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/* THIS APP USES AN ADAPTATION OF FUZZYSORT NPM MODULE BY FOR STANDALONE USE MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Kamenar Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* GLOBAL CONSTANTS/SETTINGS */ const CHECK_LIM = 100, // number of filters to check for duplicates on insertion, lower is faster MAX_FILTER_LEN = 150, // upper bound for acceptable filter string length, lower is faster MAX_WHITE_SPACE = 7, // limit for allowed number of whitespace in filters, lower is faster OWNER = cb.room_slug, // room owner name [GREEN, RED] = ['#008000', '#FF0000']; /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ let filter_privileged = false, // variable set to cb.settings.filter_privileged on app start word_filters = [], // terms to hide from chat /* fuzzy_filters template object: { trigger_words: 'how old are you', // separated by whitespace fuzzy_prompt: '{{me}} is 79 years old!', // message to send user if their message passes fuzz analysis - {{me}} will be replaced with model name } */ fuzzy_filters = []; // possible triggers for fuzzyfinding FAQ's /* APP SETTINGS TO REQUEST ON INIT available at runtime as attributes in cb.settings object name value sets key in cb.settings object */ cb.settings_choices = [ { name: 'leave_msg', defaultValue: 'FUCK OFF!!!', type: 'str', label: 'This message will display when the stream ends', required: false, }, { name: 'filter_privileged', type: 'str', label: 'Write `yes` or `true` if the app should also silence filters from mods/owner', required: false, }, { name: 'filters', type: 'str', label: 'Terms for the app to silence, separated by commas', required: false, }, { name: 'faq0', type: 'str', label: `FAQ for the app to answer, followed by trigger words for this FAQ. Please separate with a double semicolon. {{me}} will be replaced with your username. example: {{me}} is 79 years old!;;how old are you`, required: false, }, { name: 'faq1', type: 'str', label: `FAQ for the app to answer, followed by trigger words for this FAQ.`, required: false, }, { name: 'faq2', type: 'str', label: `FAQ for the app to answer, followed by trigger words for this FAQ.`, required: false, }, ]; /* FUNCTION DECLARATIONS */ const isString = str => typeof str === 'string'; // returns true if `str` incidences of whitespace exceed MAX_WHITE_SPACE const max_whitespace_exceeded = str => { for (let i = 0, count = 0; i < str.length; count += +(' ' === str[i++])) { if (count > MAX_WHITE_SPACE) return true; } return false; }; // shorthands for room notices const success = (msg, user) => cb.sendNotice(msg, user, '', GREEN); // send green notice to user only const warn = (warning, user) => cb.sendNotice(warning, user, '', RED); // send red notice to user only const shout = msg => cb.sendNotice(msg, '', '', GREEN); // send green notice to room // returns array of owner + mod names const privileged = () => { let have = [OWNER]; cb.getRoomUsersData(data => { if (!data.success) { warn('unable to get user data', OWNER); return; } have = have.concat(; }); return have; }; // returns true if `user` has mod/owner privileges const hasPrivileges = user => privileged().includes(user); // sends notice to all mods/owners const msgPrivileged = msg => privileged().forEach(p => success(msg, p)); // optimized for adding a single filter const addFilter = term => { term = term.trim(); if (term.length > MAX_FILTER_LEN || max_whitespace_exceeded(term)) { return; } if (word_filters.length < CHECK_LIM && word_filters.includes(term)) return false; word_filters.push(term); word_filters = [ Set(word_filters)]; return true; }; /* optimized for adding filters as a batch template `addObj` object: { to_add: [...array of filters to attempt add], added: [], lorge: [], redundant: [], } modeled to work like a generator function. i.e. : let done = deferredAdd(obj); while(!done) done = deferredAdd(obj); */ const deferredAdd = addObj => { if (!addObj.to_add.length) { word_filters = [ Set(word_filters.concat(addObj.added))]; return true; } const next = addObj.to_add.pop().trim(); if (next.length > MAX_FILTER_LEN || max_whitespace_exceeded(next)) { addObj.lorge.push(next); } else if (word_filters.length < CHECK_LIM && word_filters.includes(next)) { addObj.redundant.push(next); } else { addObj.added.push(next); } return false; }; // optimized for removing a single filter const rmFilter = term => { term = term.trim(); if (word_filters.includes(term)) { word_filters = word_filters.filter(w => w !