Guests entering your room for the first time are immediately shown the tip menu. Returning guests will be shown "Type /menu to see the tip menu."
This bot features an optional auto response which can be turned on or off in the app startup settings or while the app is running by typing the command "/auto" (without quotes of course).
Startup Settings
Choose your menu style
Single line (every item on one line)
Multi line (one menu item per line)
Item separator
Choose a preset separator
Define your own item separator
Sort by price
Lowest to highest
Highest to lowest
No sorting
Menu color
Choose from a list of preset colors
Input your own hex color code
Chat Commands
/help -- Display this help message
/menu -- Send the tip menu to everyone in the room
/auto -- Toggle the auto response on or off
/cc -- Clear the chat of all messages. (no scroll back)
/mode -- Switch between single line and multi line mode
/list -- Display a list of color names and color samples