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cb.limitCam_removeAllUsers(); cb.limitCam_addUsers([ 'luissensb' ]); cb.onMessage(function (data) { if (data["m"] == "!off") { data['X-Spam'] = true; if (data['user'] == cb.room_slug || data['user'] == 'luissensb') { // TOGGLING THE SHOW! if(!cb.limitCam_isRunning()) { cb.limitCam_start("Jonny is on break."); cb.sendNotice("Your camfeed is now OFF!", cb.room_slug); cb.sendNotice("Jonny has gone on break, he will be back shortly :)", "", "", "#ff33cc", "normal"); cb.sendNotice(":break2", "", "", "#ff33cc", "normal"); } else { cb.sendNotice("Error: The camera feed is already off! Use !on to turn it back on.", data['user'], "", "#ff3366", "normal"); } } } if (data["m"] == "!on") { data['X-Spam'] = true; if (data['user'] == cb.room_slug || data['user'] == 'luissensb') { // TOGGLING THE SHOW! if(cb.limitCam_isRunning()) { cb.limitCam_stop(); cb.sendNotice("Your camfeed is now back ON!", cb.room_slug); cb.sendNotice("Jonny is back! :)", "", "", "#ff33cc", "normal"); } else { cb.sendNotice("Error: The camera feed is already on! Use !off to turn it off.", data['user'], "", "#ff3366", "normal"); } } } return data; }); cb.onEnter(function(data) { if (cb.limitCam_isRunning()) { cb.sendNotice("Jonny has gone on break, he will be back shortly :)", "", "", "#ff33cc", "normal"); cb.sendNotice(":break2", "", "", "#ff33cc", "normal"); } }); function init() { cb.sendNotice("Luissen's Breaktime Bot is now running!", "", "", "#67c200", "bold"); } init();
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