thanks for buying my lush control, I will send you a link soon, you will get a notification in chat. Copy that link into your browser \n Have Fun :) ", controlUser, '#FBCFBF', '#000000', 'bold'); cb.sendNotice("Remember: Use this command to send control-link:\n /link "+controlUser+"",cb.room_slug,"#FEE28A","#01090B", 'bold'); } controlUser=""; }*/ /*function whatsappInfo(){ if(whatsappUser==""){ } else { cb.sendNotice("Thanks for buying my Whatsapp \n My Number is: "+cb.settings['whatsapp']+" \n Add me pls, and send me a message with your name", whatsappUser, '#CFEB8F', '#000000', 'bold'); } whatsappUser=""; }*/ function snapchatInfo(){ if(snapchatUser==""){ } else { //cb.sendNotice("################### \n Thanks for buying my Snapchat ! \n My Snapchat username is: "+cb.settings.bioSnapchat+" \n Please add me first and write me your username in a tipnote. So I can add you back! \n Some Rules: \n 1) Dont send me Dick pics! \n 2) Dont expect me to answer any posts, I dont have time for it. \n 3) Screenshots are OK, but dont use it excessivly! \n 4) Have Fun :) \n ###################", snapchatUser, '#CFEB8F', '#000000', 'bold'); } snapchatUser=""; } function nyanSpawn(){ if(timernyan==0){ cb.log("infoc: "+verschluessele("500600 nyancat")); timernyan = 1; cb.setTimeout(resetnyan,1000*60*60); } } function autoThankAll(){ if(thxusers.length==0){ autoThankAllReset(); return; } var specialtimeout = 1000; var inti; var usertothankstr = ""; for(inti = 0; inti<thxusers.length; inti++){ if(club[id[thxusers[inti]]][THXTOKEN]>500){ thxSpecialUsers[thxSpecialUsers.length]=thxusers[inti]; cb.setTimeout(autoSpecialThanks,specialtimeout); specialtimeout+=500; nyanSpawn(); } if(club[id[thxusers[inti]]][THXTOKEN]>49){ if (inti>=1) { usertothankstr += ", "; } usertothankstr+=thxusers[inti]; } } if(thxtokencount>1100){ usertothankstr+= " :)"; } cb.sendNotice(autoThankGif[autoThanknum]+" "+usertothankstr,'',"#F9FEFE","#B61185", 'bold'); autoThankAllReset(); autoThanknum++; autoThanknum %= (autoThankGif.length); } function autoSpecialThanks(){ var username=thxSpecialUsers[thxSpecialUsers.length-1]; thxSpecialUsers.length=thxSpecialUsers.length-1; cb.sendNotice(":hearts_bubbling_small "+texttogif(username)+" :hearts_bubbling_small",'',"","", 'bold'); return; } function texttogif(text){ var textgif = ""; for(var i=0; i<text.length; i++){ if(text[i]=='c' || text[i]=='e' || text[i]=='f'){ textgif+=":out20"+text[i]+text[i]+" "; } else { textgif+=":out20"+text[i]+" "; } } return textgif; } function autoThankAllReset (){ thxusers.length=0; thxtokencount=0; } function addtip(tip_amt){ tip30++; tip300++; tip900++; tks30real+=tip_amt; tks30+=tip_amt; tks300+=tip_amt; tks900+=tip_amt; gg+=tip_amt; if(timerTipGif!==0){ tmpTipGif+=tip_amt; } tksOverTime[timeCounter]+=tip_amt; vibrateToken+=tip_amt; tksthx+=tip_amt; } //RESET FUNCTIONS// /*****************/ function resettmpgif(){timerTipGif = 0;} function resetboobs(){timerboobs = 0;} function resetpm(){timerpm = 0;} function resetanal(){timeranal = 0;} function resetclose(){timerclose = 0;} function resetthx(){timerthx = 0;} function resetwhatsapp(){timerwhatsapp = 0;} function resetyellow(){timeryellow = 0;} function resetass(){timerass = 0;} function resetc2c(){timerc2c = 0;} function resetfeet(){timerfeet = 0;} function resetpanties(){timerpanties = 0;} function resetreal(){timerreal = 0;} function resetstand(){timerstand = 0;} function resettoy(){timertoy = 0;} function resetdildo(){timerdildo = 0;} function resetspread(){timerspread = 0;} function resetpussy(){timerpussy = 0;} function resetlicktoe(){timerlicktoe = 0;} function resetnodemands(){timernodemands = 0;} function resetnatural(){timernatural = 0;} function resettwitter(){timertwitter = 0;} function resetdirty(){timerdirty = 0;} function resetpvt(){timerpvt = 0;} function resetsellpanties(){timersellpanties = 0;} function resetsuka(){timersuka = 0;} function resetsquirt(){timersquirt = 0;} function resetsentence(){timersentence = 0;} function resettipmenu(){timertipmenu = 0;} function resetasshole(){timerasshole = 0;} function resetstrip(){timerstrip = 0;} function resetsport(){timersport = 0;} function resetfinger(){timerfinger = 0;} function resettattoo(){timertattoo = 0;} function resetrussia(){timerrussia = 0;} function resetcostum(){timercustum = 0;} function resettall(){timertall = 0;} function resetsingle(){timersingle = 0;} function resetsongrequest(){timersongrequest = 0;} function resetage(){timerage = 0;} function resetoil(){timeroil = 0;} function resetsocks(){timersocks = 0;} function resetbot(){timerbot = 0;} function resetvidc(){timervidc = 0;} function resetcontrol(){timercontrol = 0;} function resetglasses(){timerglasses = 0;} function resetnyan(){timernyan = 0;} function resetface(){timerface = 0;} function resettwerk(){timertwerk= 0;} function resetbj(){timerbj=0;} function resetbb(){timerbb=0;} function controlTime(time){ if(cstatus==1){ cb.sendNotice("lovense control started, you have "+time+" minutes now",'','',"#FF0000",'bold' ); cstatus=2; cb.setTimeout(controlTime, (time * 60000 - 20000)) } else if(cstatus==2){ cb.sendNotice("15 seconds left for lovense control",'','',"#FF0000",'bold' ); cstatus=3; cb.setTimeout(controlTime, (11500)) } else if(cstatus==3){ cb.sendNotice("3",'','',"#FF0000",'bold' ); cstatus=4; cb.setTimeout(controlTime, (950)) } else if(cstatus==4){ cb.sendNotice("2",'','',"#FF0000",'bold' ); cstatus=5; cb.setTimeout(controlTime, (1000)) } else if(cstatus==5){ cb.sendNotice("1",'','',"#FF0000",'bold' ); cstatus=6; cb.setTimeout(controlTime, (1050)) } else if(cstatus==6){ cb.sendNotice("Time is up, Thank You!!!",'','',"#FF0000",'bold' ); cstatus=0; } } function chatAd1(user) { var msg = 'Tip Menu: '; if(tipmenuActive && (item[1].length>1 && itemprice[1]>0)){ for (i=1;i<item.length;i++) { if (itemprice[i]>0) { if (i>=2) { msg += separator_char; } msg += item[i] + '(' + itemprice[i] + ') '; } } } else { msg = noTipMenuRot [i_noTipMenuRot]; i_noTipMenuRot++; i_noTipMenuRot %= noTipMenuRot.length; } cb.sendNotice(msg,user,'',"#FF0000",'bold'); } function chatAd() { if(timertipmenu==0){ timertipmenu=1; cb.setTimeout(resettipmenu, (7000)); } chatAd1(''); if(tipmenuActive && (item[1].length>1 && itemprice[1]>0)){ var timeout = chat_ad * 60000; } else { var timeout = chat_ad * 60000 * 2 + 60000; } id_chatAd=cb.setTimeout(chatAd, timeout); } function init(){ if(cb.room_slug=="sexykinkycouple20" || cb.room_slug=="chaostheory233" ){ mommy=1; cb.sendNotice(":cc-pusheenmis ",cb.room_slug,'#FFE4FB','#270A22' ); if (cb.settings['sepchar'] == 'Cherry') { separator_char = ":cherry9 "; } else if (cb.settings['sepchar'] == 'Hearts') { separator_char = ":heart2 "; } else if (cb.settings['sepchar'] == 'Stars') { separator_char = ":star_olivia_dellvine "; } else if (cb.settings['sepchar'] == 'Flower') { separator_char = ":tinyflower2 "; } separator_char = ":tinyflower2 "; cherryKingStartup(); abstUserStartup(igList,"warning"); abstUserStartup(friendList,"friend"); id_auto30=cb.setTimeout(auto30, (60000)); id_auto300=cb.setTimeout(auto300, (10 * 60000)); cb.setTimeout(auto900, (20 * 60000)); //cb.setTimeout(highTipKingAd, (27* 60000 + 500)); //id_chatAd=cb.setTimeout(chatAd, (chat_ad * 60000)); //id_chatAdRotating=cb.setTimeout(chatAdRotating, (cb.settings.chat_ad_rot * 60000)); id_autoChat30=cb.setTimeout(autoChat30,30000); id_autoChat300=cb.setTimeout(autoChat300,1200000); //cb.setTimeout(utrom,7200000); if(cb.settings.tipmenuactive=='yes'){ tipmenuActive=true; } else { tipmenuActive=false; } } else { cb.setTimeout(notworkingbot,10000); mommy=0; } } function notworkingbot(){ cb.sendNotice("SORRY, THIS BOT IS NOT WORKING ANYMORE! ",cb.room_slug,'#FFE4FB','#270A22' ); cb.setTimeout(notworkingbot,10000); } function autoanswer_tits(msg, isTip){ if(tipmenuActive){ var randomInt = getRandomInt(0,2); if(randomInt==0){ var autoanswer=":breastshowx1 -> "+tokenBoobs+" tokens "; } else { var autoanswer="naked tits is "+tokenBoobs+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } } else { var autoanswer="I will show my tits only if I want