Hotelmah's Multi-Bot
Author: hotelmah
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Abie's Multi-bot! is 4 bots in one. See description tab for more details. Commands are !help !abie !ty [name and/or message] !newfollowers !oldfollowers !bluestats !greystats !imgstats !fcthemes !themes !modthemes !fctheme [number] !chaticon [shortcode]

Full Description

Abie's Multi-Bot! A personal bot only for Abie. Abie's room is located at

Recommendation: Place Abie's Multi-Bot! in position Bot#1. This bot is not an app and does not use app specific features.

Abie's Multi-Bot! primary focus is to personalize the experience for Abie's guests by sending notifications to guests when certain events happen. The second focus of Abie's Multi-Bot is to manage human grey users and prevent spambots from messaging the room. This bot also filters out foul language from human grey users and tracks grey user metrics. The bot provides personalized follower notifications and unique chat themes.

The four main classes are Human Greys Guests and Broadcaster, My Tippers King and Leaders (only partially developed), My Followers, and My Chat Themes.
Under Human Greys Guests, the bot sends a personailzed welcome and welcome back message to guests, blocks spam by asking greys to enter a special passphrase, limits image spam, warns guests of foul language, and tracks blue and grey user metrics. My Tippers King and Leaders shows a crown when the top tipper chats. My Followers tracks new followers plus notifications and My Chat Themes helps provide a rich chat experience for Fan Club, a chat icon for Abie, and gender icons.

This bot is carefully designed to enhance the experience and feel of Abie's room. This bot is efficient, lightweight, and original.

For a list of detailed features, please start the bot and use the !help command.

Please contact the bot author in Abie's room or send an offline tip to or contact via snap @elmahfudd if you would like to have a personalized App or Bot.

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