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/* El Ahorcado! * * Description: Options: - Set the display alert time in minutes (between 4 and 10 min) - Set a word or 2 (letters and spaces ONLY) - Select YES if you want tu use random words - Set the delay (in seconds) to set new word after the game has finished - Select YES if your mods can set a new word List of commands: ?letter to guess a letter: ?a ... ?z $solution to guess the word: $bow tie !h to display the commands !w to display winners list !z to reset winners list /newword(s) to set a new word: /bow tie (Broadcaster and/or mods only) * */ palabraAhorcado = []; respuestaUsuario = []; loosehm = 0; finished = false; wingame = false; set_palabraAhorcado = ""; ch_letters = []; winner = ""; last_palabraAhorcados = []; Winners = new Array(); nl = "\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501"; cb.settings_choices = [{ name: 'ADVERT_TIME', type: 'int', minValue: 4, maxValue: 10, defaultValue: 10, label: 'Tiempo entre aparicion del anuncio ' }, { name: 'palabraAhorcado', label: "Palabra(s) solo letras y espacios ", type: 'str', minLength: 3, maxLength: 25, required: false }, { name: 'rand_palabraAhorcado', label: "Usamos aleatorias", type: 'choice', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', default: 'No' }, { name: 'wait_s', label: "Retraso en aleatorias", type: 'int', minValue: 5, maxValue: 90, default: 30 }, { name: 'modAdminAhorcado', label: "Pueden elejir los mods la palabra ?", type: 'choice', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', default: 'Yes' }, { name: 'repeticionesNotificacionWin', type: 'str', label: 'repeticiones notificacion ganador ', defaultValue: '', required: false }, { name: 'repeticionesNotificacionWinTime', type: 'int', label: 'Repeticiones tiempo para notificar (minutos)', minValue: 1, maxValue: 60, defaultValue: 5 }, { name: 'numeroVictoriasWin', type: 'int', label: 'Palabras necesarias para ganar la partida ', minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, defaultValue: 0 }, {name:'meta', label:'Premio al ganador', type:'str', minLength: 2, maxLength: 25, required: true}, {name:'tokensLetra', label:'Tokens para preguntar letras', type:'int', minValue:1, maxValue:99999, default:25}, {name:'tokensSolucion', label:'Tokens para resolver', type:'int', minValue:1, maxValue:99999, default:50}, ]; function new_goalAhorcado(nGoalAhorcado) { meta = []; cb.settings.meta = nGoalAhorcado.trim(); cb.log(cb.settings.meta) } String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }; cb.onTip(function(tip) { var tokensLetra = cb.settings.tokensLetra var tokensSolucion = cb.settings.tokensSolucion var auxiliarMessage = tip['message'] if (tip['amount'] >= tokensLetra) { if (auxiliarMessage.indexOf("!") === 0 || auxiliarMessage.indexOf("?") === 0 || auxiliarMessage.indexOf("$") === 0 || auxiliarMessage.indexOf("/") === 0 || auxiliarMessage.indexOf("¡") === 0 ) { auxiliarMessage = auxiliarMessage.toLowerCase(); auxiliarMessage = auxiliarMessage.trim(); if (auxiliarMessage.indexOf("?") === 0 && auxiliarMessage.length === 2) { var param = auxiliarMessage.replace("?", ""); guess_letter(tip['from_user'], param); } else if (auxiliarMessage.indexOf('$') === 0 && set_palabraAhorcado != tip['from_user'] && tip['amount'] >= tokensSolucion) { var param = auxiliarMessage.replace("$", ""); if (param != "") { checkword(tip['from_user'], param); } } } cb.chatNotice("Gracias por el tip! recuerda para jugar al ahorcado debes de incluir ? antes de la letra o $ antes de la solucion en el tip Note", tip['from_user']); } }) cb.onMessage(function(msg) { msg['m'] = msg['m'].toLowerCase(); msg['m'] = msg['m'].trim(); if (msg['m'].indexOf("!h") === 0 && msg['m'].length === 2){ help(msg['user']); }else if (msg['m'].indexOf("!w") === 0 && msg['m'].length === 2){ drawWinners(msg['user']); }else if (msg['m'].indexOf("!z") === 0 && msg['m'].length === 2) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; Winners = new Array(); cb.chatNotice('The winners list has been reset.', '', '', '', 'bold'); } else if ((msg['user'] == cb.room_slug || msg['is_mod'] == true ) && msg['m'].indexOf("¡") === 0) { var param = msg['m'].replace("¡", ""); new_goalAhorcado(param) auxiliarMessage = ""; cb.chatNotice("Nueva palabra configurada"); msg['m'] = ""; cb.chatNotice("New word set: " + param, msg['user']); } else if (set_palabraAhorcado == msg['user']){ cb.chatNotice("You can't guess the word you set.", msg['user']); } else{ cb.chatNotice("This command doesn\'t exist. Type !h for help.", msg['user']); } return msg; }); function help(user) { cb.chatNotice('El Ahorcado! \nComandos:\nTeclea ?letra para preguntar por esa letra en nuestra palabra \nTeclea $palabra(s)para tratar de resolver pa palabra(s).\nTeclea !w para mostrar la lista de usuarios ganadores .\nTeclea !h para mostrar la ayuda.\nTeclea ¡palabra para cambiar la palabra ', user); cb.chatNotice('HangMan! \n Play with us following the instructions \n to ask for a letter you must add a tip message with ?letter and a amount of : ' + cb.settings.tokensLetra + ' \n to ask for solution you must add a tip message with $solution and a amount of : ' + cb.settings.tokensSolucion + ' to show help type !h on chat \n to change word type ¡newWord \n to display winner list type !w \n and to show help type !h ' , user); } cb.onDrawPanel(function(user) { var palabraAhorcado_display = ""; var labletters = ""; nblet = 0; for (var i = 0; i < ch_letters.length; i++) labletters = labletters + ' ' + ch_letters[i]; palabraAhorcado_display = cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.join().replace(",", "\u00A0"); cb.log(cb.settings.palabraAhorcado) cb.log(palabraAhorcado_display) cb.log(finished) while (palabraAhorcado_display.indexOf(',') > 0) { palabraAhorcado_display = palabraAhorcado_display.replace(",", "\u00A0"); } for (var i = 0; i < palabraAhorcado_display.length; i++) { if (palabraAhorcado_display[i] == "_") nblet++; } if (!finished) return { 'template': '3_rows_11_21_31', 'row1_value': 'El Ahorcado | HangMan', 'row2_value': palabraAhorcado_display.toUpperCase() + "\u00A0\u00A0(" + nblet + ")", 'row3_value': labletters }; else return { 'template': '3_rows_11_21_31', 'row1_value': 'El Ahorcado | HangMan', 'row2_value': palabraAhorcado_display.toUpperCase(), 'row3_value': 'Winner is: \u265a ' + winner + ' \u265a' }; }); function init_palabraAhorcado() { if (cb.settings.palabraAhorcado != null && cb.settings.palabraAhorcado != "") { cb.settings.palabraAhorcado = cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.trim(); for (var i = 0; i < cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.length; i++) { if (!(/^[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.charAt(i)))) palabraAhorcado[i] = "\u00A0"; else palabraAhorcado[i] = "_"; } cb.settings.palabraAhorcado = cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.toLowerCase(); loosehm = 0; finished = false; ch_letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']; cb.drawPanel(); cb.chatNotice('\u2605\u2605 New word has been set! \u2605\u2605', '', '#0000FF', '#FFFFFF', 'bold'); // updateSubject(); } else if (cb.settings.rand_palabraAhorcado == "Yes") { get_palabraAhorcado(); // updateSubject(); } } function guess_letter(user, letter) { if (!finished) { var msg_guess = "Sorry, " + user + ", no hay " + letter.toLowerCase().charAt(0) + " en la palabra!"; var wins = ""; if (cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.indexOf(letter) > -1 && palabraAhorcado.indexOf(letter) == -1) { update_palabraAhorcado(user, letter); msg_guess = "\u265a " + user + " \u265a Acertaste la letra -> " + letter.toLowerCase().charAt(0); winner = user; cb.chatNotice(msg_guess); // line added (gargoyle1) } else { // else added (gargoyle1) cb.chatNotice(msg_guess, user); } ch_letters.splice(ch_letters.indexOf(letter), 1); update_palabraAhorcado(user, letter); // notice deleted (gargoyle1) } else { cb.chatNotice("Acabo el