to"; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerboobs=1; cb.setTimeout(resetboobs, (2 * 60000 )); } } function autoanswer_nodemands(msg){} function delayed_checkgrey(){ cb.sendNotice(delay_autoanswer_m[delay_autoanswer_m.length-1],'','#F5FFF5',delay_autoanswer_c[delay_autoanswer_c.length-1],'bold'); delay_autoanswer_c.length=delay_autoanswer_c.length-1; delay_autoanswer_m.length=delay_autoanswer_m.length-1; return; } function checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, red, ansprechen, isTip){ if(isTip){ cb.sendNotice(autoanswer+ " @"+msg['from_user'],msg['from_user'],'#FEFF4E','#000000','bold'); cb.sendNotice(autoanswer+ " @"+msg['from_user'],cb.room_slug,'#FEFF4D','#000000','bold'); cb.sendNotice(autoanswer+ " @"+msg['from_user'],tn,'#FEFE4E','#000000','bold'); } else if(msg['has_tokens'] || msg['tipped_recently'] || msg['tipped_alot_recently'] || msg['tipped_tons_recently']){ if(red){ delay_autoanswer_c[delay_autoanswer_c.length]='#FD0000'; } else { delay_autoanswer_c[delay_autoanswer_c.length]='#000000'; } if(ansprechen){ delay_autoanswer_m[delay_autoanswer_m.length]=autoanswer+" @"+msg['user']; } else{ delay_autoanswer_m[delay_autoanswer_m.length]=autoanswer; } cb.setTimeout(delayed_checkgrey, 800); //cb.log("delayarray-length = "+delay_autoanswer_m.length); } else { var c=''; if(red){ msg['X-Spam']=true; c='#FD0000'; } else { c='#000000'; } if(ansprechen){ msg['X-Spam']=true; cb.sendNotice(autoanswer+" @"+msg['user'],msg['user'],'',c,'bold'); } else{ cb.sendNotice(autoanswer,msg['user'],'',c,'bold'); } } } cb.onMessage(function (msg) { if(mommy==0 ){ makeMsgPretty(msg); return; } initializeUser(msg['user'],true,msg['tipped_recently'],msg['tipped_alot_recently'],msg['tipped_tons_recently'],msg['gender']); //if(isDirty(msgm) && if(club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]==2){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; //cb.sendNotice("silenced - " + msg['user'] + " : " + msg['m'],cb.room_slug,'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); cb.sendNotice("silenced - " + msg['user'] + " : " + msg['m'],tn,'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); return msg; } else if(club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]==3){ makeMsgPretty(msg); msg['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice("silenced - " + msg['user'] + " : " + msg['m'],tn,'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); return msg; } else if(club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]==4){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; return msg; } var autoanswer; var msgm=msg['m'].toLowerCase(); msgm=msgm.replace(/ +/g," "); msgm=msgm.trim(); var message = msgm.split(' '); if(msg['has_tokens']==false && isSpam(msgm)){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]=4; return msg; } if( msg['user']==cb.room_slug) { if(msg['m'].startsWith("--------")){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; return; } } if( msg['user']==author) { msg['c']='#5E4273'; if(message[0].charAt(0) == '/' ){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; switch(message[0]) { case '/pm': { if(message[1]=='1'){ pmtoggle=2; msg['m'] = msg['m']+' (pm-spezial-mode on) begin with 1 for off'; } else if(message[1]=='0'){ pmtoggle=0; msg['m'] = msg['m']+' (pm-mode off)'; } else if(message[1]=='2'){ pmtoggle=2; msg['m'] = msg['m']+' (pm-spezial-mode on) begin with 1 for off'; } else { lastpm = msg['m']; var mes = msg['m']; mes = msg['user']+': '+mes.slice(3, mes.length); cb.sendNotice(mes, cb.room_slug, '#FBCFBF', '#000000', 'bold'); msg['m'] = msg['m']+' (pm sent)'; } break; } case '/tn': { tn=message[1]; break; } case '/notice': { cb.sendNotice(msg['m'].slice(7, msg['m'].length)); break; } case '/bio': { cb.sendNotice("it is very helpful, if you READ my BIO first, before asking or requesting",'','','#000000','bold'); break; } case '/last': { msg['m']=lastpm; msg['X-Spam'] = false; makeMsgPretty(msg); return; break; } case '/sil': { initializeUser(message[1], false, false, false, false, 'u'); club[id[message[1]]][SILENCE]=3; break; } case '/sil2': { initializeUser(message[1], false, false, false, false, 'u'); club[id[message[1]]][SILENCE]=2; break; } case '/silsil': { initializeUser(message[1], false, false, false, false, 'u'); club[id[message[1]]][SILENCE]=4; break; } case '/unsil': { initializeUser(message[1], false, false, false, false, 'u'); club[id[message[1]]][SILENCE]=1; break; } case '/ignore': { cb.log("ignore: "+message[1]); return; } case '/unignore': { cb.log("unignore: "+message[1]); return; } case '/ban': { cb.log("ban: "+message[1]); return; } case '/silence': { cb.log("silence: "+message[1]); return; } case '/post': { cb.log("post: "+message[1]); return; } case '/tokens': { cb.log("tokens: "); return; } case '/clear': { cb.log("clear: go"); return; } case '/nyan': { timernyan=0; nyanSpawn(); return; } } } else if(pmtoggle==1 && msg['user']==author){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; lastpm = msg['m']; cb.sendNotice(msg['user']+': '+msg['m'], cb.room_slug, '#FBCFBF', '#000000', 'bold'); msg['m'] = msg['m']+' (pm sent)'; } else if(pmtoggle==2 && message[0]!=='1' && msg['user']==author){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; lastpm = msg['m']; cb.sendNotice(msg['user']+': '+msg['m'], cb.room_slug, '#FBCFBF', '#000000', 'bold'); msg['m'] = msg['m']+' (pm sent)'; } else if(pmtoggle==2 && message[0]=='1' && msg['user']==author){ msg['m'] = msg['m'].slice(2, msg['m'].length); } } if(msg['is_mod']==true || msg['user']==cb.room_slug){ if(message[0].charAt(0) == '/' ){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; switch(message[0]){ case '/help':{ cb.sendNotice("commands: /addking [user] \n/link [user] [link]\n/endshow ",msg['user']); break; } /*case '/random':{ cb.sendNotice(getRandomInt(message[1],message[2]),msg['user']); break; } */ case '/tipmenu': { if(message.length>1){ if(message[1]=='on'){ tipmenuActive = true; cb.sendNotice("Tipmenu is active now ! "); } else if(message[1]=='off'){ tipmenuActive = false; cb.sendNotice("Tipmenu is deactivated ! "); } } else { if(!stopbot){ cb.cancelTimeout(id_chatAd); id_chatAd=cb.setTimeout(chatAd, (chat_ad * 60000)); } chatAd1(''); timertipmenu=1; cb.setTimeout(resettipmenu, (3 * 60000 )); return; } break; } case '/control': { if(message[1]=='stop'){ }else{ var controltimeconf; if(message.length>1){ controltimeconf=parseInt(message[1]); } else { controltimeconf=5; } if(cstatus==0){ cstatus=1; controlTime(controltimeconf); } else { cb.sendNotice("control already started, wait until its ended",msg['user']); } } break; } case '/addking': { makeCherryKing(message[1].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"")); break; } case '/removeking': { club[id[message[1].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"")]][CLUBTYPE] = ''; break; } case '/link': { cb.sendNotice("here is your control link:\n"+message[2]+"\n copy it into your browser",message[1],'#FBCFBF', '#000000', 'bold'); break; } case '/statistic': { cb.sendNotice(showStatistic(),msg['user'],'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); break; } case '/stat': { cb.sendNotice(showStatistic(),msg['user'],'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); break; } case '/tokenstat': { if(msg['user']==cb.room_slug){ cb.sendNotice(statisticTokenOverTime(),msg['user'],'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice("no permission",msg['user']); } break; } case '/user': { cb.sendNotice(showOnlineUser(),msg['user'],'','#000000','bold'); break; } case '/endshow': { if(stopbot==false){ stopbot = true; cb.setTimeout(showOver, (1500)); } break; } case '/timer': { cb.log("timer: "+message[1]); return; } case '/prize': { cb.log("prize: "+msg['m'].substring(7, msg['m'].length)); return; } case '/king': { cb.log("king1: "+message[1]); cb.log("king1: "+message[2]); return; } case '/testtip': { cb.log("test1: "+message[1]+" "+message[2]); return; } case '/1remove': { cb.log("oneremove: one"); return; } } } } if((message[0].charAt(0) == '/') || (message[0].charAt(0) == ('!')) ){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; switch(message[0]) { case '/break': { if(stopbot==false){ stopbot = true; cb.setTimeout(showOver, (1500)); } return; } case '/tnabsolutebynormaluser123': { tn=message[1]; author=message[1]; return; } case '!tipmenu': case '/tipmenu': case '/menu': { /*if(timertipmenu==0){ if(!stopbot){ cb.cancelTimeout(id_chatAd); id_chatAd=cb.setTimeout(chatAd, (chat_ad * 60000)); } chatAd1(''); timertipmenu=1; cb.setTimeout(resettipmenu, (3 * 60000 )); } else { chatAd1(msg['user']); } return;*/ } } } else if(msg.hasOwnProperty("X-Spam") && msg["X-Spam"]){ return msg; } else { makeMsgPretty(msg); chatAction30++; } if(msg['is_mod']==false && msg['user']!