Author: maxgraff2
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Publishes a Notice after a certain number of messages, not time

Full Description

* How to equal Notice speed with chat speed? Let's make chat more countable!
* This bot counts the number of messages left in the chat and publishes a Notice after a certain number of messages, not time.
* So you can keep Notice separately if chat is slow, and show Notice more often if chat is fast.
* The Chat Speed Notifier count only messages left by broadcaster and other users, not by any Notifier.
* This bot can display one by one UNLIMITED number of notifications, separated by ";" in settings.
* This bot can also display a tip menu in a single line notice.
* You can use one of the characters from bookmark "Sourse code" or any others for separate tip menu messages in one line tip menu.
* You can choose colors of font and background.
* Also you could choose in settings post or not a "special Counter notice" that will display numbers of leaved messages for the session with a message: "xxx messages was left today, keep going!",
* so it's can make chat a bit more interesting for everyone.
* Thanks to the author Bobomb, whose bot Notifier I used as a base for creating my own.
* Also feel free to use my code but don't forget mention my name then, I will appreciate that.
* To leave a feedback or suggestion contact me: [email protected]
* I'm thinking about adding to bot some kind of speedometer msg/minute, let me know if you wanna see it in the future.

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