juego , esperando nueva palabra .", user); } } function update_palabraAhorcado(user, letter) { for (var i = 0; i < cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.length; i++) { if (cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.charAt(i) === letter) palabraAhorcado[i] = letter; } if (palabraAhorcado.indexOf('_') == -1) { var testword = palabraAhorcado.join(""); //checkword(user, testword); finished = false; } cb.drawPanel(); } function checkword(user, apalabraAhorcado) { var msg_guess = "Sorry, " + user + ", la palabra no es " + apalabraAhorcado.toLowerCase(); var wins = ""; if (!finished) { apalabraAhorcado = apalabraAhorcado.trim(); if (cb.settings.palabraAhorcado == apalabraAhorcado.toLowerCase()) { palabraAhorcado = cb.settings.palabraAhorcado.split(""); // cb.chatNotice("xxx " + palabraAhorcado); winner = user; finished = true; cb.drawPanel(); updateUser(winner); msg_guess = " \u265a " + user + " " + "\u265a acerto la palabra " + apalabraAhorcado.toLowerCase() + "! "; wins = "\u265a"; checkwinner(); if (!wingame) { if (cb.settings.rand_palabraAhorcado === "Yes") cb.setTimeout(get_palabraAhorcado, cb.settings.wait_s * 1000) else cb.chatNotice("Cambia la palabra escribiendo /word(s).", cb.room_slug); } } if (user != cb.room_slug) respuestaUsuario.splice(respuestaUsuario.indexOf(user), 1); if (!finished) { cb.chatNotice(msg_guess, user); } else { // user added (gargoyle1) cb.chatNotice(msg_guess, '', '#FF0000', '#FFFFFF', 'bold'); } } else { cb.chatNotice("Esperando nueva palabra.", user); } } function updateUser(user) { var okk = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Winners.length; i++) { if (Winners[i].user == user) { Winners[i].nb = Winners[i].nb + 1; okk = 1; } } if (okk == 0) Winners.push({ user: user, nb: 1 }); } function drawWinners(user) { Winners.sort(function(a, b) { return b.nb - a.nb }); var out = ""; for (var i = 0; i < Winners.length; i++) { out += '\u2606 ' + Winners[i].user + ' won ' + Winners[i].nb + ' times.' + '\n'; } out += nl + '\n'; cb.chatNotice(' Winners: ', '', '#B00000', '#FFFFFF', 'bold'); cb.chatNotice(out); } function new_palabraAhorcado(npalabraAhorcado) { palabraAhorcado = []; cb.settings.palabraAhorcado = npalabraAhorcado.trim(); ch_letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']; init_palabraAhorcado(); } function changerand(user) { // function added (gargoyle1) if (cb.settings.rand_palabraAhorcado == 'No') { cb.settings.rand_palabraAhorcado = 'Yes'; set_palabraAhorcado = ""; } else { cb.settings.rand_palabraAhorcado = 'No'; } cb.chatNotice('Setting >>Use Random words?<< set to: ' + cb.settings.rand_palabraAhorcado, user); } function init() { init_palabraAhorcado(); advert(); notifier(); cb.drawPanel(); } function get_palabraAhorcado() { palabraAhorcado = []; var rnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2054 + 31)); if (last_palabraAhorcados[0] == null || last_palabraAhorcados.indexOf(rnumber) == -1) { last_palabraAhorcados.push(rnumber); cb.settings.palabraAhorcado = thesaurus[rnumber]; cb.log("New word:: " + cb.settings.palabraAhorcado); } else { get_palabraAhorcado(); } init_palabraAhorcado(); } function updateSubject() { var newSubject = 'El Ahorcado! \nComandos:\nTeclea ?letra para preguntar por esa letra en nuestra palabra \nTeclea $palabra(s)para tratar de resolver pa palabra(s).\nTeclea !w para mostrar la lista de usuarios ganadores .\nTeclea !h para mostrar la ayuda'; cb.log("Changing subject to: " + newSubject); cb.changeRoomSubject(newSubject); } function advert() { cb.chatNotice('El Ahorcado! \nComandos:\nTeclea ?letra para preguntar por esa letra en nuestra palabra \nTeclea $palabra(s)para tratar de resolver pa palabra(s).\nTeclea !w para mostrar la lista de usuarios ganadores .