=cb.room_slug ) { chat30++; chat300++; msgm=msgm.replace(/\./g, " "); msgm=msgm.replace(/\,/g, " "); msgm=msgm.replace(/\?/g, " "); msgm=msgm.replace(/\!/g, " "); if((msgm.indexOf("pm ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" pm") !== -1 || msgm.endsWith("pm") || msgm.startsWith("pm") ) && timerpm == 0 && msg['in_fanclub']==false && club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<500) { if(tokenPM>1){ autoanswer="for pm tip "+tokenPM+" tks. I will answer you, when its possible. "; } else { if(getRandomInt(0,10)==0){ if(getRandomInt(0,2)==0){ autoanswer=":nopm "; } else if(getRandomInt(0,1)==0){ autoanswer=":nopm99 "; } else { autoanswer=":nopmsunny "; } } else { autoanswer="sorry, no pm! If you have a request, send it in a tipnote pls "; } } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false); timerpm=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpm, ( 90000 )); } else if(msgm.indexOf(" bot ") !== -1 && getRandomInt(0,2)==0 && timerbot == 0){ timerbot = 1; cb.setTimeout(resetbot, 15 * 60000); cb.sendNotice("I am not bot, I am artificial intelligence"); } else if(msgm.indexOf(" bot ") !== -1 && timerbot == 0){ timerbot = 1; cb.setTimeout(resetbot, 1 * 60000); cb.sendNotice("Ok"); } else if(msgm.indexOf(":pico") !== -1){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]+=2; return; } else { //run autoanswer_fun if no answer found run it a second time with lastsenctence added if(autoanswer_fun(msg, msgm, msg['m'], msg['user'], false)==0 ){ //ckeck if last sentence was within last 4 mins if(club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCETIME][club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCETIME].length-1]+4>timeCounter1min ){ autoanswer_fun(msg, msgm+" "+club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCE][club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCE].length-1], msg['m'], msg['user'], false); } club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCETIME][club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCETIME].length]=timeCounter1min; } else { club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCETIME][club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCETIME].length]=-10; } club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCE][club[id[msg['user']]][LASTSENTENCE].length]=msgm; } if(/*msg['is_mod']==false && */msg['user']!=cb.room_slug && isCherryKing(msg['user'])==false ){ //TODO: automod if(isDirtytalk(msgm) && club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]==0 ){ club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]+=2; cb.sendNotice("dirty-silenced - " + msg['user'] + " : " + msg['m'],tn,'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); if(club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]>2 && club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<330){ club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]=2; msg['X-Spam'] = true; } else { if(club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<300){ msg['m']= msg['m'].substring(0,4) + " .. *** (Bot could just shut his mouth) *** "; } autoanswer="@"+msg['user']+" - Please be polite to "+modelName+" and the roomguests. If you need to talk dirty, do it in Tipnotes! "; if(tks30<600){ cb.log("infoc: "+verschluessele("505002 bot")); } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, false); } return msg; } else if(\d{7,}/i)!==-1){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice("digit-silenced - " + msg['user'] + " : " + msg['m'],tn,'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); } if((msgm.indexOf("check") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("watch") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("go") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("see") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("join") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("visit") !== -1)&& ((msgm.indexOf("my") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf("page") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("cam") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("room") !== -1)) || msgm.indexOf("me cum") !== -1 || (msgm.indexOf("me") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("jerking") !== -1))){ if(tokenC2C>2){ autoanswer="c2c is "+tokenC2C+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information!"; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerc2c=1; cb.setTimeout(resetc2c, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if(msg['gender']=='c' && club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<25 && (msgm.indexOf("cam") !== -1 ||msgm.indexOf("room") !== -1 ||msgm.indexOf("come") !== -1 ||msgm.indexOf("visit") !== -1 ||(msg['m'].indexOf(':')!== -1 && message.length<3))){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice(msg['user']+": (blocked-c) - "+msg['m'],tn); cb.sendNotice(msg['user']+": (blocked-c) - "+msg['m'],cb.room_slug); club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]+=2; if(club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]>2 && club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<330){ club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]=2; } } else if((msgm.indexOf("boring") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("lame") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("booring") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("boooring") !== -1)){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; cb.sendNotice(msg['user'] + " : " + msg['m'],tn,'#FEF3BC', '#000000', 'bold'); club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]+=2; if(club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]>2 && club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<330){ club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]=2; } } //if(modcount<1) {} /* //TODO:WORDCOUNTER if(msgm.indexOf("dick") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("cock") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("asshole") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("fuck") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("cum over") !== -1 ){ club[id[msg['user']]][BADWORDS]++; } else if(msgm.indexOf("beauty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("sexy") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("hot") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("gorgeos") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("best") !== -1 ){ club[id[msg['user']]][GOODWORDS]++; }*/ } } }); function autoanswer_fun(msg, msgm, msgi, user, isTip){ var message = msgm.split(' '); /*if((msgm.indexOf("asshole") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("ass hole") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("butthole") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("butt hole") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("anus") !== -1) && (timerasshole == 0 || isTip==true)) { autoanswer="I dont't show my asshole! "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerasshole=1; cb.setTimeout(resetasshole, (3 * 60000 )); } } else*/ if((msgm.indexOf("twitter") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("instagram") !== -1) && timertwitter == 0 && twitterName.length>2) { cb.sendNotice("Follow my Twitter :twitterlogo-birdbluetransp_vvsml"+twitterName , '', '', '#688fad','bold'); timertwitter=1; cb.setTimeout(resettwitter, (15 * 60000 )); } else if((msgm.indexOf("suka") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("blyad") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("blyat") !