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// Auto-moderator bot // Author: mistress_adelee var OWNER_FLAG = 32; var MODERATOR_FLAG = 16; var FANCLUB_FLAG = 8; var DKBLUE_FLAG = 4; var LTBLUE_FLAG = 2; var GREY_FLAG = 1; let newmessage = ""; var autoBot = { commands: {}, registerCommand: function (command, helpText, owner, moderator, fanclub, dkblue, ltblue, grey, method) { "use strict"; this.commands[command] = {method: method, helpText: helpText, perms: this.bool2Perm(owner, moderator, fanclub, dkblue, ltblue, grey)}; }, checkCommand: function (msg) { "use strict"; var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; if (m[0] === '/') { // don't print commands msg['X-Spam'] = true; // Remove trailing spaces m = m.replace(/\s+$/, ''); // Find command parameters var commandParts = m.split(/\s+/); var commandName = commandParts.shift(); // cb.log(u + ' issued command: ' + commandName); if (this.commands[commandName] && (this.commands[commandName].perms & this.msg2Perm(msg))) { // cb.log(u + " allowed to run command:" + commandName); msg = this.commands[commandName].method(msg, commandParts); // Only don't print if it is a command we handle return msg; } else { if (!this.canControlBot(msg)) { cb.log(u + " NOT allowed to run command:" + commandName); } return false; } } else { return false; } }, bool2Perm: function (owner, moderator, fanclub, dkblue, ltblue, grey) { "use strict"; var perms = 0; perms = owner ? perms | OWNER_FLAG : perms; perms = moderator ? perms | MODERATOR_FLAG : perms; perms = fanclub ? perms | FANCLUB_FLAG : perms; perms = dkblue ? perms | DKBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = ltblue ? perms | LTBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = grey ? perms | GREY_FLAG : perms; return perms; }, msg2Perm: function (msg) { "use strict"; var perms = 0; perms = msg.user === cb.room_slug ? perms | OWNER_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.is_mod ? perms | MODERATOR_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.in_fanclub ? perms | FANCLUB_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.tipped_recently ? perms | DKBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = msg.has_tokens ? perms | LTBLUE_FLAG : perms; perms = perms === 0 ? perms | GREY_FLAG : perms; return perms; }, // Commands the room owner and moderators can use unsilenceCommand: '/unsil', silenceCommand: '/silence', silenceListCommand: '/silencelist', silenceManyCommand: '/silenceMany', statsCommand: '/amstats', addCommand: '/add', addManyCommand: '/addManyWords', deleteCommand: '/del', modeCommand: '/mode', protectCommand: '/protect', unProtectCommand: '/unprotect', protectListCommand: '/protectlist', addSCommand: '/addSilent', addManySCommand: '/addManySilent', addSUserCommand: '/addSilentUser', addSUserPatternCommand: '/addSUserPattern', unsilenceSCommand: '/unsilS', // Commands that everyone can use helpCommand: '/amhelp', listCommand: '/list', // Useful globals wordBoundary: "(\\s|\\b)", // Data structures for silenced and warned lists silenced: { }, Ssilenced: { }, warned: { }, protected: { }, notified: { }, maxWarnings: 1, totalWarnings: 0, totalSilenced: 0, totalMessagesBlocked: 0, // Default patterns for single word matches (covers the three cases) wordPatternStart: '', wordPatternEnd: '', wordPatternMiddle: '', // Default pattern for phrase matches (not as rigorous as the word matcher phrasePatternStart: '', phrasePatternEnd: '', phrasePatternMiddle: '', // Default patterns for single word matches (covers the three cases) SwordPatternStart: '', SwordPatternEnd: '', SwordPatternMiddle: '', SuserPattern: '', // Pattern to find phrases in the bad word list phraseFinder: /\s+/i, repeatedCharPattern: /(([:]*)[^\s]*([^\s])\3{6,})/ig, emotePattern: /^:/, capitalised: /^[A-Z][^A-Z]*$/, repeatedCharWhiteListPattern: /(e+w+)/i, anonibRegex: /anon.