Author: golden_rod_xix_apps
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Short Description:

Viewers tip a specified amount to draw a poker hand, the main goal is triggered when a Royal Flush is drawn.

Full Description

I wrote this app to meet my specific camming needs. I am not a fan of "Tip Goals" (if that works for you then great) and the concept of this game is a cross between Spin the Wheel/ Roll the Dice type games versus Guess the Number type games.

I have not made the source code for this app available, the code itself is quite simple but I had to put a lot of effort into the graphics. If you want to modify the app to meet your needs then contact me through my channel with your idea and either I'll update the app myself, create an app just for you or provide you with the code to do it yourself.

The concept of this app is straightforward... tip the appropriate amount of tokens to draw a poker hand.
Draw one of 4 Royal Flushes (A K Q J T all of the same suit) to achieve the main goal. Draw one of 32 flushes (all cards of the same suit) to achieve a subgoal if activated. Example, as a female cammer has the goal to remove her top as the main goal when someone hits a Royal Flush but maybe the subgoals of she'll temporarily flash her breast.

Odds: there are 192 possible hands in this game; 4 Royal Flushes (1 chance in 48) to draw and 32 flushes (1 chances in 6) to draw.

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