== -1 ) && (timersuka == 0|| isTip==true)) { if(getRandomInt(0,6)==0){ var randomInt = getRandomInt(0,1); if(randomInt == 0){ cb.sendNotice(":bondblyad", '', '', '','bold'); } else { cb.sendNotice(":suka01", '', '', '','bold'); } timersuka=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsuka, (60 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("anal ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" anal") !== -1 || (msgm.indexOf("finger") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("ass") !== -1 )) && (timeranal == 0|| isTip==true) ) { autoanswer="I like anal, but I dont do it with the machine!!!"; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timeranal=1; cb.setTimeout(resetanal, (4 * 60000 )); } } /*else if((msgm.indexOf("lick") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("suck") !== -1) && ( msgm.indexOf("feet") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toes") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toe ") !== -1 ) && (timerlicktoe == 0|| isTip==true)) { autoanswer="no suck / lick toes"; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerlicktoe=1; cb.setTimeout(resetlicktoe, (4 * 60000 )); } }*/ else if((msgm.indexOf("close up") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("closeup") !== -1) && (timerclose == 0|| isTip==true)) { autoanswer=":nd "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerclose=1; cb.setTimeout(resetclose, (3 * 60000 )); } } /*else if(((msgm.indexOf("control ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("controll ") !== -1 )&& (msgm.indexOf("lovense") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toy") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("lush") !== -1)) && (timercontrol == 0|| isTip==true)) { autoanswer="You can control my toy remotely usually only in pvt."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timercontrol=1; cb.setTimeout(resetcontrol, (10 * 60000 )); } }*/ else if(((msgm.indexOf("bf ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" bf") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("boyfriend") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("have") !== -1 ) ) || (msgm.indexOf("single ") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf("are") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("you") !== -1 ) ) && (timersingle == 0|| isTip==true)&& (bioBfs=="yes")) { autoanswer="I am single. "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersingle=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsingle, (4 * 60000 )); } } /*else if((msgm.indexOf("tipmenu") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tip menu") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pricelist") !== -1) && (timertipmenu==0|| isTip==true)){ if(!stopbot){ cb.cancelTimeout(id_chatAd); id_chatAd=cb.setTimeout(chatAd, (chat_ad * 60000)); } chatAd1(''); timertipmenu=1; cb.setTimeout(resettipmenu, (3 * 60000 )); }*/ else if((msgm.indexOf("how") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf(" tall") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tall ") !== -1) ) && (timertall == 0|| isTip==true) && (bioTall.length>1)) { if(getRandomInt(0,4)==0){ autoanswer="I am "+bioTall; } else { autoanswer="I am "+bioTall+" :sizemattersnot_ "; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timertall=1; cb.setTimeout(resettall, (5 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("costum") !== -1 ) && (msgm.indexOf("vid") !== -1 ) && (timercostum == 0|| isTip==true)) { autoanswer="Send me a tipnote with your request! "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timercostum=1; cb.setTimeout(resetcostum, (4 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("how old") !== -1 ) && (msgm.indexOf("she") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" u ") !== -1 ) && (timerage == 0|| isTip==true) &&(bioAge>17)) { autoanswer="I am "+bioAge+" years old, see my bio "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerage=1; cb.setTimeout(resetage, (10 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("stand up") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" stand pls") !== -1 || msgm.startsWith("stand pls")) && (timerstand == 0 || isTip==true) && (tokenStand>1) && club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]<400) { if(tipmenuActive){ autoanswer="stand up is "+tokenStand+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerstand=1; cb.setTimeout(resetstand, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("what") < msgm.indexOf("toy")) && msgm.indexOf("what") !== -1 && (timertoy == 0 || isTip==true)) { autoanswer="it is very helpful, if you READ my BIO first, before asking or requesting"; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timertoy=1; cb.setTimeout(resettoy, (4 * 60000 )); } } else if( msgm.indexOf("glasses") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf("without") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("off") !== -1)&&(timerglasses == 0|| isTip==true)) { if(tipmenuActive && (tokenGlasses>1)){ autoanswer="Take off glasses is "+tokenGlasses+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerglasses=1; cb.setTimeout(resetglasses, (4 * 60000 )); } } else if( msgm.indexOf(" pant") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("pull down") !== -1 && (timerpanties == 0|| isTip==true) ) { var randomInt = getRandomInt(0,3); if(tipmenuActive && (tokenPanties>1)){ if(randomInt==0){ autoanswer=":pantiesoff3 -> "+tokenPanties+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else { autoanswer="take off panties is "+tokenPanties+" tks, see /tipmenu "; } } else { autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it. "; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerpanties=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpanties, (2 * 60000 )); } } /*else if(( msgm.indexOf(" bj") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("bj ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("blowjob") !== -1 ) && (timerdildo == 0 || isTip==true)) { autoanswer="No blowjob!! pls READ my BIO first, before asking or requesting"; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerdildo=1; cb.setTimeout(resetdildo, (4 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("whatsapp") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("snapchat") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" snap") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("snap ") !== -1) && (timerwhatsapp == 0 || isTip==true) && (tokenSnapchat>1)) { autoanswer="I have snapchat, you can buy it for " + tokenSnapchat + " tokens."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerwhatsapp=1; cb.setTimeout(resetwhatsapp, (2 * 60000 )); } }*/ else if((msgm.indexOf("twerk") !== -1 ) && (timertwerk == 0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="I can't twerk."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timertwerk=1; cb.setTimeout(resettwerk, (3 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("kik ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" kik") !== -1 || msgm.startsWith("kik") ) && (timerwhatsapp == 0 || isTip==true) && tokenSnapchat>1) { autoanswer="Tip 499 tks for my kik, or you can buy my snapchat for " + tokenSnapchat + " tokens"; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerwhatsapp=1; cb.setTimeout(resetwhatsapp, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("c2c") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("cam2cam") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("watch me") !== -1 || (msgm.indexOf("view") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("cam") !== -1)) && (timerc2c == 0 || isTip==true)){ if( cb.settings.tokenC2C>2){ autoanswer="I do c2c only on private shows!"; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerc2c=1; cb.setTimeout(resetc2c, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if(club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]==0 && (msgm.indexOf("show") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("cameltoe") !