Short Description:
Speedload menus; limited-stock menu items; last-10 purchase history.
Full Description
This is a low-frills menu bot, which does a few things I don't remember ever seeing:
- Speedloaded Menus: Wipe and reload entire menus via command text, to customize your show. Create menus manually or have YAM print menu contents for copy/pasting later.
- Limited-Availability Items: Want to offer social promos in your menu? Shippable items? Don't feel like doing 10 or 20 of a thing? Set the maximum number of times an item can be bought.
- Purchase History display: Display most-recent purchases (default 10), either overall or for a given user, price, or item.
- Honors anonymous tips The bot doesn't unmask anon tippers to the room - mods + streamers still see this info at tip time or via "/yam last".
Broadcaster: Try these out, in order, to get a feel for the bot.
/yam add dance 20 4
Adds menu item 'dance' at price 20, which can be purchased 4 times.
/yam add jump around~24
Adds menu item 'jump around' at price 24, which can be purchased an unlimited number of times.
/yam price 2 33
Changes price of item 2 ('jump around') to 33.
/yam unlimit 1
Removes the purchase limit of the 1st item of the menu ('dance').
/yam limit 1 0
Disables the 'dance' item, it will display as "sold out".
/yam limit 1 30
Sets a 30-purchase limit on the 'dance' item, reactivating it.
/yam export
Produces a string of menu items for copy/pasting: dance~20~0|jump around~33~-1.
/yam delete 1
Deletes the 'dance' item.
/yam import meow~20~30|blow kiss~33~-1
Unpacks and adds a 20-token, 30-purchase 'meow' item. The 'blow kiss' item is skipped, as a 33-token item already exists in the menu.
/yam list
Sends a notice of the listing to the user, with entry numbers (mod/streamer) or not (everyone else).
/yam reset 1
Resets the hit counter for item #1, making it available again if it was sold out.
/yam hide
Disables the menu - tips won't trigger the items or be tracked while hidden.
/yam show
The menu now displays (and will accept tips)...
/yam interval 1
...every minute.
/yam divider ---
Change the menu divider to '---' (also works with any emoji)
/yam speedload replacement~30~2|echo~9~4|something else~4|wheee~9~40|pick another item please~7~10
Wipes the current menu, replacing it with these four items.
General Behavior
Management of individual items is menu driven. /yam list spits out the menu as a numbered list; YAM acts on those item numbers (not names), as shown in the examples above.
Once a menu item has more purchases than its assigned limit, it will display as 'sold out' to the public. Mods+Streamer will see both the item name and the 'sold out' text.
Entire menus can be exported and imported as a single line, pipe ('|') and tilde('~') separated. Copy them off for safekeeping, keep multiple copies to load whatever suits your mood for a given day or show.
Supported Commands
Letters in parentheses are abbreviated versions of those commands, e.g. "/yam l" is shorthand for "/yam list".
Required parameters are shown in [braces], optional in {curlies}.
Available to streamer
- /yam (a)dd [name] [price] {limit} - add item to menu, at [price] and optional {limit}.
- /yam upda(t)e [name] [price] [limit] - set both [price] and [limit] on item # [num].
- /yam (d)elete [num] - delete item [num] from menu.
- /yam (p)rice [num] [price] - sets the [price] of item [num] from menu, if the price doesn't exist already
- /yam i(m)port [full-menu] - add a set of items whose prices aren't already in the menu. [Full-menu] is internally separated by '~', externally by '|'. (e.g.: 'dance~5~10|jump~20').
- /yam e(x)port - dumps all item names, prices, and limits, to a string for use with "import" - formatted as above.
- /yam (w)ipe - remove all menu items and export the old menu for saving later.
- /yam speedload [full-menu] - remove and replace current menu with a new one. (combined /wipe then /import)
- /yam sl [full-menu] - short for /speedload
Available to mods + streamer.Any [num] value below must be the number of the item as displayed in the "list" command (e.g '/yam reset 4' to reset the 4th item in your menu):
- /yam l(i)mit [num] [qty] - limits menu item #[num] to quantity [qty]. Set to 0 to disable an item.
- /yam (u)nlimit [num] - removes limit on item #[num].
- /yam r(e)set [num] - resets hit count of item #[num].
- /yam (h)istory - print purchase history, reverse-time order. History supports 3 filtering options:
- /yam history item [num] - all purchases for item #[num].
- /yam history price [p] - all purchases for item price [p].
- /yam history user [u] - all purchases for user [u].
- /yam (cl)earhist - clear out the order history.
- /yam (l)ast {qty} - print up to {qty} (default 10) most recent purchases. Also supports item/price/user filtering, as '/yam history' above. Note: in such cases, [qty] is required:
- /yam last [qty] item [num] - [qty] purchases for item #[num].
- /yam last [qty] price [p] - [qty] purchases for item price [p].
- /yam last [qty] user [u] - [qty] purchase for user [u].
- /yam interval [1-20] - (might not work yet - can be set at bot startup) sets the menu's public display interval, between 1-20 minutes
- /yam divider [str] - sets menu divider to [str]. 3 characters max, emojis allowed.
- /yam show - allow the menu to display itself in the public chat.
- /yam hide - disables public display and tip acceptance. You can edit the menu, however.
Available to anyone- /yam (l)ist - print a numbered list of current items. Only streamers will see item descriptions for out-of-stock items.
- /yam help - print this list
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