== term); return true; } return false; }; /* optimized for removing filters as a batch template `rmObj` object: { to_remove: [...array of filters to attempt removal], removed: [], not_found: [], } modeled to work like a generator function. i.e. : let done = deferredRm(obj); while(!done) done = deferredRm(obj); */ const deferredRm = rmObj => { if (!rmObj.to_remove.length) { word_filters = word_filters.filter(w => !rmObj.removed.includes(w)); return true; } const next = rmObj.to_remove.pop().trim(); if (word_filters.includes(next)) { rmObj.removed.push(next); } else { rmObj.not_found.push(next); } return false; }; // censor filter // obeys cb.setting.filter_privileged const filterMsg = msg => { if (!filter_privileged && hasPrivileges(msg.user)) return; const msgText = msg.m.toLowerCase(); for (const f of word_filters) { if (msgText.includes(f)) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; warn('your message contains a filtered word and was hidden from chat', msg.user); break; } } }; /* provides getters for statistical analysis for fuzzy matching plot method for testing, preferrably with console.table() */ class Analyzer { constructor() { this.scores = []; } static avg(arr) { return arr.reduce((a, c) => (a += c)) / arr.length; } get match_scores() { return this.scores.filter(Boolean); } get match_ratio() { return this.match_scores.length / this.scores.length; } get mean() { return Analyzer.avg(this.scores); } get match_mean() { return Analyzer.avg(this.match_scores); } get min_max() { const matched = this.match_scores; return [Math.min(...matched), Math.max(...matched)]; } get range() { const [min, max] = this.min_max; return max - min; } get std_deviation() { const mean = this.mean; const variance = Analyzer.avg( => Math.pow(s - mean, 2))); return Math.sqrt(variance); } get match_std_deviation() { const mean = this.match_mean; const variance = Analyzer.avg( => Math.pow(s - mean, 2))); return Math.sqrt(variance); } get z_scores() { const mean = this.mean, std_dev = this.std_deviation; return => s - mean / std_dev); } get match_z_scores() { const mean = this.match_mean, std_dev = this.match_std_deviation; return => s - mean / std_dev); } plot() { let stats = {}; for (const attr of [ 'scores', 'z_scores', 'match_z_scores', 'match_ratio', 'mean', 'match_mean', 'min_max', 'range', 'std_deviation', 'match_std_deviation', ]) stats[attr] = this[attr]; return stats; } } /* Fuzzy class much easier for instancing cache is static, so can be cleared after set interval self-purging for garbage collection USAGE: access data via Analyzer parent class methods after using run() method TODO: maybe use WeakMap instead of Map for cache */ class Fuzzy extends Analyzer { constructor(target, ...queries) { super(); Reflect.set(Fuzzy, 'prepared_query_cache', new Map()); this.matches_simple = []; this.matches_strict = []; = target; this.queries = [...queries].map(q => Fuzzy.getPreparedQuery(q)); return this; } algorithm(query_lower_codes) { const target_lower_codes = this.target_lower_codes, query_len = query_lower_codes.length, target_len = target_lower_codes.length; let query_i = 0, target_i = 0, typo_simple_i = 0, matches_simple_len = 0, query_lower_code = query_lower_codes[0]; while (true) { let is_match = query_lower_code === target_lower_codes[target_i]; if (is_match) { this.matches_simple[matches_simple_len++] = target_i; ++query_i; if (query_i === query_len) break; query_lower_code = query_lower_codes[!typo_simple_i ? query_i : typo_simple_i === query_i ? query_i - 1 : query_i]; } ++target_i; if (target_i >= target_len) { while (true) { if (query_i <= 1) return 0; let query_lower_code_new; if (!typo_simple_i) { --query_i; query_lower_code_new = query_lower_codes[query_i]; if (query_lower_code === query_lower_code_new) continue; typo_simple_i = query_i; } else { if (typo_simple_i === 1) return 0; --typo_simple_i; query_i = typo_simple_i; query_lower_code = query_lower_codes[query_i + 1]; query_lower_code_new = query_lower_codes[query_i]; if (query_lower_code === query_lower_code_new) continue; } matches_simple_len = query_i; target_i = this.matches_simple[matches_simple_len - 1] + 1; break; } } } query_i = 0; let typo_strict_i = 0, matches_strict_len = 0, success_strict = false; const next_beginning_indexes = this.next_beginning_indexes; const first_possible_i = this.matches_simple[0] === 0 ? 0 : next_beginning_indexes[this.matches_simple[0] - 1]; target_i = first_possible_i; if (target_i !