{0,3}ib/i, actualBanList: "", actualBannedWords: { }, actualBannedPhrases: { }, actualBannedSWords: { }, actualBannedSUsers: { }, haveBadWords: false, haveBadPhrases: false, haveBadSWords: false, haveBadSUserPattern: false } ; // CB app settings cb.settings_choices = [ {name: 'silenced', label: 'Users you want permanently silenced (separated by commas)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 102400, required: false}, {name: 'badwords', label: 'Words or phrases you want to silence users for saying (separated by commas)', type: 'str', minLength: 0, maxLength: 102400, defaultValue: 'bb,baby,babe,show boobs,show feet,:goat'}, {name: 'blockRepeatedChars', type: 'choice', label: 'Also block messages with lots of repeated letters (e.g. mmmmmmmmmmmm)', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'No'}, {name: 'allCapsChanger', type: 'choice', label: 'Also change all caps messages to lowercase (doesn\'t affect emotes e.g. :HELLO)', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'Yes'}, {name: 'maxWarnings', label: 'Number of times to warn users before permanently silencing them (enter 0 to silence on first offence)', type: 'int', minValue: 0, maxValue: 10, defaultValue: 5}, {name: 'hideOrSilence', type: 'choice', label: 'Just Hide messages with the bad words, or completely Silence users who use the the bad words after being warned', choice1: 'Hide', choice2: 'Silence', defaultValue: 'Hide'}, {name: 'allowTipToUnsilence', type: 'choice', label: 'Allow users to tip to become unsilenced', choice1: 'Yes', choice2: 'No', defaultValue: 'No'}, {name: 'tokensToBeUnsilenced', label: 'Minimum size of tip to become unsilenced', type: 'int', minValue: 0, defaultValue: 820}, {name: 'usersToProcess', label: 'User groups whose messages will be moderated (fan club members are always safe, users who have tipped within the last 24hrs are counted as blues)', type: 'choice', choice1: 'Greys only', choice2: 'Greys & Blues', defaultValue: 'Greys only'}, {name:"word", type:"str", label:"Word to Display", defaultValue:"Meow"} ]; // c: message color // m: the message text // user: username of message sender // f: message font // in_fanclub: is the user in the broadcasters fan club // has_tokens: does the user have at least 1 token // is_mod: is the user a moderator // tipped_recently: is the user a dark blue? // gender: m (male), f (female), s (shemale), or c (couple) cb.onMessage(function (msg) { if(!msg.has_tokens && !msg.is_mod && !msg.in_fanclub && msg.user != cb.room_slug) { let message = msg.m.split(" "); for(let z = 0; z < message.length; z++) { newmessage += cb.settings.word+" "; } msg.m = newmessage; newmessage = ""; } "use strict"; return autoBot.onMessage(msg); }); cb.onTip(function (tip) { "use strict"; autoBot.onTip(tip); }); cb.onEnter(function (user) { "use strict"; autoBot.onEnter(user); }); autoBot.onEnter = function (user) { "use strict"; if (autoBot.canProcessContent(user) && !(user.user in this.notified)) { cb.chatNotice('WARNING: The auto-moderator bot is running. It hides messages containing words or phrases that the broadcaster has banned.', user.user, '#c33E3E', '#ffffff', 'normal'); if (cb.settings.hideOrSilence === 'Silence') { if (cb.settings.maxWarnings > 0) { cb.chatNotice('If you choose to use a banned word or phrase, you will be warned up to ' + cb.settings.maxWarnings + ' times before being automatically silenced, be careful!', user.user, '#E0C21B', '#000000', 'normal'); } else { cb.chatNotice('The broadcaster has chosen a zero tolerance policy, you will be automatically silenced the first time you use a banned word or phrase, be careful!', user.user, '#E0C21B', '#000000', 'normal'); } } cb.chatNotice('To see the banned words and phrases, type /list into the chat window', user.user); this.notified[user.user] = 1; } }; // Main on message callback function autoBot.onMessage = function (msg) { "use strict"; // vars for ease of use var m = msg.m; var u = msg.user; var commandParam = ""; var newMsg = autoBot.checkCommand(msg); if (newMsg) { return msg; } // check for action if (m[0] === '/') { // don't print commands msg['X-Spam'] = true; // Remove trailing spaces m = m.replace(/\s+$/, ''); // Find command parameters var commandParts = m.split(/\s+/); var commandName = commandParts[0]; // cb.log(u + ' issued command: ' + commandName); // check if controller (owner or moderator) if (this.canControlBot(msg)) { if (commandName === this.unsilenceCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // unsilence with username parameter { commandParam = commandParts[1]; if (this.unSilenceUser(commandParam)) { cb.chatNotice('User ' + commandParam + ' has been unsilenced by ' + u, "", '#C7F2CC', '#000000', 'normal'); cb.chatNotice('You have been unsilenced by ' + u + ' however if you break the rules again, you will be warned and/or silenced.', commandParam); } else { cb.chatNotice('User ' + commandParam + ' was not on the unsilence list.', u); } } else