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cb.settings_choices = [ {name:'blockwords', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label: 'words to block, seperated by commas (only letters and commas allowed here, if it has a hyphen or something, leave it out, the bot will still catch it if its included by the person trying to say it)'}, {name:'trustlist', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'users to send notices to when a blocked word is used in chat, seperated by commas (be sure to include your username!)'}, {name:'fortunes', type:'choice', choice1:'enable fortunes', choice2:'i am a loser who hates fun, no fortunes', defaultValue:'enable fortunes', label:'Have Fortunes appear on entry or when typing #fortune?'}, {name:'greyfilter', type:'choice', choice1:'make greys vibrate at 432HZ', choice2:'leave greys how they are', defaultValue:'make greys vibrate at 432HZ', label:'Change demanding grey language into hillarious new-age nonsense?'}, {name:'full', type:'str', required:false,maxLength:15,label:'secret options'} ]; var thing = cb.settings.blockwords; if (thing != undefined){ var blockwords = cb.settings.blockwords; blockwords = blockwords.replace(' ',''); blockwords = blockwords.toLowerCase(); blockwords = blockwords.split(','); var trustlist = cb.settings.trustlist; trustlist = trustlist.replace(' ',''); trustlist = trustlist.split(','); var fort = false; var greyf = false; var full = false; var blocklist = []; function regconst(c){ if (c == 'a'){ return '[aA#4]+[^A-Za-z]*'} if (c == 'b'){ return '[bB8]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'c'){ return '[cC]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'd'){ return '[dD]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'e'){ return '[eE3]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'f'){ return '[fF]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'g'){ return '[gG]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'h'){ return '[hH]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'i'){ return '[iI\\|l]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'j'){ return '[jJ]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'k'){ return '[kK]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'l'){ return '[lLI\\|]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'm'){ return '[mM]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'n'){ return '[nN]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'o'){ return '[oO0]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'p'){ return '[pP]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'q'){ return '[qQ]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'r'){ return '[rR]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 's'){ return '[sS5]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 't'){ return '[tT\\+]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'u'){ return '[uUvV]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'v'){ return '[vV]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'w'){ return '[wW]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'x'){ return '[xX]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'y'){ return '[yY]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} if (c == 'z'){ return '[zZ]+[^a-zA-Z]*'} } for (i = 0; i < blockwords.length; i++){ var reg = '^'; var reg2 = '\\s'; for (j = 0; j < blockwords[i].length; j++){ reg += regconst(blockwords[i][j]); reg2 += regconst(blockwords[i][j]); } blocklist.push(new RegExp(reg)); blocklist.push(new RegExp(reg2)); } } if (cb.settings.fortunes == 'enable fortunes'){ fort = true;} if (cb.settings.greyfilter == 'make greys vibrate at 432HZ'){ greyf = true;} if (cb.settings.full == 'FUCKYEAH'){ full = true;} var g1 = /su?ck/gi; var gr1 = ' elevate'; var g2 = /show/gi; var gr2 = ' re-ionize'; var g3 = /\sass/gi; var gr3 = ' pineal gland'; var g4 = /dick/gi; var gr4 = ' chakras'; var g5 = /cock/gi; var gr5 = ' akashic record'; var g6 = /nipples*/gi; var gr6 = ' karma'; var g7 = /fu?c?k/gi; var gr7 = ' vibrate'; var g8 = /lic+k?