\nTeclea !h para mostrar la ayuda'); cb.chatNotice('Teclea /word(s) para elejir la nueva palabra a acertar (s)\nTeclea !z para reiniciar la lista de ganadores .', cb.room_slug); cb.setTimeout(advert, (cb.settings.ADVERT_TIME * 60000)); } function notifier() { if (cb.settings.numeroVictoriasWin > 0) { cb.chatNotice(cb.settings.repeticionesNotificacionWin, '', '', '', 'bold'); cb.setTimeout(notifier, (cb.settings.repeticionesNotificacionWinTime * 60000)); } } function checkwinner() { if (cb.settings.numeroVictoriasWin > 0) { Winners.sort(function(a, b) { return b.nb - a.nb }); if (Winners[0].nb == cb.settings.numeroVictoriasWin) { wingame = true; cb.chatNotice('\u2605\u2605\u2605 ' + Winners[0].user + ' guessed ' + Winners[0].nb + ' word(s) and won the game! \u2605\u2605\u2605', '', '#009900', '#FFFFFF', 'bold'); } } } thesaurus = ["naturist", "kayak", "kayakist", "italy", "tear", "pottery", "swing", "trade", "stamp", "ego", "guilt", "fight", "waterfall", "tortoise", "vinegar", "herald", "tshirt", "mosquito", "knife", "cabbage", "concert", "flamenco", "knitting", "salt", "draw", "cancer", "chips", "reading", "bar", "coat", "van", "wagon", "rumour", "thief", "hammer", "manners", "bacteria", "graduate", "rhinoceros", "button", "parent", "well", "juice", "judo", "pirate", "bellows", "university", "laxative", "rose", "saint", "lodger", "croissant", "trapeze", "conductor", "spring", "parity", "ball", "sunburn", "tourist", "orange", "creation", "test", "tragedy", "toy", "cashier", "taxi", "turf", "entrance", "forest", "insult", "night", "seasick", "reindeer", "aquarium", "chandelier", "ears", "anchor", "college", "wood", "scarf", "wheelbarrow", "father", "xray", "waiter", "pencil", "spanner", "lead", "fare", "general", "lighthouse", "calculator", "wisdom", "tower", "aerial", "bath", "asylum", "spoon", "loom", "jug", "remedy", "letterbox", "puppy", "bible", "whale", "news", "bullet", "whiteboard", "cheat", "ashes", "soldier", "neck", "rash", "amplifier", "piano", "training", "comet", "empire", "prank", "ant", "needle", "dove", "pyjamas", "kid", "album", "storm", "snake", "escape", "aid", "address", "soccer", "sponge", "cellar", "hygiene", "novel", "spire", "typewriter", "creeper", "scar", "bench", "badge", "fireman", "limit", "planning", "cousin", "giraffe", "pudding", "screen", "scales", "concierge", "force", "brakes", "sausage", "donkey", "task", "radar", "artillery", "switch", "sugar", "sex", "lord", "service", "signature", "creature", "bin", "coronet", "mushroom", "jump", "buoy", "carnival", "shrimps", "noise", "note", "tiger", "vice", "shoehorn", "passion", "flea", "book", "belt", "formula", "planet", "genius", "egg", "bikini", "ipad", "shout", "fleet", "song", "evil", "loan", "joke", "minute", "prison", "estate", "kite", "toothpick", "wallet", "thermometer", "poster", "breath", "lap", "parrot", "garden", "artist", "grade", "spaghetti", "zoo", "emerald", "fuck", "accountant", "bingle", "boxing", "travel", "necklace", "salmon", "kangaroo", "coffin", "sparrow", "shorts", "ink", "butterfly", "bargain", "queen", "radiator", "handbag", "pyramid", "crutch", "stain", "opera", "parasite", "end", "surgeon", "mermaid", "crumbs", "arrow", "dice", "ring", "definition", "family", "wine", "library", "pocket", "danger", "catastrophe", "plate", "snow", "invention", "barber", "flywheel", "chimney", "divorce", "ransom", "rebel", "prize", "pussy", "ladder", "sail", "blonde", "lunch", "cord", "horsepower", "heretic", "cupboard", "slide", "sofa", "fridge", "hope", "commander", "wolf", "quarry", "cereal", "sandals", "aluminium", "beer", "duty", "flowerpot", "hosepipe", "stream", "principal", "bus", "muscle", "tissue", "bed", "offer", "leaf", "staple", "snail", "texas", "nursery", "courage", "ladybird", "bishop", "bush", "corporation", "war", "captain", "choir", "scream", "nappy", "kennel", "chapel", "fad", "stool", "comedy", "toffee", "crab", "printer", "voting", "antique", "map", "pub", "pharmacy", "drug", "inn", "playground", "brass", "hand", "concrete", "funeral", "fin", "weather", "leather", "chair", "grease", "carriage", "lodge", "chisel", "bandage", "tape", "bulb", "dragon", "carpet", "school", "factory", "contract", "hour", "day", "crown", "egypt", "flight", "generator", "binder", "ice", "tongue", "robot", "skin", "waltz", "leech", "custard", "warship", "farm", "pillow", "help", "hinge", "chimp", "hair", "angel", "torrent", "locust", "prince", "monster", "research", "statue", "morals", "ballroom", "beach", "practice", "loaf", "pincer", "market", "spaceship", "china", "messenger", "dance", "velcro", "picture", "calm", "aroma", "thermostat", "brooch", "string", "rollercoaster", "software", "ridge", "singer", "panther", "denim", "lane", "shark", "icon", "cherry", "wig", "pimple", "spider", "indian", "pain", "bib", "stardom", "pear", "fuse", "razor", "election", "bacon", "fork", "orchestra", "photograph", "ambiguous", "toast", "verb", "comic", "napkin", "seagull", "milkshake", "lipstick", "tornado", "sunrise", "cave", "navel", "vase", "lighter", "blame", "fire", "octopus", "ferry", "paradise", "bowl", "staff", "salon", "computer", "satellite", "decorator", "gloves", "silo", "bill", "bubble", "fax", "music", "swimming", "perch", "sunset", "iceberg", "fairy", "marble", "headache", "barrier", "fatigue", "promotion", "mind", "shop", "climbing", "injury", "chart", "wave", "galaxy", "mirror", "plastic", "snore", "dish", "bridge", "dusk", "guitar", "vowel", "brick", "tapestry", "loop", "mite", "scallop", "toes", "dynamo", "friar", "riot", "volcano", "baby", "dodgem", "pastry", "microbe", "sermon", "sole", "telescope", "pie", "morning", "nile", "ravioli", "parade", "essay", "party", "gears", "cap", "summer", "pin", "migraine", "mouse", "grasshopper", "epidemic", "eyebrow", "peace", "lift", "spinach", "referee", "hardware", "elastic", "space", "store", "pasta", "gondola", "wind", "report", "tablet", "station", "fungus", "law", "lunatic", "press", "compass", "balcony", "fact", "noun", "scandal", "oyster", "sentry", "ham", "cowboy", "parachute", "section", "cucumber", "hostpital", "florist", "figure", "toothbrush", "shoes", "horseshoe", "alphabet", "observation", "mattress", "mole", "race", "mill", "gossip", "carpenter", "jet", "mound", "ginger", "tap", "blister", "flag", "frown", "lobster", "decoy", "India", "basket", "trap", "cider", "lemon", "ketchup", "doctrine", "mask", "turtle", "pension", "curtain", "envelope", "politician", "tax", "tomb", "skyscraper", "skirt", "star", "straw", "grass", "pride", "architect", "colony", "fish", "ceiling", "clay", "board", "ostrich", "pumpkin", "moustache", "religion", "cuff", "berry", "parliament", "attack", "summit", "spade", "vote", "hooligan", "fair", "prairie", "gown", "arm", "video", "basin", "satan", "park", "sneeze", "dentist", "oar", "jacket", "laser", "magician", "nanny", "dolphin", "flood", "cape", "chameleon", "frock", "rain", "curlers", "pankake", "joy", "mint", "cloak", "tray", "scarecrow", "stampede", "skateboard", "herb", "crowd", "cube", "hymn", "key", "chess", "graffiti", "square", "radio", "scorpion", "saxophone", "mat", "barrel", "hook", "cry", "union", "miser", "corn", "stars", "bullfight", "silence", "word", "crisis", "birthday", "shooting", "butter", "rib", "motorcycle", "duck", "paranoia", "schedule", "Russia", "chain", "log", "island", "moth", "target", "comb", "flirt", "bully", "pigeon", "president", "powder", "poker", "nail", "crisps", "winner", "glasses", "revenge", "cloud", "synthetic", "plaster", "faint", "gamble", "lentil", "hamburger", "tank", "screwdriver", "bow", "kidney", "novice", "pepper", "cheese", "stew", "galvanise", "crust", "reason", "sunglasses", "search", "plane", "composer", "title", "profit", "spy", "paw", "vitamins", "socks", "licence", "scissors", "finger", "colour", "chime", "jealousy", "newspaper", "policeman", "pilot", "altar", "cult", "advertising", "hospital", "shoelace", "legs", "saddle", "file", "refugee", "conference", "rank", "pail", "letter", "arithmetic", "ski", "junk", "interlude", "dictionary", "midwife", "trailer", "frog", "reciept", "finance", "flashbulb", "drum", "tusk", "consonant", "justice", "package", "price", 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