== target_len) while (true) { if (target_i >= target_len) { if (query_i <= 0) { ++typo_strict_i; if (typo_strict_i > query_len - 2) break; if (query_lower_codes[typo_strict_i] === query_lower_codes[typo_strict_i + 1]) continue; target_i = first_possible_i; continue; } --query_i; let last_match = this.matches_strict[--matches_strict_len]; target_i = next_beginning_indexes[last_match]; } else { let is_match = query_lower_codes[ !typo_strict_i ? query_i : typo_strict_i === query_i ? query_i + 1 : typo_strict_i === query_i - 1 ? query_i - 1 : query_i ] === target_lower_codes[target_i]; if (is_match) { this.matches_strict[matches_strict_len++] = target_i; ++query_i; if (query_i === query_len) { success_strict = true; break; } ++target_i; } else { target_i = next_beginning_indexes[target_i]; } } } { const matches_best = success_strict ? this.matches_strict : this.matches_simple; let score = 0, last_target_i = -1; for (let i = 0; i < query_len; ++i) { target_i = matches_best[i]; if (last_target_i !== target_i - 1) score -= target_i; last_target_i = target_i; } if (!success_strict) { score *= 1000; if (typo_simple_i) score -= 20; } else { if (typo_strict_i) score -= 20; } score -= target_len - query_len; return score; } } algorithmPunishTypo(query_lower_codes) { const target_lower_codes = this.target_lower_codes, query_len = query_lower_codes.length, target_len = target_lower_codes.length; let query_i = 0, target_i = 0, matches_simple_len = 0, query_lower_code = query_lower_codes[0]; while (true) { let is_match = query_lower_code === target_lower_codes[target_i]; if (is_match) { this.matches_simple[matches_simple_len++] = target_i; ++query_i; if (query_i === query_len) break; query_lower_code = query_lower_codes[query_i]; } ++target_i; if (target_i >= target_len) return 0; } query_i = 0; let matches_strict_len = 0, success_strict = false; const next_beginning_indexes = this.next_beginning_indexes; target_i = this.matches_simple[0] === 0 ? 0 : next_beginning_indexes[this.matches_simple[0] - 1]; if (target_i !== target_len) while (true) { if (target_i >= target_len) { if (query_i <= 0) break; --query_i; let last_match = this.matches_strict[--matches_strict_len]; target_i = next_beginning_indexes[last_match]; } else { let is_match = query_lower_codes[query_i] === target_lower_codes[target_i]; if (is_match) { this.matches_strict[matches_strict_len++] = target_i; ++query_i; if (query_i === query_len) { success_strict = true; break; } ++target_i; } else { target_i = next_beginning_indexes[target_i]; } } } { const matches_best = success_strict ? this.matches_strict : this.matches_simple; let score = 0, last_target_i = -1; for (let i = 0; i < query_len; ++i) { target_i = matches_best[i]; if (last_target_i !== target_i - 1) score -= target_i; last_target_i = target_i; } if (!success_strict) score *= 1000; score -= target_len - query_len; return score; } } static getPreparedQuery(query) { if (query.length > 999) return this.prepareLowerCodes(query); let query_prepared = this.prepared_query_cache.get(query); if (query_prepared !== undefined) return query_prepared; query_prepared = this.prepareLowerCodes(query); this.prepared_query_cache.set(query, query_prepared); return query_prepared; } set target(target) { this._target = target; this.target_len = target.length; this.target_lower_codes = Fuzzy.prepareLowerCodes(target); this.next_beginning_indexes = this.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(target); } static prepareLowerCodes(str) { const str_len = str.length, lower_codes = [], lower = str.toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < str_len; i++) { lower_codes[i] = lower.charCodeAt(i); } return lower_codes; } prepareBeginningIndexes() { const beginning_indexes = []; let beginning_indexes_len = 0, was_upper = false, was_alpha_num = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.target_len; i++) { let target_code = this._target.charCodeAt(i), is_upper = target_code >= 65 && target_code <= 90, is_alpha_num = is_upper || (target_code >= 97 && target_code <= 122) || (target_code >= 48 && target_code <= 57), is_beginning = (is_upper && !was_upper) || !was_alpha_num || !is_alpha_num; was_upper = is_upper; was_alpha_num = is_alpha_num; if (is_beginning) beginning_indexes[beginning_indexes_len++] = i; } return beginning_indexes; } prepareNextBeginningIndexes() { const beginning_indexes = this.prepareBeginningIndexes(), next_beginning_indexes = []; let last_is_beginning = beginning_indexes[0], last_is_beginning_i = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.target_len; i++) { if (last_is_beginning > i) { next_beginning_indexes[i] = last_is_beginning; } else { last_is_beginning = beginning_indexes[++last_is_beginning_i]; next_beginning_indexes[i] = last_is_beginning === undefined ? last_is_beginning : this.target_len; } } return next_beginning_indexes; } cleanup() { this.matches_simple.length = this.matches_strict.length = 0; } static clear() { this.prepared_query_cache.clear(); } run(allow_typo = true) { for (const query of this.queries) { const score = allow_typo ? this.algorithm(query) : this.algorithmPunishTypo(query); this.scores.push(score); } this.cleanup(); return this; } } /* COMMANDS OBJECT `fn` inner object acts as callback `help` will be displayed for this command in !help command `restricted` inner attr hides command from non mod/owner users if set to true */ const COMMANDS = { '!filters': { fn: _ => word_filters.join(', '), help: 'See a list of the terms being hidden from chat', restricted: false, }, '!addfilters': { fn: obj => { const [cmds, user] = [obj.m.replace('!addfilters', '').toLowerCase(), obj.user]; const res = { to_add: cmds.split(','), added: [], lorge: [], redundant: [], }; let done = deferredAdd(res); while (!done) done = deferredAdd(res); if (res.added.length) msgPrivileged(`${res.added.join(', ')} added to the filter list`); if (res.lorge.length) warn(`${res.lorge.join(', ')} were too long to add, try splitting into smaller phrases`, user); if (res.redundant.length) warn(`${res.redundant.join(', ')} are already in the filter list`, user); }, help: 'Add terms/phrases to be hidden from chat, separated by a comma. i.e. !addfilters mullet, simp, slay queen', restricted: true, }, '!addfilter': { fn: obj => { const [cmd, user] = [obj.m.trim().toLowerCase(), obj.user]; const term = cmd.replace('!addfilter', ''); switch (addFilter(term)) { case true: msgPrivileged(`${term} was added to the filter list`); break; case undefined: warn("it's not recommended to add long phrases, try splitting them up", user); break; default: warn(`${term} was not added because it already exists`, user); } }, help: 'Add a single term/phrase to be hidden from chat. i.e. !addfilter moist towel', restricted: true, }, '!lemon': { fn: obj => { const fllw = 'FOLLOW!!! SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE!! FOLLOW ON TWITTER AND JOIN THE PATREON!! JOIN THE DISCORD!! STEELCUTKAWAII.COM'; const user = obj.user.toLowerCase(); const qualified = user === 'lemon_ways' || user === 'xx_spidder_xx'; if (qualified) shout(fllw); else warn('bad boy', obj.user); }, help: 'If you are not lemon and you use this command, you will be punished.', restricted: false, }, '!rmfilters': { fn: obj => { const [cmds, user] = [obj.m.replace('!rmfilters', '').toLowerCase(), obj.user]; const res = { to_remove: cmds.split(','), removed: [], not_found: [], }; let done = deferredRm(res); while (!done) done = deferredRm(res); if (res.removed.length) msgPrivileged(`${res.removed.join(', ')} removed from the filter list`); if (res.not_found.length) warn(`${res.not_found.join(', ')} were not found in the filter list`, user); }, help: 'Remove chat filters a few at a time, separated by a comma. i.e. !rmfilters mullet, simp, slay queen', restricted: true, }, '!rmfilter': { fn: obj => { const [cmd, user] = [obj.m.trim().toLowerCase(), obj.user]; const term = cmd.replace('!rmfilter', ''); if (rmFilter(term)) msgPrivileged(`${term} was removed from the filter list`); else warn(`${term} was not found in the filter list`, user); }, help: 'Remove a single filter from the filter list. i.e. !rmfilter moist towel', restricted: true, }, '!help': { fn: obj => { const cmds = Reflect.ownKeys(COMMANDS); let help_str = ''; for (const cmd of cmds) { const c = COMMANDS[cmd]; if (c.restricted) { if (hasPrivileges(obj.user)) help_str += `${cmd}: ${}\n`; } else { help_str += `${cmd}: ${}\n`; } } return help_str; }, help: 'Print this help text in chat.', restricted: false, }, '!commands': { fn: obj => { const cmds = Reflect.ownKeys(COMMANDS); if (hasPrivileges(obj.user)) return cmds.join(', '); return cmds.filter(cmd => !COMMANDS[cmd].restricted).join(', '); }, help: 'List all available commands.', restricted: false, }, }; // freeze COMMANDS for ensured sec at runtime Object.freeze(COMMANDS); /* CB CALLBACK FUNCTIONS */ cb.onStart(_ => { const p_setting = cb.settings.filter_privileged.toLowerCase().trim(); filter_privileged = p_setting === 'yes' || p_setting === 'true'; const filter_settings = cb.settings.filters; word_filters = [ Set( filter_settings .toLowerCase() .split(',') .map(f => f.trim()) ), ]; }); cb.onBroadcastStop(_ => { const bye_message = cb.settings.leave_msg; if (bye_message) { const now = new Date(); switch (now.getUTCHours()) { case 5: if (now.getUTCMinutes() > 50) shout(bye_message); break; case 6: shout(bye_message); break; default: } } }); cb.onMessage(msg => { for (const cmd in COMMANDS) { if (msg.m.trimLeft().startsWith(cmd)) { const c = COMMANDS[cmd]; if (c.restricted && !hasPrivileges(msg.user)) break; const res = c.fn(msg); if (isString(res)) success(res, msg.user); msg.m = ''; break; } } filterMsg(msg); return msg; });
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