/gi; var gr8 = ' decalcify'; var g9 = /boy/gi; var gr9 = ' life traveler'; var g10 = /guys/gi; var gr10 = ' children of gaia'; var g11 = /hole/gi; var gr11 = ' crystals'; var g12 = /twink/gi; var gr12 = ' starchild'; var g13 = /feet/gi; var gr13 = ' vibrations'; var g14 = /cum/gi; var gr14 = ' loosh'; var g15 = /baby/gi; var gr15 = ' fellow traveler'; var g16 = /spread/gi; var gr16 = ' energize'; var g17 = /mouth/gi; var gr17 = ' aural messenger'; var g18 = /\(?\d\d\d[\)-\.]*\d\d\d[-\.]*\d\d\d\d/gi; var gr18 = ' my astral home'; var g19 = /pls/gi; var gr19 = ' kindly'; var g20 = /plz/gi; var gr20 = ' kindly'; var g21 = /please/gi; var gr21 = ' kindly'; var g22 = /touch/gi; var gr22 = ' heal'; var g23 = /bby?/gi; var gr23 = ' fellow wanderer'; var g24 = /\shot/gi; var gr24 = ' awakened'; var g25 = /sexy/gi; var gr25 = ' empathic'; var g26 = /finger/gi; var gr26 = ' stimulate'; var g27 = /mmm+/gi; var gr27 = ' namaste,'; var g28 = /penis/gi; var gr28 = ' electrons'; var g29 = /have sex/gi; var gr29 = ' awaken'; var g30 = /sex/gi; var gr30 = ' awakening'; var g31 = /smell/gi; var gr31 = ' unveil'; var g32 = /cute/gi; var gr32 = ' evolved'; var g33 = /blow/gi; var gr33 = ' respect'; var g34 = /butt/gi; var gr34 = ' kundalini'; var g35 = /eat/gi; var gr35 = ' enlighten'; var g36 = /breed/gi; var gr36 = ' evolve'; var g37 = /hard/gi; var gr37 = ' elevated'; var g37 = /taint/gi; var gr38 = ' nirvana'; var g38 = /balls/gi; var gr38 = ' aura'; var g39 = /taste/gi; var gr39 = ' channel'; var g40 = /jerk off/gi; var gr40 = 'initiate'; var g41 = /jerk/gi; var gr41 = ' initiate'; var g42 = /anus/gi; var gr42 = ' soul-vessel'; var g43 = /horny/gi; var gr43 = ' self-realized'; var g44 = /www/gi; var gr44 = ''; var g45 = /https?/gi; var gr45 = ''; var g46 = /[^a-zA-Z]com[^a-zA-Z]/gi; var gr46 = ' namaste'; var g47 = /guy/gi; var gr47 = ' child of gaia'; var g48 = /anal/gi; var gr48 = ' soul'; var g49 = /[^a-zA-Z]com$/gi; var gr49 = ' namaste'; var gwords = [g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7,g8,g9,g10,g11,g12,g13,g14,g15,g16,g17,g18,g19,g20,g21,g22,g23,g24,g25,g26,g27,g28,g29,g30,g31,g32,g33,g34,g35,g36,g37,g38,g39,g40,g41,g42,g43,g44,g45,g46,g47,g48,g49] var grepla = [gr1,gr2,gr3,gr4,gr5,gr6,gr7,gr8,gr9,gr10,gr11,gr12,gr13,gr14,gr15,gr16,gr17,gr18,gr19,gr20,gr21,gr22,gr23,gr24,gr25,gr26,gr27,gr28,gr29,gr30,gr31,gr32,gr33,gr34,gr35,gr36,gr37,gr38,gr39,gr40,gr41,gr42,gr43,gr44,gr45,gr46,gr47,gr48,gr49] var w1 = /su?ck/gi; var wr1 = ' clothesline'; var w2 = /show/gi; var wr2 = ' rko'; var w3 = /\sass/gi; var wr3 = ' rear rockets'; var w4 = /dick/gi; var wr4 = ' python'; var w5 = /cock/gi; var wr5 = ' tower of power'; var w6 = /nipples*/gi; var wr6 = ' biceps'; var w7 = /fu?c?k/gi; var wr7 = ' piledrive'; var w8 = /lic+k?/gi; var wr8 = ' elbow smash'; var w9 = /boy/gi; var wr9 = ' little dude'; var w10 = /guys/gi; var wr10 = ' machomaniacs'; var w11 = /hole/gi; var wr11 = ' danger zone'; var w12 = /twink/gi; var wr12 = ' bookie'; var w13 = /feet/gi; var wr13 = ' slim jim'; var w14 = /cum/gi; var wr14 = ' machomania'; var w15 = /baby/gi; var wr15 = ' brother'; var w16 = /spread/gi; var wr16 = ' dragon kick'; var w17 = /mouth/gi; var wr17 = ' concussion'; var w18 = /\(?\d\d\d[\)-\.]*\d\d\d[-\.]*\d\d\d\d/gi; var wr18 = ' watashi'; var w19 = /pls/gi; var wr19 = ' oh yeaaah'; var w20 = /plz/gi; var wr20 = ' oh yeaaah'; var w21 = /please/gi; var wr21 = ' oh yeaaah'; var w22 = /touch/gi; var wr22 = ' nuzzle'; var w23 = /bby?