Custom bot for jacethesage's room
Custom bot for jacethesage room. Current modules included are: spamKill, fanClubShoutout
The goal of spamKill is to block spam while still being friendly to legitimate users. It does not use word filters that cause unnecessary blocks, and does not require users to solve capcha problems or retype messages that were intercepted. While this bot will not prevent all spam, it will block the most common spam messages generated by chatroom bots. It works as follows:
• When a grey user types a message in chat for the first time, they are greeted with the following message: Please enter the number "NN" to send your message. You only need to do this once, thanks for helping battle spam!
• If the user enters the requested number, their message is sent, and they will the be able to chat freely without future prompts
• If the requested number is not entered (and most bots will not), the message will not be sent and the user will continue to be prompted each time they enter an new message
• /spamkill Display spamKill status (enabled or disabled)
• /spamkill on Enable spamKill (default)
• spamkill off Disable spamKill
Provides recognition for fan club members::
• When a fan club member enters the room, it displays a message (the message can be specified when the bot is started)
• When a fan club member types a meassage in chat, an emoji is displayed at the beginning of the message line (the emoji can be specified when the bot is started)
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