Author: cbrocks101
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Short Description:

cbrocks testbed bot

Full Description

Custom bot for testmodel's room. Current modules included are: Help,Notices,spamKill,tipGoal,spamPorn,mobilePM,thankYou,tipMenu

Help - get help on Bot functions and commands
Get help by typing /help, /h, or /?
  > /h  Get help on the Bot, and a list of all functions in the bot
  > /h [function]  Get help on one of the functions in the bot, including it's commands
  > /h *  Display an auto-genertaed html description of the bot, that can be cut and paste into the Bot's description screen

Notices - create and manage recurring notices
Allows recurring notices to be setup and managed. Notices can be setup when the bot starts or via commands.
For each notice you must specify the name, a message (i.e. the notice text that will be displayed), the
time interval (in seconds) at which it will repeat (use time interval "0" to display message manually only),
and the [userlist] it will be displayed to (a comma separated list that may include user names, "*" for all users,
"*m" for all mods, or "*b" for the broadcaster). An example [userlist] is "*m,user1".
After a notice is setup, it can be turned off, or displayed one time manually using the "/n" command
  > /n  List all of the Notices that have been setup
  > /n add [name] [timer] [userlist] [msg]  Create a new notice named [name], with message [msg], that will be displayed every [timer] seconds (see descript of [userlist] above
  > /n [name]  Manually display notice [name] immediately (this will not effect the regularly scheduled display of the notice)
  > /n off [name]  Turn off the recurring notice named [name] -- it can still be displayed manually (specify [name] as "*' to turn off all notices)

spamKill - user-friendly module for blocking spambots
The goal of spamKill is to block spam while still being friendly to legitimate users.
It does not use word filters that cause unnecessary blocks, and does not require users to solve
capcha problems or retype messages that were intercepted. While this bot will not prevent all spam
spam, it will block the most common spam messages generated by chatroom bots. It works as follows:
When a grey user types a message in chat for the first time, they are greeted with the following message:
> Please enter the number "NN" to send your message. You only need to do this once, thanks for helping battle spam!
If the user enters the requested number, their message is sent, and they will the be able to chat freely without
future prompts. If the requested number is not entered (and most bots will not), the message will not be sent and
the user will continue to be prompted each time they enter an new message
  > /sk  Display spamKill status (enabled or disabled)
  > /sk on  Enable spamKill (spamKill is enabled by default at startup)
  > /sk off  Disable spamKill

tipGoal - set and manage Tip Goals
Establishes a tip goal. tracks how much has been collected against the goal.and displays it
as a room notice, and notifies you when the goal.is met. Commands allow you to check the goal.status,
stop/restart the goal. replace the goal. and change the goal.target or amount collected.
  > /g  Show the goal and amount collected to the user typing the command. For mods/broadcaster, shows timer as well
  > /g [amt] [timer] [desc]  Set the goal.to [amt] with description [desc], with notice displayed timer [timer] minutes
  > /g [amt]  Change the goal.target amount to [amt], keeping the same description, timer, and amount collected
  > /g stop  Disable the tip goal.
  > /g restart  Restart the the tip goal. using previously set amount, description, and timer, Amount collected gets reset to 0
  > /g sofar [amt]  Change the amount collected against the goal.to [amt]
  > /g show  Display the goal.and its status as a room notice now

spamPorn - repeatedly displays porn gifs to the broadcaster
Repeatedly displays randomly selected porn gifs (from a list of CB emoticons provided) to the broadcaster
  > /sp list  List the CB emoticons that the gif will be randomly chosen from
  > /sp add [emote1,emote2...]  Add the specified CB emotes to the list that the gif will be randomly chosen from
  > /sp clear  Empty the list of emotes that the gif will be randomly chosen from
  > /sp  Start displaying the gifs
  > /sp end  Stop displaying the gifs
  > /sp off  Stop displaying the gifs
  > /sp stop  Stop displaying the gifs

mobilePM - allows mods to PM the broadcaster
This module is meant to supplement the mobile broadcastng app by allowing mods to PM the broadcaster
The PMs show up as notices that are displayed only to the brioadcaster
  > /pm [message]  The [message] text is displayed as a private notice seen only by the broadcaster

thankYou - displays thank you notices for tips and follows
Displays a notice to the room thanking a user who tips, or a user that follows

tipMenu - tip menu
Creates a tip menu that is displayed as a repeating notice.
When a tip matching a menu item amount is made, a notice is sent to the broadcaster indicating the item that was tipped for
Menu items are created at script startup. Each tip menu item must have a unique cost
  > /m  Display the tip menu
  > /m timer [interval]   Changes the interval that the tip notice is displayed to [interval] seconds (specify 0 to turn off notices)

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