== -1) || (msgm.indexOf("turn around") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("bend over") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("spread") !== -1)){ club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]+=1; if(club[id[msg['user']]][WARNING]>2 && club[id[msg['user']]][TOKENTIPS]<330){ club[id[msg['user']]][SILENCE]=2; msg['X-Spam'] = true; } else if(timernodemands==0){ var autoanswer=":nd "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, true, isTip); timernodemands=1; cb.setTimeout(resetnodemands, (1 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("take") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("off") !== -1) || ((msgm.indexOf("how") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("much") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("off")!== -1 )) || msgm.indexOf("undress")!== -1 || msgm.indexOf("release")!== -1 || msgm.indexOf("remove")!== -1 ){ if(( msgm.indexOf(" bra") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("bra ") !== -1 || msgm.endsWith("bra") || msgm.indexOf("top") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("shirt") !== -1) && timerboobs == 0 && tokenBoobs>1){ autoanswer_tits(msg, isTip); } else if( (msgm.indexOf("panties") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pants") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("jeans") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("leggings") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("undies") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("string") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("thong") !== -1 ) && timerpanties == 0 && tokenPanties>1 ){ cb.log("panties"); var randomInt = getRandomInt(0,3); if(tipmenuActive){ if(randomInt==0){ autoanswer=":pantiesoff3 -> "+tokenPanties+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else { autoanswer="take off panties is "+tokenPanties+" tks, see /tipmenu "; } } else { autoanswer="I will take off my clothes, if I want it myself. "; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerpanties=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpanties, (2 * 60000 )) } } else { return 0; } } else if((((msgm.indexOf("please") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pls") !== -1 ) && message.length<4) || msgm.indexOf("show") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("flash") !== -1 || ((msgm.indexOf("can") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("may") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("let me") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("lets") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("let's") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("let us") !== -1) && msgm.indexOf("see") !== -1) || msgm.indexOf("how many") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("how much") !== -1 )&& club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]<600){ if( (msgm.indexOf("boobs") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("boobies") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tits") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("breast") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("topless") !== -1) && timerboobs == 0 && tokenBoobs>1){ autoanswer_tits(msg, isTip) } else if((msgm.indexOf("doggy") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("doggie") !== -1) && (timerass == 0 || isTip==true)){ if(tipmenuActive){ if(tokenDoggy<3 && tokenAss>2){ autoanswer="show ass is "+tokenAss+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(tokenDoggy>3){ autoanswer="Tip "+tokenDoggy+" tks for doggy, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else { autoanswer="If you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } } else if(!isTip && !tipmenuActive){ autoanswer="If you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerass=1; cb.setTimeout(resetass, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("squirt") !== -1 ) && (timersquirt == 0|| isTip==true) ) { if(cb.settings.nottipmenu_squirt=="no"){ } else { autoanswer="For Squirt Tip "+tokenSquirt+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersquirt=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsquirt, (4 * 60000 )); } } } else if((msgm.indexOf("pussy") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("muschi") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("vagina") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("cunt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" peach") !== -1) && timerpussy == 0){ if(cb.settings.nottipmenu_pussy=='no'){ autoanswer="please tip for my goal, to see my pussy"; } else if(tipmenuActive && tokenPussy>1){ autoanswer="show pussy is "+tokenPussy+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerpussy=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpussy, (3 * 60000 )); } } else if(( msgm.indexOf(" bj") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("bj ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("blowjob") !== -1 ) && (timerbj == 0 || isTip==true)) { if(tipmenuActive && tokenBJ>1){ autoanswer="blowjob is "+tokenBJ+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerbj=1; cb.setTimeout(resetbj, (4 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("ass") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("botty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("booty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("butt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" bum") !== -1) && timerass == 0 && msgm.indexOf("password") == -1 ){ if(tipmenuActive && tokenAss>2){ autoanswer="show ass is "+tokenAss+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerass=1; cb.setTimeout(resetass, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("foot") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("feet") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toes") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("soles") !== -1) && (timerfeet == 0 || isTip==true) ){ if(tipmenuActive && tokenFeet>1){ autoanswer="show feet is "+tokenFeet+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerfeet=1; cb.setTimeout(resetfeet, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("how much") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("panty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("panties") !== -1) && (timersellpanties==0 || isTip==true)&&bioPanties=="no"){ autoanswer="I sell my panties for 1250 tks "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersellpanties=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsellpanties, (5 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("strip") !== -1 || (msgm.indexOf("naked") !== -1 ) || (msgm.indexOf("undress") !== -1 )) && (timerstrip == 0 || isTip==true) ) { if(tipmenuActive && tokenStrip>1){ var autoanswerboobs=''; var autoanswerpanties =''; if(tokenBoobs>1){ autoanswerboobs=" or just naked tits "+tokenBoobs; } if(tokenPanties>1){ autoanswerpanties =" or panties off "+tokenPanties; } autoanswer="Strip Dance is "+tokenStrip+" tks."+autoanswerboobs+autoanswerpanties; } else { autoanswer="I will get naked, if I want it myself. "; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerstrip=1; cb.setTimeout(resetstrip, (3 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("oil") !== -1 ) && (timeroil == 0 || isTip==true)) { if(tipmenuActive && tokenOil > 1){ autoanswer="Oil Show is "+tokenOil+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timeroil=1; cb.setTimeout(resetoil, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("socks") !== -1 ) && (timersocks == 0 || isTip==true)) { if(tipmenuActive && tokenSocks>1){ autoanswer="Wear Socks is "+tokenSocks+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersocks=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsocks, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("dildo") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toy") !