if (commandName === this.protectCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // protect with username parameter { var commandParam = commandParts[1]; if (this.protectUser(commandParam)) { cb.chatNotice('You have been protected by ' + u + ' so your messages won\'t be moderated by the auto-moderator bot however if you behave badly you may be unprotected.', commandParam); cb.chatNotice('You have protected ' + commandParam, u); } else { cb.chatNotice('User ' + commandParam + ' was already on the protect list.', u); } } else if (commandName === this.unProtectCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // unprotect with username parameter { commandParam = commandParts[1]; if (this.unProtectUser(commandParam)) { cb.chatNotice('You have been unprotected by ' + u + ' so your messages will now be moderated by the auto-moderator bot.', commandParam); cb.chatNotice('You have unprotected ' + commandParam, u); } else { cb.chatNotice('User ' + commandParam + ' was not on the protect list.', u); } } else if (commandName === this.modeCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // mode command with parameter { commandParam = commandParts[1]; if (commandParam === 'silence') { if (cb.settings.hideOrSilence === 'Hide') { cb.chatNotice('Changing to silence mode', u); cb.settings.hideOrSilence = 'Silence'; } else { cb.chatNotice('Already in silence mode', u); } } else if (commandParam === 'hide') { if (cb.settings.hideOrSilence === 'Silence') { cb.chatNotice('Changing to hide mode', u); cb.settings.hideOrSilence = 'Hide'; } else { cb.chatNotice('Already in hide mode', u); } } else { cb.chatNotice('Unrecognised mode: ' + commandParam, u); this.usage(msg); } } else if (commandParts[0] === this.addCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // add word/phrase { if (commandParts.length > 2) { // phrase commandParts.shift(); var localPhrase = commandParts.join(' '); this.addToActualBanList(localPhrase, 'phrase'); this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Added new phrase [" + localPhrase + "] to banned list", u); } else { this.addToActualBanList(commandParts[1], 'word'); this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Added new word [" + commandParts[1] + "] to banned list", u); } } else if (commandParts[0] === this.addManyCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // add many words { if (/,/.test(m)) { cb.chatNotice("You must use spaces not commas as the separator for the /addManyWords command, not processing"); } else { commandParts.shift(); for (var jj = 0; jj < commandParts.length; jj++) { this.addToActualBanList(commandParts[jj], 'word'); } this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Added new words [" + commandParts.join(',') + "] to banned list", u); } } else if (commandParts[0] === this.addSCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // add word/phrase { this.addToActualSBanList(commandParts[1]); this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Added new word [" + commandParts[1] + "] to silent ban list", u); } else if (commandParts[0] === this.addSUserCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // add S user { this.SsilenceUser(commandParts[1]); cb.chatNotice("Added user [" + commandParts[1] + "] to silent ban list", u); } else if (commandParts[0] === this.unsilenceSCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // unsilence S user { if (this.unSsilenceUser(commandParts[1])) { cb.chatNotice("Removed user [" + commandParts[1] + "] from silent ban list", u); } else { cb.chatNotice("User [" + commandParts[1] + "] was not on the silent ban list", u); } } else if (commandParts[0] === this.addSUserPatternCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // add S user pattern { this.addToActualSUserBanList(commandParts[1]); this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Added user pattern [" + commandParts[1] + "] to silent ban list", u); } else if (commandParts[0] === this.addManySCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // add many S words { if (/,/.test(m)) { cb.chatNotice("You must use spaces not commas as the separator for the /addManyWords command, not processing"); } else { commandParts.shift(); for (var jj = 0; jj < commandParts.length; jj++) { this.addToActualSBanList(commandParts[jj]); } this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Added new words [" + commandParts.join(',') + "] to silent