Author: studiobutterflies
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:


Full Description


function showAppAd(username) {
if ( ! gBreak ) {

var msg = "";
msg += "We are playing Roll the Dice - by jeffreyvels1994 \n";
msg += "Each roll reveals a prize. There are " + prizes.length + " possible prizes.\n";

if (cb.settings.remove_winning_prize == 'Yes') {
msg += "Each prize won will be removed from the list.\n";
} else {
msg += "Each prize won will stay on the list.\n";

msg += "Tip " + price + " " + langTokens + " to roll the dice. \n";
if (multiRolls > 1) msg += "You can roll a maximum of " + multiRolls + " times in a single tip (" + (multiRolls*price) + " tokens). \n";
msg += "Type \"!info\" to see the (app information)\n";
msg += "Type \"!log\" to see the changelog history \n";
msg += "Type \"!lol\" to see the list of prizes \n";
msg += "Type \"!lol all\" to send the list to all viewers if you're a mod or the broadcaster \n";
msg += "Type \"!winners\" to see a list of the last 20 winners ";
cb.sendNotice(msg, username, '#000000', '#ffffff', 'bold');

if ( ! gBreak ) {

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