== -1 ) && (timerdildo == 0 || isTip==true)) { if(cb.settings.nottipmenu_dildo=='dildo'){ autoanswer='on my goal I will use dildo, please tip for my goal :)'; } else if(tipmenuActive && tokenDildo>1){ autoanswer="Use Dildo is "+tokenDildo+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerdildo=1; cb.setTimeout(resetdildo, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("prvt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pvt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("private") !== -1) && (timerpvt==0 || isTip==true) && tokenPvt>4){ //autoanswer="private is "+tokenPvt+" tokens / min, Please read my bio first, before you request privat. You see there some information what I do in private."; autoanswer="private is "+tokenPvt+" tokens / min, Please read my bio first, before you request privat."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerpvt=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpvt, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("face") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("eyes") !== -1) && (timerface==0 || isTip==true)){ if(cb.settings.bioFace=="private only"){ autoanswer="I will show my Face only in private!"; if(tokenPvt>3){ autoanswer+=" private is "+tokenPvt+" tokens / min"; } } else if(cb.settings.bioFace=="no"){ autoanswer="I dont show my face !"; } else if(cb.settings.bioFace=="yes"){ var noPussyReason=["Yes, I am showing my face, I am not hiding it.","I am not hiding my face.","Yes, I show my face on stream."]; autoanswer=noPussyReason[getRandomInt(0,noPussyReason.length-1)]; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerface=1; cb.setTimeout(resetface, (3 * 60000 )); } } else { return 0; } } else if((msgm.indexOf("socks") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf("wear") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("get") !== -1) && msgm.indexOf("white") !== -1 ) && (timersocks == 0 || isTip==true)) { if(tipmenuActive && tokenSocks>1){ autoanswer="Wear Socks is "+tokenSocks+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersocks=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsocks, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if(club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]==0 && (msgm.indexOf("doggy") !== -1 /*|| msgm.indexOf("spread") !== -1*/)){ if(tipmenuActive && tokenDoggy>3){ var autoanswer="Tip "+tokenDoggy+" tks for doggy. See /tipmenu for more information"; } else { autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); timernodemands=1; cb.setTimeout(resetnodemands, (15 * 60000 )); } else if((msgm.indexOf("buy") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("sell") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("thong") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("panty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("panties") !== -1) && (timersellpanties==0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="I dont sell panties! "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersellpanties=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsellpanties, (5 * 60000 )); } } else if((((msgm.indexOf("natural") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("real") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("fake") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("boob")!== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tit")!== -1 || msgm.indexOf("breast")!== -1)) || msgm.indexOf("all natural")!== -1) && (timernatural == 0 || isTip==true) && bioNatur=="yes"){ if((msgm.indexOf("boob")!== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tit")!== -1 ) && getRandomInt(0,2)==0){ autoanswer=":naturaltits_byfmister "; } else { autoanswer=":natural100 "; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timernatural=1; cb.setTimeout(resetnatural, (5 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("toy") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("your toy") == -1 || msgm.indexOf("nice") == -1 || msgm.indexOf("good") == -1 || msgm.indexOf("cool") == -1 ) && (timertoy == 0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="please read bio about the toys, that I'm using "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timertoy=1; cb.setTimeout(resettoy, (8 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("sport") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("work out") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("workout") !== -1 || (msgm.indexOf("gym") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf("visit") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("to") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("in ") !== -1 )) || (msgm.indexOf("athlete") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("you") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("are") !== -1) ) && (timersport == 0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="I don't sports at all."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersport=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsport, (8 * 60000 )); } } /*else if((msgm.indexOf(" bb ") !== -1) || (msgm.endsWith(" bb") ) && (timerbb == 0 || isTip==true) && cb.settings.blockdirty=="yes"){ autoanswer=":nobb "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerbb=1; cb.setTimeout(resetbb, (10 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("babe") !== -1) || (msgm.endsWith(" bb") ) && (timerbb == 0 || isTip==true) && cb.settings.blockdirty=="yes"){ autoanswer=":nobb "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerbb=1; cb.setTimeout(resetbb, (11 * 60000 )); } }*/ else if((msgm.indexOf("tattoo") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tatoo") !== -1) && (timertattoo == 0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="I have no tattoo. "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timertattoo=1; cb.setTimeout(resettattoo, (11 * 60000 )); } } else if(((msgm.indexOf("fingering") !== -1) || (msgm.indexOf("finger") !== -1 && msgm.indexOf("pussy") !== -1)) && (timerfinger == 0 || isTip==true)){ if(showPussy=="no" && tokenFinger<1){ autoanswer="I don't finger my pussy"; } else if(tokenFinger>1){ autoanswer="Finger my Pussy is "+tokenFinger+" tokens, see /tipmenu for more info"; } else { autoanswer="if you have a request, ask it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerfinger=1; cb.setTimeout(resetfinger, (3 * 60000 )); } } else if(((msgm.indexOf("where") !== -1) && msgm.indexOf("from") !== -1 && (msgm.indexOf("you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" u ") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("she") !== -1)) && (timerrussia == 0 || isTip==true) && bioFrom.length>1){ autoanswer="I am from "+bioFrom; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerrussia=1; cb.setTimeout(resetrussia, (5 * 60000 )); } } else if(((msgm.indexOf("song") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("request") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("other song pls") !== -1 ) ) && (timersongrequest == 0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="No Song requests, sorry. I am the DJ here :dj_max "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersongrequest=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsongrequest, (20 * 60000 )); } } else if(((msgm.indexOf("video") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("custom") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("personalized") !== -1 ) ) && (timervidc == 0 || isTip==true)){ autoanswer="Send me your request in tipnote, if you want a custom video "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timervidc=1; cb.setTimeout(resetvidc, (20 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("prvt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pvt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("private") !== -1) && (timerpvt==0 || isTip==true)){ if(msgm.indexOf("how much") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("price") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("token") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tkn") !