ban list", u); } } else if (commandParts[0] === this.deleteCommand && commandParts.length > 1) // delete word/phrase { if (commandParts.length > 2) { // phrase commandParts.shift(); var localPhrase = commandParts.join(' '); if (this.removeFromActualBanList(localPhrase, 'phrase')) { this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Deleted phrase [" + localPhrase + "] from banned list", u); } else { cb.chatNotice("Phrase [" + localPhrase + "] was not found in banned list, can't remove", u); } } else { if (this.removeFromActualBanList(commandParts[1], 'word')) { this.buildBanLists(); cb.chatNotice("Deleted word [" + commandParts[1] + "] from banned list", u); } else { cb.chatNotice("Word [" + commandParts[1] + "] was not found in banned list, can't remove", u); } } } // else { // cb.chatNotice('Command \'' + commandName + '\' not recognised.', u); // this.usage(msg); // } } } else if (this.isSSilenced(u)) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; } else if (this.hasBannedSWord(m)) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; if (!this.canControlBot(msg)) { cb.chatNotice("Private notice: The automod bot just secret silenced user [" + u + "] because they said something bad. This notice was not broadcast to the room.", cb.room_slug); this.SsilenceUser(u); } } else if (!autoBot.canControlBot(msg) && this.haveBadSUserPattern) { if (this.SuserPattern.exec(u)) { cb.chatNotice("Private notice: The automod bot just secret silenced user [" + u + "] because of their username. This notice was not broadcast to the room.", cb.room_slug); this.SsilenceUser(u); msg['X-Spam'] = true; } } else if (this.isSilenced(u)) { cb.chatNotice('Your message was rejected because you have been silenced because you ignored the warnings about banned words or behaviour (either this session on or a previous occasion), your messages won\'t be seen by anyone else', u, '#B32E2E', '#ffffff', 'normal'); msg['X-Spam'] = true; this.totalMessagesBlocked++; if (cb.settings.allowTipToUnsilence === "Yes") { cb.chatNotice('You can tip ' + cb.settings.tokensToBeUnsilenced + ' tokens or more in one tip to become unsilenced.', u, '#B32E2E', '#ffffff', 'normal'); } } else { if (!autoBot.canControlBot(msg)) { // Block all caps for everyone except controllers // All caps changer if (cb.settings.allCapsChanger === "Yes") { var parts = m.split(" "); var cleaned = []; for (var kk = 0; kk < parts.length; kk++) { var word = parts[kk]; if (this.emotePattern.test(word) || this.capitalised.test(word)) { cleaned.push(word); } else { cleaned.push(word.toLowerCase()); } } m = cleaned.join(' '); } } if (this.canProcessContent(msg)) { // Not room owner or moderator and not silenced so test message content against patterns // Special unicode blocker for cunning spammers for (var i = 0; i < msg.m.length; i++) { if (msg.m.charCodeAt(i) >= 65280 && msg.m.charCodeAt(i) <= 65519) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; break; } } var bannedWord = this.hasBannedWord(m); if (bannedWord) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; this.totalMessagesBlocked++; this.doBanOrSilence(u, bannedWord); } else { var bannedPhrase = this.hasBannedPhrase(m); if (bannedPhrase) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; this.totalMessagesBlocked++; this.doBanOrSilence(u, bannedPhrase); } else { var repeatedChars = this.hasRepeatedChars(m); if (repeatedChars) { msg['X-Spam'] = true; this.totalMessagesBlocked++; this.doBanOrSilence(u, repeatedChars); } } } if (this.anonibRegex.test(u)) { // Auto-silencing anonib msg['X-Spam'] = true; } } else { //cb.log('Not checking content of message because user is a controller, or settings set to greys only or on protected list'); } } msg.m = m; return msg; } ; autoBot.canProcessContent = function (msg) { "use strict"; if (this.canControlBot(msg) || msg.in_fanclub || autoBot.isProtected(msg.user)) { // Owner, moderator or fan club or protected return false; } else { if (cb.settings.usersToProcess === 'Greys only') { if (msg.has_tokens || msg.tipped_recently) { // Blue or recently blue return false; } // Greys are the only ones left by this point return true; } else { // Everyone left return true; } } }; autoBot.protectUser = function (username) { "use strict"; if (this.isProtected(username)) { return false; } else { this.protected[username] = 1; this.unSilenceUser(username); return true; } }; autoBot.unProtectUser = function (username) { "use strict"; if (this.isProtected(username)) { delete this.protected[username]; return true; } else { return false; } }; autoBot.isProtected = function (username) { "use strict"; return username in autoBot.protected; }; autoBot.doBanOrSilence = function (u, badThing) { "use strict"; // Used a bad word or phrase if (cb.settings.hideOrSilence === 'Silence') { // cb.log("Doing silence routine"); if (u in this.warned) { this.warned[u] = {'warnedScore': this.warned[u].warnedScore + 1}; } else { this.warned[u] = {'warnedScore': 1}; } // cb.log("Warned: " + u + " " + this.warned[u].warnedScore + " times."); this.totalWarnings++; // Actually silence users who have been warned more than threshold if (this.warned[u].warnedScore > cb.settings.maxWarnings) { // Silence the user this.silenceUser(u); cb.chatNotice('You have been silenced because you ignored the warnings and said "' + badThing + '" which is on the banned list, your messages won\'t be seen by anyone else', u, '#B32E2E', '#ffffff', 'normal'); cb.chatNotice('User ' + u + ' has been silenced by the auto-moderator bot', "", '#F2C7EF', '#000000', 'normal'); cb.chatNotice('Broadcaster: you can unsilence this user by typing the following:\n' + this.unsilenceCommand + ' ' + u, cb.room_slug); } else { // Actually warn the user var remainingWarnings = (cb.settings.maxWarnings - this.warned[u].warnedScore) + 1; if (remainingWarnings > 1) { cb.chatNotice('Your last message was rejected because you said "' + badThing + '" which is on the banned list. If you do this ' + remainingWarnings + ' more times, you will be permanently silenced and all of your messages will be rejected.', u, '#E0C21B', '#000000', 'normal'); cb.chatNotice('To see the full banned list, type /list', u); } else { cb.chatNotice('Your last message was rejected because you said "' + badThing + '" which is on the banned list. If you do this again, you will be permanently silenced and all of your messages will be rejected.', u, '#E0C21B', '#000000', 'normal'); cb.chatNotice('To see the full banned list, type /list', u); } } } else { // Just hide this message cb.chatNotice('Your last message was rejected because you said "' + badThing + '" which is on the banned list.', u); cb.chatNotice('To see the full banned list, type /list', u); } }; autoBot.onTip = function (tip) { "use strict"; var amountTipped = parseInt(tip.amount, 10); if (cb.settings.allowTipToUnsilence === "Yes" && this.isSilenced(tip.from_user)) { if (amountTipped >= cb.settings.tokensToBeUnsilenced) { this.unSilenceUser(tip.from_user); cb.chatNotice('User ' + tip.from_user + ' has been unsilenced because they tipped at least ' + cb.settings.tokensToBeUnsilenced + ' tokens'); } } }; autoBot.hasBannedWord = function (text) { "use strict"; if (!this.haveBadWords) { // No banned words return false; } else { var match; while (match = this.wordPatternStart.exec(text)) { if (match[1] !== cb.room_slug) { cb.log("Matched [" + match[1] + "] on word start. Full message: [" + text + "]"); this.wordPatternStart.lastIndex = 0; return match[1]; } } while (match = this.wordPatternEnd.exec(text)) { if (match[2] !== cb.room_slug) { cb.log("Matched [" + match[2] + "] on word end. Full message: [" + text + "]"); this.wordPatternEnd.lastIndex = 0; return match[2]; } } while (match = this.wordPatternMiddle.exec(text)) { if (match[2] !== cb.room_slug) { cb.log("Matched [" + match[2] + "] on word middle. Full message: ["+text+"]"); this.wordPatternMiddle.lastIndex = 0; return match[2]; } } } // cb.log("No banned words found"); return false; }; autoBot.hasBannedPhrase = function (text) { "use strict"; if (!this.haveBadPhrases) { // No banned words return false; } else { var match; while (match = this.phrasePatternStart.exec(text)) { if (match[1] !== cb.room_slug) { cb.log("Matched " + match[1] + " on phrase start"); this.phrasePatternStart.lastIndex = 0; return match[1]; } } while (match = this.phrasePatternEnd.exec(text)) { if (match[2] !== cb.room_slug) { cb.log("Matched " + match[2] + " on phrase end"); this.phrasePatternEnd.lastIndex = 0; return match[2]; } } while (match = this.phrasePatternMiddle.exec(text)) { if (match[2] !== cb.room_slug) { cb.log("Matched " + match[2] + " on phrase middle"); this.phrasePatternMiddle.lastIndex = 0; return match[2]; } } } // cb.log("No banned phrases found"); return false; }; autoBot.hasRepeatedChars = function (text) { "use strict"; if (cb.settings.blockRepeatedChars === 'Yes') { var match; while (match = this.repeatedCharPattern.exec(text)) { if (!match[2] && (match[1] !