/gi; var wr23 = ' brother'; var w24 = /\shot/gi; var wr24 = ' shredded'; var w25 = /sexy/gi; var wr25 = ' ripped'; var w26 = /finger/gi; var wr26 = ' forearm smash'; var w27 = /mmm+/gi; var wr27 = ' oh yeaaaaah'; var w28 = /penis/gi; var wr28 = ' steel chair'; var w29 = /have sex/gi; var wr29 = ' go to wrestlemania'; var w30 = /sex/gi; var wr30 = ' wrestlemania'; var w31 = /smell/gi; var wr31 = ' headbutt'; var w32 = /cute/gi; var wr32 = ' ripped'; var w33 = /blow/gi; var wr33 = ' leg drop'; var w34 = /butt/gi; var wr34 = ' ladder'; var w35 = /eat/gi; var wr35 = ' body slam'; var w36 = /breed/gi; var wr36 = ' finish'; var w37 = /hard/gi; var wr37 = ' shredded'; var w37 = /taint/gi; var wr38 = ' table'; var w38 = /balls/gi; var wr38 = ' biceps'; var w39 = /taste/gi; var wr39 = ' argentine back breaker'; var w40 = /jerk off/gi; var wr40 = ' rko'; var w41 = /jerk/gi; var wr41 = ' rko'; var w42 = /anus/gi; var wr42 = ' ladder'; var w43 = /horny/gi; var wr43 = ' ripped'; var w44 = /www/gi; var wr44 = ''; var w45 = /https?/gi; var wr45 = ''; var w46 = /[^a-za-z]com[^a-za-z]/gi; var wr46 = ''; var w47 = /guy/gi; var wr47 = ' machomaniac'; var w48 = /anal/gi; var wr48 = ' lariat spin'; var w49 = /[^a-za-z]com$/gi; var wr49 = ''; var wwords = [w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7,w8,w9,w10,w11,w12,w13,w14,w15,w16,w17,w18,w19,w20,w21,w22,w23,w24,w25,w26,w27,w28,w29,w30,w31,w32,w33,w34,w35,w36,w37,w38,w39,w40,w41,w42,w43,w44,w45,w46,w47,w48,w49] var wrepla = [wr1,wr2,wr3,wr4,wr5,wr6,wr7,wr8,wr9,wr10,wr11,wr12,wr13,wr14,wr15,wr16,wr17,wr18,wr19,wr20,wr21,wr22,wr23,wr24,wr25,wr26,wr27,wr28,wr29,wr30,wr31,wr32,wr33,wr34,wr35,wr36,wr37,wr38,wr39,wr40,wr41,wr42,wr43,wr44,wr45,wr46,wr47,wr48,wr49] var hatelist = []; var mercy = []; var word1 = /faggot/gi; var repla1 = ' cutie'; var word2 = /sammy/gi; var repla2 = ' Newt Gingrich'; var word8 = /fam\s/gi; var repla8 = ' senpai'; var word10 = /4chan/gi; var repla10 = " Ebaum's World"; var word11 = /rape/gi; var repla11 = ' berserk'; var word12 = /\scum/gi; var repla12 = ' spunk'; var word13 = /shirley/gi; var repla13 = ' our infalliable leader'; var word14 = /chaturbate/gi; var repla14 = ' our infalliable platform'; var word15 = /f4f/gi; var repla15 = ' motherless'; var word16 = /flirt4free/gi; var repla16 = ' motherless'; var word17 = /cam4/gi; var repla17 = ' zootube'; var word19 = /fortnite/gi; var repla19 = ' battletoads'; var word22 = /retarded/gi; var repla22 = ' baka'; var word23 = /meme/gi; var repla23 = ' cliche'; var word24 = /mmm+/gi; var repla24 = ' awwooo~'; var word27 = /\sbb/gi; var repla26 = ' broseph'; var word26 = /\sbby/gi; var repla27 = ' broski'; var word28 = /small dick/gi; var repla28 = ' big heart'; var word29 = /fag/gi; var repla29 = ' cutie'; var word31 = /shane hall/gi; var repla31 = ' Elon Musk'; var word32 = /nigga/gi; var repla32 = ' gamer'; var word33 = /small cock/gi; var repla33 = ' big heart'; var word34 = /little dick/gi; var repla34 = ' big heart'; var word35 = /little cock/gi; var repla35 = ' big heart'; var word37 = /uncut/gi; var repla37 = ' totally shredded bro'; var word39 = /c2c/gi; var repla39 = ' buy a dog'; var word40 = /breed/gi; var repla40 = ' duel'; var word44 = /johnny stone/gi; var repla44 = ' Seth Rogen'; var word45 = /retard/gi; var repla45 = ' baka'; var word46 = /whatsapp/gi; var repla46 = ' orangutan'; var nofilter = []; var words = [word1, word2, word8, word10, word11, word12, word13, word14, word15, word16, word17, word19, word22, word23, word24, word26, word27, word28, word29, word31, word32, word33, word34, word35, word37, word39, word40, word44, word45, word46]; var repla = [repla1, repla2, repla8, repla10, repla11, repla12, repla13, repla14, repla15, repla16, repla17, repla19, repla22, repla23, repla24, repla26, repla27, repla28, repla29, repla31, repla32, repla33, repla34, repla35, repla37, repla39, repla40, repla44, repla45, repla46]; var cltst = /[\/:]/; if (full == true){ for (i = 0; i < words; i++){ gwords.push(words[i]); grepla.push(repla[i]); } } var fortunes = ['godly luck', 'you will meet a dark, handsome stranger', 'good news will come to you by mail', 'outlook good', 'excellent luck', 'reply hazy, try again', ",';^3", 'average luck', 'COCKS EVERYWHERE', 'no balcony? no problem!', 'no one can beat the fabulous four', 'silly