Smoker's Multiphasic Tip Menu
Author: smoker919

You are viewing version 2841. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

A familiar take on tip menus but with new features and a second, hidden menu for broadcasters to share with special viewers

Full Description

About me

I am a software developer and software manager by profession. This is my first foray into Javascript development, so I will continue to iterate on this bot as my Javascript skills and knowledge increase. My philosophy is that code should first and foremost be readable by others, including my future selves. To that extent, anyone reading the source code might find my style to be slightly verbose, but hopefully it makes it easier to follow. I welcome feedback from other developers and will duly credit them if I use their suggestions.

I have opted to release the source code for this bot, as I will do any others I write. Rumours abound on CB about bot authors who use their bots to glean what should be private information from models, and also to implement scams. For example, as I was learning the CB API, I was able to write a malicious bot in just a few minutes that would send me all tip notes for a model just by being in a room where said bot was running. In my opinion, models should take some care to only use bots that they absolutely trust. By releasing mine as open source I hope to gain that trust and to encourage other bot authors to engage in the same practice.

About this bot

The concept for this bot was originally suggested by my friend Lostmedic who was looking for a tip menu that incorporated fan club pricing AND which had a separate, private menu that the broadcaster could use to share special items with special viewers. While My Menu by bobodeluxe incorporates fan club discounts, I couldn’t find a tip menu bot that incorporates all features I wanted to include, so I proceed to write this one in my spare time over 3 days.

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