Author: testsyd
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Ultrabot based room control bot with options for King Tipper, rotating Notices, Spam blocking, etc.

Full Description

UltraBot + Asshole List
Version: 1.0.9 (15 July 2020)

See comments at top of script for changelog.

There are two commands which are not displayed in the help dialogs and which are only accessible to the broadcaster and moderators:
/listass - displays the Asshole list
/compass - displays Assholes who have tipped

This bot does not:

  • repeat anything said in tipnotes, (to anyone other than the broadcaster);
  • grant access to commands to those who shouldn't have it, (this includes the author);
  • automatically add any user to an access list, (eg. VIP list), a user has to be added by the host or a mod;
  • do anything it shouldn't, (barring unintended bugs).
  • If you find it does do something it shouldn't or a bug, tell me and I'll remove/fix it.

    I'm not a JavaScript professional, I've learnt from reading other scripts, so thank you to the following for leaving your script as unobsfuscated Open Source:
    Ultrabot - britney_and_justin
    Ultrabot Ultra v2.0.2 - CCXK
    Any number of other scripts that I've either used parts of or learnt from.

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