hats ONLY', 'buy my product', 'for safety reasons, do not watch underwater', 'watch out for strange men with mice', 'avoid bees', 'your luck will improve soon', 'your recent ventures are looking good!', 'do a barrel roll!', 'the girls are preparing, please wait warmly', 'your luck is shifting', 'stay out of the woods when they are on fire', 'youre ten times more likely to be bitten by a human than a rat', 'average luck', 'average luck',, 'excellent luck', 'reply hazy, try again', 'if you have to ask, its racist', 'fighting a cockatrice is a rocky proposition', 'all the light touches is our kingdom', 'godly luck', 'average luck', 'excellent luck', 'outlook good', 'eat more pizza', 'stay pressed, homie', 'if you have a dog, feed it every day. but if you dont, then dont', 'fortune favors the bold', 'fortune favors the bold', 'good news will come to you by mail', 'better not tell you now', 'better not tell you now', 'i dont know if you were aware, but i am a doctor', 'no matter how crazy you are, people will still hear you if you yell loud enough', 'try putting hot cocoa in your coffee', 'guacamole is good on more things than youd expect', 'peanut butter is actually pretty good on burgers', 'your card is... the ace of clubs!', 'shit, where did i put my keys?', 'florida doesnt count as part of the east coast', 'the secret to succesful online business is a fortune app', 'a banana is fine for breakfast', 'no matter how friendly it may sound, never accept a winnipeg handshake', 'its always darkest before you pay the electric bill', 'with a good enough excuse, you can never lose!', "if the show is startin' dont be departin'", 'using mouthwash before brushing is more effective that using it after', 'bear puns are prohibernated, violators will meet a grizzly fate', 'i have never once had a curly mustache, please stop asking about it', 'fortnite is probably a fad, dont invest too much time learning it', 'i wonder if these sorts of things bother people', 'i am five feet and eleven and a half inches tall, the doctor measured me as six feet and it gave me a false boost of confidence, but after learning the truth, its lower than ever', 'if you came in to heckle, please be sure to make original quips','you do not know de way, seek da queen','get yourself together man, move to portland, get a loft, start a noise band, books some gigs, start some kind of salsa company','dark donald cant be defeated, dont even try','hypothetically, yes i could fight a bird, but imagine the emotional toll','silence may be a virtue, but dont be the type of asshole that gets virtues forced onto them','the real ejaculation is the friends you made along the way', 'yup, mmhmm, no doubt man, sure thing, cant deny it','your lucky numbers:6969696969696969','merula is a cute, a cute!!!','thats crazy man, have you ever tried dmt?','bitcoin is a bubble','jessie look up pictures of chimpanzees, look at the BALLS on that thing... thats crazy man...','adachi is the killer in persona 4','try and remember some of the basics of CQC','dont leave food in the fridge','you need to construct more pylons','im leaving you for opulent V, dont act suprised','just try to avoid ending up in a GIF','NEVER turn down a reverse pliskin drop','before avenging any fallen comrades, be sure to make sure your home appliances are turned off','soulja boy is being sued by nintendo of america','have you heard the tale of darth plagueis the wise?','the stairs to this place just lead off a cliff','just say "ronaldo" out loud, and he is sure to appear','what is a camboy? a miserable pile of tip menu items!','it is honorable to bow before combat, but there is no honor here','i always wear a seatbelt, not for my safety, but for the cars','everything i know i learned from the hulkster, brother','being silenced is painful, even if you dont know any spells','love yourself and the world will follow suit','slackware linux is the only holland house approved operating system','btw