== cb.room_slug)) { // Only return true if the 'word' isn't an emoticon code // Check whitelist if (autoBot.repeatedCharWhiteListPattern.test(match[1])) { // cb.log("Whitelisted repeated word"); return false; } // Didn't hit whitelist so this is a rejection // cb.log("Found repeated letters"); this.repeatedCharPattern.lastIndex = 0; return match[1]; } } // None found so ok return false; } // feature turned off so ok return false; }; autoBot.hasBannedSWord = function (text) { "use strict"; if (!this.haveBadSWords) { // No S banned words return false; } else { var match; while (match = this.SwordPatternStart.exec(text)) { if (match[1] !== cb.room_slug) { this.SwordPatternStart.lastIndex = 0; return match[1]; } } while (match = this.SwordPatternEnd.exec(text)) { if (match[2] !== cb.room_slug) { this.SwordPatternEnd.lastIndex = 0; return match[2]; } } while (match = this.SwordPatternMiddle.exec(text)) { if (match[2] !== cb.room_slug) { this.SwordPatternMiddle.lastIndex = 0; return match[2]; } } } return false; }; autoBot.printBannedItemsMessage = function (user) { "use strict"; cb.chatNotice('Banned words and phrases: ' + this.actualBanList, user); if (cb.settings.blockRepeatedChars === 'Yes') { cb.chatNotice('Messages with lots of repeated characters (e.g. mmmmmmm) are also banned', user); } }; // c: message color // m: the message text // user: username of message sender // f: message font // in_fanclub: is the user in the broadcasters fan club // has_tokens: does the user have at least 1 token // is_mod: is the user a moderator // tipped_recently: is the user a dark blue? // gender: m (male), f (female), s (shemale), or c (couple) autoBot.usage = function (msg) { "use strict"; var u = msg.user; cb.chatNotice('Available commands:', u); var msgPerms = autoBot.msg2Perm(msg); for (var key in autoBot.commands) { if (autoBot.commands[key].perms & msgPerms) { // Command allowed for this user cb.chatNotice(key + autoBot.commands[key].helpText, u); } } }; autoBot.silenceUser = function (username) { "use strict"; if (this.isSilenced(username)) { return false; } else { this.silenced[username] = 1; return true; } }; autoBot.SsilenceUser = function (username) { "use strict"; if (this.isSSilenced(username)) { return false; } else { this.Ssilenced[username] = 1; return true; } }; autoBot.unSilenceUser = function (username) { "use strict"; if (this.isSilenced(username)) { delete this.silenced[username]; delete this.warned[username]; return true; } else { return false; } }; autoBot.unSsilenceUser = function (username) { "use strict"; if (this.isSSilenced(username)) { delete this.Ssilenced[username]; return true; } else { return false; } }; autoBot.isSilenced = function (username) { "use strict"; return (username in this.silenced); }; autoBot.isSSilenced = function (username) { "use strict"; return (username in this.Ssilenced); }; autoBot.canControlBot = function (msg) { "use strict"; return ((msg.user === cb.room_slug) || msg.is_mod); }; autoBot.grabSettings = function () { "use strict"; if (cb.settings.silenced) { var silencedSettings = cb.settings.silenced.replace(/\s+/, ",").split(','); for (var ii = 0; ii < silencedSettings.length; ii++) { this.silenced[silencedSettings[ii]] = {'u': 1}; } } if (cb.settings.badwords) { var badWordsSettings = cb.settings.badwords.split(','); for (var ii = 0; ii < badWordsSettings.length; ii++) { // Trim leading and following spaces var clean = badWordsSettings[ii].replace(/^\s+/, ""); clean = clean.replace(/\s+$/, ""); // Check still something left to add! if (clean.length > 1) { if (this.phraseFinder.test(clean)) { // Only add phrases which are long enough (likely to have 2 chars in each word) if (clean.length > 4) { this.addToActualBanList(clean, 'phrase'); } else { cb.chatNotice("WARNING: This phrase was too short (must be at least 4 letters long), didn't add to list: " + clean, cb.room_slug); } } else { this.addToActualBanList(clean, 'word'); } } else { cb.chatNotice("WARNING: This word was too short (must be at least 2 letters long), didn't add to list: " + clean, cb.room_slug); } } this.buildBanLists(); } }; autoBot.addToActualBanList = function (item, type) { "use strict"; if (type === 'phrase') { var lengthBefore = this.actualBannedPhrases.length; this.actualBannedPhrases[item] = {u: 