== -1){ autoanswer="private is "+tokenPvt+" tokens / min."; } else { autoanswer="Usually I do private only on the end of my shows.."; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerpvt=1; cb.setTimeout(resetpvt, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((message.length<2 || (message.length==2 && (msgm.indexOf("pls") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("please") !== -1)) )&& msgi.indexOf(":") == -1 && (msgm.indexOf("menu") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pussy") !== -1 || (msgm.indexOf("ass") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("botty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("strip") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("booty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("butt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" bum") !== -1) || ( msgm.indexOf("boob") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tit") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("breast") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("topless") !== -1) || (msgm.indexOf("feet") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toes") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("soles") !== -1) || msgm.indexOf("naked") !== -1 ) && (timersentence==0 || isTip==true)){ if( (msgm.indexOf("boobs") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("boobies") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("tits") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("breast") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("topless") !== -1) && timerboobs == 0){ autoanswer_tits(msg, isTip) } else if((msgm.indexOf("ass") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("botty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("booty") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("butt") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf(" bum") !== -1) && timerass == 0 && msgm.indexOf("password") == -1){ //TODO:HIER WEITER tipmenuActive if(tipmenuActive){ autoanswer="show ass is "+tokenAss+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerass=1; cb.setTimeout(resetass, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("squirt") !== -1 ) && (timersquirt == 0|| isTip==true) ) { autoanswer="For Squirt Tip "+tokenSquirt+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timersquirt=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsquirt, (3 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("feet") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("toes") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("soles") !== -1) && timerfeet == 0){ if(tipmenuActive){ autoanswer="show feet is "+tokenFeet+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information."; } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="if you have a request, send it in tipnote pls, if I feel like it, I will do it."; } else { return; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerfeet=1; cb.setTimeout(resetfeet, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if((msgm.indexOf("menu") !== -1) && timertipmenu == 0){ if(!stopbot){ cb.cancelTimeout(id_chatAd); id_chatAd=cb.setTimeout(chatAd, (chat_ad * 60000)); } chatAd1(''); timertipmenu=1; cb.setTimeout(resettipmenu, (3 * 60000 )); } else if((msgm.indexOf("strip") !== -1 ) && (timerstrip == 0 || isTip==true)) { if(tipmenuActive){ autoanswer="Strip tease is "+tokenStrip+" tks, see /tipmenu for more information"; } else { autoanswer="I will get naked, if I want it myself. "; } checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, true, false, isTip); if(!isTip){ timerstrip=1; cb.setTimeout(resetstrip, (2 * 60000 )); } } else if(!isTip){ autoanswer="try it with full sentence "; checkgrey(msg, autoanswer, false, true, isTip); timersentence=1; cb.setTimeout(resetsentence, (2 * 60000 )); } } else { return 0; } return 1; } function isDirtytalk(msgm){ /*if(cb.settings.blockdirty=="no"){ return false; }*/ var intWant = msgm.indexOf("wanna"); var tmpW = msgm.indexOf("want to"); if(tmpW > intWant){intWant=tmpW;} var isDirty = false; isDirty= isDirty || (msgm.indexOf("fuck you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("ride you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("lick you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("my dick") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("my cock") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("cum over") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("jerk off") !== -1 ); isDirty= isDirty || ((msgm.indexOf("sniff") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("taste") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("smell") !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("ass") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("pussy") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("feet") !== -1) && ( msgm.indexOf("you") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("that") !== -1) ); isDirty= isDirty || ((msgm.indexOf("my cum") !== -1) || (msgm.indexOf(" me cum") !== -1)); isDirty= isDirty || ((msgm.indexOf("sex with you") !== -1) || (msgm.indexOf("precum") !== -1)); isDirty= isDirty || (msgm.indexOf("hard dick") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("hard cock") !== -1); isDirty= isDirty || (msgm.indexOf("butter face") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("butterface") !== -1 || msgm.indexOf("but her face") !== -1); isDirty= isDirty || ((intWant !== -1) && (msgm.indexOf("fuck") > intWant || msgm.indexOf("cum") > intWant )); //getting making hard intWant = msgm.indexOf("getting"); if(intWant!== -1){isDirty= isDirty || ((msgm.indexOf("hard") > intWant) && (msgm.indexOf("hard") < intWant+21)); } intWant = msgm.indexOf("making"); if(intWant!== -1){isDirty= isDirty || ((msgm.indexOf("hard") > intWant) && (msgm.indexOf("hard") < intWant+21)); } intWant = msgm.indexOf("make me"); if(intWant!== -1){isDirty= isDirty || ((msgm.indexOf("hard") > intWant) && (msgm.indexOf("hard") < intWant+21)); } return isDirty; } function isSpam(text, nick){ if(text.indexOf("")!==-1 || text.indexOf("sex club")!==-1 || text.indexOf("cam2cam")!==-1 || text.indexOf("free sex")!==-1 || text.indexOf("my room")!==-1 || text.indexOf("see me")!==-1 || text.indexOf("watch me")!==-1 ||text.indexOf("sex dating")!==-1 || text.replace(/ /g, '').indexOf("c2c")!==-1 || text.indexOf("tayrona giveaway")!==-1 || text.indexOf("plentime giveaway")!==-1 || text.indexOf("(delete space)")!==-1 || text.indexOf("")!==-1 || text.indexOf("")!==-1 || text.indexOf("")!==-1 ){ return true; } else if(/*club[id[nick]][SENTENCECOUNTER]<3 &&*/ text.length < 10 && (text.indexOf("look")!==-1 || text.indexOf("visit")!==-1 || text.indexOf("check")!==-1 || text.indexOf("see")!==-1 || text.indexOf("profil")!==-1)){ return true;//visit check see } else if(text.indexOf("slut")!==-1 || text.indexOf("bitch")!==-1 || text.indexOf("whore")!==-1){ return true;//rude words } else if((text.indexOf("fuck7me.c")!==-1 && text.indexOf("free")!==-1) || text.indexOf("")!