i use arch','ALWAYS bet dbz','every time someone says "DP" i always think of the dragon punch in street fighter','your feet are just the hands of your legs','dan schnieder','duck duck go is a better search engine than google, try it out!','what if kids ruled the schools...','shit dude, remember boxxy?','i put on my robe and wizard hat...','javascript is cool!','my product is better than the rest, i did not pay off any doctors to confirm this','humorous quip goes here','[PLACEHOLDER]','please come to brazil','mumble rap, mumble rap, can you make that booty clap?','read berserk','watch serial experiments lain','duke nukem forever will never EVER release! hehehehehe... wait, i-its already out...? oh gosh...','ps3 has no games','zaaaaaannnnnkooookuu no te-en-shi no yo oni, shooo-oooo-nen yo-o shinwa ni-ee naaarrreeeeeee...','get in the fucking robot shinji','everythings an inuendo if youre looking hard enough','find disastrous dan, he will show you the way','these new powers allow me to live as a god! but at what cost...','remember not to pee on dancefloors, its bad manners','though the night was made for loving, and the day returns too soon, yet well go no more a roving, by the light of the moon','ive never met a HVAC repairman i didnt like','excuse me, but does this colorscheme make me look fat?','WOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLOWOLO','take it eaaaaasssy!','yukkuri shiteitte, ne!','you can order your pizza from hatsune miku!','there are no busses in gensokyo','hakurei shrine needs more donations, please give generously', 'side effects may include heartburn, high blood pressure and flushed skin, if you have an erection that lasts more than four hours, feel free to tell the room, theyll probably congratulate you','long ago the four nations lived in harmony, but everything changed when the feeple attacked','funkaderelict','paul was the walrus the whole time you fools!','dawn dishwashing liquid helps save wildlife','a cat is fine too','why cant i hold all these limes','hey man can you got any cloves?','FUCK moirya shrine, (this fortune made by hakurei gang)']; function randchoice(arr) { var num = Math.floor(arr.length * Math.random()); var result = arr[num]; arr.splice(num, 1); return result; } function ranchoice(arr) { var num = Math.floor(arr.length * Math.random()); var result = arr[num]; return result; } var spaces = /\s+/gi; function runtime(){ cb.onMessage(function (msg) { var numpick = msg['m'].split(' '); for (i = 0; i < blocklist.length; i++){ if (blocklist[i].test(msg['m']) === true) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; for (j = 0; j < trustlist.length; j++){ cb.sendNotice('user ' + msg['user'] + ' said:\n" ' + msg['m'] + '"\nand the wordfilter bot didnt like that.',trustlist[j],'#000000','#ffffff','bolder'); }}} if (greyf == true){ if (((msg['has_tokens'] === false) && (mercy.includes(msg['user']) === false)) || (hatelist.includes(msg['user']) === true)){ for (i = 0; i < wwords.length; i++){ msg['m'] = msg['m'].replace(wwords[i], wrepla[i]); } msg['m'] = msg['m'].replace(spaces, ' '); if (full == true){ for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++){ msg['m'] = msg['m'].replace(words[i], repla[i]); } if (msg['m'] == ' steel chair'){ msg['m'] = 'cockomania'; msg['c'] = '#b002b0'; msg['background'] = '#7fff7f'; msg['f'] = 'Lucida'; }} }else if (full == true) { if ((cltst.test(msg['m']) !== true) && (nofilter.includes(msg['user']) !