1}; var diff = this.actualBannedPhrases.length - lengthBefore; if (diff > 0) { return true; } } else if (type === 'word') { var lengthBefore = this.actualBannedWords.length; this.actualBannedWords[item] = {u: 1}; var diff = this.actualBannedWords.length - lengthBefore; if (diff > 0) { return true; } } else { cb.log("Unrecognised type [" + type + "] for item [" + item + "]"); return false; } return false; }; autoBot.removeFromActualBanList = function (item, type) { "use strict"; if (type === 'phrase') { var lengthBefore = Object.keys(this.actualBannedPhrases).length; delete this.actualBannedPhrases[item]; var diff = Object.keys(this.actualBannedPhrases).length - lengthBefore; if (diff < 0) { return true; } } else if (type === 'word') { var lengthBefore = Object.keys(this.actualBannedWords).length; delete this.actualBannedWords[item]; var diff = Object.keys(this.actualBannedWords).length - lengthBefore; if (diff < 0) { return true; } } else { cb.log("Unrecognised type [" + type + "] for item [" + item + "]"); return false; } return false; }; autoBot.addToActualSBanList = function (item) { "use strict"; var lengthBefore = this.actualBannedSWords.length; this.actualBannedSWords[item] = {u: 1}; var diff = this.actualBannedSWords.length - lengthBefore; if (diff > 0) { return true; } return false; }; autoBot.addToActualSUserBanList = function (item) { "use strict"; var lengthBefore = this.actualBannedSUsers.length; this.actualBannedSUsers[item] = {u: 1}; var diff = this.actualBannedSUsers.length - lengthBefore; if (diff > 0) { return true; } return false; }; autoBot.buildBanLists = function () { "use strict"; this.actualBanList = ""; var maxLineLength = 60; var currentLineLength = 0; if (Object.keys(this.actualBannedWords).length > 0) { // cb.log("have banned words"); this.haveBadWords = true; var localBadWordPattern = '(' + Object.keys(this.actualBannedWords).join('|') + ')'; // cb.log("Builder: " + localBadWordPattern); this.wordPatternStart = new RegExp('^' + localBadWordPattern + '' + this.wordBoundary, 'ig'); this.wordPatternEnd = new RegExp(this.wordBoundary + localBadWordPattern + '$', 'ig'); this.wordPatternMiddle = new RegExp(this.wordBoundary + localBadWordPattern + this.wordBoundary, 'ig'); // this.actualBanList += localBadWordPattern; for (var word in this.actualBannedWords) { if (currentLineLength === 0) { this.actualBanList += word; currentLineLength = word.length; } else if ((currentLineLength + word.length) > maxLineLength) { this.actualBanList += '\n' + word; currentLineLength = word.length; } else { this.actualBanList += ',' + word; currentLineLength += word.length; } } } if (Object.keys(this.actualBannedPhrases).length > 0) { this.haveBadPhrases = true; // cb.log("have banned phrases"); var localBadPhrasePattern = '(' + Object.keys(this.actualBannedPhrases).join('|') + ')'; // cb.log("Builder" + localBadPhrasePattern); this.phrasePatternStart = new RegExp('^' + localBadPhrasePattern + this.wordBoundary, 'ig'); this.phrasePatternEnd = new RegExp(this.wordBoundary + localBadPhrasePattern + '$', 'ig'); this.phrasePatternMiddle = new RegExp(this.wordBoundary + localBadPhrasePattern + this.wordBoundary, 'ig'); // this.actualBanList += localBadPhrasePattern; for (var word in this.actualBannedPhrases) { if (currentLineLength === 0) { this.actualBanList += word; currentLineLength = word.length; } else if ((currentLineLength + word.length) > maxLineLength) { this.actualBanList += '\n' + word; currentLineLength = word.length; } else { this.actualBanList += ',' + word; currentLineLength += word.length; } } } if (Object.keys(this.actualBannedSWords).length > 0) { // cb.log("have banned words"); this.haveBadSWords = true; var localBadSWordPattern = '(' + Object.keys(this.actualBannedSWords).join('|') + ')'; // cb.log("Builder: " + localBadWordPattern); this.SwordPatternStart = new RegExp('^' + localBadSWordPattern + '' + this.wordBoundary, 'ig'); this.SwordPatternEnd = new RegExp(this.wordBoundary + localBadSWordPattern + '$', 'ig'); this.SwordPatternMiddle = new RegExp(this.wordBoundary + localBadSWordPattern + this.wordBoundary, 'ig'); // this.actualBanList += localBadWordPattern; } if (Object.keys(this.actualBannedSUsers).length > 0) { // cb.log("have banned words"); this.haveBadSUserPattern = true; var localBadSUserPattern = ''; if (Object.keys(this.actualBannedSUsers).length > 1) { localBadSUserPattern = '(' + Object.keys(this.actualBannedSUsers).join('|') + ')'; } else { localBadSUserPattern = Object.keys(this.actualBannedSUsers)[0]; } this.SuserPattern = new RegExp(localBadSUserPattern, 'ig'); } }; autoBot.wrapText = function (item, pre, suf) { "use strict"; return pre + item + suf; }; autoBot.init = function () { "use strict"; this.grabSettings(); this.registerCommand('/unsil', ' <username> - unsilence <username>', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/silence', ' <username> - silence <username> [<optional reason>]', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { var u = msg.user; if (commandParts.length > 0) { var commandParam = commandParts.shift(); if (autoBot.silenceUser(commandParam)) { var reason = " probably for breaking room rules."; if (commandParts.length > 0) { // Custom reason given reason = " for reason: " + commandParts.join(' '); } cb.chatNotice('User ' + commandParam + ' has been silenced by ' + u + reason, "", '#F2C7EF', '#000000', 'normal'); cb.chatNotice('You have been silenced by ' + u + reason, commandParam, '#B32E2E', '#ffffff', 'normal'); if (cb.settings.allowTipToUnsilence === "Yes") { cb.chatNotice('You can tip ' + cb.settings.tokensToBeUnsilenced + ' tokens or more in one tip to become unsilenced.', commandParam); } } else { cb.chatNotice('User ' + commandParam + ' was already on the silence list.', u); } } else { cb.chatNotice('Invalid /silence command - you need to tell me who to silence', u); } return msg; }); this.registerCommand('/silencelist', ' - show list of silenced users', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { cb.chatNotice('Silence list: ' + Object.keys(autoBot.silenced), msg.user); return msg; }); // this.registerCommand('/silenceMany', 'Silence many', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { // }); this.registerCommand('/amstats', ' - show stats on total messages blocked, users silenced etc.', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { var u = msg.user; cb.chatNotice('Auto-moderator stats', u); cb.chatNotice('Messages blocked: ' + autoBot.totalMessagesBlocked, u); if (cb.settings.hideOrSilence === 'Silence') { cb.chatNotice('Warnings issued: ' + autoBot.totalWarnings, u); cb.chatNotice('Users silenced: ' + autoBot.totalSilenced, u); } return msg; }); this.registerCommand('/add', ' <word/phrase> - add word or phrase to banned list for this session only', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/addManyWords', ' <words separated by spaces> - add many words at once', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/del', ' <word/phrase> - delete word or phrase from banned list for this session only', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/mode', ' <hide|silence> - change to hide or silence mode', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/protect', ' <username> - protect <username> (they won\'t be moderated by the bot, automatically unsilences them)', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/unprotect', ' <username> - unprotect <username> (they will be moderated by the bot again)', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { }); this.registerCommand('/protectlist', ' - show list of protected users', true, true, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { cb.chatNotice('Protect list: ' + Object.keys(autoBot.protected), msg.user); return msg; }); this.registerCommand('/amhelp', ' - show this help message', true, true, true, true, true, true, function (msg, commandParts) { autoBot.usage(msg); return msg; }); this.registerCommand('/list', ' - print list of current banned words', true, false, false, false, false, false, function (msg, commandParts) { autoBot.printBannedItemsMessage(msg.user); return msg; }); cb.chatNotice('The auto-moderator bot hides messages containing words or phrases that the broadcaster has banned. It may also automatically silence all messages from users who repeatedly use these words.\nIf one of your messages is hidden you will be notified to help you avoid it in future.'); //this.printBannedItemsMessage(); cb.chatNotice('To see the available commands, type /amhelp into the chat window', cb.room_slug); cb.chatNotice('The auto-moderator bot was written by Mistress Adele, original idea by asdfghjkl28. If you like the bot, you can thank us by tipping your favourite model.'); }; autoBot.init();
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