Author: bot_factory
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

test bot

Full Description



The silence level and graphic level functions restrict users in the room from chatting in general or posting gifs (graphics) based whether they have tokens or have tipped.
You can set the default silence and graphics levels on the bot launch page

  1. /silencelevel [x] (also /sl): set silence level where x = 0-4
    0 = All users can chat
    1 = Only users with tokens can chat
    2 = Only users who have tipped can chat
    3 = Only users who have tipped the configured minimum number of tokens can chat
    4 = Only mods, fans, and VIPs can chat

  2. /graphiclevel [x] (also /gl): set graphic level where x = 0-4
    0 = All users can post gifs
    1 = Only users with tokens can post gifs
    2 = Only users who have tipped can post gifs
    3 = Only users who have tipped the configured minimum number of tokens can post gifs
    4 = Only mods, fans, and VIPs can post gifs

  3. /ninja [user]: Silence a user without notification. The ninja feature is helpful for silencing obnoxious users when you don't want to notify them that they are silenced. They may have already tipped a significant amount or be potential tippers, so best not to notify them, their comments just simply won't show up to the general chat.
    They will still be able to send comments in tip notes however. Users can be added and removed from the ninja list interactively during the show as described below, and repeat offenders should be added to the permanent ninja list that is saved on the bot start page (also be sure to save the list in a separate document in case the bot configuration is lost).

  4. /unninja [user]: remove ninja silence

  5. /ninjalist: display the ninja list

  6. /showninja [X]: Update the setting for whether ninja'd user's messages are still displayed to mods and broadcasters (values for [X]: 0=Do not show,1=Broadcaster only,2=Mods only,3=Broadcaster and Mods).

  7. /silence [user]: Silence a user with notification. The silence feature is helpful for silencing really obnoxious users that you do want to notify that they are silenced. They will receive a notification that they have been rude or demanding when they are silenced and will be notified each time they attempt to chat.
    They will still be able to send comments in tip notes however, which is different from the CB silence feature where tip comments are not shown. Really Really obnoxious users that you don't want to hear from at all can be silenced through the CB silence.
    Users can be added and removed from the silence list interactively during the show as described below, and repeat offenders should be added to the permanent silence list that is saved on the bot start page (also be sure to save the list in a separate document in case the bot configuration is lost).

  8. /unsilence [user]: remove from silence list

  9. /silencelist: display the silence list

  10. /showsilence [X]: Update the setting for whether silenced user's messages are still displayed to mods and broadcasters (values for [X]: 0=Do not show,1=Broadcaster only,2=Mods only,3=Broadcaster and Mods).

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