== true)) { for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++){ msg['m'] = msg['m'].replace(words[i], repla[i]); }} if (msg['m'] == 'penis'){ msg['m'] = 'PHAT DONGER'; msg['c'] = '#b002b0'; msg['background'] = '#7fff7f'; msg['f'] = 'Lucida'; } if (msg['m'] == '#filteroff'){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; if ((msg['in_fanclub'] === true) || (msg['is_mod'] === true)){ nofilter.push(msg['user']); cb.sendNotice('The wordfilter has been disabled for you, type "#filteron" if you want it back on.', msg['user'], '#7fff7f', '#b002b0', 'bolder'); }else{ cb.sendNotice('ya gotta be a fanclub member or a mod to turn off the filter, nice try though', msg['user'], '#7fff7f', '#b002b0', 'bolder'); }} if (msg['m'] == '#filteron'){ for (i = 0; i < nofilter.length; i++){ if (msg['user'] == nofilter[i]){ nofilter.splice(i,1); }} cb.sendNotice('ta-da! the filter is on for you.', msg['user'], '#7fff7f', '#b002b0', 'bolder'); } } if (numpick[0] == '#mercy'){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; if ((trustlist.includes(msg['user']) === true) || (msg['is_mod'] === true)){ mercy.push(numpick[1]); msg['m'] = ('/addnice ' + numpick[1]) cb.sendNotice('user ' + numpick[1] + ' was added to the mercy list', msg['user'], '#000000', '#ffffff', 'bolder'); }} if (numpick[0] == '#unfilter'){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; if ((trustlist.includes(msg['user']) === true) || (msg['is_mod'] === true)){ nofilter.push(numpick[1]); msg['m'] = ('/addnice ' + numpick[1]) cb.sendNotice('user ' + numpick[1] + ' was added to the nofilter list', msg['user'], '#000000', '#ffffff', 'bolder'); }} if (numpick[0] == '#hatelist'){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; if ((trustlist.includes(msg['user']) === true) || (msg['is_mod'] === true)){ hatelist.push(numpick[1]); cb.sendNotice(numpick[1] + ' is now experiencing transcendent nirvana as their electrons re-ionize across the quantum dreamscape, use #removehate to ground their wandering soul',trustlist[0],'#000000','#ffffff','bolder','red'); }} if (numpick[0] == '#removehate'){ msg['X-Spam'] = true; if ((trustlist.includes(msg['user']) === true) || (msg['is_mod'] === true)){ for (i = 0; i < hatelist.length; i++){ if (numpick[1] == hatelist[i]){ hatelist.splice(i,1); cb.sendNotice(numpick[1] + ' is no longer vibrating at 432HZ',trustlist[0],'#000000','#ffffff','bolder','red'); }}}} } if (fort == true) { if (numpick[0] == '#fortune'){ cb.sendNotice('Your Fortune: "' + ranchoice(fortunes) + '".', msg['user'], '#7fff7f','#b002b0','bolder'); msg['X-Spam'] = true; } } if (msg['m'] == '#funposthelp'){ var finot = ''; if (greyf == true){ finot += 'looks like the grey wordfilter is active, it turns demanding phrases into new-age giberish, how neat'; finot += '\nmods can turn off the greyfilter for specific users by typing "#mercy" followed by the name of the user, this command also passes the /addnice command to all in one bot, so if you want to take advantage of that, make sure all in one bot is higher in the bot order'; finot += '\nmods can turn on the greyfilter for nongrey users by typing "#hatelist" followed by the name of the user, the filter can be turned off for that user by typing "#removehate" followed by the name of the user, note that the #mercy command does not work on someone whos been hatelisted\n'; } if (fort == true){ finot += '\noutlook good! the resident fortune reader is in, type #fortune to get a sort-of-random fortune delivered right to your computer!\n'; } if (full == true){ finot += '\nit appears youre in the best room, all the other commands still apply, but if youre an HHS fanclub member or a mod, you can type #filteroff to turn the global wordfilter off.'; } cb.sendNotice(finot, msg['user'], '#7fff7f','#b002b0','bolder'); } return msg; }); cb.onEnter(function(user) { if (fort == true){ cb.sendNotice('Your Fortune: "' + ranchoice(fortunes) + '".' + '\n' + 'Type #fortune to get a new one!',user['user'],'#7fff7f','#b002b0','bolder'); } if (user['user'] == 'ethansxxx'){ cb.sendNotice('CHATURBATE\nIS\nHERE\nLETS\nPARTY', '', '#7fff7f', '#b002b0','bolder'); } }); cb.onLeave(function(user) { if (cah == true){ for (i = 0; i < cahusers.length; i++){ if (user['user'] == cahusers[i].name){ cahusers.splice(i,1); }}} if (user['user'] == 'ethansxxx'){ cb.sendNotice('CHATURBATE\nIS\nGONE\nCEASE\nPARTYING', '', '#7fff7f', '#b002b0','bolder'); } }); } runtime();
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