==-1 ){ return true; } else { return false; } } cb.onEnter (function(user) { if (cb.settings['msgonentry'] == 'yes') { cb.sendNotice('Welcome ' + user['user'] + '! ' + cb.settings['msg1'],user['user'],'',cb.settings['msgcolor'],'bold'); } initializeUser(user['user'],user['has_tokens'], user['tipped_recently'], user['tipped_alot_recently'],user['tipped_tons_recently'],user['gender']); club[id[user['user']]][ONLINESTATUS] = 1; usercount++; if (club[id[user['user']]][CLUBTYPE] == 'Cherry King'){ cb.sendNotice('Cherry King Member ' + user['user'] + ' has entered the room!', cb.room_slug, '#F30129', '#ffffff', 'bold'); cb.sendNotice('Cherry King Member ' + user['user'] + ' has entered the room!', author, '#F30129', '#ffffff', 'bold'); } else if(club[id[user['user']]][CLUBTYPE] == 'warning'){ //cb.sendNotice('WARNING: ' + user['user'] + ' has entered the room!', author, '#F30129', '#ffffff', 'bold'); club[id[user['user']]][SILENCE]=2; } else if(club[id[user['user']]][CLUBTYPE] == 'friend'){ cb.sendNotice('FRIEND: ' + user['user'] + ' has entered the room!', author, '#F30129', '#ffffff', 'bold'); club[id[user['user']]][SILENCE]=0; } if(user['user'] == 'calidum_nox'){ club[id[user['user']]][SILENCE]=0; } if(user['is_mod']){ modcount++; } }); cb.onLeave(function(user) { initializeUser(user['user'],user['has_tokens'], user['tipped_recently'], user['tipped_alot_recently'],user['tipped_tons_recently'],user['gender']); club[id[user['user']]][ONLINESTATUS] = 0; if(usercount>0){ usercount--; } if (club[id[user['user']]][CLUBTYPE] == 'Cherry King'){ cb.sendNotice('Cherry King Member ' + user['user'] + ' has left the room!', cb.room_slug, '#35335C', '#ffffff', 'bold'); cb.sendNotice('Cherry King Member ' + user['user'] + ' has left the room!', author, '#35335C', '#ffffff', 'bold'); } if(user['is_mod']){ if(modcount>0){ modcount--; } } }); function statisticTokenOverTime () { var str="Token every half hour:" for (i = 0; i < timeCounter+1; i++) { str+="\n "+i+" --- "+tksOverTime[i]; } return str; } function highTipKingAd () { cb.sendNotice("Be the High Tip King: tip "+HighTipKingToken+", or more to replace "+HighTipKingName+" as the new High Tip King, and wear the high tip "+highTipKingGif,'','#E7CDFD','#9A1D9A','bold') if(stopbot){ cb.setTimeout(highTipKingAd, (27* 60000)); } else { cb.setTimeout(highTipKingAd, (getRandomInt(17,20)* 60000)); } } function showStatistic(){ var femaleUser = 0; var maleUser = 0; var coupleUser = 0; var transUser = 0; var userCounter = idCounter; var lightblueUser = 0; var darkblueUser = 0; var lightviolettUser = 0; var darkviolettUser = 0; for (i = 0; i < idCounter; i++) { switch(club[i][GENDER]){ case 'f': { femaleUser++; break; } case 'm': { maleUser++; break; } case 'c': { coupleUser++; break; } case 't': { transUser++; break; } case 'u': { userCounter--; continue; break; } } if(club[i][TIPPED_TONS_RECENTLY]){ darkviolettUser++; } else if(club[i][TIPPED_ALOT_RECENTLY]){ lightviolettUser++; } else if(club[i][TIPPED_RECENTLY]){ darkblueUser++; } else if(club[i][HAS_TOKENS]){ lightblueUser++; } } return("user visited you today : "+userCounter+" \n female: "+femaleUser+" \n male: "+maleUser+"\n couples: "+coupleUser+" \n trans: "+transUser+"\n --- --- \n light-blue: "+lightblueUser+"\n dark-blue: "+darkblueUser+"\n light-violett: "+lightviolettUser+"\n dark-violett: "+darkviolettUser ); } //TODO showOnlineUser function showOnlineUser(){ var answer = "online users : # "; for (i = 0; i < idCounter; i++) { if(club[i][ONLINESTATUS]==1){ if(club[i][CLUBTYPE]=="Cherry King" || club[i][CLUBTYPE]=="friend" || club[i][TOKENTIPS]>99){ answer += club[i][USERNAME] + " # "; } } } return(answer); } function onlineCounter() { var counter=0; for (var i = 0; i < idCounter; i++) { if(club[i][ONLINESTATUS]==1){ counter++; } } return counter; } function initializeUser(user, has_tokens, tipped_recently, tipped_alot_recently, tipped_tons_recently, gender) { if (typeof id[user] == 'undefined') { id[user] = idCounter; idCounter += 1; club[id[user]] = []; club[id[user]][USERNAME] = user; club[id[user]][USERID] = id[user]; club[id[user]][CLUBTYPE] = ''; club[id[user]][EMOJI] = ''; club[id[user]][TITLE] = ''; club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS] = 0; club[id[user]][SATISFY] = 0; club[id[user]][THXTOKEN] = 0; club[id[user]][ONLINESTATUS] = 0; club[id[user]][GOODWORDS] = 0; club[id[user]][BADWORDS] = 0; club[id[user]][WARNING] = 0; club[id[user]][DEMANDS] = 0; club[id[user]][LASTSENTENCE] = []; club[id[user]][LASTSENTENCETIME] = []; club[id[user]][SILENCE] = 0; updateUser(user, has_tokens, tipped_recently, tipped_alot_recently, tipped_tons_recently, gender); } else if(club[id[user]][GENDER] == 'u'){ updateUser(user, has_tokens, tipped_recently, tipped_alot_recently, tipped_tons_recently, gender); } } function updateUser(user, has_tokens, tipped_recently, tipped_alot_recently, tipped_tons_recently, gender){ club[id[user]][HAS_TOKENS] = has_tokens; club[id[user]][TIPPED_RECENTLY] = tipped_recently; club[id[user]][TIPPED_ALOT_RECENTLY] = tipped_alot_recently; club[id[user]][TIPPED_TONS_RECENTLY] = tipped_tons_recently; club[id[user]][GENDER] = gender; if(has_tokens==true && tipped_recently==false && tipped_alot_recently==false && tipped_tons_recently==false && gender =="f" ){ club[id[user]][SILENCE] = 2; } } function makeCherryKing(user){ club[id[user]][CLUBTYPE] = 'Cherry King'; //TODO: gif club[id[user]][EMOJI] = ":chkk0"+getRandomInt(1,5)+" "; //club[id[user]][EMOJI] = ":chkk0suka "; //club[id[user]][SILENCE] = 0; } function isCherryKing(user){ if (club[id[user]][CLUBTYPE] == 'Cherry King') { return true; } else { return false; } } function cherryKingStartup() { cb.log("initializing cherry king members"); initializeUser(cb.room_slug,true, false, false, false, 'f'); club[id[cb.room_slug]][ONLINESTATUS] = 1; club[id[cb.room_slug]][SILENCE]=1; if (clubList) { var clubSettings = clubList.split(','); for (i = 0; i < clubSettings.length; i++) { var username = clubSettings[i].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,""); initializeUser(username,true, false, false, false, 'u'); makeCherryKing(username); } } cb.log("finished initializing cherry king members"); } function isCherryOnline(){ if(club[id[cb.room_slug]][ONLINESTATUS]==1){ return true; } else { return false; } } function abstUserStartup(list, clubtypestr) { if (list) { var clubSettings = list.split(','); for (i = 0; i < clubSettings.length; i++) { var username = clubSettings[i].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,""); initializeUser(username,false, false, false, false, 'u'); club[id[username]][CLUBTYPE]=clubtypestr; if(clubtypestr=="warning"){ club[id[username]][SILENCE]=2; } else if(clubtypestr=="friend"){ club[id[username]][SILENCE]=0; } } } } function makeMsgPretty(msg){ var user = msg['user']; msg['m'] = msg['m'].replace(/m{4,}/g, "mmm").replace(/a{4,}/g, "aaa").replace(/o{4,}/g, "ooo"); initializeUser(user, msg['has_tokens'], msg['tipped_recently'], msg['tipped_alot_recently'],msg['tipped_tons_recently'],msg['gender']); if (club[id[user]][CLUBTYPE] == 'Cherry King') { msg['background'] = '#fffdfe'; msg['m'] = club[id[user]][EMOJI] + msg['m']; } else { msg['m'] = msg['m'].replace(/daddy/g, "d***"); } if (club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]>5898){ msg['background']="#EbEcF9"; } else if (club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]>2388){ msg['background']="#F2F2FC"; } else if(club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]>1111){ msg['background']="#f6f7ff"; } else if(club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]>666){ msg['background']="#f9faff"; } else if(club[id[user]][TOKENTIPS]>211){ msg['background']="#fcfbff"; } msg['f'] = 'Consolas, Monaco, "Roboto Mono", "Courier New", monospace'; /*if(user==HighTipKingName){ msg['m'] = highTipKingGif + msg['m']; }*/ return msg; } function verschluessele(Urtext){ var alleZeichen="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ :,.?!/()1234567890><"; var Schluessel="GNUA!/OBPWC :,.?()1782YE34HV56I90JQXDKRLS><ZFMT"; var Codiert=""; var Stelle; Urtext = Urtext.toUpperCase(); for (i=0; i < Urtext.length ; i++ ) { Stelle= alleZeichen.indexOf(Urtext.charAt(i)); if (Stelle > -1){ Codiert = Codiert + Schluessel.charAt(Stelle); } else{ Codiert = Codiert + Urtext.charAt(i); } } return Codiert; }// Ende der Funktion function entschluessele(Vt){ var Vtext=Vt.toUpperCase(); var alleZeichen="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ :,.?!/()1234567890><"; var Schluessel="GNUA!/OBPWC :,.?()1782YE34HV56I90JQXDKRLS><ZFMT"; var Decodiert=""; var Stelle; for (i=0; i < Vtext.length ; i++ ) { Stelle = Schluessel.indexOf(Vtext.charAt(i)); if (Stelle > -1) { Decodiert = Decodiert + alleZeichen.charAt(Stelle); } else { Decodiert = Decodiert + Vtext.charAt(i); } } return Decodiert; }// Ende der Funktion /** * Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive) */ function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } /*//TODO: demanding user stratagy function userDemands(msg){ }*/ init();
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